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Eternal War Valkyr Full Guide- New Player To All-Purpose/endgame To Competative



Valkyr Guide: New Player to Allpurpose/Endgame to Competative


I'm posting a full guide for my Eternal War Valkyr build (step-by-step on how to acquire it) and the different uses of each version. I see this guide as a work in progress, if you see anything that needs to be corrected or added in, post, and if I agree I will do so. If you want more info, or thing something is redundant, again, please say so.


OP’s Opinionated Note: If you do make it through this guide, and follow all the steps, you will end up with a top-tier warframe. This Valkyr build is insanely powerful and useful right now, I’ve played over 1000 hours (well over) and it’s my favorite build in the game, hands down. I would personally argue that it’s as good as anything else out there, and superior to most of it


The below video shows off an eternal war/hysteria valkyr build. Its a little outdated but its the best I can find, and the gameplay is similar to the way my build plays, just without the supportive playstyle. 



If you want to see a bit more on playstyle for any of my builds, feel free to click on the link and read the description (this post is long enough without all that stuff lol).



[u17.6] Eternal War Valkyr (New Player/Accessible Version) Guide



[u17.6] Eternal War Valkyr (New Player/Accessible Version):   http://goo.gl/inYZb5


This build is the new player friendly version of the build, although some of the mods are still kind of rare, they're nothing that you can't get your hands on. The guide is step-by-step, but ideally you’re working on several steps at once (ex: its possible to forma a frame and farm fusion cores at the same time).



1. Apply Orkokin Reactor ASAP- These will drop in alerts (often after a devstream, which happens once every two weeks) or you have to buy them for 20 plt, sometimes they drop in limited-time events. If you’re using a Warframe or a weapon seriously, and plan to continue doing so for a long time, you want it to have a reactor/catalyst installed on it (this doubles mod capacity).


2. Acquire the Mods


            A.   Vitality, Rush and Steel Fiber-If these haven't dropped for you by the time you finished Venus (maybe even Mercury), you're having bad luck. You can easily remedy that with the trade channel, or by joining a friendly clan (these mods are common enough that most veterans would probably be willing to give away a copy for free to a clan-mate). If you need a friendly clan/alliance, feel free to message me.


            B.   Intensify/Continuity/Streamline- Though technically they're listed as rare mods, most veteran players have probably had dozen's pass through their inventory (I give away my spares/sell them for credits). Again, a friendly clan member would probably help you out with these, if not you could farm prime parts in void and trade for one of them or just pay 5-10 plt (again, even if you won't get charity, in a large, friendly clan/alliance, you should at least be able to find someone who will cut you a deal). 


            C.   Rage- This ones a little more rare. It costs 10-20 plt, and while you may find a friendly clan member who'll give you one, its more likely that you will have to trade (or farm grineer napalms in grineer survival, but that'll get tedious. Unfortunately this is an essential mod for my build to function as intended, you could swap it out for flow if you had to, but that would severely impact the playstyle.


            D. Steel Charge- This one only drops from alerts, I recommend keeping an eye out for it. You could also look for something of roughly equivalent value (enemy radar, loot detector, energy siphon, rifle amp) and then trade them for it (if you buy it, it'll be 5-15 plt). Corrosive Projection is a viable alternative, in some circumstances its even superior.


            E. Eternal War- This one’s not easy to get, but in case the name of the build didn’t give it away, this one’s essential. It’s a faction mod, so you’ll have to join a Syndicate (The Perrin Sequence and/or New Loka) and rank up to aquire it. If you can’t do this/don’t want to, you can easily trade another faction-specific mod for it, or you can buy it with plt (It’ll probably cost from 20-35 plt). You could also farm prime parts, hope you get a good drop, and trade one of those.


            F. Constitution- This one’s a nightmare mod, and they can be tricky to farm for new players (you have to complete all the nodes in a system, then wait for the system to have nightmare missions (which can be difficult) run them, and hope it drops). Rather than do that, farm something else and trade for it, or buy it (10-20 plt).


3. Ranking up Mods- To do this, you're going to need fusion cores and credits. I recommend running Void missions for these (speed-run captures for credits, endless modes (I recommend defense) for 4 reward cycles/20 waves. You want to run as high-level void missions as you can for these, so long as you can complete them without much difficulty, however at this point, you likely won’t be able to do more than t1/t2. For t3/t4 captures, you may find a clan mate who will let you tag along, you’ll get a ton of credits, cores, and rare stuff.


4. Apply Forma- Forma BPs drop like candy in void (especially on higher difficulties), getting them shouldn’t be a problem (or fully-built goes for 20 plt in the market). To build forma you need resources and credits, if you don’t have them, farm Lua, Earth excavation for Neurodes, Sargas Ruk at Tethys, Saturn for Orokin Cells, Alad V at Themisto, Jupiter for Neural Sensors, and The Sergeant at War, Mars for Morphics.


