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Guardsman Synthesis Entry Findings


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Why would it be assumed that the sample was dead, where can that even be inferred? I think it just means that an Enginus is lower ranking than a Sectarus, Bilsa seemed to imply that, so Alarez wanted her DNA to gain more control of things.

Its how bilsa was unable to recognise Alarezs class when she first saw him, and the the symmetry of his clothing and the dulled eyes. It was almost as if someone stole the clothes and simply put it on. I assumed the enginus died because even blisa small ship required her in order to move, so someone at that level would be necessary to move such a large vessel.

Of course, this can all be explained as he's battle worn, hence his clothes and eyes, and the grineer just simply had no social standing whatsoever.

Like i said, empty theory.

Edited by 321agemo
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Its how bilsa was unable to recognise Alarezs class when she first saw him, and the the symmetry of his clothing and the dulled eyes. It was almost as if someone stole the clothes and simply put it on. I assumed the enginus died because even blisa small ship required her in order to move, so someone at that level would be necessary to move such a large vessel.

Of course, this can all be explained as he's battle worn, hence his clothes and eyes, and the grineer just simply had no social standing whatsoever.

Like i said, empty theory.


If we're going with the theory that the Sentients can replicate Orokin Genetic Tech... could we hypothetically assume that Alarezs and his crew were Sentient infiltrators that tried to get access to Bilsa's Genetic Code in order to access the Executorial? 

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If we're going with the theory that the Sentients can replicate Orokin Genetic Tech... could we hypothetically assume that Alarezs and his crew were Sentient infiltrators that tried to get access to Bilsa's Genetic Code in order to access the Executorial? 


To me it seemed much more like an attempt to usurp power to himself after the Collapse, fully intending to rebuild the Orokin Empire with him in the lead. This Executorial seems to be something crucial to holding power within the system.

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To me it seemed much more like an attempt to usurp power to himself after the Collapse, fully intending to rebuild the Orokin Empire with him in the lead. This Executorial seems to be something crucial to holding power within the system.


I thought the "Executorial" was just referring to the Frigate? The way I interpreted it, the Executorial Frigate is simply a mobile bastion (along the lines of an aircraft carrier) that could only be made fully operational by an Executor or Sectarus' genetic code. There would have been multiple Executorial Frigates: it just so happened that this Alarez, whether he was a Sentient infiltrator or not, managed to get hold of one, and using stolen genetic codes could somehow operate it to a certain extent. However, to unlock the full power, he needed the genetic code of someone like Bilsa. 

While it's entirely possible that Alarez was fallen Orokin, I'd like to think that the Codex Entries are also revealing hints on the behavior of our upcoming enemies. We already got one in the form of J3 Golem, after all.

Edited by 4MostlyHarmless2
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Plot twist

Umbra are bad guys who eradicated orokin and accused other tenno.

They hijacked moonbase and caused many infested outbreaks.

When we clear our name stalker will join our party!!

Hmmm... that "strong guy who joins our party won't live long" rpg cliche.

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I'm also wondering what the hell Alarez and his people did to those ships to get them to work without having the proper clearance, and why his "symmetry was off". The particular bit about his eyes being dull ALSO interests me, especially due to the talk of Golden Irises in the Crewman Synth.


Could it be that the Orokin used something to enhance themselves? Perhaps Oro?


Given the (currently presented) view that the Orokin viewed organic interface with the void as an inherently negative thing I wouldn't assume anything Void-related without explicit reference.


In the (rather good) background to Anarchy Online there is a breed of being who make themselves functionally immortal via the use of nanotechnology. The downside being that they needed to rest in "sarcophaguses" designed to maintain, recharge and replace the nanotech. Similar story mechanics appear in Stargate SG1. What if the issues we-Tenno have with Kubrows are not due to poor technology but actually much more of a fact of Orokin Technology, that "perfect" generics decay, and the more perfect, the more rapid the decay. The Executors delegating access to systems to Sectarus, who act as gatekeepers for all other who are allowed access to such genetic foundries.


