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Warframe China New Frame Revealed "nezha"? (Update) [Megathread]


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Looks like Nova with twin tails and a ton of danglies.

Edit: I'd rather not have half our Warframes being Chinese gods or history peoples though.


Exaggeration much? We have twenty some frames, not including Primes. We got a handful already based on Gods, historical figures, and monsters (Atlas, Nyx, Loki,Oberon, Excalibur, Banshee, Valkyr, all made long before China got into the picture), but China starts getting some based on their Gods and suddenly its a problem?

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Exaggeration much? We have twenty some frames, not including Primes. We got a handful already based on Gods, historical figures, and monsters (Atlas, Nyx, Loki,Oberon, Excalibur, Banshee, Valkyr, all made long before China got into the picture), but China starts getting some based on their Gods and suddenly its a problem?

Because those other warframes that are inspired by western gods barely look like them. Take Loki for instance, from the norse mythology, I'm positive he didn't look like a hammerhead shark. There are some things that strike out and on a passing glance remind us of said gods, but China, on the other hand, has to copy/paste everything.

Edited by RazorTip
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Because those other warframes that are inspired by western gods barely look like them. Take Loki for instance, from the norse mythology, I'm positive he didn't look like a hammerhead shark. There are some things that strike out and on a passing glance remind us of said gods, but China, on the other hand, has to copy/paste everything.


But that's assuming they did copy/paste gods/deities for Warframe. Wukong and Nezha are true legit deities from Chinese mythology.

If anything, I'm half expecting a Buddha-inspired Warframe or even an actual lotus (flower) inspired frame. (might not happen but it would still be interesting to see.)

Edited by AxialBlue
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But that's assuming they did copy/paste gods/deities for Warframe. Wukong and Nezha are true legit deities from Chinese mythology.

If anything, I'm half expecting a Buddha-inspired Warframe or even an actual lotus (flower) inspired frame. (might not happen but it would still be interesting to see.)

But that's precisely my point. China wants to leave it's mark on the game, and what better way to do so than to put a copy/pasta of some of their mythological figures instead of, oh gee I dunno, something original for a change?


Another example, the latest warframe to join the fray, Atlas. Our Atlas looks nothing like the Atlas in Greek mythology, other than being overly buff. The Greek Atlas couldn't turn his adversaries to stone, or summon Golems to fight for him. This is what makes the Atlas warframe unique, as his powers have little to do with the myth, but there is a passing connection with the myth.


Wukong and Nezha? Please. They're not original at all, neither in looks, nor abilities, just a direct copy/paste from China's mythology with, worser still, recycled abilities from other warframes.

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Everything that Chinaframe gets is a timed-exclusive so we'll still get it eventually, so I don't really understand why people are freaking out because as it is we still have way more content than they do. DE and Changyou are trying to keep the Chinese fanbase interested in Warframe by releasing familiar concepts to them Wukong, Nezha, Chinese themed weapons, ect.



It's all fine that they're getting them as we still will get them; it's just a matter of when. IIRC we're getting Wukong after the Archer frame, I can't find exactly where I heard that from so take it with a grain of salt.


Nezha looks pretty good too, I like his design also can't wait till we get their crossbow though :)

Edited by (PS4)Yugureki
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Everything that Chinaframe gets is a timed-exclusive so we'll still get it eventually, so I don't really understand why people are freaking out because as it is we still have way more content than they do. DE and Changyou are trying to keep the Chinese fanbase interested in Warframe by releasing familiar concepts to them Wukong, Nezha, Chinese themed weapons, ect.



It's all fine that they're getting them as we still will get them; it's just a matter of when. IIRC we're getting Wukong after the Archer frame, I can't find exactly where I heard that from so take it with a grain of salt.


Nezha looks pretty good too, I like his design also can't wait till we get their crossbow though :)

The last dev stream said we would have Wukong this year, so if they keep the boy, girl pattern going after the archer seems right.

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Sorry I posted this because my hype meter went over 100%  <3. 

Sorrry ^,o

i don't care about this being up or not, its up to individuals to click on a topic that has leaks in the title. But if you were truly sorry you had done this you would undo it, take the info down.

Just a pet peeve of mine really, insincere apologies.

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The last dev stream said we would have Wukong this year, so if they keep the boy, girl pattern going after the archer seems right.

PC will, not convinced us console tenno will sadly. Still im curious as to HOW we will get him - a quest seems unlikely as their busy with massive second dream cinematic lore tastic second dream quest which will drop maybe Archer frame (female next). All bosses drop frames already so just hope hes not TOO lame to acquire (like vauban or ash for example).

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Because those other warframes that are inspired by western gods barely look like them. Take Loki for instance, from the norse mythology, I'm positive he didn't look like a hammerhead shark. There are some things that strike out and on a passing glance remind us of said gods, but China, on the other hand, has to copy/paste everything.


Wukong the frame doesn't even have a resemblance to the actual Wukong in art styles. That helmet looks more like a bug than a monkey, Wukong lacks a tail, and the frame is blue by default, the Wukong mythical character is depicted in red.


But that's precisely my point. China wants to leave it's mark on the game, and what better way to do so than to put a copy/pasta of some of their mythological figures instead of, oh gee I dunno, something original for a change?


You know Excalibur is a copy/paste, right? Radial Blind is a copy/paste from the Excalibur myth. After his rework, Excaliburs 4th is a Copy/Paste of the myth, a blade with various magical properties contained within a sheath that also has it's own powers. Excalibur is the sheath for his new sword, and he himself has abilities as well. 


"when Excalibur was first drawn, in the first battle testing Arthur's sovereignty, its blade blinded his enemies. Thomas Malory[21] writes: "thenne he drewe his swerd Excalibur, but it was so breyght in his enemyes eyen that it gaf light lyke thirty torchys."



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It's a male - I believe the mythological character is a young boy, hence his demure physique. Also, I believe that the Chinese Warframes exist outside of the traditional Gender rotation - so Wukong and Nezha don't count for that, possibly.


The other possibility is that there's another female Warframe we don't know about to release after Wukong and before Nezha. Afterall, we knew about Wukong long before we knew about Archer-frame.


Nezha will release to the Global Build, after a specified amount of time, just like Wukong.

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nope, just think he looks feminine and why not just make the warframe a female instead of that weird abomination ( I mean no disrespect) But why the pig tails

Young chinese men looked almost the same as females sometimes even dressed like females.

Edited by SarahApple
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Woah nezha???....The characters from smite are making their appearance in warframe. I Wouldnt mind a kumbhakarna frame tho

Well he's a chinese god so yeah china would want him ofc


And everyone likes sun wukong like who else just walks into a dragon gods lair like a baller says * hey nice weapon you have there i will be taking it now* then walks out with it.

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Woah nezha???....The characters from smite are making their appearance in warframe. I Wouldnt mind a kumbhakarna frame tho


I wish they would use original concept and name and not just pick divinity's name like wukong and nezha.

(btw poor wukong, over used character)


And for OP if you click on the link above (or play smite) you will notice how this character is supposed to be the "third lotus prince" or something and he looks like a girl but he's a little boy.


(oh god i hate smite for using that character, and soon warframe xD)

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