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Excalibur Exalted Blade Change Maybeh?


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His Exalted Blade is not only over powered, but also very boring. I like it has actual combos but that is silly as every slash sends out a wave of energy anyway so it just slows DPS.

I love the new Excal Rework but I feel Exalted Blade just makes the player... dumb. 

Synergy is off the charts with Blind. 

Slash Dash is not even a thing anymore since there is no longer a need to use it for damage and new Parkour 2.0 is way better for travelling. 

Exalted Blade [suggestion]

- Ignites a sword from his hand [Galatine Length?]

- Scales to Power Range to become Longer [ << Personal want so I can see a super long sword]

- Scales to Power Strength for higher damage

- Scales to Efficiency to drain lesser energy 

- Deals Slash Impact and Puncture like before

- Deals Finisher damage to Blinded enemies 

The ignorance of some players are really disappointing. What's wrong with ability synergy? Isn't that what DE was striving for with this rework to make all abilities useful and work together? Slash dash is far from useless. The knockdown it does to enemies and Invulnerability frames it provides is very useful for avoiding damage from things like bombard rockets and going in for a counter attack when properly timed.


Most of the suggestions you mentioned are already in place. You realize that animation excal does to blinded enemies is a finisher attack right? 


the difference here being Valkyr's hysteria is a duration ability that costs a LOT of energy to re-enable, whereas Excalibur doesn't suffer if he decides to run in and end the nullifier that way, and he has RANGED attacks. His sword should hurt the bubble. His waves that are pure ability should not.

Lets not forget the difference of Hysteria providing complete damage and cc immunity in all directions and proc immunity, while Excal only mitigates a percentage of it in one direction which doesn't work on aoe dmg and is still affected by procs. Getting up close is not an issue with Hysteria so don't act like Excals range attacks are a big deal. Also like others have mentioned other projectile abilities like freeze and fireball can damage nullifier bubbles so your point there is moot. 


Just because wiki doesn't have updated info, doesn't mean it's not there. If you actually played with Excal instead of just looking at wikia, you would notice that the last combo deals double damage on some hits and knocks down on the final slash.


Mindlessly spamming skills all the time doesn't keep it from making the player "dumb", it just means they have to remember to spam an extra button (oh so hard right).


You don't seem to understand what the word synergy means... He's talking about the fact that waves do extra damage to blinded enemies as any melee attack would- which in my personal opinion in EB's current state should not (if we eventually get a rework that nerfs the range and number of the waves significantly and makes them more intelligent, it'd be fine though).


Agreed, it's almost overpowered for movement but not quite. It's a great getaway skill or something to quickly close the gap to a very dangerous enemy you don't want to fool around with (I haven't tested but I wonder if it would launch you into a nullifier bubble, not like that matters since his OP ult just destroys it, which it shouldn't- again imo).

Its the player that makes it dumb not the ability itself. Properly time your slash dashes to enemy AOE attacks and you avoid the damage but of course you only look at things from the surface.
People who say that the waves are OP honestly have no idea what they are talking about:
1: Going in melee deals around double dmg compared to just waves alone, because dmg from the blade and waves stack up.
2: Attacks in melee are the only way to bring up the combo counter. So at higher levels you will need to get up close to deal the most dmg.
3: Waves obviously can't perform finishers which are necessary in high level content to bypass armour and shields
4: Waves are very slow, with parkour 2.0 you can easily outrun your blade waves, many times enemies have simply sidesteped to avoid the waves.
5: Wave dmg is mostly slanted towards slash dmg so it falls off earlier than the melee attack which have an equal distribution of dmg types. 

Did not know this, but my point was the actual combos themselves. Much like how crimson dervish has 3x damage multipliers on certain attacks in the combos, exalted blade's combos should affect the waves to give them varying strength, range, width, shape, direction, etc. Give us a reason to use the combos. You said the combos build up a combo multiplier for more damage through that, but 1. I believe just spamming the waves does the same thing... 2. You can use slash dash as you yourself have pointed out to accomplish the same thing. 3. It doesn't even need more damage to begin with because of how obscenely overpowered it is.


