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Bringing Back Arcane Helmets For New Players


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Why should I part with my stuff because you have a hair up your &#!?


Quick answer: I shouldn't. MYOB, scooter.


Just because you weren't around or were clueless when this stuff was around is no reason for me or anyone else to be penalized. Make no mistake, that's what you're asking for. People that paid actual money for these don't want a legendary core or anything else. It's not what was paid for. If it were just ingame stuff, it wouldn't matter so much...but it isn't.


Just play the game and quit worrying about others.

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I implore you to reconsider. A +15% buff is nothing to laugh at, especially when you can get one for no mod cost/slot and the downside is a 5% reduction to something you don't need in your build anyway.


It's a pittance.  Like I said, it's the equivalent of a rank 1 or, at most, rank 2 mod. I've got quit a few arcane helmets, but I only use them if I also like how they look. You're never going to say "Dang, if only I had that arcane helm we could have lasted another 5 minutes in T4S!" or "Darn, if only that guy hadn't had an arcane helmet, I'd have gotten more kills than him!"


They wouldn't matter even if they were more widespread. As it stands, such a tiny fraction of the playerbase has them that they just don't have any real impact.

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I'd love to have the Arcanes (both the old exclusive ones and the new ones dropping from raids) completely separated from cosmetics.

Any type of cosmetic ties with stats is bad for the game.

Make the arcane parts of the old helmets drop in raids and new guys can slap it in any helmet they want. Seem like a good idea. Would remove OPs butthurt.
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Because summer is over.


Well, next summer then. Whatever. You know what I mean.


Equal opportunity for everyone - be those opportunities at different times or not.



why didnt child B came at the same time as Child A?


Seriously, its like you asking that old players will be leveled out to the same ground as every new one.


What you suggest is a massive spit in the face to veterans that spend their time to get such helmets, and now you wish this time would be wasted totaly.


Why you get "bothered" about small 10% boost on some stat while you dont feel it at usual game run? small stat difference matters on long mission run [survival/defence]


I am a veteran. I spent my time getting those helmets. And newer players should also be allowed spend time to get those helmets.


Well, if its only a 10% boost, lets just get rid of it :)   Clearly, nobody needs it, right?  :P



Why should I part with my stuff because you have a hair up your !?


Quick answer: I shouldn't. MYOB, scooter.


Just because you weren't around or were clueless when this stuff was around is no reason for me or anyone else to be penalized. Make no mistake, that's what you're asking for. People that paid actual money for these don't want a legendary core or anything else. It's not what was paid for. If it were just ingame stuff, it wouldn't matter so much...but it isn't.


Just play the game and quit worrying about others.


Oh hey look, its another entitled veteran.


They weren't exclusives before, why are they now? I didn't pay money for them because they WERE NEVER EXCLUSIVE. You paid to go faster on your roller-coaster, that is all.



It's a pittance.  Like I said, it's the equivalent of a rank 1 or, at most, rank 2 mod. I've got quit a few arcane helmets, but I only use them if I also like how they look. You're never going to say "Dang, if only I had that arcane helm we could have lasted another 5 minutes in T4S!" or "Darn, if only that guy hadn't had an arcane helmet, I'd have gotten more kills than him!"


They wouldn't matter even if they were more widespread. As it stands, such a tiny fraction of the playerbase has them that they just don't have any real impact.


Well, some people do. They are disappointed to hear they can't get free arcane helmets from alerts anymore because DE decided to do a u-turn on the complete removal of them a few years back.



Make the arcane parts of the old helmets drop in raids and new guys can slap it in any helmet they want. Seem like a good idea. Would remove OPs butthurt.


Lol, implying I'm butthurt. I have most of the arcane helmets.


But hey, that is a decent possible solution.

Edited by IANOBW
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you do know those old Arcane helms are like 'Corrupted mods' right? buff one thing while nerfing another.


ether way, it no more 'unfair to new players' then any of the other stuff they don't have cause they weren't here to get it.


You missed your shot at it. Get Over It, and stop whining and moaning cause some one has something you don't.

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Hey, I made multiple proposals, the removal one being the most radical. Do you really think you would get no compensation from DE if they did remove the arcane helmets?


But whilst we're on the topic of removing them as a solution:


I think you're looking at this in a very negative view. We adapt, as players, to changes in the game. Remember when coptering was removed? People freaked out. But did it really kill the game? No, of course not. I'm sure the community could handle the complete removal of arcane helmets, with proper compensation.


