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What Is Your Best Moment In Warframe?


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mine was finally clearing all of  eris back when poison clouds of ospreys were deadly and when tar moa's dealt radiation damage.


I felt so happy that i fist pumped the air and gave the game the finger, because from that point on I never had to do another mission there.


I could just sit back relax and let my extractors rake in all my mutagen samples for me.

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Well, the moment/time I remember the most would have to be the time I met a now fellow clanmember.


This was around November 2013: I was roughly MR2, total nublet, with my excalibur and newly aquired aklato and dual skana. I can't remember how I met them, but we chatted for a bit, and I was soon taxi'd to Xini (for those who don't know, back in the day Xini defence was the Draco of today: best place to get xp and all sorts of mods).


I @(*()$ loved it. I downed a few times, but the rest of the team were competent, having good control of the pod, and were happy to carry my sorry !. I was just hacking and slashing away, having a blast. And at the end of it, the xp I recieved was much more than I'd ever gotten from one mission.


That session is what really got me into the game.


To top it off, I was invited into the clan I've been in ever since.

Edited by IANOBW
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When I learned you could decapitate enemies:


It t'was a long time ago, I was running Loki Prime in an alert mission on a Corpus ship, It was an Exterminate and I had killed all but one Corpus Crewman. This Crewman was a Sniper Crewman(not sure if that's the name, please correct me if I'm wrong) and he was searching for me, I was invisible at the time and snuck up on him with my hikou prime, I threw a single star and his head flew off and rolled around on the floor.

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I'm always happy every moment i enjoy, EX: jumping into the "outer map via corpus elevators with zephyr" "Jumping onto the liset through a wall to space that doesn't decompress the ship in grineer extraction" "Hosting raids and being a outright jerk*(Taking spots without wasting time, scaring people to hurry up.) and moving things along,   except for vay hek's face. he's so ugly, and absolute raid jerks that mess up a raid on purpose....

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My best moment was when I first encountered the Stalker and I killed him with a Latron. He also dropped Hate. First time Hate, never more satisfying.

As of recently though, I think my best moment recently was doing 50 waves of Earth Defense solo just so I could scan a Frontier Eviscerator Eximus.

Edited by Aeriusil
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My best moment would have to be this Syndicate Mission I did.


I got the game a few weeks back on the Xbox, and was just getting used to all the cool stuff it had to offer. I found the syndicates, and joined the Perrin Sequence. I always liked the idea around the Corpus, and fighting with Corpus-like allies seemed awesome to me. The first missions I got were always Exterminations on Earth. I usually did them myself, as I liked to collect Quittances to get extra rep, which is easier without some other player rushing through it. I enjoyed fighting with the Operatives as well. I'd usually play some old music from Halo 3 while playing, and the Earth maps reminded me a lot about the first mission in Halo 3, so I'd play the soundtrack for that level while working my way through. It was a great feeling I had, walking through massive forests, playing nostalgic music, with two awesome looking operatives accompanying me.


I eventually ranked up to get to try missions on other planets. I got a rescue mission on Phobos. I cannot tell you how many times I tried solo-ing it. I was still a n00b, so I was going in with the Braton, Lato, and scindo, and my Operatives didn't help much. Like past times, I'd always play Halo 3 music. The desert maps on this missions reminded me of "The Ark" so I played the music from that level. I remember, after countless turns, finally beating that level. I managed to collect all the Quittances, and even kept all my operatives alive! My happiest moment was victoriously fighting my way to extraction, my Operatives trailing behind me, listening to that Halo 3 music. It made me feel so proud to stumble upon this game!

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When we first did the LOR trial. 2nd stage, someone walked on the pad then we tried to revive him but we didn't know, no we didn't... Then everyone started dying trying to revive each other. This was so hilarious i couldn't even breath. I think i got a vid of it. 

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Floating down midair and at the very last moment putting a dread bolt through three void enemies right before I went below the platform they were standing on. I'm sure there are people who're amazing at pulling off those shots on a regular basis, but I'm not one of them. It felt glorious.

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