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Almost Everything Past Mid-Game Isn't Challenging Anymore.


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The game needs endgame

Weapons, ranks, mods have scaled, enemies and map levels have not.


most maps I jog through and simply watch my sentinel 1 shot everything, or use one of the numerous aoes to slaughter things, I don't bother with shields or armor as everything dies before it can even look at me let alone shoot.

There is literally NOTHING in the stock game (ie map and void outside endless) that is not 1 shot by almost all of my main weapons

the latest boss was 1 shot by tonkor breaking the encounter!


In a group setting I can maintain 200 million dps ... 

most of the time in a normal group I am lucky if I can even aim at stalker before he dies.

when needed CC is broken OP

the game is comically easy


Getting the game to a level where actual play can happen takes over an hour of grind, and often ends with the game crashing, or people simply getting bored and leaving because it took so long.



Difficulty should be increased to the point that content is almost impossible in current gear, laving space for the next 10 mastery  ranks and the upcoming buffs, weapons, frames and prime mods that will increase output more.


Imo pluto should be level 400+ earth should be level 10 and missions should meet in the middle, scaling up smoothly



New players play newer maps and are happy

8 forma older players play later maps and are happy

in 2 years time new mods and weapons don't cause this issue again!



Special alerts should be available past mastery rank 15 that are difficult to impossible

Edited by Tatersail
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The game needs endgame

Weapons, mastery ranks, mods have scaled in the same game, levels need to scale.

most maps I jog through and simply watch my sentinel 1 shot everything, or use one of the numerous aoes to slaughter things, I don't bother with shields or armor as everything dies before it can even look at me let alone shoot.

There is literally NOTHING in the stock game (ie map and void outside endless) that is not 1 shot by almost all of my main weapons

the latest boss was 1 shot by tonkor breaking the encounter!

when needed CC is broken OP

the game is comically easy

Difficulty should be increased to the point that content is almost impossible in current gear, laving space for the next 10 mastery ranks, upcoming prime mods and weapon creep that is happening.

Imo pluto should be level 400+ earth should be level 10 and missions should meet in the middle

New players play newer maps and are happy

8 forma older players play later maps and are happy

in 2 years time new mods and weapons don't cause this issue again!

Or... MR alerts should be available past mr 15 you get hourly alert missions that are difficult to impossible for each MR catagory

MR means nothing
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Dear OP, please attach a screenshot of your boltor/boltor prime in mod menu.


I find it a little hard to believe that you find everything so easy, yet don't have any maxed gear.


Perhaps you are just lucky and keep joining guys who carry you all the time, if so then you should buy a lottery ticket!

Edited by kiteohatto
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I dunno why but I have to up vote this



back in update 7 people say corpus trap nerf please...and now they say corpus trap is so easy ...same goes with the secret room etc etc...what I am saying that even if de making the game more challeging it will be nerf right back after just a few update

Edited by paragasu
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Dear OP, please attach a screenshot of your boltor/boltor prime in mod menu.


I find it a little hard to believe that you find everything so easy, yet don't have any maxed gear.


Perhaps you are just lucky and keep joining guys who carry you all the time, if so then you should buy a lottery ticket!


add him as a friend, click inspect on waiting for friends... PERV at will...  remove friend ... 

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You mean the old one?

I mean the new one but where the challenge is not the lag but the ability of your enemies. Clearly if you say that the only challenge in pvp is the lag (cause the enemies are easy), u never fought agains skilled enemies/organized games,  or more probably u did very few pvp matches.

Lag is a concern, but you could fix it easily with a good host.

Pvp is and will ever be the most challeging part of Warframe.

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I mean the new one but where the challenge is not the lag but the ability of your enemies. Clearly if you say that the only challenge in pvp is the lag (cause the enemies are easy), u never fought agains skilled enemies/organized games, or more probably u did very few pvp matches.

Lag is a concern, but you could fix it easily with a good host.

Pvp is and will ever be the most challeging part of Warframe.

Challenging =/= cheap.
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Conclave isn't exactly challenging. You hide, run, chase than kill someone. If you haven't died yet you bullet jump away.