Your title reads "I really hope DE scrap the remaining arcane helmets". Your opening post states no alternatives other then removing the helmets. That is all I need to read in order to offer you a reply. But you can always update your title and/or opening post with additional information.


As for compensation, it is irrelevant. I will support change when the reasons for that change are solid. When it is the best option available. When it helps the game in the long run. When it pleases all players (or a significant majority of players). These are the changes I want, and some of them would be welcome even without any compensation.


I don't understand why you are talking about coptering as if it had been removed when it clearly hasn't. As for the speed coptering offered, you can still achieve that by using other means. Nothing was removed. The mechanic was simply changed. And yes, I have adapted to it and know how to use Parkour 2.0 well enough. This has very little to do with taking away arcane helmets.

Edited by Amazerath
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you do know those old Arcane helms are like 'Corrupted mods' right? buff one thing while nerfing another.


ether way, it no more 'unfair to new players' then any of the other stuff they don't have cause they weren't here to get it.


You missed your shot at it. Get Over It, and stop whining and moaning cause some one has something you don't.


Yeah, I do. I've said multiple times I have most of them.


But I'm gonna assume you haven't been following the conversation thus far.


I believe that if we have had easy chances to get arcane helmets for free through alerts in the past, why shouldn't newer players be allowed an opportunity to get these helmets via events and the such?

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Your title reads "I really hope DE scrap the remaining arcane helmets". Your opening post states no alternatives other then removing the helmets. That is all I need to read in order to offer you a reply. But you can always update your title and/or opening post with additional information.


As for compensation, it is irrelevant. I will support change when the reasons for that change are solid. When it is the best option available. When it helps the game in the long run. When it pleases all players (or a significant majority of players). These are the changes I want, and some of them would be welcome even without any compensation.


I don't understand why you are talking about coptering as if it had been removed when it clearly hasn't. As for the speed coptering offered, you can still achieve that by using other means. Nothing was removed. The mechanic was simply changed. And yes, I have adapted to it know how to use Parkour 2.0 well enough. This has very little to do with taking away arcane helmets.


Well, that is my honest opinion. I don't think they should exist anymore.


The only reason were on the topic of keeping them is because I wanted to talk about alternatives too, is that OK?


Coptering was nerfed, btw, in case you haven't checked. That was just used as an example to show how the community adapted to change. So therefore, the community can adapt to the removal/return of arcane helmets.

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 It's not a huge issue...



So then why make a complaint thread about it?  Why do you care if and how someone else uses the arcane helmets?  This issue could not possibly affect your enjoyment of the game.  You don't want to use the arcane helmets, fine.  You can't tell people to stop using them, especially when some have paid plat to get them.  Compensation would only make things worst, and that's why when DE removed the helmets from the game, they did not bother to remove them from players' inventory.  DE won't do that, and especially not so that one complainer could feel better about himself.


I got all my arcanes from events. I didn't pay a dime for them.


Why should others not be allowed the same?


They were allowed to do the same, back when this was part of the game.  If people were not around at that time, then they missed out.  Let's go back to that comment you made that jumped out at me.  "It's not a huge issue..."

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All I got to say why should it be fair isn't asking something to be remove because other we're not able to have acces to them unfair to those who got it?

In honesty de doesn't really give a reward for players who play their game for a long time and the only thing a player who plays this game for a long time has exclusives to he further back you got the more exclusives you got.

I played this game for 2 years so I did have a shot at arcane helmets and I view my arcan helmets as my reward for playing this game for long time.

The reward value only grows as time move because they are no longer with us and it makes so much difference as the game evolves that you have an equipment that can provide a stable boost with a sacrifice.

And this equipment was earned because you decided to play this game early maybe by some plats and stick with the game people lthat have all the arcan helmets they worked for that I mean those things are from alerts isn't some thing you can farm is something you have to be playing warframe everytime or about everyday hopping an alert comes out on the helmet or being smart and watching the Twitter alert.anywyas

In all honesty arcan helmets aren't bad what is bad is the fact that we want to take some thing from someone cause that someone has something you don't have ...and as for refunds it matters to much socially consider arcan value can only go up in 1month whatever refund we got for th ear an won't even be the equal value of the arcan.

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Yeah, I do. I've said multiple times I have most of them.


But I'm gonna assume you haven't been following the conversation thus far.


