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Look Ahead Past Starchart 3.0... What About Open World?


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If I wanted to play destiny, I'd play destiny. Warframe doesn't need to go open world, and as the devs have stated before they have no intentions of abandoning the tile based generation system because it makes missions more unique, not the same thing everytime you play it. As for "events" you plainly ripped that straight out of destiny. I would quit playing if the systems you suggested ever became a part of warframe.

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If I wanted to play destiny, I'd play destiny. Warframe doesn't need to go open world, and as the devs have stated before they have no intentions of abandoning the tile based generation system because it makes missions more unique, not the same thing everytime you play it. As for "events" you plainly ripped that straight out of destiny. I would quit playing if the systems you suggested ever became a part of warframe.


Great... I knew someone would make that comparison.


Did I say they need to go Open World?


"Events" straight out of destiny?

I'm sorry, I didn't realize they owned the word or concept.

Furthermore, "Events" refers to the mission that exist in the game like right now...



Honestly, each session is basically one giant mission... seems you didn't read this at all.

They are generated uniquely... for every session...


Really, I cannot express how annoyed I am by your comment... it misrepresents my entire post.

Edited by (PS4)buddy72757
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This would be nice if it was Warframe 2.0 but right now you're kinda telling them to destroy 90% of your code and do this now.


Tbh I feel this idea should be what a raid is. I played raid maybe..3 times and I was done with it. A raid should definitely be more open like what you're explaining.

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Nah I like being able to choose the mission I want to go into. Honestly what you're describing doesn't even feel like warframe anymore and would probably up the grinding and farming so much that people would just quit.

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Nope, warframe could not handle this. Better idea is to make around 2-3 huge places on each planet your chose which place you want to go, and this is almost like open worls with huge map around 30x30km you can find places to go underground find rare items and resources. Find greenier base, destroy it etc. Lotus sometimes gives you random missions you should do it for some rewards. Greeniers there should send small armies to find something so you can find them and kill, but they have tanks and other big mechanic stuff. And you can quit in any time you want when you do three main random missions that Lotus told you to do. And this will be for 4-6 people squad mission.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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1. your post is about going to open world.

2. your description of events are a carbon copy of destinys event systems. It's not a good system on destiny and it wont be here.


I know it could be "More Open World," but I'm just trying to remain within reason... and not compromise the identity of Warframe (too much)



Honestly, don't bother responding any more. You clearly misunderstood my post.

Nope, warframe could not handle this. Better idea is to make around 2-3 huge places on each planet your chose which place you want to go, and this is almost like open worls with huge map around 30x30km you can find places to go underground find rare items and resources. Find greenier base, destroy it etc. Lotus sometimes gives you random missions you should do it for some rewards. Greeniers there should send small armies to find something so you can find them and kill, but they have tanks and other big mechanic stuff. And this will be for 4-6 people squad mission.


Yeah, I've acknowledged that...


If it could handle it though... :)

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I appreciate the amount of time, effort, and logic you put into this post. I want to make that very clear- if only all posts were like this on forums they'd actually be worth something. That being said, I'm personally going to say no to Open World anything in Warframe. There's many reasons for this but the #1 has gotta be "it's been done before". Warframe's mission setup and 4 man squads is something that makes it unique among countless games in the same genre (iirc Destiny is like that too, but destiny came later and doesn't have procedural blah blah yadah yadah).


In my opinion "open world" never truly means open. There are limitations- invisible barriers, out of bounds, etc. Spawns are limited to the way they're set up. The size of the areas are limited by what the general community's pcs can handle- or the servers, or both. All it ever ends up being to me is a disappointment. True- Starmap 3.0 could end up being worse than your suggestion, absolutely horrid. I personally think it will end up great. If it did end up horrid perhaps I'd change my tune and be asking for this instead, but until we see how Starmap 3.0 ends up I can't really speak much of an opinion for changing the way the game functions on such a major level.