5. Level Your Warframe- T1-2 Defense runs are great for getting experience for your warframe/weapons (and cores for the above steps) so I recommend running them. It’s easy to find someone running them in the recruiting chat, so you won’t need to farm keys yourself. Always bring at least 1 max rank weapon with you, and if you’re leveling your Warframe, leave behind as many weapons as possible (the less weapons you bring, the more xp your frame gets).


5. Sidenote- While you’re running void missions, you’ll be getting prime parts. If you are having trouble trading for any of the aforementioned mods, you can try trading the prime parts for them/selling prime parts for plt and then buying the mods.



[update 17.6] Valkyr's Hysteria Scindo Prime




[update 17.6] Valkyr's Hysteria Scindo Prime:     http://goo.gl/RNJOVv


This melee build is meant to be used with all versions of this Valkyr. The melee mods on this build are fairly essential as they buf Valkyr's Hysteria, but the weapon itself no longer has any effect on hysteria. Technically this means that you can use whatever weapon you want, however I still recommend this one, as it works very well with the listed mods. For newer players looking for something easy to acquire, any decent melee with a good crit chance/damage will work (Prisma Skana, Dual Cleavers (prisma to), Atterax, Dual Ichor, Galatine, etc.) If you’re just looking to use your melee to take out nullifiers, using the glaive prime for the channeling explosion is also a viable option.


1. Apply Orokin Catalyst- This is entirely the same as with my last step


2. Acquire the Mods


A. Berserker- If you want to farm this one, it’s a rare drop from corrupted in void, but farmable. Otherwise trade a rare mod for it/buy it for like 10-15 plt.


B. Shocking Touch, Fury, Organ Shatter, Pressure Point, and True Steel- Common drops, and if you don’t get them from a drop, they’re easy to trade for (again, especially easy with a friendly Clan/Alliance). Worth no more than 5 plt apiece.


C. Primed Reach- This one’s tricky to get, see the upcoming description for Primed Continuity (its upcoming) and cut the price in half (approximately). I recommend waiting until void trader/Baro Ki’Teer sells this one again, and using reach in the meantime (really easy to find).


D. Spoiled Strike- This one is a possible (but not recommended) alternative to fury. See the upcoming explanation for Transient Fortitude/Narrow Minded/Blind Rage (corrupted mods). If a spoiled strike doesn’t drop while you’re farming them, don’t worry, its pretty common. Figure it costs 5-10 plt, and you can trade most rare mods/decent prime parts for it.


E. Fever Strike- Ideally you’d have this mod (corrosive damage is awesome) but its difficult to farm, and I can’t recommend trying. Instead, farm something else that’s worth money (prime parts or corrupted mods) and trade for it, or buy it with 10-25 plt. In the meantime, feel free to use any other elemental damage mod in its place.


F. Smite XXX- If you’re up against a specific faction, the various smite mods will actually provide more dps than fury, so feel free to swap them in and out (I’d recommend not doing so against corpus however, you want that attack speed for messing up nullifiers).


Note on Using Fury: Fury, used in combination with several other attack-speed buffs mentioned in this guide (arcane strike/berserker/127% attack speed warcry buff) may make several weapons difficult to use, and certain combos impossible to pull off. I was using Dual Ichor at one point, and couldn't press the melee button fast enough to perform even the most basic combo (literally I couldn't press melee fast enough). There are two ways around this, use a mod other than fury (life-strike, smite grineer/corpus/infested, spoiled strike) or use a macro (I found that, for dual Ichor, I was able to make 2 of 3 combos work with a macro, the macro I used let me hold down a button to make it register a melee press every .025 seconds). I know not everyone likes macros, but for me, it has been fun and makes builds viable which otherwise would not be so.


3. Forma Twice





[u17.6] Valkyr’s Raksa Kubrow (Peak 3772 Armor/92.6% dmg Reduction)




[u17.6] Valkyr’s Raksa Kubrow (Peak 3772 Armor/92.6% dmg Reduction): http://goo.gl/ysrrny


1.    Aquire Kubrow and Mods


A. Raksa Kubrow- You need to run missions on Earth, repeatedly, until you get a Kubrow egg (you need to destroy feral kubrow dens to find one). Hatch the egg in your incubator, if it’s a Raksa, great, if not, make imprints of it and trade them for a Raksa (or keep farming and hope the next one is a Raksa, there’s a 20% chance for each egg to be Raksa).


B. Mods: Maul, Animal Instinct, Loyal Companion, Bite, Link Armor, Shelter, Link Health, Pack Leader- These may drop in any grineer mission where drahks (grineer kubrows) spawn as enemies, also feral kubrows drop them on earth (you should find several while you’re farming that egg. For any that you don’t find, I recommend trading for them (most are cheap, around 3-5 plt, the rare ones shouldn’t cost over 15, except maybe bite for around 20).


