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Completely Undecided About Which Warframe To Take :c


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I have so many warframes I enjoy playing but I don't know which one to use.


yes, I'm one of those who players who wants to pick X warframe and use it for life, sure I can try other warframes now and then, but have a main warframe.


So, my warframes are: Excalibur, Volt, Ash, Equinox, Limbo, zephyr, hydroid, frost and nyx.


My current weapons loadout is: Dread, Dex Furis and Dragon Nikana, all potato-ed and currently really strong.


As you might have noticed, my play style is a bit more stylish-stealth. Where I can literally destroy the enemies before they even notice me. To jump first in a group and tear the enemies appart.


You might suggest valkyr, but I don't really like her, her skills simply don't attract me.


Of the warframes that exist or if possible, of the ones I Have, which warframe should I take?


Best Regards,


Your Fellow Tenno.

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I have so many warframes I enjoy playing but I don't know which one to use.


yes, I'm one of those who players who wants to pick X warframe and use it for life, sure I can try other warframes now and then, but have a main warframe.


So, my warframes are: Excalibur, Volt, Ash, Equinox, Limbo, zephyr, hydroid, frost and nyx.


My current weapons loadout is: Dread, Dex Furis and Dragon Nikana, all potato-ed and currently really strong.


As you might have noticed, my play style is a bit more stylish-stealth. Where I can literally destroy the enemies before they even notice me. To jump first in a group and tear the enemies appart.


You might suggest valkyr, but I don't really like her, her skills simply don't attract me.


Of the warframes that exist or if possible, of the ones I Have, which warframe should I take?


Best Regards,


Your Fellow Tenno.


Hes the most balanced frame

Speed buff+melee is great

Shield, it buffs damage when shot through

Ult, it takes out crowds

and his zap, it can stun a group, and never kills anything though


Frost, hes the best for standing around, or afking

Best with bubble in defense

Ice wave looks awesome

Ice bolt, isnt to great

But avalanche is epic in damage


Zephyr, i used to love her, because of her mobility

But now, she falls flat, because every warframe has her first power now

and they all can glide like she could

so now every warfame is zephyr


Excalibur, Generic


Equinox, very complicated


Limbo, have to be skilled in how to use him right


Ash, overall he is pretty decent, but you will see his flaws when using him

Mostly you have to aim directly at an enemy to use his teleport, and ultimate

if you are not spot on it wont activate


His shurikens are really pointless and weak

And his invisiblity, is only useful for running for about 3 seconds or less


Hydroid, he got super nerfed


First his loot used to get buffed with strength, now its garbage

Second, they updated duration ruining most builds for his puddle


Third, his rain, it always misses and does little damage

His tidal wave is interesting, with max duration


Hydroid is now a duration based warframe, and no longer strength based at all



Nyx.... i like cheese, but nyx, she hates cheese, what can we do about this

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I have so many warframes I enjoy playing but I don't know which one to use.


yes, I'm one of those who players who wants to pick X warframe and use it for life, sure I can try other warframes now and then, but have a main warframe.


So, my warframes are: Excalibur, Volt, Ash, Equinox, Limbo, zephyr, hydroid, frost and nyx.


My current weapons loadout is: Dread, Dex Furis and Dragon Nikana, all potato-ed and currently really strong.


As you might have noticed, my play style is a bit more stylish-stealth. Where I can literally destroy the enemies before they even notice me. To jump first in a group and tear the enemies appart.


You might suggest valkyr, but I don't really like her, her skills simply don't attract me.


Of the warframes that exist or if possible, of the ones I Have, which warframe should I take?


Best Regards,


Your Fellow Tenno.

Ash is the description you have said for your style. 

You could also try Nova, use wormhole + molecular prime to be crafty

Nyx - she's just very pretty. 

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So, I'll go against the grain here a bit..,


I think you should go Excalibur.  His rework makes him a much more nuanced melee frame than he used to be.


The only thing yo may not like about him is, if you maximize your Exalted BLade capabilities, you won't be using your Dragon Nikana moveset as much as you like.  I mean, you can still equip it, but you'll be using the Exalted Blade form.


His Slash Dash is excellent for mobility, and for getting through a group of mobs to take out a high-threat target.  His Radial Javelin is amazing for cutting down trash mobs.  His Blind is, frankly, amazing, and with his rework, can be used easily in the air and while bullet jumping and such.  And his exalted blade, well, AOE line sword slashes.


Style?  Bullet jump above a group of enemies while Radial Blinding, thenpull out your Exalted Blade (ninja light saber) as you touch ground, and dispatch them all.  Slide into the next incoming wave as you Radial Javelin, then use your Exalted Blade's slashes to hit a few stragglers.  Slash Dash through some interveening mobs to quickly Blind, then chop down an Eximus, only to Bullet Jump to your team mate, radial javellin to get get some enemies off of him and soften them up, and start Blade Waving down the incoming spawn.


Excalibur is a beast, and flashy as hell, and his Radial Blind is still one of the better CCs in the game.  And, again, NINJA LIGHT SABER.

Edited by (PS4)Mewing_Raven
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