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Coming Soon: Devstream #58


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On account of the rest of the forums, I have this statement to present:
You guys were trying to buff Elytron's Thumper, right? Because it didn't work. The 4x multiplier when stacked isn't potent enough, fans would like to see 8x or 12x, the number of Thumpers they were shooting off back in 17.1

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next frame ideas? will there be a frame in between major this major update?



also slide melee attack are pretty hard to hit if your not point black with your enemy already. What do you think about implementing a way to combine bullet jump and melee so you get the movement of bullet jump and the attack of your melee. 


For example while bullet jumping your melee spins around you doing AOE dmg

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Q1:  Will Exilus slot be changed sometime in near future? In its current iteration it drains mod points (even though it costs the same as reactor, located right next to aura slot and requires quite a grind wall to obtain, if not via plat), have a variety of polarities (meaning you can't freely change utility mods) and either locks frames into specific builds even more than currently or simply impossible to be fit in, without sacrificing some major power mod, which in turn makes the whole idea of: "using unused mods to provide QoL improvement" rather pointless. Essentially will be there a universal polarity for all utility mods, removal of cost for utility  mods in the slot or some other change, that will not affect gameplay variety now and in the future (assuming u guys will continue releasing prime mods, the problem will only worsen)?


Q2: Knux research cost is a bug or is this another punishment for people who farmed Uranus Survival with Hydroid? There were plenty of numbers by people comparing it to other research requirements and observations of an ongoing trend of everincreasing research costs for new stuff. What about the new players, they no longer have acces to neither GMag, Pilfering Hydroid, Necros and Simple Hydroid (with terrible Tentacles mechanics might i add) are quite far down the progress tree, which in turn makes for noobs "the grind" even worse of an experience with each new update. What if people did not farmed Ophelia, why are they are punished and locked behind (quite insane tbh) grindwalls, especially with the current system of being unable to downgrade clans, which was promised like half  a year ago or more? 


Q3: Will Arcane Rewards be revisited in some way, shape or form? Quite a number of them are useless or provide almost nothing in terms of usability anywhere  in the game, really. 

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first time doing this in long time of gameplay.

SO my first question would be, the green color of chroma, add speed to holster switch which i think is alright if you are flexible with all loadout but not very reliable for a passive, i think that part needs osmething new and original since i see not many using toxin as they use fire

2. Will Archwing get game types update, i mean having the same gametype as landscape play(normal parkour) is cliche i guess...not good with vocabulary but i try. Having different and distinct mission types in archwing would be ecstatic! And the manouvering in it is a bit difficult. \so will there be changes whatsoever? or discussions?

 3.Alternate skins for all frames? a few streams back you said something baout making alt costumes for the warframes, will this be inclusive to all or just a select few? i see nice themes for, especially newer frames. 

4. HOw will you introduce the secrets in u18, ya know, from gamescom speech. Steve! What im more interested in is the cinematic cutscenes, Will it be from our perspective or Lotus? SInce its the second dream, which occured in the old war.



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Great Job DE for everything! I have a wuestion regards to Chroma, one of the frames I frequently use. There is a bug regarding the damage Bonus given by Fury during Vex Armor where the damage bonus on melee damage is less than what usually is. I ask, when will this be fixed?

Another question goes due to Valkyr. Due to Exalted Blade being the go to Melee ability aside, will Hysteria get a rework so it scales better late game?

That is my line on questions. Thank you!

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- Any new alternate helmets in the works and could possibly show off this devstream? :3

- Are there any plans to rework your disconnect/rejoin system so that I won't be tempted to punch a hole through my computer monitor every time the game crashes and I can't rejoin? :C

- I've been playing Warframe for about two and a half years now and we just managed to reach mastery rank 20 with update 17. At this rate it's probably going to take another two or so years until reaching mastery rank 30 becomes a reality. With that said, are there any plans on giving players other means to earning mastery rank experience?

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Q.1) Will you give us any hints as to what will be in the next update?


Q.2) Will you ever improve Chroma's abilities?


Q.3) Will there ever be a parkour 3.0?


Q.4) What new Warframes are you desinging or planing to put in WarFrame? Ex: Excaliber Prime.


Q.5) Will you guys ever make new prime weapons?


Q.6) In the next update, will the new quest explain futher, or add on to The last update's quest?

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Question 1 :  We've seen skydanas, armour attatchments, and alternate helmets, but what's next in line for warframe customization?  I'm not talking about something being added into an existing category, I mean something that exists in it's own category of customization, that can be worn alongside all attachments present in the game today.


Question 2 :  What's happening with the old melee charging system?  When will it make an appearance?


Question 3 : When can we expect Catbrows to be implemented into the game?  Before update 18?  In update 18?  After update 18?


Thanks :)

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Could old prime frames going the the Vault with outdated cosmetics possibly receive new cosmetics to compare to new prime frames?



Will the "Tenno Carrier" conceptualized and aformentioned ever be instituted in game? Something like a personal dojo where players can be invited?


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I have a few questions that i have wanted to ask, and i will try to keep them very concise to that they can be read now, in-depth, and then answered on the stream (or in the forums, as comments):


1. Can Covert Lethality be looked at just once more. It was too overpowered to begin with, and now it is too underpowered. i agree that it should not trigger with Excalibur's Exalted Blade and with ground slams, and probably not even with slide attacks. But please make it lethal on ALL undetected hits for this reason: I need to be able to kill MOAs and Ancients in a high level stealth mission. The main problem with restricting this to stealth finishers is that it removes the functionality of the weapon with enemies that cannot have finishers used on them.


