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Guardsman Synthesis Entry Findings


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At last, the Guardsman synthesis is finished, and we have new lore to discuss! While we wait for a new target to appear, we can focus our efforts into reading and analyzing what we have right now. Here's a written transcript for those who can't make it into the game or load up pictures right now:

I had been stuck on this ship for so long I had almost forgotten what an Orokin of his station sounded like. I cherished each word he spoke.

"Bilsa," Alarez's voice pulsed out of my console, "we're here to help but I need to get this straight; you're being held hostage by a..."

"...by a Grineer," I whispered.

"A Grineer?" his skepticism was palpable.

"Yes, named Veytok."

"He has a name?"

"Won't let me call him by anything else," I needed him to believe me but I could tell he was struggling. "The other Grineer are different, they're still slow but they listen to him and do exactly what he says. It must be a mutation-"

"Impossible," I could tell he didn't believe me. "Something like that would have been caught during production and destroyed, only the military Grineer are given-"

"Should have been caught but wasn't," I interrupted. "Look, the only reason I'm still alive is the genetic lockouts. I'm Sectarus class, this ship's Cephalon listens to me exclusively. The Grineer need me. Stars, you have no idea what it's like living with these-"

"Did you say Sectarus class?" now he was interested.

"...everything is filthy," I was rambling. "They manufacture filth. My robes have gone from yellow to black. I'm so tired, I don't even feel Orokin anymore."

"Did you say you're Sectarus class?" his voice betrayed his impatience.

"Of course, aren't you?"

"We're going to initiate docking," he said.

I looked out the viewscreen, the massive Executorial Frigate began to pivot toward our tiny Runner. Its marbelesque exterior was aglow in the light of the sun. How I missed those white hallways with their perfect golden trim, all busy with Orokin of high station discussing the business of the Empire. I belogned on that ship, it was my birthright.

"Stop," I exclaimed in a half-shout, half-whisper, "you don't understand, he's dangerous. We've been raiding other ships, gathering Grineer. Stars, I've done things." I could feel the emotion and fear in my voice, "I... I've helped him mass an army of sorts."

"Right, a Grineer army," he paused for a moment then took an auidble breath, "Bilsa listen, whatever you've done, you had no choice. You know what's happening in the system, there's honor to be found in surviving," he asked.

"What do you mean; 'what's happening in the system'?" I asked.

"The Executors, the Council, they're all dead or missing, even most of the Sectarus is gone, you might be the last," His voice was cracked. "Do you understand? The system's falling apart but we can rebuild it."

There was a thud outside the hull. Had they docked?

"What about the Tenno?"

"The betrayers?" he asked. "Hopefully gone."

"Wait," I asked, "are you saying your Executorial Frigate has no Sectarus class or Executor? How are you piloting?"

He ignored my question, "We've docked. Hurry now, open the airlock doors so we can help you."

"It's too dangerous," I said, "they're waiting for you. You'll be slaughtered."

"Bilsa, you have no idea what's going on out here. Everything is in chaos. You're lucky we found you, nobody can be trusted but I can help. Open the airlock doors."

"I can't, if I open the doors they'll kill you all. Just talk to me for a while. It's been so long."

"Bilsa," his voice was getting louder. "The Orokin are gone. The infrastructure, the rails, none of it works, it's all locked out," was he actually berating me? "The infestation is everywhere, riots..."

"...but they'll kill you-"

Alarez cut me off, "The Moon is gone."

"You're not making sense Alarez," I said.

"Nothing makes sense anymore, " he shouted. "Open those doors!"


"I'm sorry, it's just that we don't have much time," he began to calm. "Where is Veytok now?" Asked Alarez.

"All the Grineer are in the docking bay, it's impassable..." I paused and thought for a second, "wait, there's a different way. The emergency hatch, you could extend a maintenance tunnel, come in thruogh the top of the ship."

"And avoid the Grineer entirely. Now you're thinking like a Sectarus. Are you alone right now?" asked Alarez.

"Yes. Since they saw your ship, it's like I don't even exist. When you get here, I'll try to seal them in the airlock remotely. That should hold them for a while, hurry."

I took one last look at the now grimey bridge that had become my home. I stepped onto the compact elevator that connected the Runner's decks. At the top level was a systems room used to access the ship's many segments. I looked up at the hatch on the ceiling when I heard the couplers whiz into place.

