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Survival Nerf Goes Too Far


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Sounds like they destroyed solo survival runs for no apparent reason... which is a huge bummer since i only ever do solo void survivals on account of getting a half-decent group together being such a giant PITA (that and, solo i could play at my own pace)


It feels like a really harsh change, especially for something that can have an obvious far-reaching impact. Solo survival everywhere, not just in the void, promises to be significantly more difficult. Lots of players who really appreciated the flow of certain rewards from solo survival play will feel a big pinch.


For myself, solo void survival has been my primary source of ducat fodder. I'll probably be forced to depend on constant group-building for other mission types now, which I really don't enjoy. I might find myself playing the game a lot less, but that remains to be seen.

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Just finished a dark sector survival mission on jupiter. Before tonights update i could easily do upto around 45 mins solo and still have some pods left. 


After the update i ran out of life support after 15mins and 6 secs. i had killed everything in sight and used all of the pods. it doesnt help that Master thief is still broken after over a month and i cant unlock any lockers on corpus tilesets for extra LS. 


May i suggest that you go and double check your math because each LS cannister dropped only granted 1% life support and the drops were much rarer than before. i dont know what the drop rate was before but i was getting 1 cannister for around every 30 mobs killed.


I take it you didnt think too much about this change before you made it, because this now adds survial missions (which are my favourite missions by the way!) to the steadily increasing list of things i wont be running anymore. 


Thanks DE

Edited by Cygnar
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Survival may have been too easy before but at least a variety of players could keep up as long as they were killing enemies. With this change I foresee more teams going back to demanding Nekros as a necessity to prevent failure. This change will hurt diversity.

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I don't really think it goes too far. It does go a little far, but it's survival. The goal of it is to keep yourself alive while not choking out. The Lotus gives you life support so you can support your life, not so that you can ignore it and expect yourself to survive.


Buggy spawns are the main issue here.

Edited by wtrmlnjuc
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Decided to check out how much it changed things...  I'll agree that a slight nerf was needed, but this has gone too far.  Previously doing a T3 survival solo I could hit 40 mins and still have 3+ pods left.  It was only that few because kill time had gone down so I wasn't getting as many drops.  Tried it post-patch, couldn't even get to 30 mins without running out of time.


Not sure why DE seems to hate solo players so much.  Things always seem to be purely balanced around group play, kicking solo players to the curb.  Leaving a survival mission should be because you can't kill things fast enough to get drops, not because drops don't give enough to get by on.  Group play giving more enemies and faster killing time, it's considerably easier to get by.


DE, if you want to lower the drop rate, that's fine, as I said it was probably a bit high.  But changing it from 6 seconds to 4 seconds was too extreme to have gone with that change.  Revert it to 6 seconds.  Or increase the drop rate for solo play.  Both is overkill.



Completely agreed. These changes were incredibly murderous to me, a solo player. I solo Survival a lot, whether it's to gain kills, Prime Parts, or anything else, but this is absolutely pathetic.


You're right, DE does not care about solo players. If they did, Trials and the locked content behind them would cease to exist or at least give soloers a way to gain the same rewards, but I know damn well that won't happen.

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Changes like these...really makes me wonder...if theyre actually playing their game....


Soooo much this.


Pick some players to test the game out with. Actual, normal players from all different experiences/ranks.


I feel as though Life Support should be a SECONDARY objective/worry

And the PRIMARY should be ya know..."Surviving" against the constant stream of ever stronger enemies?


I understand the life support makes it a tad frantic to keep an eye on but it's just downright stressful rather than frantic when life support is your MAIN concern.

Players in survival way more concerned with life support than the enemies who're actively trying to kill them.

Simply dying because you couldn't breathe...if that's the case send Archwing into the mix.

That thing enables us to breathe out in space just fine.

