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How Much Longer Do You Think Warframe Will Last?


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I hate uninformed posts like this... warframe is more popular today than it was a year ago... the player based has doubled in size and it continues to grow everday... just check steam charts if you are still confused

Last I checked wf was dropping in player count.I see this game lasting another 3 years since max mr is going to be mr30 whats going to happen then small hotfixes or big changes like star chart etc

I'am looking at WoW, that is a long time...hmmm, maybe when warframe2 come out...or maybe when vrmmorpg become a reality

DE have already stated warframe 2 will never happen

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Oh I'll tell you. Look at recruit chat. Now imagine someone like me going there to try something that is not draco, or to recruit for a draco run that ISNT mesa camping. Oh, don't bother imagining actually because I'll tell you how it actually goes. The former results in literally nothing. No replies. The latter results in either the same, or random people messaging and flaming me for either no reason or "trying to tell them how to play the game"- when 1. they are doing the same. and 2. If they don't like it they have literally a hundred other people 24/7 who are doing normal draco anyways they could join whilst ignoring my comment.


THAT is how other players who have nothing to do with me ruin MY experience with the game.


MY experience and the experience of everyone who used to use recruit chat before it turned into nothing but BS Mesa/Draco spam, elitists, and unwarranted hostility from random players.


And with that I finish and say GOOD DAY SIR.


That is a problem with the type of community that does that. However it is in no way reason to believe that It shortens the lifespan of the game.

Many games have elitist players and most games survive just fine with them. they are a minority that should simple be ignored.


And good day to you too sir. How nice of you.

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Last I checked wf was dropping in player count.I see this game lasting another 3 years since max mr is going to be mr30 whats going to happen then small hotfixes or big changes like star chart etc

DE have already stated warframe 2 will never happen


Yea, personally I feel like it is almost already "Warframe 2" compared to when I joined. (Around Embers Prime Access)

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TF2 lasted 5 years, and it still does, although its playerbase has decreased drastically.


Minecraft has lasted 6-7 years, and although Notch has left, Mojang is still churning out updates, and still maintains a relatively small but higher-than-average playerbase, mostly young kids and fans of stampylonghead.


I expect Warframe to last slightly less, but definitely very long.

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As long as it keeps getting regular updates and keeps getting fleshed out it won't die.

As for user data of players using steam to access the game.

Here's what Steam Spy has to say about Warframe

Note: Peak concurrent players yesterday: 27,211

The game is still relatively popular. It's not dragging in DOTA2 levels of users but it's a healthy user base.

It is currently the 15th most played game on steam.

Edited by Ziegrif
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people will keep saying "THE GAME IS DYING". on other MMOs they started saying that around 3 years ago and they are still saying that. 

truth is, as games are updated, they usually strain farther and farther from the initial formula, and so many players just leave because they "don't like the game anymore" even though most changes are slow. as initial clans and friends list empty out, someone will say "hey, all my clan and friends are leaving, and those are good gamers, so the game must be going down south". and then some go to the forums and topics like these happen.

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Heres the thing, this game will die if there are no more players supporting/playing/funding this game, and theres no more updates to intice players to comeback.

If you look at the current situation, more players are coming in, old players returning, the console versions are still strong, and the top of that, theres the deal in with Chanyou for the release if the game in the China.

Since its a free to play game, anyone can freely leave and return whenever they like without worry.

So yea, still a long way from that.

Edited by CrystalRibbon
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It will last until VR fully takes over and becomes the new meta.


Pokemon Go could have been way bigger than what it is right now. Imagine playing something like Pokemon Go with augmented reality glasses, where blurring the lines of virtual and reality become hyper developed. Imagine games rendering what you see in real life to near perfection, with face scans and hair, so that what you look like is how you really look in game. It's all very possible, since what you see and hear, is just light information that can be manipulated, including sound.



Also the issue of transhumanism and blurring the lines between technology and living beings. I wouldn't be surprised if someday the Matrix becomes a reality, since it appears bionics is improving at a rapid pace. You can replace some parts of the human body with machines really, the brain uses electrical signals and the machine in that Youtube video shows how what we see can be recorded and deciphered by machines. There's also a machine that takes sound information and translates to visual stimuli tested for blind people, people are seeing with their ears pretty much. In a future, there might be games where you're unconscious and dreaming, but the dream fully feels like a true reality.

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Last I checked wf was dropping in player count.I see this game lasting another 3 years since max mr is going to be mr30 whats going to happen then small hotfixes or big changes like star chart etc

DE have already stated warframe 2 will never happen

Pls check steam charts now.... lol check player count for august 2015

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Firefall was in beta for years. People said it would never hit release that entire time, and it did, and that's of far lower quality than Warframe, with devs that seem to care a whole lot less.

Yes the devs do seem to care a whole lot less, until you look at how they run events. When Red5 run an event on the weekend or have it be a week event, they keep enough staff on hand to fix the bugs that they know will show up and then once those are done they may only have a skeleton crew watching over it. DE runs an event over the weekend or starts it on a Friday = skeleton crew till Monday. You never send home a good chunk of your team until you can make the event stable enough where you don't need everyone.


As for how long, I give it another five years tops barring any changes that drastically split the community and cause many to leave all at once. But hey look at the bright side, IMO any game that lasted longer than Gunster: Reign of bullets is a good one.

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Hey guys!  -- A couple posts here are flirting with disaster as far as respecting each other.


I must say, it is refreshing to see a "Warframe still in beta" topic remain at least somewhat civil.


Quite interesting to hear all of the opinions as well!


Anyways, just a reminder to keep it civil please guys :-)  



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I haven't seen the stats so I can't make an informed guess, but I'd give it three more days.

Kidding, I reckon it's got a good few years left. Superficially (which is all I can base my opinion on) it looks like it's going from strength to strength. I do wonder if it could do more in terms of advertising but of course DE will be doing their best on that front.

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Assuming Starchart 3.0 comes out before Draco finally manages to kill the game completely for a large portion of the community (It is close, if you deny it you're clearly one of the farmers that camp there all day and grind everything until you've "completed" the game, then just leave- yes, that is what happens don't try to tell me any different because I'll never believe it; BUT I DIGRESS), and another "Draco" (I mean a draco, a SUPER BAD loot cave, not just any loot cave) doesn't crop up afterwards, the game is probably good for at least another 1.5-2 years the way I see it. That's just a "definitely will last this long" figure, it could go a lot longer.

if players like the game they stay if they don't they leave. draco has nothing to do with it. it's just an efficient way to relieve some of the grind and calling for a nerf of that is just brainless and malcontent towards players that DO enjoy the game the way they like to. don't like to level up gear fast don't do it but leave players that do alone. leveling up stuff in a long period of time is not what keeps players engaged and if u think so i try not to be insulting but think harder. (i use draco only when i'm leveling up gear after forma, which i hate doing and want it over as fast as possible so i can play what i actually enjoy in the game)


back on topic. just look at steamcharts the game's player base is steadily growing, i think it still has quite a while to go.

Edited by ..atom..
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Starchart update will either make or break the game.

Either it'll be absolutely amazing or it will make the game unplayable.

What we know about it already so far makes it sounds like it'll be the worst thing ever. But we'll see.

So until then, I guess. Game will either live another day or die.

Edited by Diarist
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As one of the best F2P games on the market it will be here for a long time.


Some things that will dictate it's longevity on console will be when more good games are available on the new-gen systems which right now is not much. With crap games like Destiny, indie side scrolling games that are 1980's material at best, games that are broken on release to name a few ensure Warframe will be around for quite a while at least on console.

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