While it is possible that this was all about the "Oro" lets just assume it's simply "something" until we have more hard data.


So, after the lockdown everyone of (maybe) Enginus class or below would be unable to re-establish access to the technology required to maintain their level of perfection. Eventually they all degraded down to a mundane human level, resulting in beings like the father in the Anti-Moa synthesis. Who were Orokin but are no longer.

Plot twist

Umbra are bad guys who eradicated orokin and accused other tenno.

They hijacked moonbase and caused many infested outbreaks.

When we clear our name stalker will join our party!!

Hmmm... that "strong guy who joins our party won't live long" rpg cliche.


"Umbra" is (Currently stated to be) a designation for a set of suits, not people

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A lot of us always wondered why you would send a bio threat to fight off what we would have believed up until now was a technology threat. But if all this tech and such were reliant on genetics this whole time then creating a genetic foe like the infested would make sense. Infested warp the sentients and make them unable to access Orokin tech?


Again, we have no indication that "the infestation" was ever deployed agains the Sentients, all we know is that a single entity "Lephantis" was supposedly created to fight in the Old War. We have no indication that it was ever deployed, no indication that it was one of many or that it's current nature is similar to the way it was created.


For all we know Lephantis is a failed Warframe design. Or the Infestation was an old problem that the Orokin kept at bay and Lephantis was just one (failed) attempt to tame it. We have zero data and a conspicuous absence of anything mentioning anything infested in the information we do have about the Old War (Mirage Questline, Mag Prime Codex)


Personally I think that Lephantis is just one of the experiments that the Orokin were doing, and the Tenno/Warframes came to fruition first. I think if anything "infested" had been deployed in the Old War it would be #1 with a bullet on the list of data that would readily show up in any mention of the Old War given how "obvious" that sort of bio-weapon would be.


I mean that soldier in the Mag Prime Codex talking about how scary the Tenno were. All of that discussion and not one mention of "Super-cancer body horror troops" that were deployed before? Seems more like they simply weren't there.


So I think it's important to remember that "The Orokin deployed infested against the Sentients" is a assumption, not a fact.

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Yes, yes that makes sense. Would explain the implied sort of wilting of Alarez's appearance, perhaps even give a little more than mere psychological backing to the reason the Orokin's descendants (and Bilsa herself) didn't see themselves as Orokin anymore - they physically weren't, they were physically rotting and losing everything about them that made it.


That might also have spent up the process of the deterioration of Bilsa's genes, hence why even Grineer females are as rotten and malformed as their comparatively-worse-genetically male counterparts; eventually her genes simply went as sour as the Grineer's because of withdrawal.


I wonder if it's possible that, without Oro, over time the genes of even an Executor might have become unrecognizable to the genetic security on their technology - then again, even when faced with the possibility of creating a new generation of Sectarus, Alarez saw the Empire as being over... Though, I wonder what the Executorial was... Clearly related to the Executors, was it just a ship name? Kinda sounds like it could be one.


Exactly! They weren't what made them what they are.

Exactly. What made her what she is only kept up for so long, until it eventually ran out. The less Oro, the less of her rank, and the less of her genetic superiority. Eventually she became just like everyone/everything(Grineer) else, withered and decaying, old and and decrepit.

I'd imagine so. The higher count of Oro in the Orokin's genes gave a sense of their superiority, I'd imagine. Of course that does give some loopholes/problems, it could be a genetic type of deal where only certain genes can hold certain types/amounts of Oro in that sense, so it isn't exploited.

Not entirely sure what the Executorial is, to be honest. Does sound like a ships name, or it could be a very special rank, not sure.