C. Mods: Animal Instinct- Another Nightmare mode mod, best to trade for it/buy with plt (shouldn’t cost more than 15 plt).


2. Apply Orokin Reactor


3. Forma 6 Times (I know, I know, it’s a lot… you can settle for less, but it won’t be as good. If you want what I see as the optimal build, it takes 6 forma).


4. Get The Kavasa Prime Collar This isn’t at all essential, but it looks cool and will increase your Kubrow’s armor by another 100. At this point, it’ll provide very little benefit, but for min/maxers like myself, you won’t be able to resist. This is prime gear, and as such its parts drop in void.


If anyone’s interested, this is how its armor looks numerically (thanks Darzk): 600*(1+1.1+1.27)=2022*1.6=3235*1.1=3558.5+50*(1+1.27)=3672+100=3772 armor for 92.6% damage reduction


My Kubrow Balto:







[u17.6] Eternal War Valkyr (perma-warcry, +127% attack speed)    Main Build




[u17.6] Eternal War Valkyr (perma-warcry, +127% attack speed):   http://goo.gl/ppzGA2


If you’ve read everything and made it this far, then congratulations, you’ve made it over the hump. These mods are more tricky to acquire, but by now you know how to forma, farm, trade, forma and rank up mods, so you should be ready for it.


This is an all-purpose build, and what I use most of the time. For your average runs, this is the most effective build of my 3 builds.


1. Acquire these Mods


            A.   Transient Fortitude/Narrow Minded/Blind Rage- These are all corrupted mods, this means they improve one stat and harm another. I recommend adding transient fortitude last, as without Narrow minded and/or Primed Continuity (this mod will be explained later) it’ll harm more than it helps. Transient Fortitude replaces Streamline, Blind Rage replaces Intensify, and Narrow Minded replaces Constitution (unless you don’t have Primed Continuity, in which case it replaces Continuity, as Constitution is better than Continuity). To get these, you need to run Orokin Exterminate missions (these are actually fairly easy to farm). If you get multiple copies of one, you can trade it another that you don’t have. If you get Fleeting Expertise, Overextended, or Heavy Caliber you can also trade them for one of the above mods (these cost ~15-30 plt each if you’d rather just buy them).


B.   Primed Continuity- This one is the most difficult mod to get in the whole build. It’s price ranges dramatically (100-400 plt for unranked, 600 to 1000 plt for max ranked depending on when you buy it). Baro Ki’Teer (the void trader) will occasionally sell it, but he only shows up once every two weeks, and its anyone’s guess if he’s going to bring it. Despite that, its my recommendation that you save up credits and ducats (you get these by turning in prime parts at relays) and wait for Baro Ki’Teer to show, as the price of Primed Continuity is typically more expensive than everything else this build uses combined, and while it’s great to have, the build will work mostly as intended without it (not gunna lie though, those extra few seconds on WarCry/extra efficiency on hysteria really helps).


C.   Toxic Flight- This is the least essential mod for the build, rush works just fine in place of it (I almost like it better). That said, if you want it, it drops from Drekar Ballista or on Sabotage Uranus (lol), and is worth ~10-15 plt. Mobilize is easier to find, easier to rank up, uses less mod points, and provides virtually the same benefit, so feel free to use that in place of this one (technically toxic flight is better though, and if you’re like me, you want the best regardless).


2. Forma- for this build to work as intended, you need at least 4 forma. The same method as described in the first build works here, so I recommend following that.

3. Level Your Warframe- Use the same method as described earlier (t1-2 def).

4. Arcanes- You get arcanes from the raid (or by trading) and apply them to a helmet/syndana for a stat boost (they are reusable, but you need a stack of 10 to get the max benefit). 3 types of arcane work especially well on Valkyr for this build, Arcane Grace, Arcane Guardian, and Arcane Strike. I personally recommend using Arcane Strike on the Helmet (for melee speed, this one works during Hysteria), and Arcane Guardian on the Syndana (for Armor). If you need to heal, you can just use Hysteria, so I recommend against Arcane Grace as I feel the armor will provide greater benefit.



[u17.6] Eternal War Valkyr (Competitive/Leaderboard Version)



[u17.6] Eternal War Valkyr (Competitive/Leaderboard Version): http://goo.gl/i1ymlZ

1. Explanation- If you’re attempting something where you feel you need this build over the one I have listed, you don’t really need my help (you know how to get mods and use forma) so this guide will be very brief (the fact that I’m at 2000 words, have been typing for hours, and have a stiff back has nothing to do with it lol).

2. Sidenote- It is possible to forma your Valkyr so that you can use this build and my competitive one, with 8 forma. You’ll need a dash for the aura and the exilus, 4 D polarities, a v polarity, and a syndicate mod polarity lol (if there is any demand for it, I can post the configuration lol).

