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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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I would have rather you kept her health and armor stats as it was, or instead lowered the shields instead of health. having a bigger health pool along with regen (aura mod or the augment mod) along with the Rage mod to gain energy from dmg , was the way i built mine which would have been a great built to use along with the change you done to the abilities. Since almost all her powers depends on duration-strength-range. so to make the best use of the abilities. i would need to built my saryn with the low efficiency. which would be utilized through the energy gain i get from Dmg to my health . but since you increased the armor and lowered the health. in the end of the day that just made the energy gain lower. 

Edited by RagnaEternalCurse
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I haven't played Saryn yet since I just forma'd her, but there's only one thing bothering me atm. Is there no unique Profile Icon for this skin, like there was for Proto Excal?


Please DE, just give us Profile Icons for all skins.


Would be great if everyone who bought the expensive 200p pack would get the icon along with it.

Edited by Sci_Ant
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Synergy is great, but there's a definitive lack of abilities being great on their own.


Spores could use more damage. Maybe, a bit of %maxhealth damage on bursting a spore? Something timid, like 3-5%. Also, spreading spores on enemy death would be delightful.


Moult needs to have it's aggro looked at, and it's price lowered.


Contagion... Well... It's neato. Could use some sort of health restore tanky mechanic to it, since you nerfed Saryn's innate buffness. Say, restoring health based on combo counter, or reducing damage based on something you need to stack (with ability to recast and keep the buff alive).


Here's an idea for Miasma - how about it doesn't do damage on it's own at all? Buff it's range and make it's tick stagger and weaken (armour shred?) enemies... And burst spores to spread them, every tick, with increased spread range and % damage. 


Overall, great rework mechanically. Now go tweak her numbers until she's fun to play with other bursty frames around!

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Surprised no one has mentioned the issue with spores not spreading if team mates kill enemies before spores are popped...or maybe I missed it. But anyway I agree with a lot that was said here. Spore should cost less(because it's very much needed for her.), Spores should spread/explode on enemy death not just by shooting and making them pop.


Honestly, I like the idea behind this iteration of Saryn, I really do. She uses all of her powers in combination with one another to do amazing things, how ever...for her to NEED to do this at higher levels is a pain to due. Yes I say NEED. I was only going up against level 30ish enemies on Draco and in order to drop enemies with one shot I had to do the 1/3/4 combo, if I could even get the enemy to stay alive along enough to spread the spores.


I love the idea, and it looks great, it just needs some tweaks and she will be golden. Saryn needs more armor so she can actually get in to the fight and survive(Seriously, you buffed all the other melee focused frames armor(Excal, Valkyr, Atlas) why not Saryn too?) Plus with the range on her powers she kind of needs to be in the middle of things in order to be truly effective. And honestly....reduce her power costs all around please? Keep her energy pool where it is, just reduce the cost of her powers by say....25% to help promote synergy among her powers, cause...as it stands...she runs out of power quick with this new setup of powers. I mean, I love being able to spore an enemy, then toxic lash at em, and their buddies, then let of a miasma to melt them all, but I only got enough energy to do that twice before they over run and i'm now dead.


Or on a completely unrelated subject, put a level cap on enemies so we don't have to do crazy builds on our warframes for those endlessly scaling missions. I believe a lot of these complaints about saryn, even some of my own, are based purely on facing high level enemies that just keep getting tougher, so...it might not even be a problem with saryn, but a problem with the craziness of endless scaling enemies.

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There. See all those 3399's? Yea? Yea, THAT'S the kind of damage you can pump out every second. And that's JUST with 185% strength too

Ok, a bit under 4k, but want to take back that comment now?


dealing 3400 damage/second with 185% power strength against unarmored enemies with a 75% weakness to the damage is not impressive., especially when you had to set up 3 powers to do it.


Do you know what else deals 3400 DPS to a level 100 ancient?  A braton with no forma.  Not a braton prime, a braton (which actually does 4100 from JUST the corrosive damge).  a Mk-1 Braton, with no forma, can deal 3500 DPS vs a corrupted ancient from just the corrosive damage, not factoring in critical chance or any other mods you could put on it.


If your argument is that Saryn's role as a DPS frame is shining through because it's almost as good as a no-forma Mk-1 Braton, but to an AoE, your argument has a few flaws.

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So here is may take on what to change.

What I see as the biggest problem with this rework is....