I think the whole thing with the Orokin decaying because they had no Oro is wrong. Bilsa said Alarezs symmetry was off and his eyes were dull and then immediately doubt if his even a Enginus class. Later moments before his death when she wants to talk to him she also says she dont know where he is from and theres also something else she dosent recognize before Veytok butts in. Theres something off with this guy and she knows it. I think the reason for his dulled eyes and his symmetry being off is because Alarez never was a Enginus in the first place. While we do see how the genetic descrambler takes a sample we dont know how said sample will be put to use in order to take control of the genetic locks. Alarez likely has to use the sample on himself which could mean that his appearance gets altered as a side effect.

Edited by Ory_Hara
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Also the poem says that the Queens fought against the Grineer for a time - Belisa never did such a thing. She was a prisoner who turned and joined with them after a while.

I do not think you are correct on this part. Line five in the poem makes me think something else entirely.

Their sameness was shunned

As slave-like and soiled

They tended their strays

Rejected by all

This makes me think that because they were twins, they were looked down upon. The word slave-like being used to compare the two with the grineer. With the line "they revved their strays" bringing to mind that the twins were two orokin sisters that helped the clones that they were treated like.

Then comes line seven and eight.

#7 -

The Uprising came

And Spread like a weed

An army of copy-men

Ferocious and Free

#8 -

And much like the sea

They came just like waves

For years they fought on

For years we remained

Line seven is obviously the grineer rebellion. I want to focus on line eight however. This does not imply that the queens fought against the grineer. It only implies that the war they fought lasted for many years. While some could think it does mean that, I think the twins were actually helping the grineer from the start. Which brings us to line nine.

Like chisel to stone

War molded the twins

Who ravaged the hordes

Became legend to them

The last line "became legend to them" I think this implies that the twins fought along with the grineer. With this I think you are wrong about the twins fighting the grineer. Treated like slaves because of their mirror like appearance, they ended up helping the grineer slaves they were treated like.

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I do not think you are correct on this part. Line five in the poem makes me think something else entirely.

Their sameness was shunned

As slave-like and soiled

They tended their strays

Rejected by all

This makes me think that because they were twins, they were looked down upon. The word slave-like being used to compare the two with the grineer. With the line "they revved their strays" bringing to mind that the twins were two orokin sisters that helped the clones that they were treated like.

Then comes line seven and eight.

#7 -

The Uprising came

And Spread like a weed

An army of copy-men

Ferocious and Free

#8 -

And much like the sea

They came just like waves

For years they fought on

For years we remained

Line seven is obviously the grineer rebellion. I want to focus on line eight however. This does not imply that the queens fought against the grineer. It only implies that the war they fought lasted for many years. While some could think it does mean that, I think the twins were actually helping the grineer from the start. Which brings us to line nine.

Like chisel to stone

War molded the twins

Who ravaged the hordes

Became legend to them

The last line "became legend to them" I think this implies that the twins fought along with the grineer. With this I think you are wrong about the twins fighting the grineer. Treated like slaves because of their mirror like appearance, they ended up helping the grineer slaves they were treated like.


"Who ravaged the hordes"


The only hordes mentioned in the poem thus far have been the "an army of copy men", coming "just like waves". This implies they fought against them pretty strongly. Meanwhile, while they fought against them, legends of their power spread among the Grineer - sort of like how Warlords like Atilla and Gengis and others had legends spread about them during their campaigns even by those they fought against.

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I think the whole thing with the Orokin decaying because they had no Oro is wrong. Bilsa said Alarezs symmetry was off and his eyes were dull and then immediately doubt if his even a Enginus class. Later moments before his death when she wants to talk to him she also says she dont know where he is from and theres also something else she dosent recognize before Veytok butts in. Theres something off with this guy and she knows it. I think the reason for his dulled eyes and his symmetry being off is because Alarez never was a Enginus in the first place. While we do see how the genetic descrambler takes a sample we dont know how said sample will be put to use in order to take control of the genetic locks. Alarez likely has to use the sample on himself which could mean that his appearance gets altered as a side effect.


