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How Would You Tenno Feel If One Of The Major Bosses Were To Join Us As An Ally?


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Well one thing I don't get. We always kill a boss and you see them dying yet they show up still alive and well like nothing happened. Alad and a or being good examples. Especially Vor since he's involved in two bosses (I'm excluding Corrupted) and with Vors Prize you kill him dead and he pops of his waist in a glorious explosion and in Phobos he's alive and well. They have no explain nation for that.

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the only two that i could see siding with us is tyl regor(or maybe i just like the guy) and sargus ruk(if his response during the gradvius delemma is to be believed. 

Moldy alad needs to burn he tortured tenno for profit, he killed the original mesa and used her warframe like a puppet. Alad v is a monster and i wil not work with him.

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Well one thing I don't get. We always kill a boss and you see them dying yet they show up still alive and well like nothing happened. Alad and a or being good examples. Especially Vor since he's involved in two bosses (I'm excluding Corrupted) and with Vors Prize you kill him dead and he pops of his waist in a glorious explosion and in Phobos he's alive and well. They have no explain nation for that.

Alad V surviving assassinations is canon in the story on both accounts, normal and infested.

For Vor that Phobos mission is very much just a place holder that I wouldn't consider canon.

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WARNING: Incoming rampant speculation. 

There was a theory floating around a while back about the Steel Meridian and Gen. Sargus Ruk that was almost supportive of such an idea.


Basically, given the locations and timing of things, it appeared as if Ruk and the leader of the Steel Meridian might have some sort of part/current connection. Some even suggested they might be father and daughter (this doesn't really work canonically because Grineer are clones, but we also know some clones are special, such as all these notable characters). They share many similar character traits, for as much info we have on them to date.


The reason this came about was because originally the Steel Meridian was named the Oracles of Saturn during early development of the syndicates. Since then, we have not been told otherwise as to the origin of the Steel Meridian (or much to the effect of any of the other syndicates for that matter), and so it is not out of the realm of reason to believe that the Steel Meridian was previously or is now stationed somewhere near Saturn. Saturn - the planet that Sargus Ruk just so happens to be the boss of. Similarly, there is a radio transmission in the liset that heralds about Sargus's conquering of the rebels on Saturn. If the Steel Meridian does have some sort of connection to Saturn, that would mean they were the rebels discussed in the radio transmission. According to the transmission, they were all to be executed, but if the above is true, that would not explain why the Steel Meridian still exists as a notable faction.


Many think the reason for this is that IF Sargus and the Steel Meridian leader have some sort of unknown relationship, such as being father/daughter, that the 'rebels' aka the Steel Meridian, were actually sojourned by Ruk instead of executed. Basically daddy Ruk stages a cover up to try and save his alleged kid despite being seemingly loyal to the Queens (although he has deviated from their directives on occasion - possible evidence?).


And so as fuel of this long-winded and shaky theory, it would be interesting to see Sargus turn over to the 'good' side to fight along side his alleged daughter who is the leader of the most noble of syndicates, and by association, along side the Tenno. I should not I'm even in Steel Meridian and I think they are the most noble cause.


Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I've always wondered how things would turn out if we somehow convinced a Major figure to join our cause. Be interesting to have Vay Hek send us on spy missions to gather data on the Twin queens.

Also I'd love to have him say "DID YOU REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE THIS EASY?" if we got detected.

Anyways how would you feel if something like this were to happen.

Or, if you complete a mission for Hek, He says "I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD BE THIS EASY."

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WARNING: Incoming rampant speculation. 

There was a theory floating around a while back about the Steel Meridian and Gen. Sargus Ruk that was almost supportive of such an idea.


Basically, given the locations and timing of things, it appeared as if Ruk and the leader of the Steel Meridian might have some sort of part/current connection. Some even suggested they might be father and daughter (this doesn't really work canonically because Grineer are clones, but we also know some clones are special, such as all these notable characters). They share many similar character traits, for as much info we have on them to date.


The reason this came about was because originally the Steel Meridian was named the Oracles of Saturn during early development of the syndicates. Since then, we have not been told otherwise as to the origin of the Steel Meridian (or much to the effect of any of the other syndicates for that matter), and so it is not out of the realm of reason to believe that the Steel Meridian was previously or is now stationed somewhere near Saturn. Saturn - the planet that Sargus Ruk just so happens to be the boss of. Similarly, there is a radio transmission in the liset that heralds about Sargus's conquering of the rebels on Saturn. If the Steel Meridian does have some sort of connection to Saturn, that would mean they were the rebels discussed in the radio transmission. According to the transmission, they were all to be executed, but if the above is true, that would not explain why the Steel Meridian still exists as a notable faction.