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I just finished an apollodorus mission solo and barely made it 15 minutes.  I don't have rush, so I guess I was just too slow, but I killed every enemy between me and the next pod and ran around looking for enemies while waiting for the pod to finish arriving (usually at around 20% or less life each time)  It was frantic for sure, by 13 minutes I was desperately awaiting the next pod, trying to kill as many as possible, and yes I one shot all enemies.  Them dying wasn't the problem, them arriving was.


This may be a "challenge" for hardcore players but for the casual player who doesn't have every mod, with maxxed rush and the fastest frame, it was near impossible, I say near because there were moments of travel in which I wasn't killing something so I imagine if I were able to kill nonstop everything instantly at all sides of a room at once I might have had a chance.


Oh I also was not using a carrier, which I realize is a must for survival, god forbid we are allowed to choose what frames/companions/etc we take into a mission.  If I didn't have the gun I did have, I doubt I would have made it 10 minutes.  


Yes it was easy street pre-nerf, but this is overkill IMO,  A few more tweaks are definitely needed, especially for solo players.


I played in a group and was more or less fine throughout, even with only 2 people.

Edited by Xekrin
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god forbid we are allowed to choose what frames/companions/etc we take into a mission.


Want to play Survival?


You must have Nekros

Must have Carriers

Must have maxed Rush

Must have a weapon that can one shot many enemies at once (Punchthrough or AOE required)


Only then will you maybe have a chance to survive


/end sarcasm

Edited by Sunder
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I've played maybe 50 hours total(still a newbie in terms of understanding some of the mechanics), but one thing about this nerf is extremely annoying: alert missions.


There is either not enough enemies to kill for life support or the trek to the newest life support spawn requires me to ignore enemies because my life support is so low.

I have tried several times with the new system I have only gotten close to the 10 minute mark required for alerts. And this is with killing almost all the enemies practically as they appear.

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I entirely stopped grouping with ppeople on survivals all people want to do is camp which is boring. Solo running gunning with loki or chroma i can hit an hour solo t4 and i have fun tring to push past that point on my own.

Now solo is dead people will still camp with a loki running pods and no other viable method. Mission type seems dead for me. It wont be luve to ps4 for a few months i guess

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I'm done playing Survival missions of any sort until these changes are reverted. I'm not going to just play Nekros at the hopes that another chance at RNG will allow me to stay two AABC rotations at least.


I just ran Excal Prime, min-maxed, one hitting everything in sight on a T2 Survival. I could only stay 21 minutes before there just wasn't enough portable life supports, or life support capsules being spawned.


Absolutely, utterly rediculous. Maybe if the spawn rate of enemies was increased enough to compensate, or Lotus would stop being lazy and spawn more capsules to compensate as well. But no. Enemy spawn rate is slowed to a crawl, too.

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these changes would`ve made sense if they increased the swarm to full team level regardless of number of team members, but now in solo, u have the same air drain as team, and less swarm, doesn`t make sense at all, DE said in their topic about it, that they tested it solo, probably aiming for 5-10 minutes, my record was 14, i was killing like hell, but the drain was too much to keep up with the available amount of mobs simultaneously

DE seem to have a bit of hate to solo players, this made survival unsolo-able, i understand that they aren`t meant to make it perfect first try, but they said this was tested solo, i don`t find that easy to believe, please notice this topic and listen to the community every once in a while

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remove rotation C from survival, then I`ll be giving you thumbs up and a GG

Until then, revert it


Better yet, completely remove endless missions and the broken mod system from the game. We know every weapon will need Serration, Split Chamber, Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, and Pressure Point. It's just ridiculous. And, as for endless mission types, there's WAY too much RNG in the game already. Less RNG, and more quest-based loot please.

Edited by Rebellis
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GG to DE this time :( I loved to run some solo surv missions. Before the Nerf, i was able to do a ODS or a T4 Surv for about 1h max. A few minuits ago i tried a ODS run solo and after about 17 min i was running out of Lifesupport. In fact, now Survival will be really boring tunnel-camping again...I think every Mission-type should be doable in solo to Rotation C, but now it is impossible for me. This is the badest change, they could do in this game for me...

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