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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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Couple questions...


1. Are you planning on adding anymore planets or systems to the solar map? I recently completed the whole map and realized that some the even harder planets were still pretty easy. I think it would be cool if we had another planet with lvl 40-50 or 50-60 enemies, almost like a raid, but with different tiles and factions.


2. You have Prime frames, weapons, mods, accessories, and sentinels. Are you ever planning on making a Prime kubrow?


3. And lastly, wtf is the "Excalibur Umbra" people have been talking about? You probably have answered it before, but neither me nor anyone I know is sure what it is about.

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Q1--- Will Players get to see more weapons that hint back to previous DE titles aka Drakgoon (Flak Cannon), Miter (Ripper) , Acrid (Bio Rifle).

I for one would love to see something like the Shock Rifle from Unreal Tournament added.


Q2--- Will Players get to see any new mission types added to the game or possibly the return of Raid mission types ?


Q3---  I noticed the drop tables are still pretty diluted can we expect some fixes for that ?


Q4--- Will there be any more improvements made to the Rescue targets AI ?


Q5--- Will we ever be able to repair Ordis ? 


Q6--- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ?

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Why is it that sentinel's are not used in Archwing mission's ? .  Why have a flying sentinel's and not be able to use them in flying mission's ? .

i figure we cant use them because they cant keep up. in space we are technically moving wayyy faster than we do on the ground. its likely that sentinels cannot keep up with the speed

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Additional questions:


At one point, the ability to "underclock" ranked mods was discussed, to my knowledge. What became of those talks? Is this still being considered?


The forma system, while allowing players to unlock the potential of their equipment, can be a little too rigid, locking people into certain fixed builds to maximize points - a problem that has only intensified with the Exilus slot's introduction. Are there any plans for expanding forma to introduce more flexibility to builds and encourage experimenting outside the "meta"?


Is there any chance the Knux will have its functionality expanded to give us access to rocket fists, a staple of mecha combat and a fan-favorite Regor move?


Will Parkour 2.0's movements be updated to better integrate player momentum? Some discrepancies, particularly with horizontal bullet jumping, have been noted by the playerbase since Update 17.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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1.  Kubrows

       Rostam armor attachment for Kubrows highlights and accentuates the fact that they their front teeth are bucked.

       Can something be done to correct this ?


2. Sigils

      Different sigils offer different levels of affinity and are different aeshtetically. Can they please all be tuned to offer the same level of affinity gain

      based on the level of the highest affinity version purchased.


3. Badges

      What are the chances of offering the option of color alteration channels for badges we've collected and are wearing?

      What are the chances of allowing sigils to be worn as badges (scaled down version of course)


4. Clan Badges

     The clan badge process is a marginally slow and cumbersome one with non-refundable costs associated with it and a great deal of waiting.

     What are the chances of developing and adding an asset library for a  "Clan Badge Generator" ?

      It would simplify the process for those players that don't want to have to fiddle with photo-shop and the uncertain approval process.  

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Here, my old questions, again. :3


Q: Any progress on allowing clans to downgrade tier? ETA please.


Alot of clans try to expand to bring and hold more players in to the game, but is very common some players only coming to play because is a f2p game, they want to see how look like, or is because they are on vacations, and etc. Then they stop playing, some of them came back later, others not. Result: Clan get stuck with a wrong tier.


Q: New features/tools for dojos?


Warlords needs more control on donations for their clans, with this will be possible to allow members to direct donate resources to clan vault and then, warlords can know who did the donation and how much was donate, because some players would like to show they are active through donations, while not having much time to play and directly help the other members of the clan.


Q: Current plans to implement rewards to survival/defense etc. leaderboards outside events?


With starchart 3.0 will be possible to have less nodes, or specific nodes, for leaderboards ? Then all competitive players/clans can have a specific goal outside dark sectors/global events.

