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Unfair Drops Chances


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uncommon mods feels like rare and some rare feels like uncommon drops. Been farming for more than 5 hours for one uncommon mod and got no luck, so i stopped ended up getting some low rare mods that aint gonna help me in anyway. Tried farming for frost systems 7 hours later still no systems got 12 helmets and 7 chassis. Some drops are really hard to come by ,even though its on the uncommon category. I have to rely on trading system, I know you want to make the game worthwhile with all the grinding but do you have to make it all hard for the noobs like me? All the newcomers I invited are leaving cause of this. We get the rares takes time but we want the frames to drop a little more common like systems cause its already a pain to wait like 4 days for it to be built. this is just my opinion cause I'm a noob and I see this as unfair cause we need the high ranking tennos help, which they always complain about atleast at Asian servers.

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How did it take 7 hours to do 19 runs on Kril? He takes a few mins at most, I use him for quick Ocells.

But like everyone else said, RNG sucks. Your best bet would be to find where to power farm what you are looking for, then bring Nek and Pilf (although he is worse now). Also posting what you are looking for may help, also if it is just an uncommon then a vet might just give it too you.

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Think of it this way, someone else out there is scoring them all the time and doesn't know what to do with them.

eg. after dozens of runs I could never find the Hydroid systems, but then joined a random team who was struggling to find the chassis, which I had tons of.

Within two runs I had the systems, and they had the chassis.


Try changing your team around, and your frame.

eg. Whirlwind used to only drop in the void if you had a Nekros in your team.

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Wait, something doesn't add up... 7 hours, 19 Kril runs for Frost? Usually that'd take maybe an hour and a half, a little over two if you take your time. Are you playing solo or on public matches?


The issue with uncommon mods, have you looked up what the mod drops from? Sometimes they don't spawn in the missions you run due to level requirements. The mod you are looking for will come eventually when you just play the game, and if you don't want to wait, just sell the other stuff you get on trade and buy it with the profit.


Each boss-dropped Warframe, believe it or not, has an equal drop chance for all parts. For example, you have a 33% chance to get Frost's systems, but a 67% chance to get something else.


The quality of the game when you don't think about purely RNG is on par with most of the AAA titles out nowadays, and this is a free to play game. You can complain about this game, but remember that there are games that you can pay for (and a few you subscribe to) that are even more RNG dependent than Warframe, but you fork the money over to them anyways. DE doesn't get payment up front like those other developers, and yet they're scrutinized for putting timers on crafting, locking Prime weapons behind the Void RNG, and not dropping the mods you want immediately? Everything (minus Founders items, Prime Accessories, Closed Beta weapons, and the Snipetrons) is obtainable without spending a dime, given you have the time and the patience to obtain it. Even if you don't, you can make plat on trading so that you could get the item from there.


EDIT: I have to educate.


We'll it's a good thing there are no drop chances that mod is being determined by RNG my friend.... RNG


RNG, by definition, chooses a random number between 1 and 100, including decimals. The actual chance that it will drop is assigned to values within that range. Therefore, with the chances allotted, you have a #/100 chance to get an item. 1/100 = 1% = drop chance.



Edited by NoggDog117
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uncommon mods feels like rare and some rare feels like uncommon drops. Been farming for more than 5 hours for one uncommon mod and got no luck, so i stopped ended up getting some low rare mods that aint gonna help me in anyway. Tried farming for frost systems 7 hours later still no systems got 12 helmets and 7 chassis. Some drops are really hard to come by ,even though its on the uncommon category. I have to rely on trading system, I know you want to make the game worthwhile with all the grinding but do you have to make it all hard for the noobs like me? All the newcomers I invited are leaving cause of this. We get the rares takes time but we want the frames to drop a little more common like systems cause its already a pain to wait like 4 days for it to be built. this is just my opinion cause I'm a noob and I see this as unfair cause we need the high ranking tennos help, which they always complain about atleast at Asian servers.



 7 hours and only 19 parts from Lech ?

Isn't he a 5 minute kill tops ?

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You do realize the rarity of a mod doesn't mean that it's actually that rare right? The rarity is just there to tell you how much fusion energy it takes to rank it to max. Dude it's all RNG in this game so buckle up. For Equinox(8 pieces for Tyl) it takes roughly 34 runs to get each part so count yourself lucky so far that it's only been 19 for frost.

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I somehow agree with OP, some uncommon mods are rare and some rare mods are common.



We ran 5 T3 Sabotage for this damn Scindo Blade and all we got was some S#&$ keys and @(*()$ mods. ZERO parts. NONE.

Tell me about RNGesus again.


You allways get parts from T3 sabotage or Forma ( BPs ) and you don´t get keys from T3. I doubt that you did T3.

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Something doesn't add up if it took you that long to get that many runs in.

I soloed the sergeant the other day for Mag. 24 runs for the full set. Took me an hour and a half.

RNG will be RNG. You have a 30% chance for the Warframe part you need to drop. Just because it's a one out of three drop chance doesn't mean that you will get it on your 3rd run.

Come on man, do you not remember playing board games like Life as a kid? With the dice, you had a one out of 12 chance to roll a 2, yet you managed to get a 2 4 times in a row? Or that one friend who always rolls 10's consistently? Just because RNG has an average rule of attempts it follows, does not mean it will follow that. A one out of three drop chance could result in 40 attempts without a drop still. I have a buddy still farming for Mesa. 70+ runs in and he still doesn't have the bloody chassis. But RNG is RNG. We all have equal chance to either be lucky, average, or screwed.

Wait until you see a real grind. Try earning something like Ash Prime by farming the void. That is the real definition of grind.

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