I read this to mean simply that Alarez was of low social/genetic class, rather than anything to do with the descrambler. Symmetry is mentioned already in three synthesis entries, in the context of beauty and purity. Facial symmetry is a sign of genetic fitness so it's not a stretch to assume the Orokin not only valued it, but were able to determine social standing based on it. Although we don't know how low exactly in Orokin hierarchy Enginus were, if they're sufficiently low it wouldn't be odd at all that Bilsa didn't know him. He's probably a random ruthless commoner who got lucky and got his hands on Orokin equipment.



By the way, if Bilsa didn't hide the descrambler I think her fate is pretty much sealed, unless her Grineer captors valued her for more than just her ability to operate Orokin ships. I also find it amusing that Orokin society was so messed up, even in the face of a global crisis they prefer to squabble among themselves ^^; no wonder their troubles predate the Sentients.

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"Who ravaged the hordes"

The only hordes mentioned in the poem thus far have been the "an army of copy men", coming "just like waves". This implies they fought against them pretty strongly. Meanwhile, while they fought against them, legends of their power spread among the Grineer - sort of like how Warlords like Atilla and Gengis and others had legends spread about them during their campaigns even by those they fought against.

I will give you that, however it could also be interpreted as hoards of the Orokin who they fought against. Something that I believe is accurate due to earlier lines in the poem.

Their sameness was shunned

As slave-like and soiled

They tended their strays

Rejected by all

This is why I think they were not fighting the grineer in the beginning. It sounds like the other Orokin looked down on them because they were twins. Since we all agree that the Orokin did have the tools and were quite adept in genetics. Meaning identical twins could have been a very uncommon thing when it came to creating the next generation. The last two lines are what I think seal it. "They tended their strays. Rejected by all" these lines make me think that they felt with the grineer. Something that would most likely have been left to a low ranking Orokin or robotics. With the rejected by all line signifying that they would have been rejected by most if not all of the other Orokin. The only exception being their own father who kept them safe from the knife.

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Again, we have no indication that "the infestation" was ever deployed agains the Sentients, all we know is that a single entity "Lephantis" was supposedly created to fight in the Old War. We have no indication that it was ever deployed, no indication that it was one of many or that it's current nature is similar to the way it was created.


For all we know Lephantis is a failed Warframe design. Or the Infestation was an old problem that the Orokin kept at bay and Lephantis was just one (failed) attempt to tame it. We have zero data and a conspicuous absence of anything mentioning anything infested in the information we do have about the Old War (Mirage Questline, Mag Prime Codex)


Personally I think that Lephantis is just one of the experiments that the Orokin were doing, and the Tenno/Warframes came to fruition first. I think if anything "infested" had been deployed in the Old War it would be #1 with a bullet on the list of data that would readily show up in any mention of the Old War given how "obvious" that sort of bio-weapon would be.


I mean that soldier in the Mag Prime Codex talking about how scary the Tenno were. All of that discussion and not one mention of "Super-cancer body horror troops" that were deployed before? Seems more like they simply weren't there.


So I think it's important to remember that "The Orokin deployed infested against the Sentients" is a assumption, not a fact.

But the infestation is a virus too isn't it, not just the actual "troops"?

The Orokin could have unleashed the actual nana spores against the sentients, not mutated their own soldiers to use as attackers.

When we think of infested we automatically picture chargers and crawlers etc but those are just the current manifestations, perverted Grineer and corpus.

Orokin era infested could have looked very different. If the sentients were turning the Orokins own tech against them, the Orokin may have played them at their own game, releasing the virus itself against the sentients, turning their own bodies against them or at least trying to.

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I think its pretty understandable that the moon missing is demoralising for the Orokin. Remember the Crewman synthesis? These lines in particular:


The rifles at my back tried to urge me inside. Old faces filled the dome's projections, immense and god-like. I walked into the center of the room and the scorched scent choked my lungs. All around me they watched, bored, as I knelt upon the darkened judgement disc.


