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[Poll] Which Warframe Needs A Rework The Most?


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It's close between Limbo and Mag for me.


But Limbo definitely takes it in the end.


No other Frame makes me immediately want to just put my controller down and walk away until the mission is over (fail or success) as when a Limbo joins my squad. Especially on defense missions, because you know they are going to treat him like Frost with the mindset "I'm Helping!!!" then lock down everything around the pod making it impossible to pick stuff up, then proceed to never use any of his other (also annoying for allies) abilities for any strategic purpose then try to guess what they actually do; get confused when it doesn't make sense to them so they stop using anything other than his lockdown on the pod like it's a Frost bubble.... :-P


I really like Mag, I want her to get the Excal treatment and make her glorious. But Limbo either needs removed, or chopped up and reworked, hardcore.

Edited by (PS4)Mordeshkaiser
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I am dissapointed by the lack of banshee votes - her ult is bassicly useless unless you are in a low level mission or with a team who can kill them while they are being stunned.

A terrible ult does not call for a rework. A buff yes but not a rework as her 1,2 and 3 are great allowing for use against any enemy type on any mission. She is a support frame and exceptionally good one - just wish she was the next prime for a less squishy version of her.

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A terrible ult does not call for a rework. A buff yes but not a rework as her 1,2 and 3 are great allowing for use against any enemy type on any mission. She is a support frame and exceptionally good one - just wish she was the next prime for a less squishy version of her.

Agreed - A buff would be better than a rework - I guess I would say limbo now perhaps hydroid.

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Hydroid needs a massive damage buff.

But no ability rework. His abilities are fine.


This ^ 


If anything, Hydroid just need some lovin' buff for his currently abilities and he's good to go ~


Limbo however definetly needs a rework.... and a serious fix.

The most I got out from him are assasin esque style (mark targets to kill),nuke ult, E Supply, or Rift Revive. Even then other frames does it better/easier job on all them. (Jack of All Trades Issue)


Before AFK System issues/infinity rift mode, I had fun playing with the frame and would love to use him again in the near future <3


Saryn is another but she's already under DE's radar for rework :3


Oberon for rework? hm... dunno he might not heal like Trin but he has following:


*Smite with augment radiation buff can bring some serious dmg/CC


*Hallowed Ground cleans debuffs, extremely useful vs infested


*Renewal can slow down bleed-outs


*Reckoning is trash mod cleaner and CC at higher levels (enemies get rad proc briefly)



Tbf I think he needs more of a buff than a rework. Still I'm open minded if he falls the latter option.

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I don't understand why so many people vote for Limbo. He is priceless on any defense mission and his abilities are useful on so many levels.

Sure he's not a fighting frame, but why should he be? I'm not commenting on Banshee and Mirage. It's been proven over and over that people don't even try to use them properly. And why is Zephyr even mentioned in this thread?

On the other hand, my vote sadly goes to Vauban. Utility frame or not, there always feels as if there's way too much room for improvement.


Is more or less, in my experience, Limbo is gimped.


Anything outside Defense Missions he falls short for teamplay:


* When rifitng players they'll either roll off to continue shooting spree or tell you stop/troll.


* Going into rift means either tag enemies or revive players. (Which is great, just limited :/ )


* Only useful to himself when in rift plane.

Correct me if i'm wrong but only works for his ult or also Rift Walk?


* Aside from using it as a nuke/defense pod, it can downright hinder players with their weapons (Cant shoot in/out or pick up items)



Don't get me wrong he can specialize well for certain situations, his kit just needs be looked at to bring more than one mission type...

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You should try hitting his three twice quickly and notice what happens. It's a CC and an escape move. You don't have to wait there forever, you waiting there is by your own choice. If you're good at it, you can be like this guy.



You're taking advantage of the invincibility and knockdown that it provides to move around.


That's how I use his 3rd.

You don't have to turn into a puddle and stay there for a week. You can if you'd like and if you need to but don't have to do it all the time. I find it's best for short bursts to dodge an eximus attack or knock down a group of powerful enemies to do a ground finisher, or protect an objective, or with the augment I use it to heal allies.