I'm going to end it with this. I believe in DE. I'm typically sitting around playing their white knight in game or on forums. Every time I've thought "there's gotta be a solution but I just cannot see it no matter how hard I look", DE has come up with something to make it possible. IF DE could manage to pull off Open World in all of it's glory- the way it COULD be, the way it SHOULD be. I could not ask for more. I do not want to see a world tied in with "quests/sidequests" in the general RPG sense where you talk to one person, go somewhere, do things, turn it in, and repeat. I want to see a world with NONE of that. One where you go around exploring, doing what you want, finding out how everything works and adventuring. Something massive that would take ages for even all these players to explore.


That seems like a pipe dream and I don't think with today's technology it's possible, let alone DE's small team; but someday I do believe this wonderful digital world I envision will come to be. Unless DE can make that come true, I personally will get nothing but disappointment from "open world". TL;DR- I'm just too hard to please, but that's why I cannot agree to this suggestion.

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Nah I like being able to choose the mission I want to go into. Honestly what you're describing doesn't even feel like warframe anymore and would probably up the grinding and farming so much that people would just quit.


Well, considering it is basically Starchart 3.0.. with something extra that has almost 0 grind potential... 


You can still choose the missions you want, its something on the side. 


"would probably up the grinding and farming so much that people would just quit."


You shouldn't be playing Warframe in the first place if this is your attitude, tbh.

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As much as open world RPG's are my favourite genre I don't think it would work with a game like Warframe.

Warframe is by nature a focused and dense series of neatly compartmentalised missions and it absolutely nails the appeal of that. If it were to go open world it would drain all the focus and I feel it would lose a lot of identity.

I would love to see more varied tilesets with more interesting things to see but I wouldn't want Warframe to go open world personally.

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"would probably up the grinding and farming so much that people would just quit."


You shouldn't be playing Warframe in the first place if this is your attitude, tbh.

Why are you ok with that?

Edited by Socks
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I would like to have them do away with the cramped Liset and convert Clan Dojo into a mobile Clan ship, simultaenously combining the Dark Sector conflicts to it, so when a Clan parks their ship over the Dark Sector, they own it and people fight over it etc.


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Honestly, don't bother responding any more. You clearly misunderstood my post.


Yeah, I've acknowledged that...


If it could handle it though... :)



Oh, did I? Because this:

Ok, before I start, I know many of you will be sensitive to the words "Open World" when it comes to Warframe... but just here me out.



The point of Starchart 3.0 is to get people playing together, populate the missions, etc...

This is great! I love it!

But what if we took it a step further?


With 20 nodes, it would be like minimum 200 people on each node, but then 4 people per mission. 

I want to see the potential of everyone in, not a single mission, but on that planet period. 



Obviously the issue with that is that the game modes all have a linear objective, how could we implement that into open world? Well, that's a tough one... but I'll say this:


As each node will have a single game mode... this will mean a few game modes per planet for every time period.


We make these the "main events" that taking place throughout the planet.


Like this:



Draco - Interception

Hapke - Spy

[we will call these Events from now on, rather than missions, as they change throughout days, weeks, etc...]


So, we then have the option to either join one of those two nodes, or a third option:


Ceres - Explore


Here, maybe an actual open world can be developed... very large tile sets, but dense so that Parkour 2.0 can be maximized, but still logical... Mars should have some open areas, Earth, maybe more dense... gas planets/inhabitable planets, like Jupiter, have large space stations.



Now, in here, we find something to make up for the lack of variety given to us with just a few nodes:


Missions... and not like the ones we play now, but similar. Similar how? They are mainly smaller versions. Like, mini-missions.


Here are some missions that would be ideal:


Capture: simply chase down a target somewhere, not too far away, on the planet.

Exterminate: obviously we can't wipe clean the face of a planet, but these exterminates would require you to exterminate the amount of enemies in a certain area of the planet, spanning maybe a few tile-sets or so? Maybe more? Not too big, but not too small that Saryn could kill everyone. 

