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How Has The Free Market Helped You?


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Free market works if you have the time to scan and pick what works for you, I've used/traded over 40k plat and it has been time consuming but I've also helped many people and have received a lot of help with the market. I know there's the few cases where you run into the toxic troll but I think being equipped with a decent knowledge based on how the market works helps. AKA New items, hype trains, buffs, nerfs, etc all that affects the prices.

All in all it works it's how much tolerance you have to deal with the chat system. I feel that if the chat system was able to be modified to not be such a clunky wall of text being spammed it would be a much better experience from both perspectives, seller and buyer.

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Well anyone selling from really low prices aint gonna make much. Im against those paragraphs aswell but scammers? How do people even fall for them anyway? Do people switch kubrow imprints etc? You can double check them with that button. New players has little to trade anyway. What are they going to sell ? 



Oh no. Im not going down that way. Im just going to say im wholeheartedly against any Auction house. There are just too many reasons for that and i dont intend to ruin this thread by going that way.

i dont know how people get scammed constantly. im always baffled by the amount of times those posts pop up.


no point in not going down that road.  Auction houses are great in the mmos ive played.  The only reason i could see someone not wanting one is to, well, "rip people off."  No one said the current trading has to go away in order to have an auction house.  It would simply give multiple options. i.e. you can trade personally with someone at a trading post (like old WOW days) or use an auction house.

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I find it an impenetrable wall I can't get into, don't have the patience to and which I think is a cumbersome trudge of people trying to screw each other over as much as possible.


I'd much prefer a bazaar or some place where I can fire and forget as trading is just not a fun part of the game for me and I don't want to spend a single solitary second on it. And yet... it's necessary if you don't have much cash.

Edited by Ziegrif
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I've made plenty of plat off it, but I find it very boring, incredibly tedious and susceptible to price gougers and scum who take advantage of less knowledgeable players. It being essentially a greed driven market powered by people whose sole intent is to screw over the other guy really doesn't make a fun place to be.

It could use a lot of QoL tweaks, ranging from making finding buyers/sellers easier, easier trading instead of loading screen-run to trade terminal-trade-loading screen-back to tradechat, that sort of thing.

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Hmmm mixed feelings

First of all a game like warframe needs a trade option

It helped me get the Ember System after I used more than 160 keys

But it "destroyed" the Primes

before trade chat was in the game and you saw a Tenno running around with a prime weapon/frame it was special,because you know what he dit or when you finally get your last prime part what you was looking for that was a special feeling

right know you can buy it

But yeah we will see whats going on with trade 2.0

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I'm sitting at 2860 plat... All from trade.

High five!

It has helped me fund my plat purchases. So it's been pretty good to me.


I enjoy arm twisting until I get the price I want for particularly brusque or rude sellers.

Omg real evanescent?

Had to do that, sorry. Yeah I agree with you, there are a lot of immature people when trading, sadly :/



Has anybody given stuff for free/significantly cheaper to certain players?

Like, a player posted a high amount of plat for some low profile mod. I was getting sick of trading for that day so I jumped the gun and told him "eh, what the hell, have it for free buddy". There is getting a good deal on your items and then there is preying on the innocent, any views on this?


Yeah I know, free market is harsh like that but curious...

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For the new player, as long you under cut or sell at reasonable rates, your stuff is gone in a flash.

Work your way up until you got tidy portion of plat.


Once you got that, you can do buy low and sell high.

Like buying R10 mods at 350 and then selling them at 450.

Edited by fatpig84
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Free market > auction house / trading post system. If everyone tries to sell every drop they have, supply will go up exponentially - so prices will crash to next to nothing for anything that isn't ridiculously rare. Buy every mod for 1p each? 5 cores for 1p? Yeah, that'd kill the economy.

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How has the free market helped you? If at all? For me well, it made me want to stay in the game more. Haggling for prices is a lot of fun and even getting that 2p extra is very satisfactory.


Sure the chat is a mess and it could do with some improvements but after trying out some other game well... it takes a difference of contrast to realize what you can take for granted.


Sure this is a small thing but I still wanted to let DE know about this, the free market is one of the best things you've provided us with. Not only did it bring sustainable life to the game but added another side of "endgame" potential.



Have a look at this [leads to aftermath forums] http://forum.willyousurvive.com/index.php?/topic/7124-buy-sell-trade-how-in-game-economy-works-important/


Basically the developers of Aftermath have a store, in that store you can sell your stuff for a price set by them. That store also sells some items for a price set by them. They want to fully control the economy of the game. DE on the other hand, simply said "here take this" and ever since then just let us play with it.


Sure some time-exclusive mods are wayyy over priced but this price is set by us. If you are against that high price, boycott it or sell it for much cheaper (which we all know nobody will do). 




So what do you guys have to share about this free market? I mean overall it probably did help but what do you expect the future to hold? We all know a badly implemented system could very much kill the current existing economy.

i agree, i like the trading in warframe.

That said, DE does have a lot more control over the prices as you would think ;)




Free market > auction house / trading post system. If everyone tries to sell every drop they have, supply will go up exponentially - so prices will crash to next to nothing for anything that isn't ridiculously rare. Buy every mod for 1p each? 5 cores for 1p? Yeah, that'd kill the economy.


