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Is It Necessary To Nerf Warframes Til They Are Renderlously Useless!?


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Nobody's augments work in a nully bubble, moot point.

Surrounded by guns? Run away to somewhere better. Blind. You as a Tenno have plenty of options open to you.

The shield is great if you know where to put it, stand a few metres back from it so that the explosions don't hit you.

Volt can take on 30+ content if you know what you're doing. The fact that you think Excal can't either is kind of funny.

I never said Excal couldn't, volt's abilities don't however, the closest is volt sheild, him by himself can, I don't use any abilities on any frames when I'm in a survival because they can be rather pointless
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Dear Devs and Tenno, I understand people want the abilities to be balanced but to make a frame weaker than they are suppose to be is bs. Excalibur or any Warframe to Nerf them to the point that they can't do mission levels that are 30 and higher(even in squad) defeats the purpose of being a Tenno. Tenno have evolved from the Void, therefore the void has limitless energy. The Corpus and Grineer try to copy the Frames power source because they see value in the Tenno. Realistically to Nerf every frame seems invalid unless you get captured by enemies like the harvester and others. I understand the Conclave needs to be even but the main game itself seems like rubbish. My point is can you stop making the warframes useless!? How are we to complete the missions that excel beyond our max levels? Better yet will the leveling systems improve in future updates to where we can go beyond lvls 30. Or can you restore all frames Power strength by rebuffing them?


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If that isn't you saying Excal can't handle 30+ content then it's a fairly pointless sentence, as in it has literally no point to it that I can see.

Volt is perfectly viable after 30+, rather than complaining about nerfs on the forums your time would be better spent practicing.

I run t4's solo for an hour using volt no abilities, I 100% need practice
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Renderously is not a word.

There have been more frame buffs than nerfs this year. Which you conveniently forgot.

Abilities are still broken as hell and led to absolutely stupid balance decisions like nullifiers, Bursas and Manics. But that's conveniently left out too.

People go to the point of lvl 150 enemies with nerfed frames. But who cares?

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I get the feeling that you're only seeing the nerfs, and conveniently ignoring the buffs.


Frames are getting buffed just as much as they're getting nerfed.


Is this about Mesa? That seems to be the 'nerf' that everyone is whining about nowadays, she is more than capable of handling level 30+ content.

God yes its needed to tune down Warframes drastically since the old days of Warframe, remember the old days were abilities could go through walls and destroying mobs was easier than a click away. The Warframes have always been super powerful and with that want to make Warframes extra powerful comes allot of tweaking in terms of that power in making the game fun as well as a challenge. 


No clue what Warframe cant run lv30 enemies because personalty in my opinion you'd have to be pretty bad in order to die from enemies of that caliber, I think your just to stuck up on the word "nerf" rather than finding ways in order to combat whats against you. Rather this Warframe anyway compared to the click to win days.




PS: This post will most likely be locked because so far its not even keeping on point, that word "nerf" is being thrown around way to much by people not fully realizing what they can do.

Edited by Monybags33
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I am a frustrated Tenno.(I meant to quote this)

Some of the nerfing issues would be taken better if the goal was made clear. Lots of people don't understand the balance DE is after and that causes frustration.




Some of the nerfing issues would be taken better if the goal was made clear. Lots of people don't understand the balance DE is after and that causes frustration.


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