I believe that if we have had easy chances to get arcane helmets for free through alerts in the past, why shouldn't newer players be allowed an opportunity to get these helmets via events and the such?


because the old Arcane helms stats are kinda .... S#&$ ...


I used to have most them my self, and when given the opportunity to rip the stats off them I jumped on it like a starving cat on a mouse. bringing them back is a dumb idea since the Enhancements are over all better. If anything THOSE should be made easier to get instead of bring back those stupid Arcane stats.


Leave that crap in the back room to gather dust I say, better stuff is in game and unlike Corrupted Mods, Arcane helms aren't worth using. If I'm a put on something with stats, I want it to be a worth while gain, not insignificant or just enough to throw something off.

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So then why make a complaint thread about it?  Why do you care if and how someone else uses the arcane helmets?  This issue could not possibly affect your enjoyment of the game.  You don't want to use the arcane helmets, fine.  You can't tell people to stop using them, especially when some have paid plat to get them.  Compensation would only make things worst, and that's why when DE removed the helmets from the game, they did not bother to remove them from players' inventory.  DE won't do that, and especially not so that one complainer could feel better about himself.


They were allowed to do the same, back when this was part of the game.  If people were not around at that time, then they missed out.  Let's go back to that comment you made that jumped out at me.  "It's not a huge issue..."



I like how you just took a snippit of text from that post and then proceeded to make a huge arguement about it, when the most important part was missed out  xD


But OK, I'll humor you.


I never said ANYTHING about telling people to stop using them. I think you grossly missed the point. It is undeniably unfair to lock access of once free content to new players. The folk that bought the helmets in the past could have just waited to get them from alerts. I repeat - They were free content. They should be treated like event rewards are now, where they can be returned in new events.


This isn't about me. It's about others. But hey, warp the reality that this isn't a problem and keep on telling me that I'm a whiner.


Every time this thread has been brought up (and i hasn't for a while), new players get shot down with the classic "NO, YOU WERE TOO LATE, YOU DESERVE IT FOR BEING SLOW". Typical self entitlement like this is gross. We should share out toys, not covet them like spoiled children.




All I got to say why should it be fair isn't asking something to be remove because other we're not able to have acces to them unfair to those who got it?

In honesty de doesn't really give a reward for players who play their game for a long time and the only thing a player who plays this game for a long time has exclusives to he further back you got the more exclusives you got.

I played this game for 2 years so I did have a shot at arcane helmets and I view my arcan helmets as my reward for playing this game for long time.

The reward value only grows as time move because they are no longer with us and it makes so much difference as the game evolves that you have an equipment that can provide a stable boost with a sacrifice.

And this equipment was earned because you decided to play this game early maybe by some plats and stick with the game people lthat have all the arcan helmets they worked for that I mean those things are from alerts isn't some thing you can farm is something you have to be playing warframe everytime or about everyday hopping an alert comes out on the helmet or being smart and watching the Twitter alert.anywyas

In all honesty arcan helmets aren't bad what is bad is the fact that we want to take some thing from someone cause that someone has something you don't have ...and as for refunds it matters to much socially consider arcan value can only go up in 1month whatever refund we got for th ear an won't even be the equal value of the arcan.


As above. Share our toys with those who don't have them.


because the old Arcane helms stats are kinda .... S#&$ ...


I used to have most them my self, and when given the opportunity to rip the stats off them I jumped on it like a starving cat on a mouse. bringing them back is a dumb idea since the Enhancements are over all better. If anything THOSE should be made easier to get instead of bring back those stupid Arcane stats.


Leave that crap in the back room to gather dust I say, better stuff is in game and unlike Corrupted Mods, Arcane helms aren't worth using. If I'm a put on something with stats, I want it to be a worth while gain, not insignificant or just enough to throw something off.


Old Arcanes are S#&$? Tell that to Arcane Aura, Arcane vanguard, etc.


That said, I'm glad you agree the stats are stupid and shouldn't be there. I wish DE could just get rid of them, but then issues arise...

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Well, that is my honest opinion. I don't think they should exist anymore.


The only reason were on the topic of keeping them is because I wanted to talk about alternatives too, is that OK?


Coptering was nerfed, btw, in case you haven't checked. That was just used as an example to show how the community adapted to change. So therefore, the community can adapt to the removal/return of arcane helmets.


Well then, why stop at arcane helmets? What about Excalibur Prime? Is it ok for him to exist but not ok for arcane helmets to exist? "The community can adapt", you said. I'm assuming that also applies to the founders since they are also part of the same community.