That's why i'm glad that there will probably never be an auction house in Warframe, because DE knows the downsides of that.

They are just working on improving the trading as it is and thats fine :)

Edited by CruelMaiden
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i agree, i like the trading in warframe.

That said, DE does have a lot more control over the prices as you would think ;)

That's why i'm glad that there will probably never be an auction house in Warframe, because DE knows the downsides of that.

They are just working on improving the trading as it is and thats fine :)

Yeah I am aware that they have control of prices of things through drop rates (mostly) and time exclusivity of certain items. But that is far more manageable and malleable by the community so I think its fine.


Not to mention, for the past 2 years (has it really been that long?) it worked so no need to fix something that isn't broken. However they could polish it up certainly. Due to the problems a bad change can have I am keen to see if DE will make changes to this in a much more slow manner and even more involving than usual with the community.

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Free market > auction house / trading post system. If everyone tries to sell every drop they have, supply will go up exponentially - so prices will crash to next to nothing for anything that isn't ridiculously rare. Buy every mod for 1p each? 5 cores for 1p? Yeah, that'd kill the economy.

Do you think people that want an auction house haven't discussed this issue yet? All that has to be done to stop inflation is to lower maximum amount of sells/purchases daily. Before you cry about how this will lower your plat gain daily, this can be seperate from the current trade system so you can do both. Have your cake

And you don't want everyone to sell their drops? The entire point of pushing for an auction house is so people don't have to camp trade chat to sell things. Or are you trying to say only people that have that much time should be allowed to sell?

Anyway, back to the main post.

I've earned enough plat to purchase slots for all Warframes (regular or prime variant) and most weapons (I don't bother making weapons twice if they're in the bp for other weapons/Ak-weapons). Current trade system is bad though imo, I have to sell things cheap because I don't have the time to rip people off like some people do

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Do you think people that want an auction house haven't discussed this issue yet? All that has to be done to stop inflation is to lower maximum amount of sells/purchases daily. Before you cry about how this will lower your plat gain daily, this can be seperate from the current trade system so you can do both. Have your cake

And you don't want everyone to sell their drops? The entire point of pushing for an auction house is so people don't have to camp trade chat to sell things. Or are you trying to say only people that have that much time should be allowed to sell?

Anyway, back to the main post.

I've earned enough plat to purchase slots for all Warframes (regular or prime variant) and most weapons (I don't bother making weapons twice if they're in the bp for other weapons/Ak-weapons). Current trade system is bad though imo, I have to sell things cheap because I don't have the time to rip people off like some people do


Nothing to do with my daily plat income, I don't flip items or farm to sell. Limits or not, 1,000 people using the trade chat compared to 1,000,000 people regularly dumping items they'd otherwise never sell... yeah, things will crash regardless. The current system sucks, but there are other free market methods. Personally, I'd like to see an early-MMO-esque setting up shop system. No scanning the trade chat, dealing with flooding; a nice semi-AFK environment - but you couldn't just dump stuff for sale and log off, nor could you instantly see every available trade offer at once. That's just me though.

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Personally, I'd like to see an early-MMO-esque setting up shop system. No scanning the trade chat, dealing with flooding; a nice semi-AFK environment - but you couldn't just dump stuff for sale and log off, nor could you instantly see every available trade offer at once. That's just me though.


I'd be down having a personal shop <3 


Old fashion auction house always seemed slow/boring for me and current systems is a bit fast so finding the middle ground would be great.


As for me, with the market currently I gathered enough plat to gift stuff to friends/clannie, slots, taters and all the needs/wants I could muster. Hek from time to time I gift my buyers freebies with rare cores or extra weapons :3 (especially if deal is good or they're new/mention got back).

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Do you think people that want an auction house haven't discussed this issue yet? All that has to be done to stop inflation is to lower maximum amount of sells/purchases daily. Before you cry about how this will lower your plat gain daily, this can be seperate from the current trade system so you can do both. Have your cake

And you don't want everyone to sell their drops? The entire point of pushing for an auction house is so people don't have to camp trade chat to sell things. Or are you trying to say only people that have that much time should be allowed to sell?

Anyway, back to the main post.

I've earned enough plat to purchase slots for all Warframes (regular or prime variant) and most weapons (I don't bother making weapons twice if they're in the bp for other weapons/Ak-weapons). Current trade system is bad though imo, I have to sell things cheap because I don't have the time to rip people off like some people do

It's whether DE is ok with it. The current system is probably pretty good at being a plat sink for what the industry calls whales, allows collectors to spend money instead of time to build their collection, at the same time shifting plat across the population (which gets players using the premium currency and in theory raises conversion rate of free to paying players. All the same reasons why many games give new acounts a little taste of premium currency.


But yeah current method is annoying. but dunno if pulling the ladder up now for new players after I have made thousands off the market is the right thing to do overall for the way plat moves around the player base. I expect many to be riding the gravy train and don't want to give it up too. I've made a lot of plat on from the market and it seems every patch the new stuff on the market inflates a little bit each time.

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