1. Very bad energy consumption/efficiency for a frame that should use many powers in a combo fashion for optimal gameplay.

2. Hp/Armor to low for the new gameplay mechanics that nudges us to go close range to use Saryn for her full potential or long time frame that's needed to pull of the combo.

3. Molt dies to fast for his role as a bullet attractor and not a HP restore, what used to be his main role.



1. Combine one power with energy restore capability (ala Limbos, Rift walk that regenerates 2 energy per second on top of his normal function) Toxic Lash for example.

2. Just buff HP or Armor or put armor/hp buff on one power

3. Just make it so 4 sek after the cast Molt take no dmg OR reduced dmg

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rework spore: 

affected target will have a 50% health reduction(currently working)

- damage over time, viral damage type

- upon death of the target will trigger a viral damage explosion, will transfer remaining duration of the DOT to the affected target.


remove toxic lash

no longer needed, the rework spore will trigger the upon death explosion both melee and range weapon

- redundant


new skill that will replace toxic lash

- crowd control skill that will help saryn to stay a bit longer on later level



- increase armor a bit futher since you want saryn to be a brawler

- add a base duration for her DOT skill effect, since warframe is a very fast pace game, dot type skill are not really that good

Edited by vashyoung
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Pure Nerf


The ONLY and I mean the ONLY reason Saryn was wanted as a frame in a group was for her Burst DPS.


This is gone so the frame has no value to a group, almost any frame can do sustained DPS and still bring more to the group.


It is now just Mastery Fodder.

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To much 1-2-3-4 spam for ~same result. Excal get gorgeous eb+armor, frost got armor+globe buff+damage+tons of cc, valkyr got toggleable god mode with hell of a tons of melee damage. What got saryn? Heath discreace+same spam as before but with more steps and+energy to be able to somewhat keep up with new apetite, How the same people were able to make previous reworks good, but fails miserably with this one

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1 saryn now takes too much energy for everything and I'm always out of energy when I try to play her and use her skills effectively

2 She lacks usability in end-game/high level enemies. For real... I cant use her anymore in long T4 runs

3 it takes forever to build up the combos...for the time it takes to do only x damage i rather shoot the enemies and do 3x damage 


4 full strenght build neglecting duration is not viable anymore...I find this an issue personally I liked her the way she was before where we could neglect one stat and focus on the others that were very much needed (range)


5 where is the range? in the case that she is not intended to be a range WF which i completely understand then the new armor buff is not enough to deal with the risk of getting close enough and taking forever to cast a combo that deals somewhat average damage

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EDIT : OK, NVM, I read some comments, I maybe didn't understand right thing but it looks like it's not that good at all so I'll remove everything I said (except this poll (Which Warframes are our favourite ones)), have a good day and bye everyone who reads my message

Edited by MysterTroll
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I do find it hilarious that people are annoyed that the toxin frame takes time to kill enemies. You know how poison works in real life right? Even the most deadly known toxins take about 10 seconds to kill their victim.

there are spiders in south america with neurotoxins that kill in 2-3 seconds.

You think the orokin couldn't improve that?

A drop of venom from the inland taipen can kill 30-40 adult men.

and yet it takes a whole goddam spore bubble for saryn.

Dont try to justify this nerf with real world logic.

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guise, I'm automatically more skilled and superior to u all becuz I can press 3 moar buttons! That's 3 moar buttons than before! I'm glad I'm so good at this 3 button pressing game watch these awesome button pressing skillz. So good that I need band-aids to continue pressing 3 more difficult buttons that no one else can do so therefore I am moar skilled than u all becuz I can press 3 more buttons.


This is exactly what everyone laughing about people being mad that saryn isn't 'press 4 to win' any more sounds like.


What a bunch of babies.

Now she's 'press 3 e 1 e 4 to win considerably less' and it doesn't enable any other playstyles - Spore builds are just a less-good version of the venom builds that anyone using saryn into high level content was already using (using miasma as an emergency CC).  Now she has a bunch of abilities that ONLY work together (toxic lash is a garbage ability on its own).  The ONLY thing saryn got in this update was the ability to use spore on the molt, and that doesn't make up for the nerfs.


My clan was counting down to the saryn rework because we were excited for builds other than just miasma spam (I was excited for builds other than Venom+Guns too).  We didn't get that, though.  We only got a miasma nerf.


It's garbage.

