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My Vision Of The Mesa Peacemaker Rework


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Actually, Saryn is on the list of warframes that will get a kit rework according to Scott.  Not top priority but, she's on the list.


Good, people only play her for her butt anyway. All she does is fart everywhere, girl has no class whatsoever.

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There is nothing OP about Peacemaker the only "issue" you people have is that it is boring but in exchange gives someone extreme wffiecny to be able to run through large amounts of enemies fast, that is not OP. Other teams can do that but at slower paces, providing that equipment is properly ready for a challenge, I know I'll get comments from you lug-nuts saying "My mesa can do 10k damage per shot" well that's damn good for you ain't it, but that's not what I mean. The ultimate exchange for using that ability is ultimate boredom. I feel bad for Gmag they nerfed it because after that you've essentially eliminated players from having to do anything else during a match. I don't even have a mesa but I know it wouldn't be necessary to change her because you see in every post you have of players suggesting a Peacemaker rework you find that the common trend to that ability is that they want to do more than press a button all game. But whatever though I know I'm gonna get bad comments but the reason people REALLY want a change is not because it's overpowered no it's because it makes the game boring and there right there was possibly DE's unintentional way of "providing a punishment for such an ability" and I believe the trade off is very nice for what it is.

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Ultimate boredom is not an excuse. This game is about skill, PM has nothing to do with that.


Did you read the post?

Peacemaker as it stands is a skill'less ability.

My rework incorporates a skill ceiling into her ability by removing her auto AI and replacing it with a more rewarding manual user control that gives bonuses for accuracy.

Was responding to the other guys response about how he thinks you are raising the skill ceiling, when all in actuality it's skill floor and there is none.

Edited by TheLocalHentai
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On Mesa's side, her ult was good but so easy to exploit. I think that her ult was for when she get surrounded, no for farming in turret mode all day (at least that are my thoughts on her when I play the frame).


So an idea of balancing could be put duration on her ult (removing the energy consumption by time) or an scaling bullet/target limit.


Other ideas of how Mesa Peacemaker could be changed could come from this;



As first and quickest option; 360º auto shooting with punch trough, limited area and a fixed duration. With she moving forward while ulting, has more chances of getting in trouble and dying, discouraging AFK farm cuz', you have to reposition every time you use it and your teammates can't follow you everywhere you ult (End of Mesa+Frost combo). Much like a common AoE ult to be honest.




This was my favorite option, entering in a especial Target & Lock mode for a few seconds to unleash a barrage of bullets on the enemy seems pretty balanced and cool to me. Peacemaker would be in a cone (your vision) and the lock time could depend of P Duration and the Amount of enemies that are on the screen. Obviously saying good bye to AFK farming.

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Multiplier for hitting in a row sounds cool, being stuck unable to move while you actually have a benefit of staying in it doesn't sound nice though.


Especially since this would be more about precision than spamming anything that exists on the map, you'd be vulnerable as heck given you couldn't even spam shots given the risk of shooting where a living enemy used to be.

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Hey now, Mesa's special ability could be far more OP. If DE decided to remove the whole "stand in one place" and changed it to be something more like the Strafe ultimate ability that Valla from Heroes of the Storm has, then it would really need a balance to it. Especially if they made it where Mesa's targets higher threat mobs and bosses first over the lower stuff.


If you are wondering what I am talking about, google it. That ability used at the right time can wipe parties of heroes and mobs that just can't run outside of the radius.

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Answer to the OP:





I see a lot of people at each others necks about Mesa's ultimate skill which grounds her in once place, 360 no scoping all enemies on the map so fast that sometimes you wonder if there were ever any enemies to begin with at all.



But I have a proposal!


Excalibur had his recent rework where his ultimate brings out an energy sword which becomes stronger with melee mods.  Now I know people want Excalibur to remain unique, so he will.


