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To All The Wf Traders Out There


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I would like start of by saying that we are an under appreciated group of people. We get the bulk of the hate from people who do not understand just exactly what we do. We get trolled, blocked, ignored, laughed at and we even have threads started everyday discussing about Auction Houses and the like (it doesn't impact what we do).


So much hate. So much disdain. So little understanding of our contributions to the economy.


So I would like to start a thread of appreciation to all my fellow traders out there. Here is my thanks for what you have done in keeping this market active and liquid. And may we continue to do well.





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i appreciate your competition making sure my buy prices are higher and my sell prices are lower?

i appreciate your manipulation of information forcing me to explain the reality of the vaulted primes to clan members daily?

i appreciate the fact i was ignored for telling you ability augments are worth 10p not 35p.


i appreciate the arrogance of this thread and presumption that there would be no stability only total anarchy without your generous time wasted in trade chat

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There needs to be some sorte of auction house or market sistem inplementet into the game.


Cause the trade chat ist yust a pain.   let me tell an example:


i post in trade chat WTB prisma gorgon

answer: offer

me: how much u want for it

answer: i dont have a clue of the price, offer

me: i make offer

silence for few minutes:

i post him: so?

answer:2 low

my though: wtf?



If i sell an item i name the price. Aim a salesmane in RL and its common sense if u want to sell item name price, not hide behind: offer

If aim buying an item i expect that the seles tells me his price, not geting aswers offer. thats yust stupid.


That why i rather trade on warframe market: shame only u cant sell sets there

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Pretty sure Ponzi and Madoff looked at it the same way.


Ponzi schemes work so long as they new buy ins with cash infusions to pay off the early tiers. In short, new money is recycled to buy off the old. 


Trading works more like a pawn shop. They will buy your goods for X price and sell them to people who wants to buy it at a X + Y price. It forms the basis of almost every commodity trading house. Why do people accept this as a legit business when what WF traders do is essentially (in principal) identical?


Why are the traders entitled to a Y profit margin? To provide market liquidity.



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i appreciate your competition making sure my buy prices are higher and my sell prices are lower?

i appreciate your manipulation of information forcing me to explain the reality of the vaulted primes to clan members daily?

i appreciate the fact i was ignored for telling you ability augments are worth 10p not 35p.


i appreciate the arrogance of this thread and presumption that there would be no stability only total anarchy without your generous time wasted in trade chat


Yet you come to us when that prime part just refuse to drop.

Yet you come to us when that prime mod you could not get is exactly the thing you want.

Yet you come to us whit your "WTB 20 plat".

Yet you want that vaulted prime that is eventully will come back - couse you want it now.


I dont expect your appreciation. I do however expect you to realize that traders sell high grade stuff far far cheaper then Warframe Market. But if you dont like getting Soma Prime for 30p - you are more then welcome to go buy normal Soma for 220 ( or whatever hte price was ).



There needs to be some sorte of auction house or market sistem inplementet into the game.


Cause the trade chat ist yust a pain.   let me tell an example:


i post in trade chat WTB prisma gorgon

answer: offer

me: how much u want for it

answer: i dont have a clue of the price, offer

me: i make offer

silence for few minutes:

i post him: so?

answer:2 low

my though: wtf?



If i sell an item i name the price. Aim a salesmane in RL and its common sense if u want to sell item name price, not hide behind: offer

If aim buying an item i expect that the seles tells me his price, not geting aswers offer. thats yust stupid.


That why i rather trade on warframe market: shame only u cant sell sets there



Trading is a game of cat and mouse. Easy to learn and easy to do. If you cant be arsed whit simple basics - you can use waframe market. 


Also when you make a pathethic offer for an item - traders will normally ignore you as barter cant be achived when the offer and the asked prices are too diferent.

Edited by SilentFears
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I'm with SilentFears on everything he says. You spend your time playing warframe, we spend our time monitoring the chats.


It's not that we want to ignore you. Every item has a price range. We try to buy it off the low end and sell it at the higher end. Int he process we serve 3 people. The seller gets their plats fast, the buyer gets his item fast and we get that margin for providing liquidity.


But when people give offers that just can't be reconciled (think 5p offer for a maxed primed mod) then you have to forgive me for not bothering to reply.

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Why would anyone buy normal Soma for platinum when you can craft it for free?

For the same reason someone would buy a pack of void keys, a pack of mods or anything else on the market. 


But ok fine let me switch the statement.

"You are more then welcome to go buy an Nova for 275 plat instead of getting Nova Prime for 120 plat."

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I sell sets, not parts.
And my prices reflect their rarity.
And all my parts are farmed.

I'm the organic, Farmer's Market equivalent of Warframe.

Buy my parts.

Edit: Oh, and my pricing research is done by watching "WTB>" posts with prices on them. So that makes me the Organic, Gluten-Free Farmer's Market

Edited by VocalMagic
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