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Workaround For Being Unable To Post Replies



For over 24 hours I have been unable to post to these forums due to a bug preventing the text boxes from properly displaying. A fellow Tenno has discovered the root cause but I figured I'd try to contribute to a solution. After poking around with things I didn't understand I managed to find a band-aid. 

Chrome Browser

I've created an imgur album viewable at http://imgur.com/a/RFoqw#0

EDIT: I have posted a more comprehensive album at http://imgur.com/a/QcOhX#0 that addresses likely issues at step 3 of my previous solution.

Edited by arKRazor
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If you've experienced this issue, please trying a different browser or clearing your cache, and see if that fixes it. 


If you've experienced this issue, but it is now fixed without further issues, please let me know which/what steps you took to fix it. 


I have already tried clearing my cache in Firefox, and trying to use the forum with Chrome, and neither changed the issue at all.

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Still no fix to the issue after clearing the cache again. Switching browsers didn't help either. The problem isn't with our cache or anything on our end. The forum code is messed up and needs to be fixed. That includes things like broken text boxes and the upvote link having an incorrect url where it'll keep the "entry" number reference but leaves out the part of the url that includes the thread link. In short, your forums are broken. No amount of clearing our caches or changing browsers will fix that, because it's not a browser problem. You can't place responsibility on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer. Thanks for your help, but this has to be solved on DE's end, because there is obviously a problem with the forums' implementation of Javascript that only started after the server went down last week.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Still no fix to the issue after clearing the cache again. Switching browsers didn't help either. The problem isn't with our cache or anything on our end. The forum code is messed up and needs to be fixed. That includes things like broken text boxes and the upvote link having an incorrect url where it'll keep the "entry" number reference but leaves out the part of the url that includes the thread link. In short, your forums are broken. No amount of clearing our caches or changing browsers will fix that, because it's not a browser problem. You can't place responsibility on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer. Thanks for your help, but this has to be solved on DE's end, because there is obviously a problem with the forums' implementation of Javascript that only started after the server went down last week.

We are looking for issues on our end, but this isn't a universal problem (forums work fine for the majority of people), so we have to look at it from all angles. 

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We are looking for issues on our end, but this isn't a universal problem (forums work fine for the majority of people), so we have to look at it from all angles. 


Hmmm. That's odd then. Really odd. It can't be the browsers themselves, I wouldn't think, since it affects multiple browsers (I didn't even open Microsoft Edge before this problem happened). I tried updating Java and that didn't help anything. Did we determine that it wasn't OS-related?

But then, it can't be OS-related either. Because I have the same problem on my Android phone that I do on my Windows 10 PC. Only difference is, my phone browser didn't have Javascript, but this messed up forums that only has the textbox. And the temp fix essentially gave me back the textbox on my PC, but now it's just like my phone. Maybe it's account-related? idk. It's just that, from what I can tell, it's not a problem specific to browser or OS. But if it's account-related, I'm not sure what would make certain accounts have problems and not others.

Big mystery. I'm glad that you guys are looking into it, though.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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If you've experienced this issue, please trying a different browser or clearing your cache, and see if that fixes it.

If you've experienced this issue, but it is now fixed without further issues, please let me know which/what steps you took to fix it.

I tried this, but no, it didn't resolve the problems.

I haven't tried to download Opera or something other than my main two browsers (IE and Chrome) yet.

To post and upvote, I have to use Chrome. To unhide/hide spoilers I have to use IE.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Started to happen with me, cant post replies anywhere (Chrome, edge, steam overlay), I have to change the site script every single time to be able to write something. Deleting cache and cookies doesnt fix it.

Doesnt helps that today the game decided to S#&$ on me and kick me to the loading screen, right after I extracted and was in the loading screen for the liset, making me lose literally EVERYTHING I had gotten on that void, even the exp was removed.

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It's really amazing to me how much of a crapshoot this problem is. Browser, OS, symptoms... There's absolutely no consistency in any of it.


The only related thing I found in all my browsers was blocking hwcdn.net make works fine the page, and when I debugg it it's as for something that can't be found ( javascripts errors) but its the only thing that I found is causing the troubles.

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MobyTheDuck, the servers crashed across all platforms for everyone today. (Or yesterday, depending on where you are.)

I was in ODD when it crashed.

Unless your crash wasn't at that time.


No idea when it was, but everyone extracted the defense, the extraction animation played, the end screen showed up with all the stats, then the liset loading screen started, only for me to get kicked to the login screen, losing EVERYTHING I had gotten on that void. Noone else from the squad got kicked or lost their stuff, only I did.

And now I have to use a script blocker here to be able to post.

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For me, with Javascript enabled both chrome and IE(an unused, clean install) get the errors that (XB1)RaffArundel mentioned, namely:

https://forums.warframe.com/none Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

n3g6i3c6.ssl.hwcdn.net/public/js/3rd_party/ckeditor/skins/ips/skin.js?t=da753991037ed2e2624887a4706ef03d:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

ckeditor.js?nck=da753991037ed2e2624887a4706ef03d:24 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined

I came across https://www.drupal.org/node/178403 where someone got the same error, which could be related.

