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Formas Crafting Time


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Forma is 24h to craft and it's really annoying , I gotta wait days for that days for this like what's the point , not everyone has free time to play warframe , like when i saw that forma is 24h I just bought one from the market .. Is this making us buy things instead of crafting , Rush is 10plats while forma in market is 20 plats no need for resources . forma crafting time needs to be 6 hours or 12 at least .

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Your post doesnt make sense. The 24h craft time has nothing to do with free time to play or not. You can simply log in once a day for 5min to start a new Forma. Your proposed 6 or 12h would make it easier for players with more time to build more Formas since they can log in more regular.


The only thing that should get done to Formas is reducing the craft time from 24h to 23h/23h:30min so you can keep them inside a time frame more easily.

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Considering OP's problem is keeping up with rebuilding formas rather than the build time itself, the new Nexus app update should resolve that issue.

The new app update will allow us to access the foundry from our phones, so you won't have to login the game just to build more formas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have to craft then even when you don't currently need them. I've got 15 sitting in my inventory, waiting for a weapon or frame I want to use them on.

 you got 15 formas because you played like for a long time 15 formas = 15 days 


reading some of these replies like -_- ....

if you want Forma to craft faster, you can always Rush it. :)

NO thanks , rush it for 10 plats and waste resources from it ... I rather buy it from market 20plats then do that , I came here for a fix not for a Joke replies nothing hurts to make it 12 hours , people can use 4 formas at each weapon they have 

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 I came here for a fix not for a Joke replies

there's nothing to fix. and that wasn't a joke.

the only adjustment that really makes any sense is to make the Crafting time 30min-1hr shorter like with Raid Reward cooldowns so that you can always keep a 24hr schedule going.


if you don't want to play a F2P game very much, you therefore can't expect to get much out of it. F2P games run on money and time.

expecting to get everything handed to you without being active in said game is naive.



i've wanted the Foundry to let you to queue Crafting before, so you could make 10 Forma at a time (or anything else), but it would take 10x as long to complete building. to reduce clicky clicky -

but that's an entirely different topic.

Edited by taiiat
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 you got 15 formas because you played like for a long time 15 formas = 15 days 


reading some of these replies like -_- ....

NO thanks , rush it for 10 plats and waste resources from it ... I rather buy it from market 20plats then do that , I came here for a fix not for a Joke replies nothing hurts to make it 12 hours , people can use 4 formas at each weapon they have 


Once you have say, 4 weapons with 4-5 Forma each, can you please explain to me why on god green earth would you need more? What exactly can't you kill with a 4 Forma <insert weapon here> that it makes you go out and stick another 4 Forma on yet ANOTHER gun. Why, other then insanity, would you put 4 Forma on 100 guns?


The problem is not Forma, or the game. The problem is that you have unreasonable expectations, no patience, and bad time management.

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Your post doesnt make sense. The 24h craft time has nothing to do with free time to play or not. You can simply log in once a day for 5min to start a new Forma. Your proposed 6 or 12h would make it easier for players with more time to build more Formas since they can log in more regular.


The only thing that should get done to Formas is reducing the craft time from 24h to 23h/23h:30min so you can keep them inside a time frame more easily.

You don't need Formas to just put it on your weapons , You need for your Clan , Crafting things , Syndicate etc.. For someone like you who has the time of the world thinks it's not a problem for someone else , please 

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Once you have say, 4 weapons with 4-5 Forma each, can you please explain to me why on god green earth would you need more? What exactly can't you kill with a 4 Forma <insert weapon here> that it makes you go out and stick another 4 Forma on yet ANOTHER gun. Why, other then insanity, would you put 4 Forma on 100 guns?


The problem is not Forma, or the game. The problem is that you have unreasonable expectations, no patience, and bad time management.

how can one with 3,6k post say this? you only play with one frame & one load out? for real, wtf? the game its about diversity; one can want to max every weapon if one likes it. I see no problem about that.

I do agree -even being someone with 12 formas on inventary- that the craft time Needs to be reduced. to something like ~12h. for people who want to do stuff like running a clan of one man its Hell not because of the farm but the wait. & rushing them all is just not viable as it works now.

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 you got 15 formas because you played like for a long time 15 formas = 15 days 


reading some of these replies like -_- ....