Less powerful? More than damage on their side? Ok, let me get this straight Excalibur can spam his exalted blade waves nonstop in every direction for minimal energy and do HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of damage killing literally everything in it's path for ~40m regardless if they are behind walls or not, it can destroy nullifier bubbles like a joke at range, it has enough damage to completely not care about ancient buffs, and has a miniature stun for when you need it- or you can just use his ultra hard stun that is his 2 whenever you want basically because again, you will have no energy issues. Saryn can get a 75% damage bonus with her corrosive, yes. But you can build exalted blade for that same damage type anyways- there's no difference. Saryn stuns and doesn't kill late game, excalibur doesn't need to stun and slaughters everything late game. Excalibur's EB is infinitely more powerful than saryn's Miasma... I don't recall the range of her miasma, but I do not remember it reaching anywhere near 30m. EB reaches ~40 with every single wave that you spam out, doesn't consume obscene amounts of energy, kills whatever you want it to without any question, and can destroy nullifiers. How you see miasma's ~2 second stun (in a smaller range and less time than Radial blind for 2x the energy I might add) as being better than excalibur's ult that kills the world and costs nearly nothing baffles me.


The combos do have damage multipliers and effects such as knock downs even on waves too, you clearly haven't been using them enought to see it, you can test it yourself on death orbs in the void.

You are honestly over-exaggerating about the damage, the waves cant deal "HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of damage" by itself especially to higher level enemies. The RB stun isn't as reliable as you think due to its range being limited by LoS

Edited by Dragazer
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Lets not forget the difference of Hysteria providing complete damage and cc immunity in all directions and proc immunity, while Excal only mitigates a percentage of it in one direction which doesn't work on aoe dmg and is still affected by procs.


You are honestly over-exaggerating about the damage, the waves cant deal "HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of damage" by itself especially to higher level enemies. The RB stun isn't as reliable as you think due to its range being limited by LoS

Excalibur has radial blind for mass hard CC- Valkyr doesn't. Excalibur's RB is the equivalent of Hysteria's invulnerability.


I am not- my friends have consistently gotten hundreds of thousands of damage against blinded enemies with EB's wave attacks- I'm talking very late game, lvl 100+ enemies. Just because you have not gotten those numbers doesn't mean it's not possible, it just means you're using different mods.

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Excalibur has radial blind for mass hard CC- Valkyr doesn't. Excalibur's RB is the equivalent of Hysteria's invulnerability.


I am not- my friends have consistently gotten hundreds of thousands of damage against blinded enemies with EB's wave attacks- I'm talking very late game, lvl 100+ enemies. Just because you have not gotten those numbers doesn't mean it's not possible, it just means you're using different mods.

Radial Blind like I mentioned before is not as reliable as it used to be due to the Los change. Radial Blind does not even come close to Valkyr's invincibility. You cannot have a build for Excalibur that is optimized for both EB and RB, either one has to suffer for the other to succeed.  

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Excalibur has radial blind for mass hard CC- Valkyr doesn't. Excalibur's RB is the equivalent of Hysteria's invulnerability.


I am not- my friends have consistently gotten hundreds of thousands of damage against blinded enemies with EB's wave attacks- I'm talking very late game, lvl 100+ enemies. Just because you have not gotten those numbers doesn't mean it's not possible, it just means you're using different mods.

allow me to interfere, his blind is nothing close to hysteria, as it is killer/CC/utility power, hysteria is defense only, not even offense, and u can still get rekt while using blind, as there`s only so much range u can have without ruining EB, and if u spam it, u`ll run out of power, and the nearest un-blinded enemy will have some fun with you, and the bigass numbers` part, first of all, each waves will deal a maximum of 13k with radial blind, a lvl 100 leech eximus gunner, has plenty of 13,000s, nothing OP there, those numbers, I`ve gotten to 150 on eximus/135-140 on normal mobs before extracting because I ran out of air due to bleed out on solo (arbiters of hexis hunted me at start), here I had almost reached 80 mins, about 74-75 mins, not really sure, and it wasn`t brain-dead easy as people claim it is, and I was one hit by a frontal crewman shot while blocking

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allow me to interfere, his blind is nothing close to hysteria, as it is killer/CC/utility power, hysteria is defense only, not even offense, and u can still get rekt while using blind, as there`s only so much range u can have without ruining EB, and if u spam it, u`ll run out of power, and the nearest un-blinded enemy will have some fun with you, and the bigass numbers` part, first of all, each waves will deal a maximum of 13k with radial blind, a lvl 100 leech eximus gunner, has plenty of 13,000s, nothing OP there, those numbers, I`ve gotten to 150 on eximus/135-140 on normal mobs before extracting because I ran out of air due to bleed out on solo (arbiters of hexis hunted me at start), here I had almost reached 80 mins, about 74-75 mins, not really sure, and it wasn`t brain-dead easy as people claim it is, and I was one hit by a frontal crewman shot while blocking

Sorry, but I think most of people playing this game don't even dream about going this high-tier. Frame should be balanced to average game, and on this high level everything becomes weaker.