3. Kubrows- If you’re planning staying past an hour on t4 survival or something similar, I highly recommend not bringing a kubrow, even my linked one. Its probably gunna die at some point, likely when you stop punching stuff to res a teammate (If you’re very mobile and aggressive, you can generally keep it alive, but the moment you stop moving and life-stealing for it, your dogs in trouble).

4. Hyper-Lategame- If your goal is to stay over 2 hours, see the next build, it’ll probably work better.




[u17.8] Eternal War Valkyr Pure Hysteria (For Hyper-Lategame)



[u17.8] Eternal War Valkyr Pure Hysteria (For Hyper-Lategame):  http://goo.gl/XJnbJB


Technically speaking, this build has the greatest survivability of all the linked builds (simply because you can stay in hysteria the longest). Generally speaking, it will become more effective than my competitive-leaderboard build around 1hr 30min (due to you needing to rely exclusively on hysteria around this point, and hysteria with this build just being better). However, the competitive-leaderboard build is still viable at this time, and it will function considerably better than this build up until that point. There may be some exceptions to this depending on squad comp (a good Trinity will make energy a non-issue and increase your survivability, and a good Nova or Loki will make it easier for you survive, the three together will allow my competitive build to last longer). That said, if you’re planning to stay in a t4 survival considerably longer than two hours, this is probably the build you want to bring. Enemy damage scaling gets to the point where being out of hysteria isn’t viable, and with this build, functioning while under hysteria is optimal. That said, this build has a weakness: nullifiers. You can still kill nullifiers while in hysteria, but it’s much more difficult to do.


Point-by-point instructions to killing nullifiers with this build:


1.    Follow my recommended melee mods to the letter. Range, attack speed, and damage are what you want to take down nullifiers quickly. Primed Reach and Fury are your friends, Spoiled Strike is not. In the previous builds, if using a melee weapon with good range, nullifiers are relatively easy to deal with, however, with this build, there will always be a bit more risk due to hysteria claws’ small (but workable) range. As for arcanes, you’re pretty much giving up on any defensive stats, so arcane guardian and grace won’t be much help. Arcane strike is very helpful as it functions in hysteria, I recommend it most highly. I haven’t been able to try another arcane aside from these three, but in theory, arcane trickery seems useful (and you’re going to want those arcane revives for when you mess up with a nullifier, so best to have 2 full arcane sets, even if they’re not all that useful).


2.    To kill nullifiers safely, you need to bring down their shields first. You will have to hit the shield repeatedly with melee until it is down while keeping yourself outside of the shield, and then kill the nullifier before the shield comes back. There are two good ways to do this under hysteria, 1) stand as far away from the nullifier as possible while rapidly meleeing, keeping a constant range so that you can hit the shield, but not get enveloped 2) rather than going straight towards the nullifier, strafing and targeting the sides of the bubble (this may be impossible in certain hallways though). The latter is my favored method, as with the madness combo, I’m hitting the shield and moving away from the nullifer’s path faster than he can move towards me (this is only viable in open spaces though, you need room to maneuver).


3.    Rage and Madness are the best combos to use for taking down nullifiers shields (and coincidentally, the easiest combos to perform). Rage is your standard combo, performed by pressing melee as fast as you can, It doesn’t carry you forward much, so if you’re either backing away from a nullifier or going after it head-on, I recommend using this one to ensure that the shield goes down before it envelops you. Madness can be performed simply by holding down the right-mouse button while meleeing rapidly. Keep in mind that with the attack speed of this build (berserker, arcane strike, fury, and a high-strength warcry) you will melee extremely quickly. This means that your melee animations will happen very quickly, and they move you (on many weapons, with this amount of attack speed, combos will actually move you forward faster than running will). Normally this would be barely noticeable, but with the attack speed of this build, you will notice it (especially if you’re walking forward as you melee, which isn’t recommended against nullifiers unless you’re strafing the very outer edge of their shields. This is good for strafing the sides of a nullifier globe, but terrible for going straight at it (your momentum will carry you into the globe).


4.    It is actually possible to enter a nullifiers shield and kill the nullifier (with hysteria and warcry active) before getting your powers canceled. However, my success with this method has been sporadic, it seems to be more reliable in some matches than others (sometimes my abilities stay active for over a full second, others they’re canceled almost immediately upon entering the nullifiers shield, perhaps it has to do with lag). To do this safely, you need to kill the nullifier in one strike (I recommend rushing them, sliding into shield, and killing the nullifier with a slide melee). This is easier to do outside of hysteria (which the previous builds would allow) but honestly that isn’t an option with this one (you have no tank outside of hysteria). I’ve found this method to be incredibly satisfying when it works (and for some matches it does this consistently) but for this build, I just can’t recommend it (it’s quite risky with hysteria claws). Even if you’re only 40 minutes in, if your powers get nullified, you will die (and due to shorter melee range, it’s easier to miss the nullifer on a slide-attack).


