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Connection Issues (Chat, Game Launcher And Server) [Megathread]


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DE really isn't having a good week server-wise. Just ran a T2E, didn't get a reward and forced to logout because I got a blackscreen. Hopefully the reward wasn't one I needed. Also lost a trade yesterday because the server conked out just as we were about to come to agreement. I was using this weekend to farm stuff to trade for plat, (mostly by buying out the void trader xD) but it seems like that's a no go. :/

Edited by mindlord0013
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Is all the day that i keep gettin disconnected at the moment of the extraction, loosing all the rewards from the mission and i don't do 10 min quests.
Actually today i've lost more than 10 t3 Keys, 1 Forma, 4 Prime parts, 1 Forma Blueprint. arround 10 fusion core and lots of credits... 

i'm wondering why should we keep doing long quests and mission when you get kicked out and loose all your efforts in a nothing.


This is getting ridiculous ... Why can't i get the prize i earned ... this is bullS#&$! as i said is not worth it !!!!!! i can understand some disconnection time to time ... but 5 in one day is getting really ridiculous. 


Will the problem be fixed or not ? Cause i've spent money in this game, and i have at least the right to know if the problem is gonna be fixed ... cause i don't want to loose more time playng for the glory of nothing!


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So my wife and I just completed the surivival misson to receivve the Wratih Twin Gremlins..and at the very end the game told us that our progress could not be saved and basically we went through everything for nothing. Needless to say I'm pissed off about it as that mission has bugged on me two different times prior to this latest crap.


All I want is for my wife and I to receive the rewards we worked hard for. Please fix it for us.

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After seeing the Mission Complete screen following evacuation, it listed 2 prime blueprints my squad received - Nova Prime Helmet and Odonata Prime Systems. Then the system 'glitched' for each of us, showing us back at the evacuation point, then a message popped up saying 'Account info unable to be updated. Progress could not be saved'. It then showed the Mission Complete screen again but this time the 2 prime blueprints were gone. This happened at approx. 640pm EST on 9/19/15, there was an earlier server issue today so I'm not sure if this could be related? How do we report this other than these forums?


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After seeing the Mission Complete screen following evacuation, it listed 2 prime blueprints my squad received - Nova Prime Helmet and Odonata Prime Systems. Then the system 'glitched' for each of us, showing us back at the evacuation point, then a message popped up saying 'Account info unable to be updated. Progress could not be saved'. It then showed the Mission Complete screen again but this time the 2 prime blueprints were gone. This happened at approx. 640pm EST on 9/19/15, there was an earlier server issue today so I'm not sure if this could be related? How do we report this other than these forums?


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After years of play I can tell both of you this is absolutely the worst day for server stability I've ever seen, with the exception of the 2014 DDOS attacks. Try taking it up with support. Until then I suggest monitoring reports and the deathsnacks site for server status to avoid further issues (and, as much as I hate to admit it, wasting time).


It's probably not DE anyway, as an infrastructure partner had issues earlier in the week. Unfortunately it's been like this for days on end with nothing from DE, so either they're not getting any info or they're working on it. I'm sure we're not being deliberately kept in the dark.


Until then, avoid endless missions, regardless of whether or not you're farming something. Servers shouldn't make you angry at a game. Take a breather if necessary, or just play a different game for a while and check back in to see if it's stable. Don't frustrate yourselves. Trust me I just lost a ton of General insignias that I needed for Vaykor Hek so I feel your pain.

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We just finished 5k kryotik run with level 260 enemys, we went far over an hour, and then extraction fail :) where are our 50 fusioncores, the credits and the 70-100 mods we earned. The mission was finished successfully and time was invested. It sucks really that we only know about the server fail after finishing. we could have saved a lot of time if we knew we wont get any rewards anyway sooner in the mission.

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I wish DE would say something about what's going on. I'm becoming rather worried. Their infrastructure partner is having serious issues. Either that or it's some sort of attack or major problem somewhere within their structure, so I do hope DE has a handle on things and lets us know ASAP.


If it's a DDOS attack, then crap. If it's their infrastructure partner, then crap as well, because that'd mean they need to find a new infrastructure partner (because the current one isn't really doing a great job).

As of right now, looks to be DDOS. Not just directed at DE, but just North America as a whole.


From: http://www.digitalattackmap.com/#anim=1&color=0&country=US&list=0&time=16697&view=map


What does the picture mean? Essentially, the U.S. is getting hit pretty damn hard. Each one of those lines leading down from above is several gigs worth of data per second -- and this has been ongoing since about 5 AM EST this morning.

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is it just me or anyone else is having a problem where the chat doesnt load up?, i had that problem a while ago and that time was because of some problems in the servers, the chat load up only if i do a mission in a random squad and get to the statistics at the end

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is it just me or anyone else is having a problem where the chat doesnt load up?, i had that problem a while ago and that time was because of some problems in the servers, the chat load up only if i do a mission in a random squad and get to the statistics at the end

Did you even read the comment before yours?

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What does the picture mean? Essentially, the U.S. is getting hit pretty damn hard. Each one of those lines leading down from above is several gigs worth of data per second -- and this has been ongoing since about 5 AM EST this morning.


It's fsociety and the Dark Army up to their tricks again.


(Mr Robot fans will understand :) )

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