Using the IE debugger I stepped to where the undefined variable is set with w=p[t] where t = "ips", however the p object only contains a "kama" which seems to be a ckeditor skin. Given the compressed javascript I declined to try to figure it out further, but hopefully this may help lead to whatever is wrong.

If I just had a Debugger Prime I could hit 4 and figure this out easy.

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can you please unmarked as "answered"? this problem is still not solved yet even if we've found a way to "bypass" only the quick reply below the topic. it kind of throws off some attention and i kind of want others to gain notice. I know what you mean by answered is that you've found out what the problem is and are now fixing the issue. I appreciate the support, but i still think the label throws off some attention. im still not able to create topics or e-mails, even with bypass option presented. i just think that more people should take this bug seriously, as it could happen to other users at any time.

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I disabled both. Java and Javascript.

Also noticed just blocking hwcdn.net I'm able to reply. I just noticed blocking 1 by 1, and seems the only with problems was that one. leaving everything enabled ( javascript )

D60IUh3.png ( no fiable = unreliable) and it's seems the trouble of be unable to post/reply


i can confirm that is this hwcdn.net who is screwing the scripts on the forums

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This is not solved for me at all. I think you need to take a hard look at your CDN configuration. This is from the console, I see it in every browser I've tried (the big 3):


> The stylesheet https://n3g6i3c6.ssl.hwcdn.net/public/js/3rd_party/ckeditor/skins/ips/editor.css?t=da753991037ed2e2624887a4706ef03d was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html", is not "text/css".


According to the documentation your CDN does allow you to specify the mime-type to use based on file extension here: https://support.highwinds.com/display/STAGE/Delivery+Policies#DeliveryPolicies-CustomMimeTypes%28customMimeType%29


Browsers expect css to be delivered as "text/css" (at least now they do). Browsers don't magically make up their own mime-types for the content that is delivered to them. This is not a browser problem.


Edit 1:

Ok so the css link above renders the site, hence the text/html mime-type. That's pretty bad too, if the page doesn't exist it should be 404.


Edit 2: My point is though, that editor.css contains the styles needed to show the editor properly. Figure out why that link is busted/made and the problem is likely solved.

Edited by candybar
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This is not solved for me at all. I think you need to take a hard look at your CDN configuration. This is from the console, I see it in every browser I've tried (the big 3):


&gt; The stylesheet https://n3g6i3c6.ssl.hwcdn.net/public/js/3rd_party/ckeditor/skins/ips/editor.css?t=da753991037ed2e2624887a4706ef03d was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html", is not "text/css".


According to the documentation your CDN does allow you to specify the mime-type to use based on file extension here: https://support.highwinds.com/display/STAGE/Delivery+Policies#DeliveryPolicies-CustomMimeTypes%28customMimeType%29


Browsers expect css to be delivered as "text/css" (at least now they do). Browsers don't magically make up their own mime-types for the content that is delivered to them. This is not a browser problem.


Edit 1:

Ok so the css link above renders the site, hence the text/html mime-type. That's pretty bad too, if the page doesn't exist it should be 404.


Edit 2: My point is though, that editor.css contains the styles needed to show the editor properly. Figure out why that link is busted/made and the problem is likely solved.


I've also expressed the opinion that the issue lies with Warframe's forums (even if it's a problem associate with only certain accounts) and not with any browser or operating system that affected users are using.

And I can also confirm that hwcdn.net is the center of the issue.

Also, I agree that this problem is not solved, therefore it shouldn't be marked as solved.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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haven't seen anything from the development team in a while about this subject. hope everything's okay.


I have a lot of concepts and opinions to share, but i cannot do it with this bug, and i literally have a list of things i want to share on a word document. I just don't feel like I'm apart of the community anymore. can you try to keep us informed more often?

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Just disabled Javascript on websites and I seem to be able to post for now. Anyone else noticed this specifically?


You can do that, but it's going to disable a few functions around the forum. No matter which workaround you do, there is no perfect solution short of DE rooting out the core problem and fixing it.

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You can do that, but it's going to disable a few functions around the forum. No matter which workaround you do, there is no perfect solution short of DE rooting out the core problem and fixing it.

I've noticed that now, other functions are all messed up. This is definitely something on their end.

Edited by Erelas
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Moved to Players Helping Players subforum.


We've been receiving reports of players being unable to post in the forums. arKRazor's solution should fix the problem if you encounter this issue. 







I MEAN I REALLY HOPE that this is not yall's grand solution here


if i srsly have to manually edit the script every time i want to use the forums... 


well lets just say i will be much less engaged in yall's product and that means i will be a lot less likely to be buying the upcoming trinity prime access =[


here's hoping that you guys are all over this and the forums can go back to being intuitive and user friendly SOON

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