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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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Could we get multiple color customization presets for our Liset like we do for our frames and weapons? I like the color scheme I have now, but it doesn't look that great with the prisma Liset skin, so I never wind up using it. It would be wonderful to have different options I can switch between easily.

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Q: Will there ever be a downsizing on the modslots? After removal of the ability slots and adding the ekstra slot in u17 there is almost no need to do builds for different senarios, we can now just put inn all the mods we want without having do lose anything. In my opinion this has removed the fun of having to sacrifice one or more abilities to make a frame powerfull when using its main ability or whatever you would need it to do for the mission you will atempt.


and one cosmetic question:

Wil we get the ability to put shoulder icons or similar on the liset (outside) so we can show off our alliance/clan logos while the mission is loading?

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I hardly, if ever, use the utility mods. What made you decide to go with the current way the Exilus slot is, vs doing an augment slot like what asked about in the Community Hot Topic? Would it be possible for us in the future to get a dedicated augment slot? For me, and many of the people I play with, it would be much more valuable than the Exilus slot. 


Also, is there any way to instill the kind of AI the Bailiff had during the event into our specters? That would be a huge improvement. He was aggressive and valuable, even if being squishy.  



Thanks and have a great dev stream and week/weekend. 

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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I think I recall someone somewhere mentioning a rework for Saryn in response to a Twitter question. Anything to share?

Why were the handcannon shotguns ignored by the shotgun buffs? I'm talking mainly Bronco series, Detrons and Pyrana.


AkVasto and AkLex Prime - are they coming?


Is there anything we should be expecting for the sniper buffs?

And a big one.
How come the two major updates that have come out recently were so Grineer-centric? Currently there's a huge imbalance between Grineer and Corpus content - we don't have nearly enough Corpus weapons, cosmetics (not a single syandana while Grineer have 3) and even tilesets. Bosses are, too, lacking - we know Nef Anyo is coming out 'soon' but there's also Ambulas, Raptor and Jackal (I'm including Jackal because I believe that at least his arena needs some updating; mechanics I'm not so sure). Even their units have a lot of placeholders (the entirety of their Archwing lineup save for Gox bots).

And their fabled Bursas showed up only once for an event majority downright hated. They are nowhere to be seen ATM [size=1](is that a pun?!?!!?)[/size] which is a shame. I'm expecting they won't come out until Nef Anyo is ready, correct?

The question is: when can we expect some decent Corpus content?

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Can we have super sampling anti aliasing? Here I made a comparison



Here is album with some screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/EcqFA



The only issue is UI that does not scale properly. HUD scale only affects health and shields bars, mini map and energy and abilities panel. The biggest problem is chat that does not scale and becomes too small to read anything from it.

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I have a few questions:

1) There are many corpus and grineer weapons in game, but enemies using lesser than half of them. Do you have any plans on this?

2) What about focus system? Do you abandon it?

3) Any plans on adding more tiles in existing tilesets?

4) What about replaying quests?

5) Should we hope for crossplatform multiplayer?

6) Any plans on reworking kubrow ai?

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Join us this Friday, August 21 for Devstream #58!

Who: Join the crew on the couch: Rebecca, Steve, Sheldon and Scott!

What: It's Q&A time! We'll be taking questions from everyone from this thread.

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream!

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us Friday, August 21 at 2:00 p.m. EDT! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread closes at 10:00 a.m. on August 21! Get your questions in!

Lol. What made you guys decide to give a warframe nine parts. Seems a little diffrent ;)

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My usual block of questions. Pick what might fit.

Q1. Both Bailiff and the Grineer Guardsman share the same concept art in the codex named "Grineer Labourer". Are there still plans to officialy introduce that Grineer working class?

Q2. Why have Skana and Lato not been replaced with Mk-1 variants in their starter weapon role?

Q3. How about a wodden sword Skana skin to reflect it's current position in the game?

Q4. Will the current plans for the new star chart make it easier to introduce new locations (moons, colonies, asteroid clusters, etc.) in the solar system?

Q5. Tenno can now run around with dual chainsaws on their hands. Is there any chance the old Grineer Sawman could make a comeback with their original palm mounted buzzsaws?

Q6. What was the motivation for making Archwing attachable thrusters for Warframes, rather than for example compact space fighters?

Q7. Long ago (in livestream 32), Geoff brought up the problem that most guns were still using the same grip position regardless of their design. Is this still something you might want to adress one day?

(Quote for reference: "Geoff: We’ll have to give them new grip options, because right now they all use rifle grip."

Q8. What other older weapons are on the list to get a makeover like Ogris or Burston?