5.    Again, the faster your attack speed is, the easier nullifiers will be to take down. I highly recommend using a macro, it will work wonders with your attack speed. I personally use a funny mouse with a thumb-grid on it (12 buttons). I have my 4 button rigged to a melee strike and my 5 button rigged to a macro, which registers 4 being pressed every .025 seconds.  This makes a considerable difference in my attack speed (as each melee is triggered as soon as it possibly can be, there’s no delay between strikes because of my button-pressing being slow) but it also makes certain combos impossible to use (it’s a trade-off). Also, with the attack speed of all my builds, certain melee weapons will be impossible to use without a macro (such as the dual ichor, you just can’t press the melee fast enough to perform anything more than 1 or 2 hits in a combo) so it’d be a good thing to have, if you’re building for max attack speed.


6.    If you have more than one nullifier aggro’d onto you, unless they are literally standing right on top of each other, don’t fight them. Trying to kill one nullifier with another coming at you from a different direction is too much risk (when using a melee weapon that has good range, my previous builds make fighting in this situation more viable).


Something else to be very wary of with this build: Energy Leech Extimuses. There have been events in the past with high spawn rates for energy leech enemies. If you have no energy in in this build, you will not have a good time (you aren’t at all tanky outside of hysteria, and, without rage, you have no way to rapidly restore energy with this particular build). If you see energy leech extimuses, focus them, if another event occurs with a lot of them (or similar energy restrictions, such as nightmare mode energy drain) then this build is a bad idea (although there may be ways to counteract this, like bringing 4 energy siphons and an ev trin).




Universal Polarity Guide for Valkyr



Universal Polarity Guide for Valkyr: http://goo.gl/3MvfgL


In case any of you like all three of these builds, and want to run each of them situationally like I try to, this is how you need to forma your Valkyr so that you can do that. I left in the mods that are common to all three builds that I listed. 8 forma is maybe a little overkill, I know, but it'll let you use every build in this post (the real kick-in-the-nuts will come when Valkyr Prime come out, and the whole thing has to be redone (or whatever it ends up being, don't swarm me for saying Valkyr prime lol).




Word count for those interested: ~4200   XD



Well that’s everything. I’d be surprised if anyone read this far, but for those who want a powerful Valkyr, I figured I’d type this up. Any questions or suggestions, feel free to post, the help is appreciated.




Also, thank you very much to both Darzk and Ruby_Rose_ for their considerable help   :D

Edited by Snowman486
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Pre-last one is my favorite. Mostly because it isn't focused in Hysteria, so it's surely what makes Valkyr interesting.


Personally, I bring even more Power Strength (intensify) and Armor (armored agility) instead of duration. It becomes harder to keep warcry up, but it's still okay. More like it's more challenging, you know. Like BLOODLUST "I NEED MORE KILLS TO KEEP IT UP, RWARGH". You surely should try it out. Also increased attack speed and HIGHLY increased armor.


As melee weapon I prefer Dual Cleavers. Justice buffs armor even more, and Valkyr with cleavers is really stylish. Scindo P is good. PRobably one of best melee weapons in-game, but using just one is quite boring, don't ya think?


Anyway, good job.


Show your Valkyr's outfit in the end. You surely like her, so why not?

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pretty good work. :) i prefer retribution personally though. 

I used to have retribution listed in one of my build description as a possible alternative, but I recently took it off, I'll add it again. 


Pre-last one is my favorite. Mostly because it isn't focused in Hysteria, so it's surely what makes Valkyr interesting.


Personally, I bring even more Power Strength (intensify) and Armor (armored agility) instead of duration. It becomes harder to keep warcry up, but it's still okay. More like it's more challenging, you know. Like BLOODLUST "I NEED MORE KILLS TO KEEP IT UP, RWARGH". You surely should try it out. Also increased attack speed and HIGHLY increased armor.


As melee weapon I prefer Dual Cleavers. Justice buffs armor even more, and Valkyr with cleavers is really stylish. Scindo P is good. PRobably one of best melee weapons in-game, but using just one is quite boring, don't ya think?


Anyway, good job.


Show your Valkyr's outfit in the end. You surely like her, so why not?

Your build sounds fun and fast paced, I'll definitely give it a shot. Uploading an image of Valk now, good idea.


Imma follow this for future reference. Thanks!

I'm happy that this might help someone out :D

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Arcane effects are swapped. Guardian is armor, and strike is speed. I do like the idea of using grace with high armor.

Thanks, good catch, I've edited the post.


