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Conclave Road Map


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With 'Echoes of the Sentient' out to Tenno on all Platforms, we've seen an amazing amount of feedback on Conclave changes! Conclave is a small piece of the Warframe world, but it's a place for pure fun and intensity. There is a small Conclave team of us working full time, and only a few things can be done at a time so I want to outline some of our short, mid, and long term plans for Warframe Conclave.
Short Term:
- Time to stomp bugs and QoL issues. For example, some upcoming fixes (all on PC):
- Fix the freezes introduced with Loadout swapping - this is our #1 right now!
- 6 daily Challenges is a bug and it should only be 3; one for each game mode. In reality 6 Challenges is way better,  so we're going to implement tracking multiple Challenges during a match.
And some upcoming additions: 
Mastery Rank 0-2 Tenno will be more likely to be matchmade together with a new weighting system. This is not a hard rule, all MR levels will be grouped together if not enough players are found.
- Better team balancing at match countdown and during matches.
- Add a 'Leave Conclave' option during the End of Mission summary. If the host leaves, all players move on to next map and not repeat the same one
- This is by no means a complete list, bug fixes and smoothing out the experience is our biggest priority!
Mid Term: 
Balancing Warframe abilities and weapons is an ongoing process based on my experience playing on public, community feedback and statistics. Seeing a roughly even spread of automatics, semi-autos, bows/snipers, burst and melee weapons in the top 20 makes me very happy. There is a lack of shotguns though, so that's something to look at. 
Beam weapons have been noticeably absent and I want to bring a few into Conclave. Their functionality is different, more damage each tick the longer the beam is on target. This will be interesting to fit into Conclave gameplay favoring the ability to put as much damage into a target during the small windows of opportunity between parkour moves. Your feedback on them will be invaluable.
As for what Warframes are up next: 
Trinity, Loki and Nova will be coming soon! 
Long Term:
PvP in any game is competitive by nature, so there will be a Tournament game mode with specific rewards. Statistics will be expanded and recorded in your Player Profile along with Leaderboards. I have the basic design laid out but it will be awhile before we sit down and start work. 
Attack/Defend mode - There are a number of Warframe abilities that don’t really have a place in game modes with no focused location to attack or defend, not to mention it's a total blast to hold or attack a specific point in any PvP game!
Private matches - Friends/Invite only Conclave with no XP and End of Mission rewards is fairly simple to implement but I want to put the power in your hands. The ability to set what map, game mode, allowed frames/weapons, energy economy, ability and weapon damage etc. is way better. Give us the time to do it right.
As I said before, this is nowhere near a complete list of bugs to fix and features we are implementing. Conclave will be a very different place in 6 months and a year from now who knows, we may all be flying around in space!
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Nice ! I really like to play PvP in this game. But I was very interested in whether to add a game mode like pvp 1.0 where two teams will be of 4 players.

What would have been the rounds, and after each death you get into spectator for his team.

This mode can be called as pro modes.


Sorry my bad english.

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Where does the return of Dark Sector conflicts fall on this?  Somewhere after 'long term', depended on attack/defend?  Or sometime earlier somehow?

I think a separate team's handling that? Not sure.

Also, I really want some new gamemodes - Interception's a pretty obvious one, maybe a Juggernaut gamemode, but a Team Hijack on a big long map would be really cool - hell, maybe you guys could do procedurally generated maps for larger gamemodes? That'd be cool.

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Private matches - Friends/Invite only Conclave with no XP and End of Mission rewards is fairly simple to implement but I want to put the power in your hands. The ability to set what map, game mode, allowed frames/weapons, energy economy, ability and weapon damage etc. is way better. Give us the time to do it right.


I love you.

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Guest Pun-chee

First of all, thank you very much for publishing a road map!



Are there any plans for officially hosted servers?

Edited by Punchee
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This is a welcomed post.


Thanks for the transparency, communciation is key. Rather than letting the community fester with their issues.


Overall, I think Parkour 2.0 really saved PVP for me - and despite the odd broken weapon or frame. It's very enjoyable and im back to playing 2.0 as much as i did 1.0.

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As I said before, this is nowhere near a complete list of bugs to fix and features we are implementing. Conclave will be a very different place in 6 months and a year from now who knows, we may all be flying around in space!

Is this a hint towards Archwing Conclave? :D


Also, all the rest of this sounds great. Keep up the amazing work!

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Where does the return of Dark Sector conflicts fall on this?  Somewhere after 'long term', depended on attack/defend?  Or sometime earlier somehow?


Seconding this, or clarity if 2nd team is working on it. Where do Clans sit in on PvP experiences outside of 1on1 dojoplay, basically.

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I'm curious about what you're going to do with Loki. He has the worst stats ingame by far, which is ok for pve where you can fully rely on abilities. In pvp however you can't rely on abilities as much. Getting oneshot by probably every slower weapon needs to be balanced somehow and I don't see how it's possible with Loki's ability kit. Maybe you're going to make invisibility cost less energy and not break when you do things? Are you going to add some effect for Decoy? Will Radial Disarm actually disarm people?

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Decoy will probably just give you away on the mini map and redial disarm might just disable guns for a limited time...or maybe all weapons to whoever gets cought on it. If its just guns then ill pretty much just...kill ppl with melee. I only see him as a frame for pros only though. Also waiting on that Earth tileset map, I know it will look boss like that new Ceres tileset map ^__^

Edited by (PS4)FarCript
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