Assassination: just have some boss spawn somewhere on the map (not always the same place) and kill it... but restrict this to a new class of minor bosses, so that the larger ones can be reserved for the Event Assassinates. 

Crossfire: Same as Exterminate, except we have another faction drop in via multiple ships or something and we gotta exterminate the area. Again spans some tile sets, but enemies drop in from different locations, rather than being there already. 

Defense: Yes, even defense can be implemented. We have a few defense nodes in which we have to protect for a few waves of enemies, who drop in via ships from different directions. I'm saying like 3 waves, maybe max 5.


Now, these mini-missions should be given by a series of little activate-able nodes around the planet. You go to one, and toggle it, and you and (and your squad if you brought one) are given a mission and a way point towards it. 


The way point leads to either a(n):


Target: Capture, Assassinate

Area: Exterminate, Crossfire

Objective: Defense


Furthermore, enemies are scattered around the map in little groups and squadrons roaming different areas, or guarding little outposts of theirs.

Generally, they will have strong enemies that way it some Sayrn can't Miasma and walk away. Corpus will usually have Nullifiers, Grineer will probably have Bombards, Infested might have all the annoying sh*t we are used to.


To keep them re-spawning, drop ships will appear often dropping groups off, or they me re-spawn in outposts... staying to guard it or mobilizing. Outposts will not re-spawn enemies if Tenno are too close.


Open World Balancing:

I want to vary size and difficulty, some groups will have... say, 3 Eximuses... others may have 2 Eximus and 6 normal, and some may have say 10-15 normal... etc... but the enemies will generally scale both on the planet level and based on your strongest squad mates gear.


What do I mean by "strongest squad mates gear?"

Simple: The total level of Warframe (W), Primary (P), Secondary (S), Melee (M)...


But we will have a better calculation than just adding them:


{(3/2)(2W+P+S+M) / 30[2+(total weapons equipped, 1 - 3)]} * Median Planet Level.


This would mean, a squad with a player with maxed level 30 gear on Ceres would face enemies who are level about 60.


Level 60 enemies, they aren't easy to kill, especially stronger enemy types and Eximuses... however, that is the deal with Open World games, and why they work:


You see a group of enemies, prepare to fight... not Radial Javelin and walk by... that would very well ruin the Open World System...



Because these mini-missions, and these small groups of enemies... they are small (obviously). 

Yet the fights need to be challenging, it would be too easy otherwise. 


Also, this scaling applies to the mini-missions as well. 


*If 60 is too easy, then we can change the "3/2" coefficient to something else... appropriately to make this system work.


So get your parkour 2.0 on, and actually be strategic in your approach. :)







Finishing the mission, you are automatically rewarded with:


1) Credits for the mission (more at higher level planets)

2) One random mod (better mods at higher level planets) *note not all mods are possible... mainly common fusion cores/mods, some uncommon fusion cores/mods... very few rares.. if not none at all.

3) A random chance for a random resource on that planet *rare resources are like 5-10%... common and uncommon resources come in packs of more than one.

4) Whatever the enemies drop (their drop table remains the same).


Why this works is because these missions generally don't have as much enemies to kill as do the Events, they don't have much farming potential... the main point is the rewards at the end. Furthermore, currently, most missions will literally reward me with next to nothing. A few thousand credits and that is it. And the fact that I had to load in to a mission to get almost nothing? This makes it so that the missions become more accessible, no loading between them, just move to the next if you wish and continue, and you'll once again be rewarded... but again, not with much.. but still something in a shorter time than Events (missions like the ones now).



Going into Explore and Open World Logic:

Ok, so, we cannot have all 200 players on at the same time.. obviously, so this is my proposal for how the open world works:


It will have multiple sessions:

1) Each session will have a maximum amount of players: A soft cap of 32, a hard cap of 35 *This means that, if there are 31 people, a squad of 4 can still join. But no one can join after 32...