Also, if this were a WarCry-Melee Weapon build, I would definitely use Arcane Grace over Arcane Strike for the heal, but with the way I play this build, most of the time I'm in Hysteria (I just switch out to kill nullifiers and charge my energy). While in hysteria, I can benefit from Arcane Strike (and with the speed at which I melee, I'm constantly benefited by it) but Arcane Grace doesn't help out (it doesn't activate, and I don't need the heal). If someone plays this build differently from me though, spending more time in WarCry, Arcane Grace could be the better choice (I'll add that to the description as well).

Edited by Snowman486
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Couple of tips, you can include or not;


Melee build:

Fury technically adds more DPS than SS, but the attack speed gets so insanely high that it's not practical. Still SS is the least valuable of the installed mods, so if you want to make a substitution that's where it would go. Smite XXX would work better.

If you don't want to pop into Hysteria to heal, you can run Life Strike on the weapon, which will give you a method of reliable healing that isn't hard-countered by a Nullifier.

If you're spending a lot more time in Hysteria, I'd bring a melee weapon especially suited for taking out Nullifiers. I like to use the Glaive Prime (the channeled explosion can pierce the bubble and hit the Nullifier).


The valk builds look really good. Almost exactly what I use. I find myself using the 'Competitive' version most often, but with SC instead of CP when solo (and use Paralysis to execute heavies).


Oh, and Handspring stacks with her new passive, which makes the knockdown-recovery animation hilariously fast. Not that I'd recommend it, but it's worth checking out for a laugh.

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Fury technically adds more DPS than SS, but the attack speed gets so insanely high that it's not practical. Still SS is the least valuable of the installed mods, so if you want to make a substitution that's where it would go. Smite XXX would work better.


If you're spending a lot more time in Hysteria, I'd bring a melee weapon especially suited for taking out Nullifiers. I like to use the Glaive Prime (the channeled explosion can pierce the bubble and hit the Nullifier).

I'll add the Glaive Prime and associated info into the description, I'm guessing that its pretty-much purely for taking out nullifiers? I actually normally bring along explosive Despair for that, but I can see where switching right to my normal melee would be quicker, I'll try it out.


More DPS=good in my mind, but you sound a bit hesitant, so I'll try it out before I add fury as a recommendation. I would use a Smite mod, but I figured I'd use SS as those are faction specific, and I wanted this to be sort of all-purpose/void focused (I'll add it to the description that smite mods are actually better for vs specific factions).

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It's a really nice well made guide, but I'd recommend clarifying that you can't use hysteria with blind rage, and no streamline/fleeting. Speaking of which, i do recommend trading out SS for LS in the no hysteria build. And fury if you're using Hysteria

With max BR, TF, Narrow Minded and Primed Continuity, Hysteria is less than 70% of initial cost. That's acceptable - ~1.7 e/sec or around a minute and a half in Hysteria if you're starting with a full energy pool.

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It's a really nice well made guide, but I'd recommend clarifying that you can't use hysteria with blind rage, and no streamline/fleeting. Speaking of which, i do recommend trading out SS for LS in the no hysteria build. And fury if you're using Hysteria

I actually did trade out spoiled strike for fury in the builder version, but I forgot to update the guide, thanks for letting me know, I'll fix that right away (and will mention that against specific factions (corpus, grineer, infested) the smite xxx mods will do more dps than fury).


As for the energy management, as Darzk said, energy management has been managable. I've been using this build almost exclusively, and have run into no difficulties with energy (actually, with decent spawns, I'm killing enemies quickly enough to keep hysteria active 24/7, and don't even need to use rage to recharge my energy pool). Even when spawns are subpar, I don't typically need to recharge my hysteria energy more than once every 2 minutes.

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I play Valkyr a LOT.. And I mean a lot. She's 14% of my 1,047 recorded in-game time. What the game has recorded at least.


This is definitely an interesting way to play Valkyr.. but calling it competitive or leaderboard is far from it. Referring to that build specifically...


I mean, personally, this build seems like it would barely be effective in a supportive sense as well. Sure you boost people armor and melee speed.. but I think it seems like you forgot that Warcry's buff goes off their base stats, not yours. So at most, even if they're frost Rhino, another Valk Or Chroma, they're not benefitting at all compared to just using a Steel Fiber. With Short Range, it's not acting as CC either.


The cost of your Hysteria is insane as well. Hysteria is her best survivability Rage and Quick Thinking are literally wasted mod points for any builds imo. Hysteria also gives you greater damage, allowing you to effortlessly maintain keeping Warcry up permanently. 


Throwing another Forma in for Toxic Flight also seems like a waste. Mobilize gives nearly the same stats and costs less even without forma. The added damage is also pretty negligible. 


So I changed some things around, and I think ideally, for any situation, this would end up working better. http://goo.gl/xthtsd


Changes Made:

  • Dropped Vitaliy, Steel Fiber, Quick Thinking, Rage and Toxic Flight.
  • Replaced with Primed Continuity, Fleeting Expertise, Streamline, Transient Fortitude and Mobilize.