Q9. Why did you go with a somewhat dorky looking wall hop for the new Parkour system rather than the more established wall run?

Q10. Any plans to give the Corpus Crewmen and Ospreys more visual diversity except color?

Q11. The new blocking system has not been met with much enthusiam by players. What do you take from the current feedback on it?

Q12. Isn't it problematic that a large amount of weapons in the game are called "mastery fodder" by players?

Doesn't it devalue the work spend into creating them and makes a large amount of the arsenal look redundant?

Edited by Othergrunty
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What's the next frame to be reworked? I hope it's saryn, her first power is absolutly unfair, her third is just out dated and her forth is boring.

when is the new map coming?

when will we be getting new toys?

when will the katbrows be coming?

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We got to a few prime warframes from old warframes like ash and volt, will there be more interesting topics about upcoming prime warframes? since i started playing i have set my sights on valkyr prime to see if there was anything about that. will there be a sneak peak or something for that frame? or is there an idea for that in the late future?

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1. There were many events in Warframe in the past 2 years, some of them were very important lore wise. My question is, can we have "special" codex entries about past events/happenings in the Warframe universe? I believe it would greatly help new players who missed them to understand the game's and the universe's current state (such as why we fight Vay Hek during Law of Retribution trail etc.).

2. Will you polish our in-game Codex a bit? Currently it's packed up with many things and it's hard for new players to find out what they rly want to learn. What about better Codex sections indicators etc? Also, more lore for specific aspects of the game that show up in the codex ... like short lore entries for fully scanned bosses (biography, rank, role etc.) and their more epic dioramas (like Sargas Ruk has special diorama but it's not in the codex). 


3. Many game features are outdated or unpopular like Invasions or Dojos. Will you adress them in the near future? 

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A Couple of Questions:


- As a player that came back to the game just a little to late, will the Proto- Excalibur Skin be making a comeback to celebrate the anniversary of the        Xbox One release?


- Will the Liset be receiving a rework in terms of size, functionality, and customization?


- If  when Greedy Milk wins the fantasy food competition how will you celebrate?


Thank you guys and keep up the great work!

Edited by GodOfBacon16
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First off, DE, what currently has the highest priority for you in terms of Warframe development? Sentients? Bug-fixing? Conclave? Other maybe?


Steve's pink shorts available in merchendise store when?


John Prodman's collective statue when?


Dear DE, how many times per day do you praise the Booben?

How many times you praise RNGesus?


Moon tileset info when?


Trading PACKS of cores instead of one by one WHEN? (this one is important)


Will we ever see changes/additions to trade chat and recruitment chat? If yes then what exactly would you improve about them?


Syndicates. Do you plan expanding them in any way?

Also please check following threads on this topic:

"Steve wants more life and npcs in warframe"

1) https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/514540-steve-wants-more-life-and-npcs-in-warframe-how-about-you/page-2#entry5745595

"Planets and exploration"



Last but not least.


Community has been talking alot about Mesa's peacemaker lately. Please, tell us, will Mesa see a rework in the nearest future or not.

Thanks and goodluck! <3

Edited by Captain_Fronk
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1.Back in Devstream #45 DE show Relay statues that still working progress? or drop that thing to hell already.







2.Also still back in Devstream #45 Any ETA for Login Rewards 2.0, Focus System, Trade 2.0, Replay Quest, and other stuffs.



3.Frames after Oberon will get immortal skin soon?

Edited by Shafilp
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question 1:

with the arrival of the chesa kubrow and catbrows on the way... would there ever be a mountable companion; this could add extra combat techniques (because fighting while riding a kubrow would be awesome), if so how would you add these into the game... maybe a quest and at the end of it you receive a saddle or piece of armour? just an idea.


question 2:

will the reaper prime ever receive a buff? the reaper prime is one of my favourite weapons based on aesthetics but based in late game it is very weak and can barely be called 'prime' especially with the anku being better than the only prime scythe.


question 3 (final question/suggestion):

will there ever be a nature frame that could control plants, organisms etc. with there being various frames resembling different elements like water, fire, ice, wind, metal, matter etc. but one of the ones that is missing is a nature/plant frame... the abilities could be something like:

-root (enemies targetted are rooted to the ground)

-wisps (summons wisps around the player [like nova's null star] and fires off into allies healing them for a small percentage of their base health)

-thorns (the frame and nearby allies are covered with thorns damaging enemies for a percentage of damage dealt to player)

-sanctuary (upon casting the area around the frame becomes covered with plants dealing damage to all enemies in its radius and healing all frames within the radius

                                                                                                  because y'know plants can be deadly too

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