"Cephalon, execute now," I called out.

"Understood, Sectarus Bilsa," replied the ship's Cephalon.

Moments later the hatch slid open. Dark eyes stared down at me from behind Dax's helmet mask. He said nothing.

I addressed him, "Well met, Dax."

Silently, the Dax scanned the room with his rifle before jumping down and taking position in front of me. In quick succession, three more guards fell in behind him. The guards were bloodied and battle scarred, their equipment mismatched and worn. Alarez followed, his symmetry was off and his eyes were dull, was he even Enginus class?

"Thank the stars you're here." I reached out to greet him but the Dax grabbed me.

"Hold her down," said Alarez.

He pulled out a device which I recognized instantly as a genetic descrambler, where did he get that from?

"My apologies Bilsa, you seem sweet but I can't miss this chance," he threw a switch on the descrambler. "A sample of your genetic code is all I need for full access to the Executorial." He pointed the descrambler at me. "This won't hurt."

My skin got instantly hot and then cooled again as waves of radiation passed through me, "Look at you all," I said, "you're just as tarnished as I. It's really over isn't it?"

"The Empire? I'm afraid so," he lowered the descrambler, "There."

"Will you kill me then?" I asked, my eyes fixed on the floor.

"Can't have you outrank me," he sighed. "But first you'll command your Cephalon to cut off life support to the Grineer in the Runner's airlock."

I looked up at him, "I can't do that."

Alarez smiled, "Of course you can."

"I wish I could but I already told the Cephalon to open the airlock. They're on your ship."

Confusion washed over Alarez's face just as a drip of blood fell from the hatch above and splashed on the Dax's helmet. His eyes darted up just in time to see Veytok's massive frame fall upon him, driving a machete deep into the Dax's chest. With that, the doors opened behind me as more Grineer flooded the tiny room, the guardsmen stood no chance.

Alarez, the only one left alive, stood frozen. "Bilsa, what's going on?"

"I warned you not to come," I said, "I told you they would kill you all."

He was beside himself, "You're working with the Grineer?"

"Alarez, you were right, the systems is a mess and I can't trust anyone, but these Grineer and I, we've come to an understanding." I smiled as I got to my feet, "But please, will you talk to me for just a while longer? These Grineer are so dull. Where are you from? I don't recognize your-"

Veytok grabbed Alarez and tore his throat open, his red splattering my robes.

"I told you I wanted him alive," I shouted.

"No trust," he said. His words sounded clearer every day. "We have the Frigate and the lab. Don't need him."

"Do you always have to kill them before I can visit?" I said.

Veytok grunted, "You are Grineer now, don't need visits."

The big things I can get from this entry is about Grineer cloning, and how the upper echelons of Orokin society functioned.

The entry mentions two new classes of Orokin, Sectarus and Enginus, both with their own abilities and restrictions when it comes to doing things in the Orokin Empire. Sectarus class were able to operate ships and give commands to the ship Cephalons, and if there was no Sectarus or an Executor on board the ship could no longer be operated via a genetic lock.

So, this would mean that cloning is a lot more prevalent in the Orokin society than I originally thought and is not limited to just mass-producing Grineer. It seems like if you wanted to be of certain class - an Executor, Sectarus and whatnot, you needed to have the right genetic makeup to do so. This could either mean that one was born into being a certain class of person further solidifying the idea of the Orokin being a very hierarchical society. It could also mean that genetic modifications were very commonplace in the Orokin society, and was part of the security measures in place to operate certain types of equipment.

The other thing I take from this entry is the possibility of female Grineer actually having been taken from non-Grineer genetics and added into their gene pool, as shown by Sectarus Bilsa - a female joining up with Grineer and considered to be one. Her keen mind and the ability to operate Orokin vessels due of her genetic could be the reason why female Grineer are held in higher regard than male Grineer, through the traces of genes that were left from assimilating highly capable Orokin females into the Grineer gene pool.

What do you think? Do share your own thoughts below!

Edited by NikodemosTheMan
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This entry helps explain at least ONE great mystery: why technology in Origin seems to gone backwards. If everything was genetically locked then people would have to had gut the HELL out of it in order to use anything, from the Rails to the ships. It basically would have meant everything needed to be cannibalized and remade from scratch if you wanted... anything of use from it.


