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Stalker Theory


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From the Natah quest we learnt that the lotus used the Tenno to massacre the orokin despite how the Tenno were treated. And from the stalker codex it shows that they witnessed it from a distance. Well I believe the stalker is also a Tenno inside a frame.

But because of how many powers the stalker(s) possessed they were probably seen as a liability and heavily unstable and they could potentially cause problems to the orokins downfall. So when the lotus schemed against against the orokin, she left them out of the plan and ordered the Tenno not to tell them anything of the plan.

It also mentions they were a low guardians and they watched from a far, this helps support they were probably dangerous. This shows they may also may have been extremely jealous of the other frames and/or tenno because of the rank/status probably helping towards there hate for them.

So I believe they stalk and hunt tenno because they were left out of the lotus's plan and have no idea of what happened and it looked like they killed there masters out of cold blood, when really the Tenno were probably being manipulated.

This is all speculation and I'm terrible at writing ideas out and horrible at explaining things, but I'd like to know what you think :)

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The issue here is that Stalker identifies himself as one of these "low Guardians" - or, more likely just "Guardians" given the capitalization - while he identifies the Tenno as something else. Under your theory that might have just been because he was a lower Tenno and held disdain for the other Tenno, but then shouldn't he still have identified the Tenno as something mores specific? Something that would hint to us he was the same as them?


But there's a thing from the Natah quest that's worth pointing out: Tyl Regor calls Teshin a "pseudo-Tenno" during the survival portion of the Quest, given that both Stalker and Teshin come from the same time period I feel that whatever Teshin is Stalker is as well - albeit either altered through some means by his own hand to better fight the Tenno, giving him power over that "Warframe" he wears, or simply in need of a replacement for a placeholder model.

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I really like Lore and I made my own thread awhile back about Stalker lore but it faded into the shadows xP


theres quiet the contradiction here with Stalker i dont like to talk Lore because its fiction and i have No facts only Wiki info and he is very obscured and shrouded in mystery. Hes a Guardian and at the same time an Assassin?

Id like more answers DE


We need a Comic, an Anime, Heck I would mind hitting the Theatres for a Warframe Movie.

Might attract alot of Star Wars fans xP

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Because of the term "pseudo Tenno" being used for Teshin, and considering that Stalker and Teshin come from the same time period, I'm going with the theory that Stalker and Teshin were Guardians.

And knowing that pseudo means not genuine and a sham.

Now what are Guardians? Thats the real question now.

I believe them to be something akin to the first generation of Spartans from the Halo universe. No not the Spartan II's. I mean the first experiments to create a super soldier that Sergeant Johnson was a part of.

Now we apply the same situation to Warframe and we have Tenno as Spartan IIs and Guardians (Teshin and Stalker) as the first experiments for a super soldier program.

In both universes one could say that the Tenno/Spartan IIs were the best and most successful batch while Guardians/Spartans Is were the pricey underperformers compared to Spartan IIs/Tenno

Edited by ToxicTroublermaker
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Well maybe the lotus didn't involve the pseudo tenno in her plot because maybe she knew they would see through it and cause a mutiny against her before her plan good even lift off?

Because in Natah quest, teshin kept prodding her for answers and was really suspicious and the Tenno just seem mindlessly obdiant

Edit: so the stalker being left out because we believe him to be pseudo Tenno, so he believes the Tenno to be back stabbing a hole and doesn't realise it was the lotus that plotted it and takes every chance he can to take revenge

So we should hold hands with our stalker(s) brother and sing "doesn't matter if your black and red, let's hope the lotus ends up dead"

Edited by DoritosandDewGG
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I think chroma is the anwser for stalker. Lotus were shockes when we find alive chroma wich means that there exsist tenno that she dont know about.

Wich means that there were also a tenno that either dont aprove of lotus or they din't want to be involved with destroying orokin and stuff like that and hide. 

At this point lotus was more scared of us encontering chroma rather than stalker. So i dont think stalker can really kill us, hurt us yes but not kill.

There should be any information about his victims.


Regardles of what guardians were Stalker live in the past,and his only hobby is watching us so i asume he is pretty insane.

 But may i ask how many tenno that lotus dont know about exist?


But who know mabey stalker is batman teshin who try to train us by stabing us in the face with a scythe or something like that.

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I think chroma is the anwser for stalker. Lotus were shockes when we find alive chroma wich means that there exsist tenno that she dont know about.

Wich means that there were also a tenno that either dont aprove of lotus or they din't want to be involved with destroying orokin and stuff like that and hide. 

At this point lotus was more scared of us encontering chroma rather than stalker. So i dont think stalker can really kill us, hurt us yes but not kill.

There should be any information about his victims.


Regardles of what guardians were Stalker live in the past,and his only hobby is watching us so i asume he is pretty insane.

 But may i ask how many tenno that lotus dont know about exist?


But who know mabey stalker is batman teshin who try to train us by stabing us in the face with a scythe or something like that.

More likely she was shocked a Chroma was alive. From the way his powers work, Chromas were in the Vanguard so maybe they were, as far as she knew, all dead.


But we still dont know why that Chroma at the end of the New Strange was attacking us or if it was really being controlled, because as far as we know, using the Synthesis Scanner captured Chroma, but we dont know what was found out after he was "brought out of it" so to speak.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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More likely she was shocked a Chroma was alive. From the way his powers work, Chromas were in the Vanguard so maybe they were, as far as she knew, all dead.


But we still dont know why that Chroma at the end of the New Strange was attacking us or if it was really being controlled, because as far as we know, using the Synthesis Scanner captured Chroma, but we dont know what was found out after he was "brought out of it" so to speak.

We know it was the Sentients controlling him but its speculated that the reason they could was because Chromas Pelt is that of a sentient drone, judging form many similarities between the 2

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All Stalker-chan ever wanted was for Tenno-sempai to notice him. But then everyone went to sleep, and Stalker-chan was all alone to his Tennomakura and moe animes.


One day, Tenno-sempai woke up, and Stalker-chan was happy. But then Lotus-baka came along, and Stalker-chan knew that if he couldn't have the Tenno-sempai, NO ONE COULD.

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using the Synthesis Scanner captured Chroma, but we dont know what was found out after he was "brought out of it" so to speak.

Using the Synthesis Scanner actually freed Original!Chroma from whoever was controlling him, and built us a blueprint as well. It didn't actually synthesize/capture Chroma as Simaris wanted

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