Many think the reason for this is that IF Sargus and the Steel Meridian leader have some sort of unknown relationship, such as being father/daughter, that the 'rebels' aka the Steel Meridian, were actually sojourned by Ruk instead of executed. Basically daddy Ruk stages a cover up to try and save his alleged kid despite being seemingly loyal to the Queens (although he has deviated from their directives on occasion - possible evidence?).



DE could always say she is his clone but turned out being female for the same reason X-23(Wolverine's female clone) is.



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I doubt Alad was "creating a cure".. 


Still, perhaps Neffy, Frohd Bek are possible contenders for alliance. Both seems to be reasonable to some degree, and huggable.


Still would like Regor as an ally, him being mission voiceovers would be smexy, but of course, he really, really, hates us.

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Alad? Create a cure? No, no. That guy is using the info we gave him to find new ways to **** us for sure.


A lot of people want a team up with Tyl Regor. He's too smooth to be mad at him. I don't think you can hate this guy.

Edited by DoomBunny.
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Besides some bosses that have gone through "rework" we basically know nothing about them so it is of no importance (emotional or otherwise) whether they join us or not. Which is why I think Corpus bosses are in more dire need of rework compared to Grineer bosses because some Corpus bosses are just robot proxies. 


I can imagine Alad V or Ruk joining and their joining actually having some modicum of relevance or sense to Tenno.


Not really Regor because, well, we did kill what was essentially his children--I don't see Regor considering joining Tenno anytime soon. Even if Grineer empire betrays him for some reason, his prestige as the top Grineer scientist would have Corpus offering him hefty sum for his knowledge; he'd have more likely options other than Tenno is what I'm trying to say. 


Vay Hek is too power-hungry; even if Grineer empire demotes or expels him, he's more likely to try to win its favors back by hunting down Tennos himself. It's not because he's loyal to the Grineer cause but because Tenno ranks could never grant him the degree of power and control he'd tasted in Grineer authority. 


I'd say Ruk has a higher chance of joining Tenno and actually staying that way once he does. Alad V is too unstable and there'd be no way to tell if he truly wished to assist the Tenno. However, against all odds and sensibility I do wish Alad V does find some kind of cure and some redeemable twists in his character. Not that it's necessary for Alad V to "join" Tenno per se for this to happen, but it's an interesting speculation. 


Still waiting for Steel Meridian and Sargas Ruk lore snippet ;_; 

Edited by traybong111
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Depends on the Boss. I'd still have the urge to kill them. But having the Stalker as an Ally would be cool

Oh man I totally forgot about Stalker! That would be an amazing alliance... He would just have to learn to get over his immense need for vengeance upon us in some way that doesn't involve... Killing us.
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Oh man I totally forgot about Stalker! That would be an amazing alliance... He would just have to learn to get over his immense need for vengeance upon us in some way that doesn't involve... Killing us.

But then that might mean he'll stop hunting us and we won't get any Dreads, Despairs,mor Hates! I ain't spending no plat on What Stalker pack! There's better things to spend it on like prime stuff or mods. Plus I'm more interested in learning why he turned on his own faction because he is Tenno because Warframe and powers. He's possibly a Tenno back in the Orokin age that was actually loyal to the Orokin instead of hating them like our Tenno did when they pushed them to extinction.

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Only boss that comes to mind for me is Sargas Ruk, I want him on our side, he is great and has worked with the Tenno before, a valuable ally to be sure.

Wonder if he can allow us to have his flamethrower just a miniature version so we can wield it. Because that thing will pack a punch with the right mods. And that fire rocket could be the alt fire.

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To an extent I think nef and frohd bek are already sorta leaned to our side. But thats because we benefit them.


I kinda want a neutral grineer boss now, has no problems with us but if it comes to having to fight us he will do it. Maybe convince us to leave in his dialouge speeches.

Edited by Makairi
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You gave him the cure, not cured him, and only pc and xbox one players did, ps4 players helped nef, thankfully.

PS4 players had common sense


Alad is unredeemable, used warframes as weapons twice, one he tortured and the other he turned into a infested shell, almost screwed over the corpus board, evolved the infested to infect machines and caused the mutalist strain (as well as giving infested projectiles) and tried to cause an epidemic.


We also don't know how old Jordas is (unless he goes by the old j3 lore) so he could have also caused that when the let the mutalist strain loose.

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The boss that has the highest chance of doing this is Alad. We did cure him so he's in our debt.


Nothing Alad V could ever say or do would earn my forgiveness after what he did to Valkyr and the unknown hundreds of other Tenno and Warframes he butchered in the name of the Zanuka Project...

Edited by NaharaEriclea
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