I did like the suggestion for other players to be able to shoot into the puddle to damage enemies inside though and I actually really do like the idea of being able to move slowly while in puddle form...but the damage the move does itself I honestly don't care about...I haven't tried to kill an enemy by drowning since the day I got Hyroid...

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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I disagree with all the oberon hate. Seriously, Oberon is an absolute monster in my hands. Stop looking at every frame with a heal as a healer. He's not a healer, he's CC and support.


I think if the speed of his heal projectiles were increased he would be perfect.
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I think if the speed of his heal projectiles were increased he would be perfect.

I suspect any sort of buff would be perfect but that doesn't mean it's broken or counter-synergizing like Limbo.


If you stay near your Oberon that won't be a problem and since all his powers are low-range, that's what you should be doing.

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Limbo needs to be reworked the most, in my opinion. Some will say: "But you don't know how to use him!" and so on. I do know how to use him, from tactical Cataclysm drops, to "tanking" enemies in the Rift while Banishing priority targets, to Banishing power-centric, energy-intensive frames like Saryn. Limbo is fantastic for Nightmare nodes thanks to Riftwalk and Banish.


The fact of the matter though is that an entire squad shouldn't need to cater to one Warframe's extremely fiddly playstyle. Even when they do, except in a few special cases, he's not strong enough to really warrant it.


I'd like to see three fixes: First, Banish affecting enemies in a small AoE, so that while Riftwalking, Limbo isn't limited to either killing one target at a time or dropping a massive Cataclysm for a huge Energy cost that allows tons of enemies into the Rift at once.


Second, pickups should be able to be picked up in the Rift, at the very least when Cataclysm is in play. After all, everything (Tenno, pods, allies, companions, etc.) under the Cataclysm is sent to the Rift. Why are pickups magically exempted from being sent to the Rift also?


Third, Tenno should benefit from the Rift's energy regeneration even while using toggle abilities. It's a silly anti-farming restriction in the first place.


After Limbo, Hydroid, Oberon, and Zephyr need revamping. So does Saryn, but while Saryn is a one-trick pony with a sideshow currently, at least it's a strong trick. Mag is often mentioned, but despite the anti-farming nerfs, she remains strong against Corpus and good against Corrupted.

Edited by Kastorius
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I voted for mag, but feel strongly limbo does need some love as well. I just voted for mag because it's about time that girl gets some love she has been nerfed down to the ground. Which is a shame she always has been and still is one of my favorites. Like one Tenno said I hope she does get the Excal treatment and just complete changes up her kit. Which honestly I don't think it would take much take out crush and make shield polarize her new ultimate, with some obvious changes. It never made sense to me that it only effects shields other then it's name it self lol. My question is why can't a frame built around changing the battlefield with magnetism not able to do so with grindeer and their weaponry. They have bullets in them don't they? Shouldn't she be able to jam the weaponry or even making them explode in their hands? Bullet attractor is actually really cool, but needs some enhancements or buffs. Yeah it can kill the single target pretty easily, but when it explodes it pretty laughable. So, why can't it work like Nyx's absorb, would that make her to overpowered? I don't know what other power I would give her since I early stated they should remove crush. I feel other then against corpus she does not have any real team oriented skills( now that greedy mag is no longer a thing.) Which is funny in her codex she is pegged as a team oriented player, so let's give her something that is, and not just a increase of team shield against the corpus only. And for the love of God they need to increase her energy pool.

On to limbo I think he does need a tweaking as well, but like mag I don't think he needs a total overhaul. I love his 1st and 2nd ability they work so well together and make for a fun play style in conjunction with each other. His third ability I'm not a fan of unless they make it a team buff for those in the rift. However, if it remains as a limbo only skill I think it should be a passive ability with limbo as long as he is in the rift. His third ability if they did do that I always thought it was cool using Nova's wormholes as shields and it was funny to watch a charging enemy get sent back where they started.

So it would be cool in a way to have such trickery with limbo. Imagine him doing a kinda revolving door if you would. He lays down a rift shield kinda like volt, but also like worm hole. What I mean is limbo lays down a rift shield in front of him and then lays down a second one at another location. He hides behind and all incoming bullets or charging enemies get sent out the second rift shield. Oh and forgot to mention the second rift shield every enemy coming out of it, is in the void. I know it sounds far fetched, but I would totally love it. And lastly like others have said cataclysm should be changed where anything you sent in is on that rift field. Meaning if a enemy dies in the rift the energy, ammo, or resources should not be magically transported to where it came from.