We really ought to start try to work out an Orokin Hierarchy Tree, might help keep things organized.


I also guess that this puts a nail in my theory of Teshin being a Dax - they appear to have been... robots, of some kind, stored away in ships until they were needed. I suppose this explains the "ours walked on two legs like that, but they were... different" line from the Anti Moa Synth.

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I wonder if any of the Sectarious Class survived the Grineer/Infested/Tenno. Flying on the wings of my wild guess, they could have accessed the lockdowned solar rail system.


Was the Solar Rail at Outer Terminus destroyed to keep the Sentient out or stop the Tenno from following the Orokin to their escape, taking their slim chance in the Tau* System? Probably died the moment they crossed as the Sentient could have expected them to flee their own creation.


Hell what if the Sentient are responsible for the Grineer becoming intelligent? The twist of Orokin tech turning against them could apply here.

A race of clones that still have to rely on cybernetics to function.


Also, I'm guessing the Orokin moon has cloaking tech.



Ok done with my wild guesses.

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This entry helps explain at least ONE great mystery: why technology in Origin seems to gone backwards. If everything was genetically locked then people would have to had gut the HELL out of it in order to use anything, from the Rails to the ships. It basically would have meant everything needed to be cannibalized and remade from scratch if you wanted... anything of use from it.


We really ought to start try to work out an Orokin Hierarchy Tree, might help keep things organized.


I also guess that this puts a nail in my theory of Teshin being a Dax - they appear to have been... robots, of some kind, stored away in ships until they were needed. I suppose this explains the "ours walked on two legs like that, but they were... different" line from the Anti Moa Synth.

Well heres what we have so far, order I think:





I dont think the Lorists are of the hierarchy though

Also I like how this is a clear sequel to the Eviscerator Synthesis

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Well heres what we have so far, order I think:






I dont think the Lorists are of the hierarchy though


Actually, think back to the C. Ancient, Ontella says she outranked the Dax (although the Dax seemed to have more authority with the soldiers, as tends to happen). So, ftfy.


I'm honestly wondering if Dax were... even... HUMAN, though. I think they might have been robots, maybe just cyborgs, but being seemingly locked up in a storage compartment like he was kinda moves it away from human for me...


And yeah, that it's a followup to the Eviscerator Lore makes me happy in many ways.

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I also guess that this puts a nail in my theory of Teshin being a Dax - they appear to have been... robots, of some kind, stored away in ships until they were needed. I suppose this explains the "ours walked on two legs like that, but they were... different" line from the Anti Moa Synth.

Really? Because I was under the impression they were more like elite guards, more advanced clones than the Grineer used to guard the higher ups (since we can assume pretty much everything was cloned at this point).

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This entry helps explain at least ONE great mystery: why technology in Origin seems to gone backwards. If everything was genetically locked then people would have to had gut the HELL out of it in order to use anything, from the Rails to the ships. It basically would have meant everything needed to be cannibalized and remade from scratch if you wanted... anything of use from it.


We really ought to start try to work out an Orokin Hierarchy Tree, might help keep things organized.


I also guess that this puts a nail in my theory of Teshin being a Dax - they appear to have been... robots, of some kind, stored away in ships until they were needed. I suppose this explains the "ours walked on two legs like that, but they were... different" line from the Anti Moa Synth.

It certainly does offer insight into how the Fall occured. If everything was genetically locked into ranks and the Tenno cut of the head of the snake which were the Orokin emperors from the stalker entry and subsequently started hunting down high ranking Orokins it would indeed make a great deal of sense. What im most curious about is why he thinks the Tenno are "hopefully" gone and why the moon has also disappeared.

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Really? Because I was under the impression they were more like elite guards, more advanced clones than the Grineer used to guard the higher ups (since we can assume pretty much everything was cloned at this point).


Maybe I misread it, but the fact that it was being stored in what seemed to amount to an overhead broom closet and seemingly had been stored there the entire time kinda makes me lean away from the "it's human" aspect.


I'll go back and check, but it seemed to me like the Dax had basically been "activated" after all this time.