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1) Would be any archwing companions?
For example dragons, which can increase your flight speed, while sitting on him. Or just make wings for kubrow and let them fly.
2) What about archwing hunters? Like Stalker or Zanuka on land. Make someone new (because i can't really imagine Stalker with dread on Hatewings)
3) Would be any Oberon chages?
I like Oberon, he's quite hard and interesting warframe, feels good with team and solo, but he isn't very popular. I think that he needs reviving. For example increase his energy or make syndicate mod for third skill to give energy to teammates (that would be pretty good Trinity alternative) 

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Will we get the Valkyr pre-corpus skin soon? Looking forward to it!



Would you give us a package similar to the Founders Package, or maybe ananiversary package? Maybe have exclusive items in it or have something.


Is there a Mirage Prime? How about Saryn?



Thanks DE

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Q1: Will the assassins (G3/Stalker/Havester) ever get a overhaul? Aside from being underwhelming to fight, they really don't show up all that often (which is odd concidering how big a danger you are to their faction).


Q2: A problem with WF, is how you rarely feel like your getting any progress when you play in terms of rewards. It feels to much like being pure luck if you get something, rather then you naturaly progressing towards it. So question is.. will you in the future add something that makes it feel like your waking towards something rather then just grinding and hoping for you to be lucky?


Q3: You guys get a ton of flakk for nerfing stuff way to hard, or making things to OP, so why not have the design council help out with balancing problem frames/weapons?

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Are there any more 'puzzle' posses like Mutalist AladV or Leck Kril planned? I like the idea of these fights but the lack of information on how to damage Krill in mission and the massive shield on Alad in conjunction with his invulnerability makes it nigh impossible to get a sense of (or any real) progress when fighting these bosses. On top of this the lack of players for these missions makes it impossible to run them without going to an outside source to find a party.


Are there any plans to revisit these missions/bosses in an attempt to increase the number of players in/accessibility of the fight? I really want to get Mesa by killing AladV but I can't get a party together to run the mission at all.

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In terms of Syndicates, what will we be seeing soon(ish)? Are we going to be getting syndicate primaries/melee? What about other rewards being added to the tiers? And how are the plans for specific syndicate hit squads coming along, rather than just eximus of old enemies?

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Please change the onerous RNG system to a token (call it what you will) based one. In other words, make the rewards for a Tower I mission, say, one token and so on. Then have a a void trader that really trades items from the void for tokens from the void. Warframes and weapons can still be made from parts, but the parts could then be foundried from the traded parts. DE would set the prices and don't make tokens tradable. Ducats owned could be exchanged for tokens. This way we would know exactly how many times we'd have to venture out to get the latest whoosiwhatsit.

Along that line, how about a void breeder, so that we can buy (for credits or tokens if you want) the specific breed of kubrow or catbrow that we want, instead of going through the wait of incubation only to get something we already have and must (with some emotion) consign to the Lotus. At least let us trade the puppies/kits/young ones.

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Question 1:


When is the Chesa fix coming that Sheldon said on 8/13/15 was coming in the next hotfix/patch/update (now several updates ago)? Is DE finally going to respond to the following thread which now has over 10,550 views since just 8/1/15? Has Sheldon read the thread as it has many good ideas and a healthy discussion about the Chesa's functionality? What is DE's official stance on the Chesa discussion?





Question 2:


Excalibur's immortal skin channeling effect has been broken since at least before March 2015. On June 10, 2015, you, Rebecca, stated that you could comment on the thread regarding the broken effect after you talked to another department. It is now August 20, 2015, the channeling effect is still broken. Can you please provide an update as you promised to do?



Rebecca, Since you have been so kind as to respond to this thread regarding channeling effects, could you please perhaps take a moment to respond to the thread I created on March 3, 2015 which has yet to receive any response? I have also linked to it an mentioned it several times on the update threads to no avail. Please either fix the excalibur broken channeling or state definitively that is was purposely changed even though it was never noted in any patch notes. This would thereby eliminate confusion as to whether it is a bug or an intended change. Thank you.



I will comment in this thread when I have talked to the parties involved in the Art & Science of Channeling - a bit more info needed but early judgement is it looks like a bug.

As for OP - please verify your cache in the launcher (a recommendation that may solve your problem).
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