2. Can the next "2.0" be Stealth 2.0This one is pretty simple. If you haven't already started working on revamping something, can you consider reworking stealth, and in particular, enemy alertness and enemy pathing. I hate how if an enemy sees me for a split second right before i slash his throat, somehow every enemy in the map suddenly knows exactly where i am. I also hate when i am trying to stealth a mission, and i come across a group of enemies and slowly turning around in a circle, and there is no stealth approach to the situation.


3. Can Limbo's Cataclysm be changed so that you can pick up items inside of it? The whole point of not being able to pickup items while you are banished is that you are in a different dimension than the items, which makes sense. But if you throw down a Cataclysm, aren't you and the items both in the rift? With the current way it works, it seems that the items have some sort of dimensional anchor that holds them to one dimension. Also, i feel that this change would be a very welcome and well needed buff to Limbo that would make him not as hated when people see a Limbo in their lobby.


4. Can Ember get a tweak to her stats/abilities? I LOVE ember's ability set, i think that all of her abilities complement each other very well, and the only change that needs to be done is to remove either the constant energy drain, or the timer from her ult (please remove constant drain and leave timer so it will match her other abilities). But Ember's damage doesn't scale into late game AT ALL, and she is too squishy to bring anywhere high level as well. The only place that i can use her at is low level dark sector missions. My proposed changes (please change her, if not in this way, then in another): No energy drain on her ult, fire blast knocks enemies away from you like Frost bubble, slightly more base range on her ult, fire blast hurts enemies inside its range; only slightly less than if they were right on the flames at the edge, a slight increase in her armor, an increase in movement speed (maybe tied with Mirage or something, it just seems that Ember should be a fast frame, especially if she has only moderate armor), less damage falloff on her abilities, especially against enemies that are shielded or armored (maybe add a small amount of an additional damage type to her abilities, such as impact, puncture, or blast), slight base damage buff to her abilities. I feel that this would make her a welcome frame in, say, a T4S with 4 Corrosive Projections.


5. Can Baro Ki'Teer bring at least one good item each week? I am not going to define a "good" item, but please have him bring at least one thing that you consider practical to use, whether it is a mod or a weapon. I am ok with him bringing some weapons that are essentially mastery fodder, and just look pretty, or a mod that isn't useful at the moment, but may be when new weapons are introduced, but i would like to know that every time he comes, he is bringing something that i know i will want, and will want to use apart from just ranking it up.


6. Can there eventually be a summoner Warframe? I had this idea a while ago, and i thought this would be a good way to tell you about it. This frame would be based around summoning companions to aid you in battle, and would be a good choice for players that prefer to focus on gunplay and parkour and not just casting abilities, which is a bit ironic considering that this would be a caster frame. The first ability could be a summon for either a single or a group of companions that would aid the player defensively, and only defensively, in some way. They could either replenish the player's shields, get in front of incoming fire, or block enemies from moving, etc. The second ability would be summoning some Utility companions, that would aid the player either by making them faster, jump higher, invisible, slowing enemies, or some other utility function(s). The last ability (i know i skipped the third ability, i will come back to it) would be a summon for a single/group of Offensive companions. These will in some way damage enemies, by shooting them, by attaching to them and slowly killing them, by exploding inside a group of them, or some other creative way of harming them. Finally the third ability of this frame would be some ability that affects all of the currently active companions, either buffing them,making them all explode for a lot of damage, doubling them, healing them (if they have health), or some other thing that affects the companions. As for Companions, these could be creatures, drones, wisps, or each ability can summon completely different types of companions. And finally, as for the passive ability of this frame, they could provide a buff to all equipped Companions (Sentinals/Kubrows) in the match.


7. Can there be a big Trading rework? Not that trading is broken or anything at the moment, but i had an idea that would streamline the process and be a lot for friendly to buyers. Instead of just having Trade chat, there can be a module in the Liset (like Syndicates and News), and possibly a room in the relay that works as a market. There is every single tradable item in the game, and each one has its own "menu" that allows players to either put their item up for sale, or buy an item that is already up for sale. Clan tax can still apply and be listed on the post, but it will let players list the price for the item they are selling (either in plat, or in other items they will trade for), and people looking to buy can browse the posts, or sort by price (plat) to look for the best deal. When a post is made to sell an item, that item will be removed from the players inventory and stored in a new tab (in their inventory) called "For Sale". This will not let them use that item, but they can at any time alter the post, or easily remove the post to get the item back so they can use it. If this sounds interesting, here is it explained visually: There will be a menu with every tradable item in -game on it. in the corner, you will be able to sort by the normal criteria: price, type, etc. There will be tabs at the top for only viewing a certain type of item (keys, mods, special weapons, etc.). There will also be a Search function that will allow you to look for a specific item. Then when you select the item that you are interested in, you will see all of the posts made on that item, and can again sort by the fitting criteria (price, rank (for mods), quantity left, etc). There will also be a search function here to find a post that is trading the item you want for an item you have (for example, if you are on the page for Armored Agility posts, you can search for "Fang Prime Handle" to see if anyone is trading their Armored Agility for a Fang Prime Handle). Then if you want to buy, there will be a button on the post that will allow you to instantly trade for that item, even if the user is offline. After you select BUY, there will be a confirmation screen asking you if you want to trade your X for their Y, then upon accepting, you will have the item that you bought and the item you used to buy it will be removed from your inventory. Then, if the seller is out of stock for that item, the post will be removed. Upon opening the new Trading module, you will be notified of any transactions that occurred (if anyone bought anything of yours) while you were gone.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, i will update it constantly when i need to change something. Please leave comments below on what you think about this, and i will read all of them. Remember to up-vote this post if you found it interesting, and Have a nice day :)

Edited by LlamaWaffles555
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