And then we have this concept art:




And from the guardsman synthesis:


"The Executors, the Council, they're all dead or missing, even most of the Sectarus is gone, you might be the last," His voice was cracked. "Do you understand? The system's falling apart but we can rebuild it."


No doubt the council of executors resided on the moon or mabye it was the government center of the Orokin empire.


Stalkers lore entry mentions Orokin emperors. I do wonder if executors and Orokin emperors are the same thing with the later being a glorified name for executors?

I'm going to talk a bit off topic on the concept art, but I just realized that...:

From left to right: Loki Prime, Ember Prime, Frost Prime, ?? (Mag?), Rhino Prime. Hm...

EDIT: Also, for what's going directly above me: Yes, the Infestation is the Technocyte Virus strain, which mutates the host into a horrible monstrous beast. Most units are directly a Corpus remnant or Grineer remnant charging at you, and those like Ancients seem direct Orokin infested type designs. Lephantis would be the mesh or cluster of Orokin infested, Grineer Infested and Corpus Infested.

From what I see in the various lore excerpts, it seems the Orokin had the plague pretty well contained, but after the Tenno killed the Emperors and higher classes in the ceremony and most went into cryosleep, it just spread by itself all across the system.

What I wonder is when did the System inhabitants contain it. Did the Lotus take care of it personally?

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I think the whole thing with the Orokin decaying because they had no Oro is wrong. Bilsa said Alarezs symmetry was off and his eyes were dull and then immediately doubt if his even a Enginus class. Later moments before his death when she wants to talk to him she also says she dont know where he is from and theres also something else she dosent recognize before Veytok butts in. Theres something off with this guy and she knows it. I think the reason for his dulled eyes and his symmetry being off is because Alarez never was a Enginus in the first place. While we do see how the genetic descrambler takes a sample we dont know how said sample will be put to use in order to take control of the genetic locks. Alarez likely has to use the sample on himself which could mean that his appearance gets altered as a side effect.


Also a possible, and probably more likely, thought.


Honestly, though, said sample probably will be used to clone more Sectarus, they had a lab on Alarez's ship and all.


By the way, if Bilsa didn't hide the descrambler I think her fate is pretty much sealed, unless her Grineer captors valued her for more than just her ability to operate Orokin ships. I also find it amusing that Orokin society was so messed up, even in the face of a global crisis they prefer to squabble among themselves ^^; no wonder their troubles predate the Sentients.


That kind of seemed obvious to me they did - she was one of them by that point, a Grineer. They may be able to clone more like her, but she's still one of them.



I will give you that, however it could also be interpreted as hoards of the Orokin who they fought against. Something that I believe is accurate due to earlier lines in the poem.

Their sameness was shunned

As slave-like and soiled

They tended their strays

Rejected by all

This is why I think they were not fighting the grineer in the beginning. It sounds like the other Orokin looked down on them because they were twins. Since we all agree that the Orokin did have the tools and were quite adept in genetics. Meaning identical twins could have been a very uncommon thing when it came to creating the next generation. The last two lines are what I think seal it. "They tended their strays. Rejected by all" these lines make me think that they felt with the grineer. Something that would most likely have been left to a low ranking Orokin or robotics. With the rejected by all line signifying that they would have been rejected by most if not all of the other Orokin. The only exception being their own father who kept them safe from the knife.


Looked down on them or not doesn't really matter, keep in mind that even the Lorists were shunned by the Orokin - and they seemed to KNOW that - but they continued to aid them even after the Collapse.


Without doubt large portions of their history eventually led them to team up with the Grineer, but at the time they fought against them. The poem seems to have been written by someone within the Orokin, who knew even the details of the Queens' birth, and wrote about the Grineer as a separate thing from wherever they stood. "The army of Copy Men", the Grineer, came just like waves, for years "they", the Grineer, fought on, "for years we", the speaker and their kind, remained.


"Hordes" lines up better with the presentation of the Grineer through this - a sea, wave upon wave, of copy-men, spreading like a weed. This sense of "there are so many of them", compared to this "we remained" talk of the speaker. 