Excal is OP. I really like to play him as he is, because his abilities are cool, but there should be some balance between every Frame. The one thing I don't like is his ulti sending waves. He should be "master of blade", not "master of sniping with sword". He would be much more badass if his Exalted Blade had long reach, not waves, and Exalted Blade's combos were useful - dropping enemies of their feet, mobility (like in final harbringer) and maybe Finisher at the end of one combo (like in Crimson Dervish).

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Sorry, but I think most of people playing this game don't even dream about going this high-tier. Frame should be balanced to average game, and on this high level everything becomes weaker.


Excal is OP. I really like to play him as he is, because his abilities are cool, but there should be some balance between every Frame. The one thing I don't like is his ulti sending waves. He should be "master of blade", not "master of sniping with sword". He would be much more badass if his Exalted Blade had long reach, not waves, and Exalted Blade's combos were useful - dropping enemies of their feet, mobility (like in final harbringer) and maybe Finisher at the end of one combo (like in Crimson Dervish).

I honestly got there, but didn`t take a screenshot sadly, as I panicked and ran to extraction when air ran out -.-

cal isn`t OP, back there, the gunners would survive the RB finisher (in other words, suck 300k dmg) we need such strong frames to keep up with the endgame content, why not buff others instead of nerfing cal if you want him to be on parallel line with others?

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Sorry, but I think most of people playing this game don't even dream about going this high-tier. Frame should be balanced to average game, and on this high level everything becomes weaker.


Excal is OP. I really like to play him as he is, because his abilities are cool, but there should be some balance between every Frame. The one thing I don't like is his ulti sending waves. He should be "master of blade", not "master of sniping with sword". He would be much more badass if his Exalted Blade had long reach, not waves, and Exalted Blade's combos were useful - dropping enemies of their feet, mobility (like in final harbringer) and maybe Finisher at the end of one combo (like in Crimson Dervish).

And how exactly would he even survive with your change?

His armor is next to useless in terms of damage mitigation.

Both his health and shields are low-mid tier at best.

And his movement (both abilities and speed) are lackluster at best for crossing larger distances.

Meaning that his survivability is pretty much non-existant outside of constantly spamming EB which drains your energy to nil near instantly.

Face it, without the waves his ultimate wouldn't even be worth it at mid levels because he only blocks things in a smaller than 90 degree arc in front of him and only for around 50% damage AND he is fully vulnerable to procs and AoEs and everything else.

If it wasn't for the waves his ultimate would be beyond useless because he has literally no survivability while using it that doesn't instantly drain his energy to 0 and end it.


And add to that that the finishers are slow, drawn out animations that you are 100% vulnerable in with no way to cancel them once started, no way to mitigate damage in them, and they become major drawbacks when used.

Which would make any combo that ends in a finisher even less desireable than the current EB combos are because they would just end up with you dead a large amount of the time.

Look at the only other frame who is reduced to melee for their ultimate: She gets to be invincible to literally everything, and is immune to all CCs and Procs and AoE damage and everything else and has life-strike innate to all of her Hysteria attacks.

She at least gets bonus survivability while using her ultimate.

So what exactly would you give Excalibur to balance out removing the waves?  As in removing the only thing which makes the skill viable to use at mid levels and higher?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Sorry, but I think most of people playing this game don't even dream about going this high-tier. Frame should be balanced to average game, and on this high level everything becomes weaker.


Excal is OP. I really like to play him as he is, because his abilities are cool, but there should be some balance between every Frame. The one thing I don't like is his ulti sending waves. He should be "master of blade", not "master of sniping with sword". He would be much more badass if his Exalted Blade had long reach, not waves, and Exalted Blade's combos were useful - dropping enemies of their feet, mobility (like in final harbringer) and maybe Finisher at the end of one combo (like in Crimson Dervish).

Frames should be viable for all tiers of game play. EB requires powerful mods which balances it out for early game.

Your kind of thinking is what makes Ember unviable for high level gameplay


Where does it exactly say that Excalibur has to be the "master of blade" only? If you notice in the Excalibur rework profile vid, DE showcases the waves the whole time and not the melee part. 


The blade waves are what make Excalibur unique, without the waves its just a gimped Hysteria clone.

Like I mentioned many times before, EB combos feature knockdowns and damage multipliers as well. If you actually played the frame rather then just read off of wikia you would know that.


Adding finisher prompts on EB combos is just redundant RB already does that for you.    

Edited by Dragazer
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I see the light now (all puns intended)

Some of yu guys indeed raise really good points on why Excal needed SOME range due ti his mediocre beyond mediocre survivability and non-Valkyr attributes.