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I wonder how everyone will react if DE turned all her abilities to bypass armor, like the damage totally ignores armor while keeping her current state


bypassing armor only matters against grineer, and only if you're not in a corrosive projection team (fun fact, when DE DOES test things in actually multiplayer scenarios they use corrosive projection teams just like all the 'tryhard max efficiency minmaxers,' - this was revealed during the survival debacle)


I'd still just use venom/spore and not bother with her other abilities.


Toxic Lash would actually be semi-interesting if the extra damage bypassed armor.

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the damage is fine i can tell you that, and thats not the problem...

the real problem is efficiency of the overall gameplay, right now saryn needs a bit of molt and spore then miasma, she need 3 skills to bring the best damage that she can deal, thats not efficient at all. though it was fun, i got trinity giving me unlimited energy but yeah energy is the problem with this new gameplay


saryn needs spore to be aoe upon death if DE will not solved the energy issue

and bit of survival skill upgrade if they want her to be a brawler tanky(not really) frame

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Miasma cannot reduce armor or do corrosive proc

Viral proc > HP bounces back

Viral proc used to permanently reduce the current HP on enemies.

HP will be cut like 100>50>25 on each proc

But after nerf HP goes like 100>50 then bounces back to 100>50.


Toxin and Viral only time the miasma damage it is not "synergy" it is "precaution"


FLAT DAMAGE warframe is a single trick pony and a bad design.

Edited by Volinus7
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I just tried Saryn after her rework. The spores are a b**ch to spread, enemies just die before they can get spread out (in lower levels), Miasma deals absolutely nothing, her 2 is mediocre, so is her 3. I forced myself to try and change her builds around, try and find how she can be useful or good, but couldn't. She was my favorite frame before the rework, now I can't like her even if I try. A DoT frame in a game where you're constantly getting bumrushed by twenty enemies? hah. And even if you do manage to spread the spores and use miasma, it deals NOTHING compared to what it was before. Before it was "press 4, deal damage, kill anything that survives with your weapons". Now it's either die trying to set up some damage, or succeed in setting up the damage and get wrecked by enemies that still survived. Which is pretty much any bulkier enemy in the game.  She's crap now, that's all to it.

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A work poorly done is not appreciated, unless we are all 12 years old and we did't know what is this.

The KEEP IT SIMPLE is a reminder for other aspects of the game like:


damage 2.0

All those changes, all those combination, but still corrosive and fire is the best choice for 3 of 4 type of enemies  on this game.

(there was a great video explaining it, maybe saw while seeing mogamu,, but now I dont remember)


movement 2.0

We still dont give a crap about shooting while latched on a wall, or while sliding.


Am I wrong ?


I don't know about you, but I shoot a lot when I'm hovering in the air. Just saying.

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IF Miasma was a corrosive proc or even just a flat Armour strip AND Spore's viral proc just flat halved the targets health AND Toxic Slash was a completely different ability that actually works with the kit given (seriously... you put poison on you melee weapon... everything else about your kit says keep at range yet you have an ability stay close... like I'd be happy with it if it was just a self damage buff applying poison on everything and maybe giving armour). IF all this was taken into account and implemented then I'd say F*** to the old Saryn and welcome the new support tank Saryn who sufficiently debuffs all enemies it would make a duration build feel nice and allow the player to decide if they want to ignore the armour buff ability by making a negative power build or balance it out and create a more selfish build to affect only the enemies in the immediate vicinity.


Also GIVE MEH BECK MEH 25 HP!!1! seriously though... 872HP with the arcane hemlock helmet as opposed to her old 1100(ish)HP? why?


I'll finish my post here by saying that in lower levels, it doesn't matter what your abilities scale like, you can still cast Miasma and kill things on ceres but when you take her to the void, you have problems. The void is separate into 3 categories of surviving. 1) I can kill EVERYTHING before they can even touch me. 2) Ah! did you hit me? well, yeah... cool... here's a bullet. 3) I AM BULLET PROOOOOOOFFFFFF!!1! (I'm looking at you Valkyr -_-) By these rules, Saryn doesn't fit into any of them. Don't even get me started on who she'd performs in the raids. She can't shrug off a hit like Trinity, She's not immortal like Valkyr and she doesn't have damage like Nova or Excalibur. She's in between all of it and I feel she should really be aimed more like Loki is. A support who makes everybody's life easier.

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