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New World Ordis?


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Have you noticed how you can buy several color palletes for plattinum? For a tiny contribution, you can get access to customisations that has the power to spice up your gaming experience. But why stop at colors? What if you could buy alternative voices for Ordis. Our champ Ordis is with us everytime we play warframe, so naturally, if we were able to change his comments and voice, it would be more fun to listen to the old chap. There are so many possebilities.


Lady Ordis: For that additional diversity.

Working Ordis: You know, an Ordis that doesn't break down mid-sentence in order to inform you about his blood fetish.

Vor Ordis: Would I pay money to hear Vor's enthusiastic voice everytime i get back from a mission? You bet.

Grineer Ordis: You know that floating propaganda bot shouting at the grineers on earth? I want that things voice!

Stalker Ordis: Stalker was a voiceactor before the whole assasin thing, so why not have his death threats at home?


Really though. This is the sorta thing that can be easily made, and it would be easy to have community polls in order to add our favorite voices to the game. If you like the thought of this concept, make a comment.

Tell us what you wanna hear on you ship.

All sugestions are good sugestions. Unless of course, they are bad. In which case they are bad sugestions.

sugest seriously, m'kay?

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Quitte is a she....
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All sugestions are good sugestions. Unless of course, they are bad. In which case they are bad sugestions.

sugest seriously, m'kay?

After all of your suggestions, this way to conclude your post sounds way tooo selfconscious. If I were you I'd end it with "there's no such thing as a bad suggestion!"

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While I support the idea of multiple ship cephalons other than ordis, there is a major problem with this idea: every single line that ordis has, from idle (standing in the ship), to active (foundry finished, colors, etc), to quests would need to be rerecorded. That's a lot of lines. It simply isn't feasible.

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