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Anyone Else Notice The T3Ex Drop Tables Seem Skewed


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It would be OK to have them drop rates differ like 1 rare to 5 common, but not like this. Rotation C on T1S has only 6 items!

You would WANT less possible results, it makes getting what you want easier, even with weighted results. A table with only 6 things in it is better than one with 12.

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Since Ash P came out, I've done dozens and dozens of hours of T3S and I've seen 2 Ash P Sys. All of my runs were 40 min.

I got a feeling something's not right here. There's no way all of us are THAT unlucky.

Edited by Moghul
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You would WANT less possible results, it makes getting what you want easier, even with weighted results. A table with only 6 things in it is better than one with 12.

unless the item you're looking for has the same Weight as it did in the pool of 6 - then you just get a wider variety of other stuff.


the number of things in a pool is not indicative of how likely or not you are to get anything in particular.

because Weighted Chances.

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I mean, of COURSE some things have a higher chance of dropping than others.


However... maybe... just MAYBE if you have hundreds of people doing a thing over and over again a few hundred times and the results are negative... something's wrong.

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I mean, of COURSE some things have a higher chance of dropping than others.


However... maybe... just MAYBE if you have hundreds of people doing a thing over and over again a few hundred times and the results are negative... something's wrong.

Not really. I mean, if those hundreds of people left because of those negative results then yes, something would be wrong. Since those players stay and farm on then everything is acceptable. As long as players aren't leaving in droves the RNG is fine. If you want change then vote with your time and wallet.


Back in my day the Latron prime receiver and the reaper prime blade each had a 0.1% drop chance.


0.67% actually. And for a week or two Reaper Prime Blade wasn't even in the drop tables (thank based Dataminers for finding this out)

Edited by WhisperByte
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It is still RNG, just because the Variables are weighted, it does not mean it is not random.

If you have three red balls and two blue balls in a bag, it is still a "random" probability which one will be selected.

It would be nice is DE would publicize the drop chances though. When codex 2.0 was in the works they talked about being able to scan some sort of reactor during the void mission in order to find the drop rates for that particular mission.

There's no such thing as genuinely random when it comes to a computer selecting something is there? There's always some initial human input which has instructed the computer on how to simulate random selection. Until Skynet happens only living creatures are capable of genuine randomness

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There's no such thing as genuinely random when it comes to a computer selecting something is there? There's always some initial human input which has instructed the computer on how to simulate random selection. Until Skynet happens only living creatures are capable of genuine randomness


Well, strictly speaking, computers are part of our universe, this universe runs on weighted random, so there is nothing in a computer that isn't at least a little bit actually random.  Bit of quantum tunneling changes a bit, get a different output.  Unlikely, yes.  Absolutely possible?  yes.


Weighted random is a literal description of all of reality.

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I've been doing ODD for the Ember P bp and it seems off. I've only been getting tower keys and formas. In one game I went to 40 waves and in both c rotations I got Tower 2 keys. One player told me that he had completed 15 runs and received 15 formas (lol).


Even Tower 1 is rubbish, I was doing T1's as ducat runs and all I was getting were formas and T2 keys.



DE Please sort this rubbish out!

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unless the item you're looking for has the same Weight as it did in the pool of 6 - then you just get a wider variety of other stuff.

the number of things in a pool is not indicative of how likely or not you are to get anything in particular.

because Weighted Chances.

Perhaps you do not understand how a call table works, and have never looked at dice. LOL

Weighted or not is irrelevant to this case.

Let's assume 10 items all with equal chances to be selected (and we'll stipulate that a rare result was selected so ignoring the common results which don't affect this equation), that's 1 in 10 chance to get what you want (and of course, you can still roll result 1 ten times in a row). Now we will look at a table with 6 results and an equal chance, that's 1 in 6 chance, obviously much better.

But you are saying weighting makes a difference and not the size of the result table.

But to claim that you would have to believe that you have a chance of receiving item #10 on a table with only 6 results. To put it better, you would expect to roll a 6 sided dice and get a result of 10. This is impossible. You can weight it all you want, but with RNG able to literally roll the same result 100 times in a row weighting has less of an affect (though still important) than you think.

The best way to think about is that even with weighting of results, on a 6 item table there are only 5 results you don't want, where with a 10 item table....there are 9 items you don't want.

Now, if we KNEW the weighting of each item and all tables we could do the math and come up with hard statistical chances to get any one result and compare them to see which mission would yield better chances of what we want. Since we have no actual weights we can not do that, but we can be fairly safe in assuming that since all chances must equal 100% the weighting on a 6 item table will have greater chance individually than a 10 item table as simple logic tells us even if the same 6 items are used, they can NOT be given the same weights on a 10 item table, even if each of the 4 additional items are given only the minimal 0.01% chance.

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i think i'm smarter than everyone else so i say big words

if after you calculate expected rates from your Weighted Chances, the thing you're looking for in a pool of 6 or 12 is both ~20% - it doesn't matter what the other items are. you still have the same Weight to get the item you were interested in.


Weights is all that matters. it's not a Die, at best it's a D20 where you choose a percentage of the sides to be connected to an item.

probability states that the expected rate of a Chance is the Chance. since it's Weighted, you have complete control over statistically how often you will get this or that.

on a pool of 6 and a pool of 10, if the Rare item you're looking for is still an expected rate of 2% - you'll still get that item ~2% of the time.


you're saying that the laws of Probability are wrong. which is strange, because they're facts.

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