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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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Because DE hates press 4 to win and metagaming. That's why.


Also abilities 1, 2 and 3 where buffed, not nerf. The only one nerfed was Miasma, why? read above.


PD: Before someone calls me a white knight, i'm not saying I like the nerf (just in case).

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Oh boy. These threads are a thing already? Now you can actually play the frame instead of leaving a finger taped to the 4 key. Ever played LoL? (A bad example I know, but hear me out) There are many champions on there that require combos to work. Lets take Vladimir for example. Ideally you want to have your E up at all times while using Q immediately after casting E. Because of that, you gain bonuses for using your kit in synergy instead of just spamming one ability. Now (as far as I understand, I dont main Saryn so bare with me), you can use spore as well as miasma for EXTRA damage. But it takes coordination. If you want to play mindless games, go elsewhere. Please dont come here and act entitled. DE listens to this kind of feedback and it hurts the players that enjoy skill-requiring games.

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 I pitted her against 20 level 100 Ancient healers, and killed them all within less than a minute, but using the spores (which spread over a MASSIVE area), Toxic Lash to spread Toxic damage too, and then Miasma to do 4k damage EVERY SECOND FOR 4 SECONDS! THATS 16K DAMAGE JUST FROM MIASMA!


Hmmm.. let me guess. You used the simulacrum. Because that is so indicative of a real game enviroment where you can calmly max your energy and pace around in your own time experimenting. Sure, lets balance things after a simulation and not the game. You should work for DE because they seem to be doing the very same thing.

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So after the Saryn nerf, I've decided to make room for other frames by selling her, since she's absolutely useless compared to how she was, and I only got her for "nuking", because I love the "nuke" play style.

I've been wondering if it's possible to get support to remove the potato from her that I put on less than a week ago, since the way she is now, it's a complete and total waste, and I wouldn't even think of putting it on with her current state.

Also, could someone recommend a good "nukeframe"?

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I don't understand what the point of crying about this is really. The change happened, and no matter how dumb you think the change is, reverting it would be worse.


I don't see anything being accomplished with this topic, so I'm just gonna skidaddle out of here :3

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  • Miasma Revisions
    • Damage ticks will be done every second, Duration will affect how long the debuff is up.
    • 100% more damage if target is affected by a Viral proc (Spore guarantees a Viral proc when exploded).
    • 100% more damage if target is affected by a Toxin proc (Toxic Lash guarantees a Toxin proc on impact).
    • Enemies hit by Miasma when under the effects of Miasma will have the duration timer reset.
    • Increase base damage overall.


I'm sorry you think more damage is a nerf?


Old Miasma was instant gratification. New Miasma is a DoT that - apparently - has higher overall DPS

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Well, you have.... mmm... frost? xD 


just stop spamming 4 for a while and enjoy playing the game - unless spamming 4 is enjoyable to you- then try hmmm.... idk, mag spam 2 against corpus and some void, Equinox main kills too, Frost, tho he's not that strong... I can't think of any other aoe abilities that kills. 

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Hmmm.. let me guess. You used the simulacrum. Because that is so indicative of a real game enviroment where you can calmly max your energy and pace around in your own time experimenting. Sure, lets balance things after a simulation and not the game. You should work for DE because they seem to be doing the very same thing.

Yes, i did use the Simulacrum, however, the time it takes to go up against 20 level 100 of whatever all at once is.... well it's impossible, and given that healers have the damage reduction buff, plus a healing pulse, makes them ideal for testing simply the strength of powers (which is what I was doing)

I'm not arguing the fact that you could run out of energy, but that's just poor energy management then (especially considering she can have a max energy of like 650 now with Primed Flow).

I am talking about the overall strength and ranges of her powers, which have been massively buffed, become more proactive, and are just hilarious to see as well, with the sheer amount of numbers that pop out of enemies.

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IMHO every frame's kit needs this kind of combo synergy


the saryn rework is the kind of synergy that limbo should have had out of the gate


ie all her abilities work and do something worthwhile by themselves, but combo'd together they are even better, unlike limbo who requires 2-3 abilities to do anything at all and even then they are lackluster


saryn's kit now positively incentivizes ppl to use more than just p42w, and very few other frames do this well


even the excal rework still suffers, sure i like to use radblind still, but slash dash and radjav just dont matter when exalted blade is out


frames like loki work becuz the synergy was 'built-in' ie he has low EHP so he needs to stay hidden, decoy helps to distract, and disarm also helps to keep him alive, at the same time this weakens the enemies, and swap is for mobility when needed, he's one of the few frames that really sees a lot of use of all of his abilities


fwiw the frost rework was also well done imho, as ice wave is not terrible anymore and it and freeze both have useful functions


i even think that ember is in a decent spot atm


but there are some other frames that really need more attention, like limbo

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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Wow you sound short sighted (sorry but you do).

Saryn is MUCH better than she was, and is no longer the "Press 4 to win lazy-frame" that she was before. So sorry, if you actually have to do something to do MORE damage than before, but that's how you should be playing a game.

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From you know, testing and playing the game. Try it some time, it's fun

But its BS and I know it for a fact. a 181% power str Saryn can do 633 dmg per second, if you use toxin and Viral buff it buff that to 1899. whre is your 4k dude?? that's not even close show me a screen shot or someting or don't speak out of you !.


261% power str is 913 with Viral/Toxin buf its 2739 BUT for this you either run with no armor/hp or range mods and your energy efficiency is crap to. Still a long way to 4k 


So where is it ??


Either way you have to seriusly gimp youself to get thous numbers either in range or efficiency or hp/armor or seweral at the same time.

Edited by DraccoDoom
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and once again. it wasnt nerf. it was buff

Miasma dealt 2.1k damage yesterday, today it's 325 damage.

I did a hundred or more runs of vaults to get the mods I needed to build around her ult, now it's completely useless.

It's a nerf.

I don't know how DE came to a conclusion that this was a good idea, but if this happens to me again I'll just drop this game like I did with LoL and other games where content kept getting nerfed to the ground. I waste my time to build a character specifically how i want, and then boom, get nurf-slapped.

Wow you sound short sighted (sorry but you do).

Saryn is MUCH better than she was, and is no longer the "Press 4 to win lazy-frame" that she was before. So sorry, if you actually have to do something to do MORE damage than before, but that's how you should be playing a game.

I should be playing a game in a way I wan't to play a game. And having my time completely wasted isn't something I look kindly to.

THANK GOD I didn't spend a penny on the catalyst, if I did I wouldn't have the game on my pc anymore.

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Miasma dealt 2.1k damage yesterday, today it's 325 damage.

I did a hundred or more runs of vaults to get the mods I needed to build around her ult, now it's completely useless.

It's a nerf.

I don't know how DE came to a conclusion that this was a good idea, but if this happens to me again I'll just drop this game like I did with LoL and other games where content kept getting nerfed to the ground. I waste my time to build a character specifically how i want, and then boom, get nurf-slapped.

I have no idea what kind of build you are running, but I'm clearing T3 and T4 missions no problem.

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Miasma dealt 2.1k damage yesterday, today it's 325 damage.

I did a hundred or more runs of vaults to get the mods I needed to build around her ult, now it's completely useless.

It's a nerf.

I don't know how DE came to a conclusion that this was a good idea, but if this happens to me again I'll just drop this game like I did with LoL and other games where content kept getting nerfed to the ground. I waste my time to build a character specifically how i want, and then boom, get nurf-slapped.


Thats because it requires other abilities to do more damage now. Try some combos. Test out other abilities. They synergise much better than before. IMO all frames should work this well with their abilities.

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