Plus there's STILL the fact that the Queens seem to have been VERY close to one another, VERY much intune and connected with one another. "Same senses, same strength" - I'm more reminded of Lorist Ontella's connection with her Lorist sister than I am anything else - however we have no indication that Bilsa here has any such connection to anyone. Without that, she's not one TWIN Queens, she's just a female.





But the infestation is a virus too isn't it, not just the actual "troops"?

The Orokin could have unleashed the actual nana spores against the sentients, not mutated their own soldiers to use as attackers.

When we think of infested we automatically picture chargers and crawlers etc but those are just the current manifestations, perverted Grineer and corpus.

Orokin era infested could have looked very different. If the sentients were turning the Orokins own tech against them, the Orokin may have played them at their own game, releasing the virus itself against the sentients, turning their own bodies against them or at least trying to.


Aye, and when you think about it, the Infestation WOULD have been a HELL of a tool against them:


The Sentients are a species that THRIVE on being able to adapt and evolve against anything that hurts them, and they alone had that ability, meaning they would ALWAYS be a step-up-above their enemies... but what if you could get them to start infighting? To have their adaptational ability turned on itself? To me, the Infestation - provided it was able to Infest them - would have been the perfect weapon against them - and, even if it wasn't, there was no way for the Orokin to know that. They needed a solution, a way to win the war, and the possibility of fighting fire with fire like that would have been a brilliant one.


I'm going to talk a bit off topic on the concept art, but I just realized that...:

From left to right: Loki Prime, Ember Prime, Frost Prime, ?? (Mag?), Rhino Prime. Hm...


Aye, that was pointed out in another thread. It's been subjective to MUCH debate and discussion, but we can't really say anything for certain.

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Its how bilsa was unable to recognise Alarezs class when she first saw him, and the the symmetry of his clothing and the dulled eyes. It was almost as if someone stole the clothes and simply put it on. I assumed the enginus died because even blisa small ship required her in order to move, so someone at that level would be necessary to move such a large vessel.

Of course, this can all be explained as he's battle worn, hence his clothes and eyes, and the grineer just simply had no social standing whatsoever.

Like i said, empty theory.


You're not getting it. Bilsa not recognizing Alarez does not have to mean that Alarez got a sample from a Enginus dead body as opposed  to someone who was alive prior to possibly being killed.  Having dead eyes and non symmetrical clothing is not relevant to the point of still needing a higher rank, or having took those clothes after getting the Enginus scan and then killing them.

Alarez was going to kill Bilsa after getting her scan if we are inferring that the clothes and blood he has is from some Enginus.


You're not informing me of anything by pointing out that Bilsa's rank was required to make the ship she was on move, thats the point I made since the first topic on this and I have been keeping in line with this understanding. that Bilsa's rank is relevant to controlling things.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Its how bilsa was unable to recognise Alarezs class when she first saw him, and the the symmetry of his clothing and the dulled eyes. It was almost as if someone stole the clothes and simply put it on. I assumed the enginus died because even blisa small ship required her in order to move, so someone at that level would be necessary to move such a large vessel.

Of course, this can all be explained as he's battle worn, hence his clothes and eyes, and the grineer just simply had no social standing whatsoever.

Like i said, empty theory.



You keep saying "non-symmetrical clothing", but I think she was refering to his physical symmetry, the shape of his face and body. She already noted their clothing was mis-matched, so to point out a lack of symmetry in it would have been a bit redundant. I think the Corrupted Ancient Codex goes in with that:




The Orokin had a visage imbued with variation, beauty and symmetry, but we had the Lora nodes protruding from our right temples.


She's comparing her own physical nature to theirs, their visage of beauty and symmetry to the fact they have Lora nodes protruding from their heads. So I think when Blisa notes the lack of it in Alarez here, she's seeing his physical appearance lacks the symmetry commonly noted with Orokin.


