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September 11Th: Community Hot Topics!


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If you do not plan to change the whole mod system, then you should not try to change anything.

I'm sry, but if you want to make all mods viable, then there must be tradeoffs in every case. This would come along with a drastic change of required farming to have "endgame viable equipe". The idea behind the multishot change is not by himself unreasenable, but this won't be appropriate as long as every other mod stays the same way. You simply switch your multishot mods for more elemental mods and that's what you get with this change.

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I don't really know about multishot balancing (and other), but atleast change the rifle multishot to 100% chance. But I don't really see an issue with current system.

Brawler warframe seems like it's been allready done (Valkyr, Rhino, Excalibur...). I rather see more adding more depth to warframes, with stuff like Brawler skin for Rhino and more skill options.

Edited by Garth_Tremor
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I like the exilus slot, I love the idea and concept of it! but... having to put 2 extra formas just to make use of it? (Aside from the 2 formas needed to craft the adapter?!).


The idea is great, but I have a better suggestion: Exilus mods in the respective slot get their capacity redcued by half, and the exilus mod cannot be polarized, refund all formas in that slot. It's a reasonable enough idea, I believe.

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Required Mods


In my ideal world, most of the mods that you put on a weapon should answer "What do I want to do with this weapon?" in ways other than damage.  If that means prebuilding in the damage boost from Serration, do it (though I'd suggest basing it off of mastery rank + formas, not weapon level).  If it means seriously rescaling the enemies, do it.  


Just like the elemental damages say (poorly) "I want this effect on some of my shots" or "I want to be good against this type of enemy", there should be things like Multishot that say "I don't want to bother with headshots" or "I don't mind losing damage to clusterbomb an area", While rate of fire and reload time could become the new damage mods, if there's enough other questions that people want to answer, it hopefully won't become the only answer.


Exilus slot

This is close to the best solution.  For the general populace to want to take utility mods consistently, either they needed their own slot, or they'd have to be unbelievably broken.  Handspring is crazy already, but how many people take it?  It also should not be an energy neutral spot like some people propose, because with auras, a frame's curve is already sensible, where you usually don't have to vomit in a million formas until you're in really late game.  The Exilus slot gives a reason for late-game people to invest more into a frame, while not hurting early rank people.


Mission Scaling

While I originally said that some need to be sped up, I would actually want to suggest one of the modes (probably Survival) actually moves to longer rotations with better rewards.  Of course, there's a major downside of Survivals being a wall that people might not want to pass for void rewards with such a change, I'd personally suggest an indoor mission that flowed like Excavation, and have that be the high paced path that has the current reward schedule.  

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I like the idea of the exilus mod slot, however I feel it is entirely too expensive. If I have to purchase and build an exilus I have to get the syndicate standing first (hours of grind), then spend two forma to build it, then spend another forma in the slot to make the points cost affordable. This means that in total upgrading the average frame to a certain build (without repolarizing any slots) will cost upwords of 5 forma for just two extra polarities and an exilus.


A possible solution to this would be to remove the requirement to polarize the exilus slot. Once it is unlocked just use the special exilus polarity by default (this would indicate some mods would have duel polarities i.e. Rush).


Another option would be to remove the syndicate offerings, but begin to cycle a fully built exilus (not the bp since that still costs 2 forma) into the rewards for alerts and invasions similar to potatoes. This makes them a rare product, rather than just outrageously expensive, and I am more willing to wait for a rare item in Warframe, than I am willing to pay high costs.

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"Required mods"

As people have been saying, if you balance the mods, you have to balance the weapons, and if you balance the weapons, you have to balance the enemies .. and to balance the enemies, you have to balance the scaling.

So start by doing what damage 2.0 should have done, and remove exponential armor scaling.


Exilis slot

It's fine other than that it's tied to Cephalon Tedium faction. The only thing in warframe less fun than farming scanning faction is camping trade chat.



Give Atlas head.


Faster endless scaling

Survival seems ok now. Faster scaling sounds  promising.

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Overall I am happy with this game, I have spent several hundred hours playing and it is easy to lose hours in it. However the community hot topics that are currently hot, bring up some key aspects of the game that has been in need for a change and an update.



The Exilus Slot

I love the inclusion of this utility slot in the general warframe build. I makes it so that on some frames, where I have ~6 extra energy left(*I don't thik energy is the right term), can have a bit of utility added to them without sacrificing something crucial. It is far from perfect however and there are some concerns/issues I have with it.