Compared to your competitive build, You drop initial survivability, in trade for being able to stay in hysteria longer, much longer. This save you 2 forma, while also increasing your ability to stay alive at all point in the game.


If you're uneasy about the duration hit you take instead, you can drop Transient Fortitude and replace with Intensify.


What changes you get:

  • Much better Energy Efficiency.
  • Better Warcry.
  • An Extra two minutes of Hysteria time from full energy to empty. Plus lower reactivation costs.


I made those changes because the benefits outweigh the costs.  It's better for all your abilities, not just hysteria. Meaning Ripline and Paralysis can also be used for general CC if need be.


In think in terms of being supportive, while still having good survivability, this would be the best you could get. You also can do better damage to boot. Hysteria's cost is also less than what you get in survivability with Rage+QT out of your energy.


I'm not a supportive Valkyr player really. Personally, I play the Warcry&Kill Builds or the Undying Hysteria Build. So if my thoughts are incorrect, forgive me. I would just like to see your playstyle succeed, and hopefully this can be taken as an improvement.

Edited by Ruby_Rose_
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I actually did trade out spoiled strike for fury in the builder version, but I forgot to update the guide, thanks for letting me know, I'll fix that right away (and will mention that against specific factions (corpus, grineer, infested) the smite xxx mods will do more dps than fury).

The above information has been edited in, as has the following information on fury: "Note on Using Fury: Fury, used in combination with several other attack-speed buffs mentioned in this guide (arcane strike/berserker/127% attack speed warcry buff) may make several weapons difficult to use, and certain combos impossible to pull off. I was using Dual Ichor at one point, and couldn't press the melee button fast enough to perform even the most basic combo (literally I couldn't press melee fast enough). There are two ways around this, use a mod other than fury (life-strike, smite grineer/corpus/infested, spoiled strike) or use a macro (I found that, for dual Ichor, I was able to make 2 of 3 combos work with a macro, the macro I used let me hold down a button to make it register a melee press every .025 seconds). I know not everyone likes macros, but for me, it has been fun and makes builds viable which otherwise would not be so."

Edited by Snowman486
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I also play Valkyr a lot, she's 9% of my 800 in-mission hours. I've looked at your build, and I think that, at some point in a t4 endless, it becomes more effective than what I have. I think that hysteria functions better with your build (clearly), but leaving hysteria becomes very risky (however, at a certain point, it becomes entirely unsafe to leave hysteria anyways, so if the main concern is to last as long as possible, your build is probably better for going after leaderboard spots than mine is). It gives up a few things that were core to my more casual endgame build, but I guess that's a necessary sacrifice to do as well as you can with leaderboards.


To advocate for my build a bit: I've used my competitive build, and am personally quite happy with how it functions. I think that calling it a "competative/leaderboard build" is actually very accurate (it is competative, and I have used it to place high on leaderboards). Is it the best possible build for going after leaderboards? Probably not, but it is competent. I wouldn't have called it that just from my own opinion either, I've gotten a lot of help with this at various times and in various places, such as here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/541428-eternal-war-valkyr-build-update/ . I draw from my own experience, ask for advice, weigh the advice, if it seems viable I try it out, and if it seems to function, I add it to my build. As for mechanics, Vitality, Quick-thinking, Rage, and Primed Flow are an outstanding combo (and the cornerstone of this competative/leaderboard build). It adds survivability, ease of restoring energy, and time in hysteria. By the time your health is gone, which takes longer due to steel fiber/vitality, your energy pool is full, and it functions as an additional 1020 health due to quick thinking (which then drains slower due to steel fiber). Also, if you're with a blessing trinity, which is an excellent (some would say vital) choice for organized leaderboard squads, quick-thinking will make her life much easier (for that damage reduction buff).


As for my assessment of your build: If all that you are concerned with is hysteria, than I agree that your build is the better build. You can keep hysteria up longer, you'll do more damage during it, and your warcry is even slightly more effective (not in duration, but the difference with that is minor, and easily offset by your better power efficiency for when you need to recast, and as long as spawns are decent, I think using warcry as a buff would still be very viable with your duration, although admittedly perhaps not all that useful for a leaderboard build). However, if you get hit outside of hysteria, you're pretty much dead (clearly with this build, you try to be outside hysteria as little as possible, if ever, but stuff happens). That said, if you stay long enough in a mission, you'll eventually reach this point regardless of how much armor/health you bring, so throwing it away for better hysteria is probably a smart move. 