Do suppose this kills the idea that Oro was degenerating him, though, since the Lorist still was able to talk about them as having that kind of beauty at-present.

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If we're going with the theory that the Sentients can replicate Orokin Genetic Tech... could we hypothetically assume that Alarezs and his crew were Sentient infiltrators that tried to get access to Bilsa's Genetic Code in order to access the Executorial? 


He was already in control of the Executorial Frigate, he obviously wanted Bilsa's rank for more than that.

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But the infestation is a virus too isn't it, not just the actual "troops"?

The Orokin could have unleashed the actual nana spores against the sentients, not mutated their own soldiers to use as attackers.

When we think of infested we automatically picture chargers and crawlers etc but those are just the current manifestations, perverted Grineer and corpus.

Orokin era infested could have looked very different. If the sentients were turning the Orokins own tech against them, the Orokin may have played them at their own game, releasing the virus itself against the sentients, turning their own bodies against them or at least trying to.


Then I'd expect some reference to that. Regardless of their shape or form the infestation is "noisy" from a story perspective. If they had been deployed I'd expect some mention somewhere, especially those who are directly talking about the War. The absence of any mention at all in very conspicuous IMHO. Hence I'd say the default assumption should be that the infestation in any form was not deployed against the Sentients.


I'm happy to accept they were, when we see some mention of it. before that I think the assumption that they were is a mistake.

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Plus there's STILL the fact that the Queens seem to have been VERY close to one another, VERY much intune and connected with one another. "Same senses, same strength" - I'm more reminded of Lorist Ontella's connection with her Lorist sister than I am anything else - however we have no indication that Bilsa here has any such connection to anyone. Without that, she's not one TWIN Queens, she's just a female.


Yes, Bilsa was showing loneliness and "otherness" from the other Grineer. I don't think it would have been written that way for someone with such an intimate tie to another like herself (Actually I didn't seen anything in that piece that suggested that Bilsa was female, is that just an assumption? *EDIT* Ah yes "Hold her down" I see)


So no, definitely not a "queen" IMHO.


I definitely think that Alarez is actually Orokin or an Orokin-vassal pigybacking on stolen high-rank Orokin DNA, I don't think the author would have added so many emotional queues to the interaction if he were intended to be a Sentient.

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He was already in control of the Executorial Frigate, he obviously wanted Bilsa's rank for more than that.


He had SOME access, not full access. He needed her rank to be able to get to all of the frigate, not just those parts he seemed to have been able to jerryrig. Even Bilsa has no idea how he's managing to pilot, and Alarez ignored the question, so it's likely he doesn't have access to a lot of the other systems they need.


Bilsa was showing loneliness and "otherness" from the other Grineer. I don't think it would have been written that way for someone with such an intimate tie to another like herself (Actually I didn't seen anything in that piece that suggested that Bilsa was female, is that just an assumption?)


Alarez said "hold her down", so Bilsa definitely seems to have been a chick.

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You keep saying "non-symmetrical clothing", but I think she was refering to his physical symmetry, the shape of his face and body. She already noted their clothing was mis-matched, so to point out a lack of symmetry in it would have been a bit redundant. I think the Corrupted Ancient Codex goes in with that:



 I keep bringing up non symmetrical clothing?

Pretty dang sure this is the first time I mentioned it, and that is only because the person I responded to mentioned it. He was not saying jack about body symmetry there. Pay better attention.

Though I agree, Bilsa could have been referring to his body design, as opposed to merely his clothes and body language, thats not too clear in the entry.

Edited by UrielColtan
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 I keep bringing up non symmetrical clothing?

Pretty dang sure this is the first time I mentioned it, and that is only because the person I responded to mentioned it. He was not saying jack about body symmetry there. Pay better attention.

Though I agree, Bilsa could have been referring to his body design, as opposed to merely his clothes and body language, thats not too clear in the entry.


Yeah, sorry, was 321 that started that. I'll redirect my statement towards him.

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