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Well then, why stop at arcane helmets? What about Excalibur Prime? Is it ok for him to exist but not ok for arcane helmets to exist? "The community can adapt", you said. I'm assuming that also applies to the founders since they are also part of the same community.


Don't be silly. Excalibur prime and the rest of the founder pack was something that built the game.


Arcane helmets and the founders items are in no way equatable. They are entirely different.

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Don't be silly. Excalibur prime and the rest of the founder pack was something that built the game.


Arcane helmets and the founders items are in no way equatable. They are entirely different.


I see. So the founders are being treated in a special way because they payed and supported the game when it was still a beta. And the new players are being treated in a special way because it is painful to be unable to access arcane helmets.


I'd like to know then, what do I have to do to receive this special treatment as well? I can't become a founder and I can't become a new player.

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I see. So the founders are being treated in a special way because they payed and supported the game when it was still a beta. And the new players are being treated in a special way because it is painful to be unable to access arcane helmets.


I'd like to know then, what do I have to do to receive this special treatment as well? I can't become a founder and I can't become a new player.


Why are you still comparing founders to this? They funded the creation of the game, it's nothing alike to the discussion.


And why do you think you deserve anything? You aren't entitled to anything. Neither am I. This is why old event weapons are returning.

Just because of this reason they need to stay and DE should implement way more stuff that forces players to choose.


No... this is the reason why they removed them from the market...


We shouldn't have to choose between the two. This is why we have a modding system and customisation that is separate now.

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This entire discussion is irrelevant because players can sell prime parts and extra mods until they have enough plat to get whatever arcane helmets they want. Sure they will be more expensive but this is no different than rare mods that cost a lot in the trade chat. If one isn't willing to put in the work, I have zero sympathy for that person. If I did it, so can other folks (I really only started playing in the spring and I have 5 arcane helmets, all from the plats I earned in trade).

Also, I'll just say, I am so sick of the concept of "fairness". Fairness is great in sports and head to head games. In a mmo, which is just a video game metaphor for life. Pull up the big kid pants.

Also, these bonuses are being greatly exaggerated. If 15% of whatever is enough to make a player cry...well, I'll just say I don't have a lot of respect for that.

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Old Arcanes are S#&$? Tell that to Arcane Aura, Arcane vanguard, etc.


That said, I'm glad you agree the stats are stupid and shouldn't be there. I wish DE could just get rid of them, but then issues arise...


They are S#&$, save like, 2 or 3 (Vanguard being one of them), they where all pretty S#&$ and not worth using.


No issue, just give players insensitive to not use them. Like the did with the Exilus slots

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This entire discussion is irrelevant because players can sell prime parts and extra mods until they have enough plat to get whatever arcane helmets they want. Sure they will be more expensive but this is no different than rare mods that cost a lot in the trade chat. If one isn't willing to put in the work, I have zero sympathy for that person. If I did it, so can other folks (I really only started playing in the spring and I have 5 arcane helmets, all from the plats I earned in trade).

Also, I'll just say, I am so sick of the concept of "fairness". Fairness is great in sports and head to head games. In a mmo, which is just a video game metaphor for life. Pull up the big kid pants.

Also, these bonuses are being greatly exaggerated. If 15% of whatever is enough to make a player cry...well, I'll just say I don't have a lot of respect for that.


You should be pulling up trousers mate, and you shouldn't be holding on to your old toys so tightly.


And in what world is 15% bonus to stats bad? It's always welcome. Everyone should get the chance to have that, not just us.

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I'd let someone use my helmets. I've always been an excellent sharer. I don't mind sharing. I also don't mind if a new player saves up enough earned plat to buy some for him or herself...it's what I did.

And please show me where I said 15% bonuses are bad? I'm pretty sure I said they weren't a big deal...because they aren't.

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I'd let someone use my helmets. I've always been an excellent sharer. I don't mind sharing. I also don't mind if a new player saves up enough earned plat to buy some for him or herself...it's what I did.

And please show me where I said 15% bonuses are bad? I'm pretty sure I said they weren't a big deal...because they aren't.


Well then, do you see my point now? If they aren't so great, why not just give them out again, through events, alerts and such?


Also, I didn't say that you said they were bad. I said that they aren't bad, and are always welcome. Or, at least, thats what I meant. Sorry for the misconception.

Edited by IANOBW
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