NO thanks , rush it for 10 plats and waste resources from it ... I rather buy it from market 20plats then do that , I came here for a fix not for a Joke replies nothing hurts to make it 12 hours , people can use 4 formas at each weapon they have 


Most the replies here are spot on and treat your question very seriously. You can disagree, but that is just that - a disagreement.


Patience is what you need. If you have little play time, it has zero influence on how many Forma you can build compared to other players. Someone who plays 24/7 can build just as many as you.


Please think a little bit more about what you post. All I can read here is 'I want it all, and I want it now'. In that case I have news for you: not going to happen.


INb4 thread lock.

Edited by V4YR4
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you got 15 formas because you played like for a long time 15 formas = 15 days 


reading some of these replies like -_- ....

Lol, that's a long time lol? But anyway, I completely agree. I have to work so my free time is limited and I often have two wait two days to start crafting a new one because of my sleep schedule. I would love for them to reduce forma time by about 6 hours. On the other hand though, I really want DE to make their money so keeping it the way it is fine with me.
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 you got 15 formas because you played like for a long time 15 formas = 15 days 


reading some of these replies like -_- ....

Well, not really. I have 15 formae because I logged on at some point in the day 15 separate times. I could add 15 formae to my inventory in two weeks without playing more than two hours total.

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how can one with 3,6k post say this? you only play with one frame & one load out? for real, wtf? the game its about diversity; one can want to max every weapon if one likes it. I see no problem about that.

I do agree -even being someone with 12 formas on inventary- that the craft time Needs to be reduced. to something like ~12h. for people who want to do stuff like running a clan of one man its Hell not because of the farm but the wait. & rushing them all is just not viable as it works now.


I can say this because I play the game to have fun. And what the hell does how many posts I have mean anything?


You have fun with "diversity"? kudos to you. I have fun in my own ways, and If I have 200 weapons, I can't have "fun" because even if I try to use each one for just 5 hours, I would have to dedicate 1000 mission hours to try them all out, so that is why it is TOTALLY logical to find a pool of 5-10 weapons that I like the mechanics of, and use all the time.


It is illogical to ask an entire company, that makes money off the sale of Reactors and Catalysts and Forma to basically "water down" the rules of the game and the loot drops and the time locks, for a handful of individuals that want to stick 6 Forma in every gun in the game because "they can".


Oh, yea, actually you can get more Forma. Buy it. It costs 50 cents per Forma based on a 50% easy-to-wait-for-discount, so look at that option maybe. You can't afford 50 cents a day for a guaranteed, instantly available to install and use Forma? 50 cents per day? Seriously?


If you don't want to play within the rules of the game AND you can't/won't contribute financially to the game, then why exactly are you here?


I run a one man Clan (now two) just fine. It has 10 tiles and can make everything. If you want to have 20 Ponds, multiple obstacles courses or other weird stuff, that is your problem, since it basically boils down to "cosmetics.

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Most the replies here are spot on and treat your question very seriously. You can disagree, but that is just that - a disagreement.


Patience is what you need. If you have little play time, it has zero influence on how many Forma you can build compared to other players. Someone who plays 24/7 can build just as many as you.


Please think a little bit more about what you post. All I can read here is 'I want it all, and I want it now'. In that case I have news for you: not going to happen.


INb4 thread lock.

I'm sorry what , I couldn't see the message from the "INb4 thread lock."  pff.

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There is no problem about when you log into the game or not  .. 12 hours of craftin is reasonable and on every forum when someone asks to reduce the amount of requirements or reduce the time to craft something there is someone saying like you "special people" 'not but .. you say ou patience , ou please if you don't like what the game has you can just delete it , ou please I have 15 formas , ou please it's so easy I don't know why people complain , ou please we should make it 48 hours cause 24h is not enough 


And Formas can be used on many things the time for 24h crafting is too much , Catalyst or Reactors they don't have blueprints that can be crafted like Formas you only need them for one thingWarframe or weapons one time use. But Formas can be used on many things 

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12 hours of craftin is reasonable and on every forum when someone asks to reduce the amount of requirements or reduce the time to craft something there is someone saying like you "special people" 'not but .. you say ou patience , ou please if you don't like what the game has you can just delete it , ou please I have 15 formas , ou please it's so easy I don't know why people complain , ou please we should make it 48 hours cause 24h is not enough 

I literally have no idea what you're trying to convey, here.

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