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Pvp Rage? I Play For Fun But....


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He beat my nephew 1v1 4/8 last round and he tea bagged him everytime he died. So then i played this round, still 1v1 and I went 8/1, he then quit after his 8th death. It was all 1v1 on team annihilation. I won when he quit so i was expecting a gg or something in return for my "hahaha" taunt, instead I got this....

This was my first "Hate" response ever, so I responded this way ;p

Never knew PvP was so serious lol. I'm apparently a f*ckboy and he's really really sick of rednecks.... lol wut

Also i apologize for the big pics, not too keen how how to do thumbnails. 

EDITED: Crossed out Name of Tenno.



You teabagged that guy and messaged him to laugh at his ragequit. He may be a #$&(% for teabagging your nephew, but it's poor PVP etiquette to message your opponent to laugh at him. Just making him quit should have been enough satisfaction, but you chose to provoke him further.

^ this


Op, You and that guy are at the same level. And moreover I doubt there is a nephew... (That's a very old bullS#&$ made for not-sportive players to justify a lose). You were just playing normally, you met an hard opponent, you choose to use game break weapons (karak+mk1 furis). If you were really skilled, you would accept his challenge to use the same limited arsenal. The End.

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Well, that was immature of you OP.....you even went as far as to say "wrecked by a founder", wow.


You are the 5% that gives the other 95% of founders a bad rep.


Old enough to have a nephew

-calls the other person a "kid".... yet acts immature himself

-brags about pvp stats in a pve game

-overuses "xD" like a teenager and is in an anime clan(disgaea?)

-makes a forum thread mocking the other person


The whole "nephew" thing is also a little hard to take seriously, who shares an account with someone and has 70 days of playtime ?


You both acted poorly, but the moment you made a mocking post on the general forums about it you have stooped below his level.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Hey hey Tenno. Please keep in a mind that while yes, this kind of behavior in-game is not tolerated, sharing these kinds of encounters is not cool (even if censored). If you come across a raging player please send screenshots to support.warframe.com instead of posting on the Forums. 


Thank you!

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