If they made it where cataclysm didn't nullify pickups their would be no limbo hate.

Edited by (PS4)crankonacranky
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I Vote for Volt.

In description it says High damage frame... reality is different.

His damage is actually lower than most of frames, his abilities dont scale at all.

Those who use him for speed only should end on Corpus Lab table.

There are a couple points of view. He doesn't fit the description, or the description is wrong.

Either way, more damage would be nice, but he isn't just an alternative to gunplay, he is an adaptive frame capable of offence, defense, melee, and gunplay, depending on the situation.

I've never crafted Volt, I've bought 3 of him (2 regular and a Prime Access), I like him how he is, he doesn't need an Excalibur rework, maybe a Frost rework though. And an updated description.

As for who needs a full rework most, I picked Limbo, second pick would be Mag. After that I can only see QoL buffs being needed or reworks that are already in progress or planned.

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Hydroid fills the same niche as Vauban, but requires a bit more... finesse. Vauban you can throw down his skills pretty much anywhere and accomplish your goal, while you actually have to know what you're doing for Hydroid.

Hydroid's 1 is actually pretty cool, in my weird opinion. It just needs some bugfixing so it doesn't get hung up on doorways


Yes, but this isn't a rework if you're just tweaking an ability. This one is super easy to aim, and once you figure out how to avoid doorways with your targeting, you don't even notice. I wouldn't mind them tweaking this to boost his popularity so you kiddies can use him.

Hydroid's 2 does not need to cost 50 energy if it's just another version of Rhino's Charge



Thing is, this ability is much, much more than Rhino's charge. Rhino's charge has only a striking radius of 2m. Hydroid's radious is 6m. This means any enemies in your path get knocked on their asses. Rhino's charge is only .35s, whereas Hydroid's lasts for 1s. Building duration does not change the time, only the distance traveled. So Rhino will make a quick short jump, whereas Hydroid can clear an entire room with his 2 if properly aimed. Loki rushers ain't got S#&amp;&#036; on that, and I love it.



Hydroid's 3 is just sad. I have no idea what it's supposed to do except earn me 5,000 affinity for "Stealth kill 10 enemies" after I sit still for five minutes waiting for the 25 DPS to kill something while the rest of my squad finishes the mission


Hydroid's 3 makes him useful for a number of situations. Lots of enemies attacking the pod? Puddle. Delay the enemy DPS while your team recharges and reloads. Running a Spy/Rescue mission? Memorize guard patrol patterns, and leave a wet floor sign in their walkway. Let the 25 DPS damage them a little bit, then pop out of the puddle and use a finisher from your melee weapon on their face. If they don't die, puddle before they get back up, rinse and repeat. Survival mission? Get a room with only one entrance, and chill there as a puddle.


Hydroid's 4 needs some actual pathfinding. The only time the tentacles earn any kills is when they spawn directly underneath something; when they flop around randomly then never manage to hit anything

That's because this is how they are meant to function. The spawn damage the tentacles do is applied as finisher damage, the ONLY other frame that can do this is Ashe. If you need some high DPS on a target, simply aim to the right or the left of them and cast there. The tentacles, if you cast right, will usually explode out of the ground and turn your target into a cloud of XP. If you're running a defense/interception/endless mission, then cast the Tentacles on a small doorway, your Tempest Barrage on another, and Puddle on the third. You've now locked down your room solo.

Hydroid is by default, a delayframe. His purpose is to slow the enemy advance, and give his teammates more time to prepare. You can also build him for maximum single target DPS by reducing his range, and oneshot bosses with Tentacle spawns. You can also build him for maximum duration and zoom past anyone else for rushing objectives, or getting to allies to heal/assist them. Along with Pilfering Swarm to switch to Lootdroid, Tidal Impunity to cleanse allies of Debuffs, and Curative Undertow to heal allies. He's a jack of all trades frame, and with 65 AR, a slightly higher shield capacity at 345 which gives him a higher shield recharge rate, not-squish HP at 300, he can also double as an off-tank as well.

Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one.

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