To contrast our builds directly: If you get hit outside of hysteria with your build, you won't last long (if you make a mistake and get hit by a nullifier/run out of energy, you're in trouble) However you don't have to drop out of hysteria as frequently as I do (due to better efficiency) you deal a bit more damage in Hysteria than I do, and have slightly faster attack speed from warcry. I have to drop out of hysteria more frequently, but I can afford to so much more than you can (rage, quick thinking, steel fiber, and vitality). I'm also slightly less effective during hysteria, but I can actually function outside of it (up to a point), so long as I'm smart with picking my battles. Also, if I get buzzed by a nullifer, or run out of energy at a bad time, I'm much less likely to die. However, around 1hr 20-40 (probably) things should start to change (see below)


As for my conclusions: Just eye-balling it, I would say that, probably, there is a point in a t4 where your build becomes more effective than mine (not sure when that is though, maybe around 1hr 20-40min). Also, you can do most everything in your build that I can do in my build, aside from functioning outside of hysteria (although to achieve the best possible performance for aiming at leaderboards, I may have to give up on this one, as enemy damage scaling is a *@##$). 


As for mobilize, I agree that its basically the same benefit as toxic flight, but numerically toxic flight is better (its a minor difference, but still there, which is why I included it). I'll add mobilize to the notes as an alternative, and point out that it basically functions just as well as toxic flight does.


Obviously I haven't had time to actually test your build yet, and it seems interesting enough that i plan to do so (these are just my impressions from looking at the numbers). At some point, when I get a chance/have the energy to do another serious T4 run, I'll give it a shot. If it is superior to what I have (either partially or entirely) I'll edit my build/guide accordingly.


Thanks very much for the advice, I look forward to trying it out and incorporating it into my guide.

Edited by Snowman486
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In regards to the comp/leaderboard build; it's the same as before the Hysteria buff, when going into Hysteria meant that your damage output would go down the drain. So as far as I can tell, it's really about having a good Warcry buff and the survivability to stay out of Hysteria. 


Now that Hysteria doesn't drop your damage output to just-plain-terrible levels, its worth reevaulating - but I don't like 'pure' Hysteria builds because they struggle against high level nullifiers. At least with some survivability you can pop the bubbles or risk a strike inside them.

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I considered that the hit I'm taking to survivability outside of hysteria might hurt me more than the boost to my hysteria benefits me, but I figured that around 1 hr 20-40 minutes, I reach a point where trying to be outside of hysteria at all would be a lot cause (due to enemy damage scaling), and thus it might make sense to focus on hysteria, completely, for the long game. 


Honestly though, I'm very open to being mistaken on that count (once enemies start doing tons of damage, I start trying to stay in Hysteria constantly, and give up on fighting outside of it). Is it plausible to fight outside of hysteria past 1hr 20 minutes? Maybe I should just be using hysteria vs large groups and trying to warcry-melee vs small, weak ones? Or are you saying that the extra bit of tank (from rage/vitality/quickthinking/steel fiber) makes sense for keeping me alive when I accidentally drop hysteria (due to a poorly carried-out nullifier attack)?

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I actually did trade out spoiled strike for fury in the builder version, but I forgot to update the guide, thanks for letting me know, I'll fix that right away (and will mention that against specific factions (corpus, grineer, infested) the smite xxx mods will do more dps than fury).


As for the energy management, as Darzk said, energy management has been managable. I've been using this build almost exclusively, and have run into no difficulties with energy (actually, with decent spawns, I'm killing enemies quickly enough to keep hysteria active 24/7, and don't even need to use rage to recharge my energy pool). Even when spawns are subpar, I don't typically need to recharge my hysteria energy more than once every 2 minutes.

I finally get the miscommunication here. The PC Build changed the initial cost of Hysteria, on Console (Where I'm at) The build results in Hysteria costing 155 energy with a 150 energy pool. We'll be updated soon enough. It might be nice to mention that this build should be pending on consoles considering people like me clearly don't understand patch notes xD
Edited by (XB1)Boreall
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I finally get the miscommunication here. The PC Build changed the initial cost of Hysteria, on Console (Where I'm at) The build results in Hysteria costing 155 energy with a 150 energy pool. We'll be updated soon enough. It might be nice to mention that this build should be pending on consoles considering people like me clearly don't understand patch notes xD


Ah, that makes sense, I should have noticed it. Actually, until hysteria was changed, my build had a rank 9 blind rage on it, for that exact reason.

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Happy to given a possible alternative.


Though for nullifiers, if you're running with a team, that should probably be their priority to take out. You can still melle them down with each with primed Reach on your Melee. I don't have this mod, but I know it helps.


I've actually seen a Full Hysteria Valk that's fully modded.. and dear god is it terrifying. 2 hours in T4 survival with relative ease. Personally, with my unoptimized one, I'd done an hour and 20 minutes.


Believe it was this one here:

Edited by Ruby_Rose_
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Okay, so I think I've got a handle on the pure hysteria build, I'm not going to replace my competitive build with it (as i feel this build still serves its function) instead I'm going to add on another section, explaining what a pure hysteria build is, where it excels, how to play it, and how to build it.

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