Thanks for the lively discussion!

Never intended for this to turn out to be a "Nerf Excal" post to some lol. Hey, I like Excal too but I don't wanna see him lose effectiveness even if he looks thematically stupid.

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I mean guys... Always. Kick the man while he is down. I mean. Excalibur is OP? No. If he is OP why is he isn't demanded in team missions.


Look at Chroma.


Look at many more like Banshee. They are strong for solo play only. And if you call this too OP and want to handicap yourself, please remove mods from your weapons. Do not hamper us Excalibur mains who want to play solo sur 4 40 mins.

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I mean guys... Always. Kick the man while he is down. I mean. Excalibur is OP? No. If he is OP why is he isn't demanded in team missions.


Look at Chroma.


Look at many more like Banshee. They are strong for solo play only. And if you call this too OP and want to handicap yourself, please remove mods from your weapons. Do not hamper us Excalibur mains who want to play solo sur 4 40 mins.

I'm pretty sure this has to with minmaxing frames to be honest. Its not like new players have a rage, life strike, beserker, corrupted mods, or maxed mods to begin with
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I'm pretty sure this has to with minmaxing frames to be honest. Its not like new players have a rage, life strike, beserker, corrupted mods, or maxed mods to begin with

making cal not OP, he needs a S#&$load of work to be strong, not OP, I`ll give you a statement I concluded over time in this game and forums, nothing is OP as long as u can die with it, it`s the player who`s good, and this is a statement for PVE only, don`t go comparing T grakata or kittag S#&$ with it

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There is a difference between powerful and Over Powered. Excal, if used right, can be powerful. I think DE did him justice. He does not need a nerf. He is not a tank, and he is not press 4 to win. He needs to move around, and use his whole arsenal to be effective. When he does, he is powerful. Not Over Powered. Please folks, this is not like Mesa stealing all the kills so no one has anything to do. He is good. Leave him alone.

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making cal not OP, he needs a S#&$load of work to be strong, not OP, I`ll give you a statement I concluded over time in this game and forums, nothing is OP as long as u can die with it, it`s the player who`s good, and this is a statement for PVE only, don`t go comparing T grakata or kittag S#&$ with it

Nothing's OP if you can die with it? Hear that DE!?!

Time for the AkSoma prime then.

1000 base damage

Homing rounds like the Buzlok

18m punch through

50%/8.0x crit multiplier

3000 ammo reserve

200 round clip

0.8s reload time

It does everything for you. Trivialize content, require no skill or even paying attention. Since it doesn't fire unless there's an enemy within a 165° cone, and homes in automatically, ammo isn't a huge problem. It 1 hit kills anything to about lvl300. But don't worry, if you get shot you still die, so it's okay! Enemy scaling reduces the damage to a tickle about 5 hours in though. DE pls fix enemu scaling

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making cal not OP, he needs a S#&$load of work to be strong, not OP, I`ll give you a statement I concluded over time in this game and forums, nothing is OP as long as u can die with it, it`s the player who`s good, and this is a statement for PVE only, don`t go comparing T grakata or kittag S#&$ with it

I hope I didn't come off the wrong foot but I guess is should have worded it better. I was saying when people see these so called outrageous damage numbers or etc. they either minmaxed for that ability or have a team setup already decided before they go in a mission. Like stacking radiant finish, savage silence, and Mirage's total eclipse.
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Nothing's OP if you can die with it? Hear that DE!?!

Time for the AkSoma prime then.

1000 base damage

Homing rounds like the Buzlok

18m punch through

50%/8.0x crit multiplier

3000 ammo reserve

200 round clip

0.8s reload time

It does everything for you. Trivialize content, require no skill or even paying attention. Since it doesn't fire unless there's an enemy within a 165° cone, and homes in automatically, ammo isn't a huge problem. It 1 hit kills anything to about lvl300. But don't worry, if you get shot you still die, so it's okay! Enemy scaling reduces the damage to a tickle about 5 hours in though. DE pls fix enemu scaling

Irrelevant, also, I was talking about warframes, no warframe is purely OP on his own unless the player is good/knows WTF he is doing, chroma, cal, ash, loki are hard to use, but are good solo players, meanwhile, mesa, in solo, if they`re lvl 40-50+ you are rekt b4 even saying ouch unless u have range and spam 2nd, then 4 will be pointless and still will be unable to kill, run out of power, and guess what? rekt, same applies for all other frames

also, no dual heavy rifles so far, only one dual primary so far, and a tiny-&#! one, also, if aksoma ever comes, it`ll not be as u said

I`m done replying to you, you can say what you like

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