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It certainly does offer insight into how the Fall occured. If everything was genetically locked into ranks and the Tenno cut of the head of the snake which were the Orokin emperors from the stalker entry and subsequently started hunting down high ranking Orokins it would indeed make a great deal of sense. What im most curious about is why he thinks the Tenno are "hopefully" gone and why the moon has also disappeared.

He probably hopes they're gone due to the Tenno's disappearance aftrr slaughtering the Orokin, though this raises one question. What about that one Tenno from the Healer entry? Why weren't they gone too?

Also another thing we can wrangle from this is when the "Great Plauge" happened, directly after the fall of the Empire.

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It certainly does offer insight into how the Fall occured. If everything was genetically locked into ranks and the Tenno cut of the head of the snake which were the Orokin emperors from the stalker entry and subsequently started hunting down high ranking Orokins it would indeed make a great deal of sense. What im most curious about is why he thinks the Tenno are "hopefully" gone and why the moon has also disappeared.


Well the "hopefully" line seems kinda... obvious: this IS after the betrayal, after all. If someone came into your house and beat most of your family to death you too would hope that when they vanished they're never coming back. As for the moon, it could be one of two things:


1) Hidden behind Void cloaking.


2) Hidden within the Void, I kinda favor this at the moment but there's no way to be sure. Mostly I like it for the idea that the Towers themselves might not have been in the Void originally, but rather were banished there by the Tenno to further hide the technology within.

What about that one Tenno from the Healer entry? Why weren't they gone too?


Yeah, that IS Curious... Maybe it wasn't a Tenno? Maybe it was something else? Hell, maybe it was Stalker?


Though I do think that maybe some Tenno didn't go to sleep, at least not immediately. I can see a handful of them lurking around to clean up bits and pieces of the mess they'd created, while the vast majority slept.

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Maybe I misread it, but the fact that it was being stored in what seemed to amount to an overhead broom closet and seemingly had been stored there the entire time kinda makes me lean away from the "it's human" aspect.


I'll go back and check, but it seemed to me like the Dax had basically been "activated" after all this time.


From what I read I had the idea that the Dax was accompanying Alarez, since the Dax was quickly joined by the the other guardsmen bloodied and worn out from battle and then the Enginus himself. It could be that the Dax operated in a similar vow of silence like the Tenno are.


From what these entries have shown us, it is very likely that the Dax were the template for what the Tenno would become, or vice versa.

Edited by NikodemosTheMan
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Maybe I misread it, but the fact that it was being stored in what seemed to amount to an overhead broom closet and seemingly had been stored there the entire time kinda makes me lean away from the "it's human" aspect.

I'll go back and check, but it seemed to me like the Dax had basically been "activated" after all this time.

Maybe they were stored in cyropods? That would explain why that technology was lying around for the Tenno to use.

I wouldn't say they were cyborgs since that would mean they'd be susceptable to the Sentients, same readon I think Grineer cybernetics came much later when they began degrading.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Yeah, that IS Curious... Maybe it wasn't a Tenno? Maybe it was something else? Hell, maybe it was Stalker?


Though I do think that maybe some Tenno didn't go to sleep, at least not immediately. I can see a handful of them lurking around to clean up bits and pieces of the mess they'd created, while the vast majority slept.




Granted we know next to nothing about Umbra still, but if I'm going to believe what StallorD has speculated, it could be that the Umbra Warframes were results of the Tenno that didn't go to cryosleep and continued wandering the Origin system.

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From what I read I had the idea that the Dax was accompanying Alarez, since the Dax was quickly joined by the the other guardsmen bloodied and worn out from battle and then the Enginus himself. It could be that the Dax operated in a similar vow of silence like the Tenno are.


From what these entries have shown us, it is very likely that the Dax were the template for what the Tenno would become, or vice versa.


Maybe they were stored in cyropods? That would explain why that technology was lying around for the Tenno to use.

I wouldn't say they were cyborgs since that would mean they'd be susceptable to the Sentients, same readon I think Grineer cybernetics came much later when they began degrading.


Yes, yes, you're right. I completely misread. Alright, project "Teshin is Dax" is still a solid go! EXCELLENT!