2) You can join by yourself, or a squad of 1, 2, 3, or 4. Being in a squad means you share the same mission. You can join and leave squads will in Explore as well, encouraging you to meet people.

3) Sessions are large enough and small enough for 32-35 people.


Because of squads and the way point system, we won't have 16 people all crowded around the same area cheesing through missions. Why?


1) Squads have separate missions, no other squad can have that same exact mission at the same time (they can be both be exterminate, but not the same spot/area).

2) Way points will lead groups to another area to do the mission, a random area.

3) Other squads will not be rewarded for participating in another squads mission. They can help exterminate, but they won't get any rewards for completion. This encourages them to seek their own missions somewhere else.


So, overall, its not any kind of crazy every 200 players is on each planet, with massive, huge gargantuan maps... but still very large ones supporting a session of 32-35 players.



In addition to enemy outposts, we can also have a few Tenno outposts... here we are safe from enemy spawns and we can directly access the Events taking place on the planet, so we don't really have to back out. 



What about relays? 

The thing with relays is, no one really socializes... :|


On Explore, we can at least show off our weapons, abilties, engage in combat, and (forgive me for saying this) show off our "moves and skillz"... etc...


It sounds like a lot of fun...




We don't have to have 32-35 players, the cap can be more or less, whatever the game can support...


And this is the Future we are talking about, nothing I would add soon... unlikely it will ever be added... just my suggestion.


Because I'm going to be honest, I spend more time than I should in my Liset because I'm too lazy to have to load into a mission... 


*Also, allow recruiting, regional, and a new "planetary" chat... I'm sure many people don't like just sitting in their Liset to use those. Maybe even trade chat would be nice, but no trading posts on planets... keep that on Dojos.



Final Thoughts:

So yeah, I don't think this suggestion will undermine Warframe's identity at all, the open worlds really just consist of large connected tile sets, but are mainly open areas with little stations, outposts, forts, etc... spaced around (not super far, but not super close)... and within them are just mini missions that you can play, for lesser rewards, but they add in the variety we will lose from Starchart 3.0... 



Yes, this idea is imperfect, and likely has many flaws...  don't waste your time bombarding it with "why its flawed".


Just, imagine how it would be with everything balanced out etc... the main point is Open World in Warframe... I think I've sufficiently outlined how it could work, and even gone into specifics...


Just, what do you think of something like this? Would you like to see an Open World system like this? I know it could be "More Open World," but I'm just trying to remain within reason... and not compromise the identity of Warframe (too much)





If you read all of this, whether or not you liked it or hated it, I really do appreciate your time in actually acknowledging it, it means a lot :)


Oh, and finally... (Sorry, I have to do this on all my posts ._.)


Praise Clem

Has alot of talk about open world systems heavily infulenced by, or plainly copied from destiny, and I want none of that. You're talking about completely changing the way the game functions and saying "I'm just trying to remain within reason... and not compromise the identity of Warframe (too much)" - that's a contradiction.

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Yeah, and I totally see your point.


Just a thought really... tried my best, but I agree that Open World isn't Warframe's identity... I tried, mainly cuz I like Open World games in general.


Skyrim was a fav.


*Not saying my idea was based on Skyrim... it wasn't at all... if some of you would actually read it >_>

Oh, did I? Because this:

Has alot of talk about open world systems heavily infulenced by, or plainly copied from destiny, and I want none of that. You're talking about completely changing the way the game functions and saying "I'm just trying to remain within reason... and not compromise the identity of Warframe (too much)" - that's a contradiction.


Its... optional, Starchart remains.


Just let it go dude, really. Your making too big a deal of just an idea.

Edited by (PS4)buddy72757
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Its... optional, Starchart remains.


Just let it go dude, really. Your making too big a deal of just an idea.

I'm responding to your post, If you cant handle feedback don't post. You should expect people to not agree with you when you suggest an established game abandon it's long running systems that are unique to it's identity, to change to the system used by a controversial IP that is hated by many here.

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