1) This is an "end-game" slot, bearing that in mind i think of it as a socket for some gem/enchantment that you would see in your standard MMO setting. The problem here is that getting it will not significantly impact gameplay, its not a game changer in anyway, and considering what you have to go through to get it it should give you an edge. I would like to see some more mod diversity for what you can put in here, a suggestion would be something like the nightmare mods that affect the warframe, Constitution, comes to mind, another being Natural Talent.

2) The slot is no different than your standard 8 that you have. This is my biggest issue i have with the exilus slot, yes, it gives you more wiggle room, but essentially if you dont have the energy to run the mods then its just a pretty rectangle that you either spent time or mony to get. I propose that the slot acts as if its polarized for exilus mods, haveling their cost from the beginning, but preventing them from having forma applied to them.

3) I would like it if there are extra slots added, especially for auguments, but put them on a different menue, e.g. the abilities menue would be an excellent place to put them, one slot for each ability, I am sure as the game grows, more abilities will be added, auguments would then act as what they are supposed to, auguments, at the moment you have to sacrifice something that does not always worth it. ( Inspiration here is from the glyph system that is used in WoW where different glyphs are used depending on the situation)


Endless Missions and their scaling

Scaling is a problem in this game. The risk and reward ratio of this game is completely skewed. I have played my fair share of endless missions and the problem here is that the players, power grows logirithmically, where are the enemies grow at an exponential rate. Artifical dificulty in terms of increasing the Time to Kill is not the solution, AI constraints is a problem, and once they can be programed to be smarter I think a lot of scalign issues can be properly adressed. A lot of the issues can be adressed with minor tweaks, however some will need to be adressed in a full scale rework


1) If you want to discourage camping you must make enemies that can be defeated just as easily using a non camping strategy, penalizing players for finding a good ledge to shoot from that has cover is not the way to go.


2) If the mandatory mod system is being reworked, all enemies need to be reworked, killing the high priority targets should also yield a better result, e.g, Ancients have their auras inverted upon death in a the same AOE as what it affected but not as strong until their corpses disintegrate, bombards and heavy gunners releas a shockwave(like hte one they do when you get to close) when killed knock all their allies down, nullifier bubbles when deleted/killed either proc a X second electric proc, or make all the guns jam for a similar time, I also feel certain abilities should not be affected by this, e.g. iron skin, rift walk etc.


3) Give better rewards, there is nothing worse than getting a pack of fusion cores after a 60 min survival. I would suggest changing the rotation system to : A,A,B,C;;A,B,B,C;;B,B,C,D;;B,C,C,D

This way if you go past an hour your chances of getting a decent reward goes up significantly

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The "Brawler" warframe is awesome. But not what i expected. Personally, i was expecting an ew Melee based warframe that somehow like Valkyr and Excalibur but with new perks of somesort. I think he was just given that name just cause of his first ability(slidepunch thing) Otherwise, he's really simple and cool, i'd like to see how his 4th would be useful and play in games. GIANT ROCKASS HENCHMEN! on the other hand, Wukong is ridiculous and awesome, would definiately reserve a slot and potato for him. I got a think for handsome baboon guys ;) lol


The Exilus mod slot, needs more mods to be put there. I heard froma podcast by mogamu that speedholster should be converted to this type of mod. It would be so much better as a life quality. Its barely used as an Aura mod as well. I see so much potential besides the Manouvering mods combined with elements. Thats a neat idea but new things can be added for a variety of gameplay, example a mod that could increase weapons equipped by one(this the top-off my head) so you can equip one more weapon for the fun of it.

          lets be reasonable now.....

example 2, a mod that could add cold proc to the terrain you move on leaving a trail of ice, for x duration.

to some degree Natural talent could be an exilus mod.

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Please don't rebalance "required mods" before doing something about enemy scaling. The damage mods everybody uses currently are only required because the enemy's effective health scales to infinity whereas players only have a finite amount of damage available to them. If players can kill things effectively without putting damage into every mod slot, they'll start picking quality of life/utility mods on their own, without adjusting current mods.

Regardless of whether or not you guys retune enemy scaling and/or rebalance "required mods", please don't just nerf the mods you guys consider to be required. Nerfing existing mods just leaves current players holding the bag, only to find a new best mod and be back at square 1 with the same problem. I'd a lot rather see new mods that combine utility with damage or give combinations of situational benefits than just being forced to pick one damage mod because the damage mod I was using previously got nerfed.

Edited by FabledGumbo
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