I'm in complete agreement that the Dax and Tenno are linked somehow. I like to think the Dax trained the Tenno in the ways of the Conclave, just as Teshin does now, and prepared them for battle in the Old War until the Tenno surpassed them





Granted we know next to nothing about Umbra still, but if I'm going to believe what StallorD has speculated, it could be that the Umbra Warframes were results of the Tenno that didn't go to cryosleep and continued wandering the Origin system.


Might be. Might be. Honestly we have no idea. I like to think they're either


1)the transition between Prime and Regular Warframe


or 2) the Assassins, while the Primes were the soldiers,


But who knows. Stal has his Infested video featured by DE themselves, he's probably a bit more spot on than I am.

ALSO of note: the "I've helped him mass an army of sorts" line, DEFINITELY her helping with cloning more Grineer, likely even hinting that she's been cloning herself - although the technology seems to be "filth" compared to what shes used to.

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If nothing else, this entry does add credence to my suspicion the Orokin Empire was somewhat of a Genetic Determinism: your class is based on your birth right, but social mobility might be possible by some beneficial splicing.


The Dax do speak, mind: Ontella has a conversation with one, after all. This one just evidently had little cause to speak so remained quiet...and then it died.


Interesting that the moon being missing is such a big deal though. I mean, not only does this mean it's been 'missing' since the fall of the Empire, but it being gone is just...utterly demoralising for the surviving Orokin. Ergo, the moon was important. Considering the Orokin's thing for white and gold...would it be symbolically their first claim to the empire?


Where else is the first flag of any stellar empire of humanity, than on the Moon, the closest neighbour?

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Interesting that the moon being missing is such a big deal though. I mean, not only does this mean it's been 'missing' since the fall of the Empire, but it being gone is just...utterly demoralising for the surviving Orokin. Ergo, the moon was important. Considering the Orokin's thing for white and gold...would it be symbolically their first claim to the empire?


Where else is the first flag of any stellar empire of humanity, than on the Moon, the closest neighbour?

I think its pretty understandable that the moon missing is demoralising for the Orokin. Remember the Crewman synthesis? These lines in particular:


The rifles at my back tried to urge me inside. Old faces filled the dome's projections, immense and god-like. I walked into the center of the room and the scorched scent choked my lungs. All around me they watched, bored, as I knelt upon the darkened judgement disc.


And then we have this concept art:




And from the guardsman synthesis:


"The Executors, the Council, they're all dead or missing, even most of the Sectarus is gone, you might be the last," His voice was cracked. "Do you understand? The system's falling apart but we can rebuild it."


No doubt the council of executors resided on the moon or mabye it was the government center of the Orokin empire.


Stalkers lore entry mentions Orokin emperors. I do wonder if executors and Orokin emperors are the same thing with the later being a glorified name for executors?

Edited by Ory_Hara
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Executors seems possibly a matter of 'execute the will of the Emperors' perhaps.


So without the Executors, they really are alone. Closest thing to the Emperor seems to have been then, or at least the most hands on aspect of it.


At least, this is how I'm reading it. For now, all we can know.


Moon is certainly a place of power, though, or was. 

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Executors seems possibly a matter of 'execute the will of the Emperors' perhaps.


So without the Executors, they really are alone. Closest thing to the Emperor seems to have been then, or at least the most hands on aspect of it.


At least, this is how I'm reading it. For now, all we can know.


Moon is certainly a place of power, though, or was. 


Honestly, don't think "Emperors" ever really existed. I think that was just a name the Stalker (maybe others) had for the upper-echelons of Orokin rule. With everything we've seen, the Executors seem to have been the ones at the top.

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Honestly, don't think "Emperors" ever really existed. I think that was just a name the Stalker (maybe others) had for the upper-echelons of Orokin rule. With everything we've seen, the Executors seem to have been the ones at the top.


Possible. Wouldn't be the first time something is, in hindsight, a metaphor or simile.


Any event...I'm going to hold out on anything more concrete than 'maybe so' till we get confirmation 'Executor=Emperors'. Either way, they're still around the peak of the Orokin hierarchy however it resolves. Only matter is if they're the top or one step removed.


Still, considering the Crewman Synth does have them making claims about the fate of the Empire, it does imply there are emperors, but, again...Orokin and Propaganda isn't hard to imagine. Hell, they could even have a caste for that...Actually, a caste of attention-catching people for the purposes of relaying messages or information of an Official kind just strikes me as the kind of vanity that'd really fit...

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