And this thread's about PVE, not PVP

PVE =/= PVP.

The Op said that everything in the game is too easy, and he does not know how to get a challenge. So I advice him to try Pvp which is challenging. Pvp and Pve are two connected parts of the same game.

What you say ( The hide, run, chase, kill) or the bullet jump are kinds of playstyle. In pvp you use your playstyle against other playstyles, in a battle of combact abilities and the more skilled wins. 

You could say: but many just bulletjump/run/parkour away... even in that case the parkour skills overcome the aim skills of the opponent so the "parkourer" wins for his skills to avoid direct and massive damage. 

Btw if you get enough experience you know how to overcome some evasive manouvers. 

Strategic moves, elusive play and escape, reflex , aim abilities and many other elements make the challenge.


edit for typo

Edited by LordCloud00
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Btw I mean no disrespect however:

I don't agree that these said enemies need to be buffed because for the most part they are already hard for new players. Yes I can one shot the stalker with a rakta cernos with 5 forma, but could I do that with a Mk1 Braton with no catalyst prolly not.

I know your saying they should scale based on skill/conclave of load out, but you can still mod toward that for the most part(I.e corrosive projection.) Unlike new players who may not have the knowledge of building toward their enemies or the mods. And it's not necessarily Draco that's making high MR players with no skills. I mean their are a butt load of frames and weapons or even going through the planet nodes can get you a pretty high MR. And some of these people could just not have RNG on their side when it comes to mods. I know I was unfortunate to only get equilibrium at MR 13 which is a mod I love.

I don't know how to make these enemies harder and keeping the peace for new people the only suggestion is lower your load outs conclave rating proactively and see if it's still not challenging.

Or I guess it would be challenging if they would spawn later in missions then at the beginning where enemies are lower leveled. Imagine fighting the Gustag three at the hour mark with enemies all over you. That would prolly be a bit challenging lol.

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That's what happened when DE become too generous on MR restrictions, some people draco'd all the day, bought everything BEST in-sight, one-shotting most enemies, being carried to MR20 and they started to think they are end-game players. DE should focus on retaining average players and attracting new players, not satisfying people who rushed everything then whine for more challenges. I know DE need money but it would make players burn-out in weeks.



Have you ever know there's 2nd floor in relay?

Have you ever use your hand to hack consoles?

Have you ever explore the map, find all the Kurias?

Have you ever use skills other than pressing X to win?

Have you ever try out different weapon/mod loadout besides anything could increase your on-paper damage?

Have you ever take some time doing research about game mechanism(fusing mods/elemental weakness/skill cooperating)?


EDIT: oops, you didn't draco? Then...have you ever think about new players struggling to survive(instead of having fun)?

Edited by VCaptiion
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To be honest this games difficulty is one gigantic rabbit hole filled with cans of worms.

What do i mean by that? Look at how much absurd damage a weapon can do, then look at corrosive projection and figure out why organized groups prefer this mod above all else,then go from there.

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Just came in to cry about yet another redundant use of the word 'literally.'  Why oh why do people use this word so excessively where there is no need.  It's literally an overuse of the word (just barfed a little typing that).


Now for an attempt to appear as if I am on topic.  I would like to say that agree that this is not the type of game that has been designed to be mechanically difficult.  It is more of a MMO where gear progression and pattern memorization determines difficulty.  If you skip the gear progression you rob yourself of enjoying the power increase curve.

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The key, I think, is finding a way to increase the difficulty for long-time players without ramping up difficulty for new players, maybe even players mid-progression, but especially new players. The difficulty curve for new players, who aren't getting taxi'd or spending plat, is incredibly difficult as it is. For an example, hit up Sedna with nothing ranked higher than R6, only 30 points per weapon/frame, a less than ideal aura and no corrupted/nightmare mods. It's a mess.


I like the idea of some sort of scaling based on your frame/weapons power; MR doesn't work, the old conclave-rating-scaling sorta had the right idea (but was implemented terribly). Maybe bring back mod ratings and have them scale up exponentially with every level, making R9-10's give you a very high score and thus incite very hard assassins/bosses.

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