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If U Had 1M Plat....


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Make more stasis room for more kubrows.

And spend a part of it, to fund the research for biotop for those kubrows.

Bribe a dev into giving me the ability to take two kubrows on my missions.

Paying this dev some more, to add the ability to increase that number even further.


Never enough kubrows (ಠ_ಠ)

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If i had 1 mill plats, i would spend about 1500 on the rest of the event mods and aesthetic items i want and have 998,500 plats that i would transfer to an alt account to sell on e-Bay after farming 499,250,000 credits needed to trade it all over. I would then use the $$$ from e-Bay to finally build a PC capable of running Warframe at max settings @ 1080p

Edited by ChikTikka
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One million plat is a lot, you could buy all the cosmetic items, buy all the max rank mods, every single warframe, max every single gun in a short time, keep all items and a slot for everything, maxed. You would essentially complete the whole game except for lacking exclusive non-tradeable items and would have to wait for more content.

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