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Sunika Prime... Can It Be?!


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For the love of god, don't let Prime Kubrow/catbrows be a thing. My Kubrow has a name, a personality, he's adorable. We don't need slightly stat boosted rehashed content that will just kill off our current fluffy friends.

I have stopped and this point and not read through - so much this post.

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Hell no. why? how on earth can you prime a living creature ._. are kubrows really that popular? If i wanted to play tamogatchi i'd buy a physical one

I don't think it has ANYTHING to do with popularity at this point. If it did, there's no way in hell an Archwing would have been primed so early. And even further, there's no way in hell it'd have been Oodonata.

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For the love of god, don't let Prime Kubrow/catbrows be a thing. My Kubrow has a name, a personality, he's adorable. We don't need slightly stat boosted rehashed content that will just kill off our current fluffy friends.


i agree, every time i have to kill nests for a egg im simply wondering if there couldnt be another possibillity then KILLING and KILLING and KILLING in warframe to enjoy warframe ...

as well as we all know about "pharmyng" ... good that im not on any mediactions (giving the ball to the next) ...



prime kubrow dens. prime kubrow eggs ... so much confusion here >.<


i was thinking since void sabotage exists how/what the kubrow eggs could be if i would be able to get one when slipping into the gate for the key ...



Oh no. Prime dogs? I'm seriously disappointed in this. Getting the one you want sucks, ranking one up if you don't like allies that behave randomly sucks, they have too many 10 rank mods ... I could deal with regular dogs, but Prime dogs? I wish we got more regular content instead of applying prefixes and suffixes to everything.


I hope we never see the day when an Umbra Chesa Kubrow comes out.


no, chinese special only ... (ducking down not getting the uselessest marketingwhip i have ever seen) ...


i think DE is burned enough to show us always a smiling honourable customerwinning face which (should) we trust =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))


... enough for today ...

Edited by LEEV_
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I read that as: F*** you tyler

Yup. Guess some people can't deal with opinions. 


Hopefully this clears up. I would highly doubt DE would do something like this. Remember when they announced that the Void Trader would shift from Console to PC so we would never be 2-3 weeks behind anymore? 


Hopefully we get an official comment soon. 

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To be fair: "Fix the ai" is a vague, lame complaint. Show the devs exactly what it's doing in certain situations, and tell them what you think it should be doing.


In other words: Not to be harsh, but twitter is the worst possible place to have a discussion.

Also a good point. 


But I think the Kubrow issues may have been publicly known ever since the Kubrows first started. It could be possible that this dev doesn't anything about the Kubrow AI issues. 


Isn't there a thread for Kubrow specific feedback?? 

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i really really hope for this to be an enhancement for our current kubrows,


i spent MONTHS to breed my perfect raksa, used 5 formas, reactor, im already attached to my baby...






please DE, if not, this will really become a hell of a power creep

Edited by Toppien
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Heck no, not letting this thread get buried by Vaykor Hek spam. As someone who loves my Kubrow this is upsetting and alarming. Originals always get tossed side for Primes which are always better in every way. Why are we going to be forced to toss aside pets that we were obviously supposed to make an emotional bond to?

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prime genes


Seed prime meets Egg prime and makes Kubrow Prime....


Considering that hatching 20 million eggs in over a month isn't enough to get the type I wanted I may literally just die of RNGpoisoning if this also revolves around super RNG.

Edited by Wolfdoggie
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Yes - because the one thing that the arguably most useless breed out there needed was better stats, that's bound to fix all its problems overnight, right?


Sunika's secret power : it can catch heavy enemies and eximus on ground and deal awesome damage, it's very low chance (unless it's a capture target) but still.. i love it =D


Raksa is very good too with shield restoring, he don't need till your shields runs out and keep regenerating them continiously so he's perfect for survivability.


with both primed you'll have the best damage dealer (even if it's only to one enemy) and best defesive kubrows in arsenal \o/


however even if i get sunika prime i'll keep my sunika.. i'm not leting a loyal dog go so easy =P

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If we can keep the original skins for the primed kubrows so that it only increases the stats if one would decide that they don't like the primed skin then maybe it could be nice since you are basically upgrading your current kubrow into its prime version without having to kill or consign kubrows.

However, if it means getting an entirely new kubrow then no.

We are supposed to care for these dogs and if we have to toss out the normal version for the primed version then that basically defeats the purpose of getting a kubrow that the devs had in mind in the first place.

So here is to hoping that if Prime kubrow become a thing that we can just upgrade the kubrow to its prime version through an upgrade or add-on of the incubator that lets us inject prime material or something like that without killing the normal non-primed ones.

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Sunika's secret power : it can catch heavy enemies and eximus on ground and deal awesome damage, it's very low chance (unless it's a capture target.

I am well aware of what the Sunika does - that is why I dubbed it 'useless'. It's funny to watch the first dozen times but realistically you can kill anything in the game in less time than the animation takes to run. It's a complete waste of a companion precept - especially compared to all the other breeds.

The point is that the problems with all kubrow breeds - across the board - cannot be addressed by just stat buffs. Prime Kubrows really don't need to happen for any reason other than inflating the Mastery race.

Nevermind the fact that as many others have pointed out - including yourself - having our digital pets being pushed into a zone where smart gaming would prefer we ditch them for the upgraded version - is abhorrent!

Ah well - DE is clearly scrambling to keep content rolling and trying to hide they're running dry on ideas. Rehashed prisma everything - Poor choices for Syndicate primaries - Prime things that really don't need to happen - this whole Umbra S#&$storm coming down the line. Very disheartening ...

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If we can Prime our kubrows it won't be that bad. If we can't all these plats lots of people put to breed or buy perfect kubrows will go down the drain. It's really lame move. While I've been sure next PA will have prime kubrow armor I didn't expect spanish inquisition kubrow prime

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