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Archwing, Fun Or Nah?


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The pros:


Nearly 360degree combat

The cons:

Putsy enemy movement and AI. (I want a quallity dog fight too, not just endless fish in a barrel)


More tilesets.

Missions that include Archwing to regular transsion like sharkwing.

General QoL tweaks.

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I do not like them Sam-I-Am,

I do not like Archwings and Ham,


Would you like them here or there?

I would not like them here or there

I would not like them anywhere.

I do not like Archwings and Ham


...  I do not like the play mode - and I do not like the play mode being added as a requirement for progression.  I have tried Archwings on several occasions and I really do not like them at all...


As a casual player I have yet to unlock the entire map - and now with so many arch wing  missions I am unlikely to ever do so.


So I am a solid -Nah...

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It's not that fun until you've played Archwing Sporeball.


Archwing Sporeball is fun.


I'm serious.

I can confirm archwing sporeball is pretty interesting :'D


But yeah archwing has potential and I rather like zipping around with Itzal.

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I'm torn. I have been playing it a bit recently and it ha it's pros and cons...

I did enjoy the j3 mission. I have been leveling AWs and weapons the last couple days...

Like some have said already, cool idea... Just not implemented well enough I think...

Hit boxes are terrible on enemies, i like the weapons available, AW abilities are cool, bugs in zone walls and stuff (get stuck blinking sometimes), love the level designs and environments (seeing earth in the background looks amazing), wonky control system of AW movement...

So a mixed bag...

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Archwing's kinda fun, the recent improvements to it helped its playability immensely, but it still needs some work before it's as engaging and interesting as Warframe. (Just for reference, I'm just going to refer to the rest of the game as Warframe, since calling it "the ground game" or something like that is clumsy and awkward)


 Improvements to the current mission types (I'm looking at you, Grineer exterminates) and more enemy variety are what Archwing really needs atm I think. Currently each faction basically has 2 types of enemies, variations on those 2 types, and then a big enemy that doesn't have enough health or firepower to be anything more than a glorified xp pinata (Ogma, Gox or whatever the corpus one is called). So basically what it boils down to is you fight Dargyns, Dregs, and variations of those two on Grineer missions, and on corpus you fight Drones, Rangers, and variations, and that's pretty much it, which is pretty boring.

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the problem is it is just a bit meh. It's very shallow compared to the main game but not exciting enough to be an arcade like diversion.

It's fine in small doses but that's the other problem, the ridiculous way the weapons are built means you have to play over and over again. this just leads to resentment as far as I can see, dragging the experience way past most people's tolerances.

Also while I'm here, can I ask if any of the Devs actually played defense mode before rushing it out the door? Even once? Coz just one game should have showed this mode is mind numbingly tedious. I have literally fallen asleep while playing, no joke, I have fallen asleep. How this mode could be released like this is honestly beyond me, they are much better than this.

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 The archwing rework that we got a while back was nice and a  step int he right direction but it was only a step. DE needs to go through the whole marathon to fix archwing properly.




For me archwing is the only thing in warframe that I wish never existed. I would seriously pay good money for DE to just remove archwing or fix it properly.

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I recently acquired Itzal and Elytron to complete my Archwing fleet, so I’ve been playing quite a bit of Archwing of late and now feel that I’m in a better position to comment on this game mode.


Archwing Variety – Currently we have just 3 Archwing models. Compared to the number and variety of Warframes, this gets stale pretty fast; adding a bunch more Archwings isn’t the answer however. It’s a real shame that your Warframe choice is relegated to a mere Aura mod. I would like to see the choice of Archwing complement or enhance the Warframe, not replace it. You should choose your Archwing to augment certain stats to make up for frame deficiencies (low armor, low energy, etc.). Maybe each Archwing model could have 1 defensive and 1 offensive ability, with the other 2 abilities coming from the Warframe (modified as appropriate). This would really help tie the 2 game mods together add keep players from feeling like they are starting from scratch with Archwing. Also, think about being able to use Snow Globe or Molecular Prime on Archwing defense!


Secondaries – We need missile pods! I’m REALLY bad at being able to take out enemies with my Arch gun. Basically if it won’t go down in a single shot I’m far better off using melee. Some nice Armored Core-esque missile pods would be awesome and wouldn’t make enemy swarms feel so overwhelming. Would also minimize situations where combat devolves into melee button mashing (for me at least).


Missions – Every mission type needs a node for low level, medium level, and high level enemies. Currently if you want to play interception or defense you need pretty decent gear…but since these are also the best missions for leveling, it leads to low level frames joining, getting frustrated, and basically just causing problems for the rest of the squad. Unlike non-Archwing missions, it’s almost impossible to get anywhere with a random squad in Archwing defense or interception which make acquiring those rotation C parts all but impossible.


Mobile Defense – These are much appreciated for leveling gear, but the enemy spawns need work. I’ve done a couple missions where 2 out of 3 satellites weren’t attacked by a single enemy and the squad just floated around joking in text chat about how challenging it was.


Defense – Bugs aside, this mission is still seriously awful. I love non-Archwing defense, it’s my favorite mission type…there is so much wrong with the design of this one I hardly know where to begin.


First there is the completely un-necessary and lengthy flight to the defense targets. Sadly this is also the most fun part of the mission.


Then you have the issue of having 2 shuttles to defend. I guess you can just choose to let one be destroyed, but I just find this irksome and not fun.


Then there is the layout of the room itself. The enemies simply can’t deal with the topography making this mode devolve into a tedious hunt for that last stupid enemy stuck in the spawn gate or under something. The radar is also surprisingly useless considering the small size of the playing area.


Sharkwing – I just don’t get it. While I love the idea of switching to Archwing for sections of a mission, the current submersible missions just add a less fun way to traverse the environment than the Parkour system. Underwater tubes and vents aren’t fun, it just gets people turned around and frustrated. It’s always a great relief to me when doing a mission on Uranus when a token underwater section isn’t injected into the tiles. Maybe there’s more to Sharkwing and I just haven’t done the right missions yet???


* Mission Variety – Combination missions where you start in space, take out defenses and infiltrate an asteroid base or ship, etc. Archwing needs more than pale imitations of the normal mission types to really set it apart and make it worthwhile.


Right now, compared to the non-Archwing content, it’s not fun…but I don’t think it’s a lost cause either.


** Itzal has the best set of abilities, if you don’t like Archwing but have only tried Odonata, try this one! Elytron is great for defense/interception but isn’t very interesting to play…

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Love archwing.


It needs alot of TLC but it's just oozing with potential. It could be amazing if they put the work into it. (<<< That, by the way, is exactly what I said about Warframe a couple years ago when I first tried it out.. and NOW look at it. Hopefully Archwing enjoys the same thing!)

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