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Console Gersemi Skin


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This isn't cool DE, I've been looking forwards to this skin for 2 and a half months, and patently sat here for the past 2 weeks waiting for cert to get the skin; now your making me wait yet another week cause reasons despite the fact that pc didn't have to wait at ALL when the skin was patched in. This is some utter nonsense.

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Why pick a main in the first place, you're totally missing out on Ember's amazingness.


Your sentence confuses me. Why pick a main? But then you stated to use Ember twice. Doesn't that mean you want people to use Ember as a main?

Asides from Ember and Valkyr being the same gender they hardly have any similarities. Like none whatsoever.

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This isn't cool DE, I've been looking forwards to this skin for 2 and a half months, and patently sat here for the past 2 weeks waiting for cert to get the skin; now your making me wait yet another week cause reasons despite the fact that pc didn't have to wait at ALL when the skin was patched in. This is some utter nonsense.

Who cares? Its only a week.


Given its limited nature theyre letting people grind more plat incase they spent it all on mantis, potato/forma for new frame or the AW weapons etc.

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Who cares? Its only a week.


Given its limited nature theyre letting people grind more plat incase they spent it all on mantis, potato/forma for new frame or the AW weapons etc.

not likely since it should have all come out at the same time and atlas, weapons, and mantis aren't time limited the people who would have bought them over the skin probably didn't want that badly but now they're just going to release a bunch of timed exclusive content at once which means somebody is going to miss something because they now have to pick between valkyr or the halloween stuff

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not likely since it should have all come out at the same time and atlas, weapons, and mantis aren't time limited the people who would have bought them over the skin probably didn't want that badly but now they're just going to release a bunch of timed exclusive content at once which means somebody is going to miss something because they now have to pick between valkyr or the halloween stuff

Except weve been given plenty of notice for both.

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I know is just one week but i am a little disappointed. They said early on the xbox HUB of warframe that pre-corpus will we available in the 17.7 update and many comments said that Pre corpus was the most wanted thing of this update. And the 17.7 update is finally arrived and ...we have to wait..again..  And for what ? For a halloween event when the most of us are not playing because they go somewhere else because of Halloween !... Thx DE... 

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Guys, this is not a pc vs console thread. I used to play on pc but eventually went over to console because it's more fun to me. There are more people that I know in person who own a ps4 than who own a gaming pc. Surprisingly enough, the ps4 community has a lot more A******s than the pc on warframe, which is REALLY odd because pc is usually full of A******s, but there are also a lot of cool people too. Console is better for playing with people you know. Pc is better for getting everything right away and versatility. There.

Anyway, it is only a week. I had to wait months between U15 on pc up until U17 on console to get some of my parkour complaints finally addressed and fixed. But at least they did get around to fixing it even though I was one of the only people complaining about that specific issue along with maybe 10 others at the very most.

DE listened to me and they fixed almost every single problem I have ever complained about. Give them some slack, they deserve it.

Edited by (PS4)TheHourMan
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its still BS we are forced to wait, i dont think this was a smart move on DE


i mean seriously tease and force us to wait literally till NOV to get it, we have waited patiently and whats are reward a slap in the face 


this was the only thing i wanted in this entire update , everything else was a minor or something i wasnt that interested in 

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I posted an explanation in the update thread, but I'll expand on it...

The skin will only be available for a limited time, and we don't want it getting drowned out by all the other releases happening right now, so we're waiting an extra week to give it a clearer release window. We definitely appreciate that some players are in the know and well aware of what's coming, but not all players are that informed.


The Gersemi skin will release on consoles, and it'll be available for the same duration that it was available on PC. For those who are upset about waiting an extra week, please hear me out here.

We all know that PC and console releases are fairly different and aren't always comparable. PC has a more traditional release schedule, with updates trickling out at a relatively frequent pace. Consoles get shotgun-blast updates, with a variety of content in a single release then an extended period of calm. With PC, we have a much easier time disseminating information about Warframe updates because they are released in smaller chunks, but with consoles, it looks more like this sometimes...

Suspendisse Tekko leo at ex blandit, in bibendum Clem gravida. Nullam leo ex, tempor eu nunc quis, ullamcorper condimentum Opulas Robe. Proin pharetra sed magna sit amet ultrices. Suspendisse orci urna, mattis vitae ipsum vel, malesuada sollicitudin nibh. Suspendisse elementum elementum Mantis. Integer blandit velit ac lorem vehicula pulvinar. Praesent dignissim ex Spira, et auctor turpis eleifend in. Praesent Sonicor fringilla sem, eu lobortis velit dapibus at. Sed dolor Kaszas, pulvinar mattis massa eget, sodales lobortis lacus. Donec quam ipsum, posuere sollicitudin Atlas in, mattis id magna.

Compound a fairly large update with a holiday event, and we have an abundance of content piled together. Now, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing, but it'd be like having your Birthday and Christmas (or a holiday of any denomination) at the same time - it's great for the day, then the party is over. By waiting a week, we have some breathing room to promote the skin and give players a chance to digest all the update information and content. So, I apologize for any upset this might have caused, but in a few weeks, we'll be on to the next cool update and the cycle will continue again. 


I was tempted to lock this topic, but I want to leave it open for constructive discussion so please, feel free to reply, but stay respectful to your fellow Tenno. 

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@ DE Drew Thank you for giving the one thing I wanted; an official explanation. I attempted to keep this thread respectful and on topic, though some problem players felt this the battleground to spar for no reason whatsoever, and I wouldn't have been surprised to have seen this thread locked at any point at all.


Again thank you for your words to help clear up what felt fairly insulting, with an official response. This was an issue caused out of lack of communication before hand, and these things happen from time to time, but thankfully much less often than it ever has before, which is a good thing. It would have been nice to control the hype from the entire 17.7.1 thread by saying that we would NOT be getting the skin at launch so peoples' expectations would have been managed, but you can't be expected to do everything right and hindsight is 20/20. Your only tenno, I can't expect perfection~


Enjoy the rest of your day Drew~

Edited by (PS4)Karkinnos
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If anything you need to blame your console network.


Unlike PC, where the developer can just release patches whenever (unless they are on something like Steam).


Consoles need to go through their approval first before it can be distributed.  Plus on some systems the developer have to pay the console network to release updates.

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