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De Might As Well Add A Draco Tab Since Its The Only Thing In The Recruit Chat


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I personally don't get why people recruit for draco on the recruiting tab. You don't need a key for it and each time I just go to it without a squad I end up in a good team. Even if you're looking to form the perfect combination of warframe you can go play with either your friends or Clanmates or just ask the squad you enter. Let's just keep the recruiting to Void/keyed bosses only

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and "h t1" guys.

What have you against beginning/low mr players who want to gain experience?

When I was mr2 it was difficult for me to solo defense, so most of the time i call for help.

If you notice, people recruiting for endless t1 are new players, many also dont have a clan yet. It doesnt mean that after spending 1000+ hrs in game we look down on newcomers.

Edited by reedknoll
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seriously, every other person is a "lf draco farm" "taxi me to draco" "draco here" "draco need frost" this is a serious plague now.


"Now"?  Draco has been a serious plague ever since Viver got fixed. The problem isn't Draco, it's endless enemies spawning within LOS/reach of AOE abilities. Draco just happens to be the most efficient option at the moment.



I personally don't get why people recruit for draco on the recruiting tab.


To farm it most effficiently (with the least amount of gameplay possible), you need a specific team composition. If you queue for Draco randomly and you get 2 Frosts or something, well, that's not ideal.  And lots of people queue for it with unranked warframes and weapons, i.e. they intend to leech and not contribute anything.  That, is why people recruit for Draco in chat.

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Well DE are changing a few things with chat as seen on devstream 61:https://warframe.com/news/devstream-61-overview


and one thing that was mentioned was the ability to join/create up to 3 group. so someone could make a Draco group and then inv everyone they play Draco with and in turn they could inv everyone they play Draco with, so on and so forth until you have a Draco recruiting tab full of players wanting to farm Draco. 


PS. I will not be joining any Draco fan club. 

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Thats because the star chart is a waste of time other than a few missions with draco being the most popular so people can level their gear and play how they want. This is the whole reason why the star chart is being re worked. Now that it's being delayed again this will continue to be the case for some months ahead. 


There is absolutely no fun or worth in repeating the same mission types on a different planet. This imo is one of the probems with WF which is why so many people come and go with the game. 

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@Topic author

Why Draco is popular? Because it gives lot of XP. A lot, lot of XP. This is why people plays it like this. Why would I struggle in, let's say, some survival or defense to get less XP in same time than head for Draco with low-level gear and get more XP in shorter time? People are simply valuing their time. This is: efficient, short rounds, small map, crazy spawn and whatnot. You want Draco meta to end? As logn as we don't have other efficient missions like this, people will do Draco. Still, it is for XP. Nothing more. You still need to do Void for prime stuff.

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What i found out about Draco is that most of the bad parts about the meta on that map comes from organised groups.


I occasionally PUG ride into Draco with random combinations of frames and ranked/unranked weapons and most of the time i find myself in an equally randomly equipped Tenno cell far removed from the nuker+trin+speed nova+frost/nekros meta Group. If you don't lockdwn the Whole map with CC or nuke it so fast most of the Tennos cannot even see the enemies it's even a fun mission, with lots of mobs you can do target practice with.

It's true though that occasionally you'll still land with the meta comp or something close to it and that's booooooooooring asf.



Draco though it's just a symptom of a much bigger problem (as Triton, and Augustus ie). Starchart rewards are generally on the bad side of crappy, xp gain in normal missions is so low you probably won't even do one level with a full Exterminate mission once your weapon ranks past 20/25 without boosters. The end-of-mission rewards are crap, since they don't drop anything worthwile (if they do - exterminates simply do not give you anything for example) and having so few mobs means you won't really drop anything in-mission either, the credit rewards are superlow etc.


If Draco's xp gain was toned down and all of the starchart's rewards were rebalanced then you'd see way less Draco recruiting around. And well, since we do have a starchart rework incoming i'm holding off any judgement/feedback up until then, at least personally.

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seriously, every other person is a "lf draco farm" "taxi me to draco" "draco here" "draco need frost" this is a serious plague now. its not even recruit tab anymore, its just draco tab


sure there is alot but everything i see these days (in europe recruiting)


''H T1S Keyshare''

''LF Keyshare to T4''

''hosting T3E keyshare''

''H ODD keyshare''

''H T1C KS''


the keyshare plague is 100 times worse than Draco (idk why even people farm that place, must be incredible boring, allthought i farm secura instead)

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