My suggested change is that Mesa's peacemaker should allow her to actually equip her Regulator Pistols and be controlled with the melee keys.  Instead of benefiting from melee mods, Peacemaker will benefit from Secondary Weapon mods. The ultimate will allow the casting of other abilities(like shatter shield) also have an energy drain, similar to Excalibur


Basically, you would still be pressing "E" to attack, by shooting the pistol, without any actual melee attacks in the animation(we have Redeemer anyway). Each normal bullet would having very slight innate homing properties, similar to Ash's shuriken, but much less.


---->>>> My idea of "homing" bullets was this: you could only be such a minute(small) distance off from the target in order it to start homing.  It's like a mistake correcter.  If you are way off the target, bullets will not home in on enemies. It is not 100% homing.


In the Peacemaker "stance" you would have increased movement/strafing speed while zooming in(this would be the channeling key instead, during any melee/stance) without any additional energy cost.


For example E, E, E, E, E, E could be the first combo which shoots 6(3 from each pistol) shots which do 100% pure armor ignoring finisher damage.  


A second combo could be something like E, E hold-E.  This would shoot twice(1 from each pistol), and then combine the two pistols into a "rifle" which would do huge finisher damage in a narrow conal area, that also pierces through enemies.


The third combo would E, E, E, E block-E.  This would should 4 bullets (2 from each pistol), and then put the pistols side by side which shoot two bullets simultaneously which come in contact with each other and "pop" which does AOE finisher damage upon hitting an enemy.


There could be other combos, I just threw those ones out there.  Mesa can still block, but just not channel, and no auto-blocking either.  I believe that's rather fair since Mesa has Shatter Shield for damage reduction(arguable) and all her attacks will be doing finisher damage.



I know Mesa users will not be able to dance the dance of death they always have been, but this still would make Mesa a much more enjoyable(in my opinion anyway, haha) powerhouse to play, and speedy too.

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I think whiny players need a rework. They seem to get stuck on one topic all the time. Shouldn't they whine about more than just one thing? It needs to get fixed. Maybe a hot patch on whiny players... just to make them spread their complaints all over the game and not make like 10 Mesa topics a day. That would be great, DE, make it happen!

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I see what you're trying to go for here, a sort of "wild west on rails shooting gallery (pun intended)", so that players have to put effort into using Peacemaker, but I doubt it'll happen. best to wait until DE decide to rework her. after Excalibur, I have a lot of faith that they can alter Mesa without nerfing her completely.

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Common sense. No other ability has as much killing ability as Mesa. Do you really think DE will just let a frame nuke the whole map for 2 and a half minutes by holding down a button?

Not sure if this quote will work perfectly since I am kind of new at posting on the forums but let's talk about when mesa's peacemaker was changed to a "hold the trigger" ability. Back then people were nagging for it to be buffed because the damage isn't enough and now people have found a way to make her useful ( which every frame can do ) by stacking corrosive projection an some efficieny and damage mods. I mean I can for example add a full team with corrosive projection. A power strength max efficieny banshee with range and the ability augments like fire frenzy to boost damage and kill hordes like that too. Every frame can do this and if this banshee idea becomes a thing them people like you ask for a nerf which isn't needed. Mesa does not need a nerf nor a rework because the peacemaker if what makes her so fun because of the range and seeing mesa actually living up to her gunslinger theme

Edited by (PS4)TheAccountOfJoey
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Mesa's peacemaker doesn't need a rework, your afk mentality and brain does....

Sadly DE can't do that, only change the content of the game.


I see it like a good ult but, the community turn Mesa into the farm turret, so it needs a change. Why? If you ask me, I see that kind of attitude towards the mechanic unhealthy to the game and it's more easy change the Peacemaker than the community.

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Based on the OP, and what would fit into the Lore of Mesa, peacemaker would work like Soldier 76's ultimate ability in overwatch






Direct Link for video: https://youtu.be/YBbWxfEbZFc?t=149


Context for video http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/heroes/soldier-76/


He gains 98% accuracy, with 0 bullet drift, 0 recoil, and 0 aiming penalty As Long as his enemies are within his feild of vision.


EDIT: is it impossible to link a working video from youtube using forumcode!?

Edited by ensignvidiot
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