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Deals Too Good To Be True.


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Case in point. I just bought a Primed Point Blank at R7 for 60p. No bargaining, no $&*^in around. Advertised price in trade chat, deal done. Most people in Oceania region try to sell these unranked for 300-350p.


So what gives? Player wants plat in a hurry for limited time items? That would be a plus for continuing the limited time idea on certain gear. Player leaving Warframe and spreading some love? I hope not.


For those who have done such deals, what motivated you?


Purchased for personal use btw, not for resale. I never got that one before and I'm falling in love with shotguns.

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I've never sold a full set for cheap, but I have sold individual parts for cheap before. I got either Ash P Systems or Loki P Systems (can't remember) - and I just didn't care to swindle someone over it, so I told the guy: "Look, Idgaf. I just want to put this in the hands of someone who needs it".


When plat isn't much of an issue, I sort of resort to a philosophical viewpoint on the market as a whole xD

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If I have something that I'm not going to use, I sell it, for a realistic price. Warframe has too many A****** traders selling items for hundreds of plat. Nothing in this game is worth that much money, I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.

Sometimes, the player you traded with could've just been a fair person.

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You didnt get a steal. R7 Primed Pb does sell for around that region.


yes people try to sell them for 350 but they cant. The demand for these babies are ridiculously low. In fact, it appears people are so plat strapped, they resort to buying unranked primed mods and level them themselves. Also the amount of mods it takes to bring it from r0-r7 is not significant.

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You didnt get a steal. R7 Primed Pb does sell for around that region.


yes people try to sell them for 350 but they cant. The demand for these babies are ridiculously low. In fact, it appears people are so plat strapped, they resort to buying unranked primed mods and level them themselves. Also the amount of mods it takes to bring it from r0-r7 is not significant.

Idk if that is being plat strapped or just being smart. Fusion cores drop like wildfire nowadays so getting it maxed should make little to no difference.

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I once sold an Ash Prime set for 1k plats. I didn't trick the buyer into it: he wants to give me the 1k! I asked why he was buying at such high price and he told me he got a few 75% offs and he has loads of plats currently. Well, that made my day and I decided to do some small Warframe charity works right then and there.

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You didnt get a steal. R7 Primed Pb does sell for around that region.


yes people try to sell them for 350 but they cant. The demand for these babies are ridiculously low. In fact, it appears people are so plat strapped, they resort to buying unranked primed mods and level them themselves. Also the amount of mods it takes to bring it from r0-r7 is not significant.


That's friggin gold!


So those who are pricing stuff way over are doing those who price stuff realistically a favor by making their prices look cheap. I can guess who gets the most sales.


R0 to R7 being cheap I know. It might as well have been R0, but I'm not complaining. I've been waiting for a couple of months for a decent price. Got no interest in bargaining. I would have paid them more, up to a limit.


For the record, no, I don't trade much. I can get all the plat that I need without it and want most of my gear by RNG. My plat stays mostly out of the player market. Your reply implies a lesson to the sellers.


Don't be greedy.

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Well, I remember getting steals due to one main reason...Warframe Trading. Yeah, that site where 'average prices' of items for trade are found. Snagged myself a Volt Prime BP for 10p before it was obtainable in T2Cap, meaning the only way to get it was through RNG of T4Cap. At that time, they would sell for 70+. On WarframeTrading, 10plat was around average for what Volt P BPs were 'worth', and the seller himself told me that these were the true 'average prices'. I felt bad and decided to give him some soma parts, because man, I did feel guilty...although...


Business is war, after all c:

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Got p continuity for 30p, p fast hands for 20p. Separate sellers. They offered the price. They were high mr. Asia region, months ago.

Then recently i was buying p point blank, offered from ranges 50-100 plat. I was ignored many times, and i was confused. Finally able to buy one for 250p after i let them offer.

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If i already own the thing and i get another one, it does me no good to sit in my inventory meaninglessly. as someone who tries not to spend money on this game outside of prime access exclusives, even 1p at a time is better than no plat at all.


i on more that one occasion have sold syndicate weapons for 15-20p and prime parts for "free"/anything (i have asked they just place a random mod or something in the trade and id agree; nice thing is, they are usually surprisingly generous back!)

Edited by Wawazat
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That's friggin gold!


So those who are pricing stuff way over are doing those who price stuff realistically a favor by making their prices look cheap. I can guess who gets the most sales.


R0 to R7 being cheap I know. It might as well have been R0, but I'm not complaining. I've been waiting for a couple of months for a decent price. Got no interest in bargaining. I would have paid them more, up to a limit.


For the record, no, I don't trade much. I can get all the plat that I need without it and want most of my gear by RNG. My plat stays mostly out of the player market. Your reply implies a lesson to the sellers.


Don't be greedy.


Don't get me the wrong way buddy. I'm happy that you got a good deal. I'm just trying to say, there is an expectation of how much a mod costs but in reality the cost isn't that high simply because the demand is that low.


Primed reach/ravage/point blank falls into these categories.


On the other end of the spectrum, there is an expectation of how much a mod should cost but high demand has caused the price to just skyrocket.


The reality is we perceive a price/value of a item but often, we are wrong about it. Its just a cognitive thing i feel more than anything

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Yeah, Boar Prime is not worth 600p man. 

I was buying 5 parts for 6p and got a fair few boar parts that people were just dumping 'cause there was no market for them. 


I've barely been able to sell anything these days. 

Prices have dropped so much lately. 

Other then the current 'hot' primes or 'want to have' vaulted primes (like Frost), everything else seems to have dropped in value ..


I'm wondering if overall we just have too many players who are now all running void missions so the market is swamped with parts. 


Overall, you can't go complaining about the drop tables anymore when buying the items is very easy and cheap these days.

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