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[Rumor]More Chinese Themed Warframe Coming


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here we go again, more arguments about warframes which "stem" from China. 


I for one do not mind what they put into the game as the more diversity, the more interesting it is and the more options there are to play around with. With regards to Lore, I am sure DE can come up with something. Whether or not it sound plausible or not would depend largely on the individual. Who is to say the void is not a dimension where Gods and Deities exist and have been trapped there by orokin technology to harness their powers into their warframes to suit their needs for battle?? ;)


Anyway, as before when I was revealing the Umbra excalibur in the past, Please refrain from using auto translate software as these then to mess up the meaning and translate stuff word for word which makes everything sound rubbish and deviates the original meaning which is being put across.

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We haven't even had the release of Wukong or Nezah on our global build yet, We don't know if acquiring them even messes with the lore. Their drops might be from infested pinecone trees for all we know.


Yes, these frames seem to be released to help bring attention to Star Armor. Why, not? Let them have something they are familiar with in classic lore. This is DE's paycheck. Global build is more likely to blow up if we DON'T get the frames Star Armor is getting. If anything, we are still getting other types of warframes besides the chinese themed ones. 


I am personally very excited for all these new frames.

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Doesnt matter to me. This just seems to be a case of western influenced warframes vs. Eastern influenced warframes.

Somewhere out there there are Chinese players criticizing our `original` warframes(and are just as unaccepting).

Edited by Darkmoone1
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The original frames has no "theme" its just names.

Even theyh ad themes though the names were less original back then... frost, mag, rhino, ember... even loki named after the trickster norse god - the name clearly gave away the themes of their power set or the archtype character they are as seen in many other multi character games. None the less fan names yeah means more vague.


Oberon is the druid themed frame with a traditional Rpgs paladin balance of offense/healing ... cept hes an eximus drop nowadays lol. Hes no fairy king like the shakesphere chararacter but he hoes have a clear theme to his powerset, they all do.


Exclalibur - swordplay

Ember - fire

Frost - ice

Saryn - toxin/flowers

Loki - trickery/deception

Mirage - light/illussion

Rhino - rhino

Mag - magnetism

Ash - ninja

Trinity - medic

Volt - electricity

Nova - anti matter

Oberon - druid/paladin

Valkyr - beserker/cat

Vauban - trapper/grenadier

Nyx - mind manipulation

Nekros - necromancer

Banshee - sound

Hydroid - water/kraken

Zephyr - wind/hawk

Limbo - rift walking

Mesa - gunplay

Chroma - dragon/ tank

Equinox - night/day

Atlas - earth (brawler?)

Wukong - monkey

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Brace yourselves, in 1 - 2 years only samurais play


Aren't they Japanese?

Yes, samurai are Japanese, and the fact that people apparently can't tell the difference between Japan and China is probably a good indicator of where this thread is inevitably headed.

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Really. I'd love to hear how a frame based off a Chinese deity (or two) would fly in the face of the lore we have.

I think the argument that these frames are lorebreaking is kinda stupid, to be honest.

With that said I hope that you (unlike others) don't miss out on the point some have made.

The DE original warframes, while following a theme or an archetype, follow one that is fairly open on it's own on what kind of powers it can have. The warframes you listed being named after famous individual entities merely have references to those names in either some their powers (or aspects or these), aspects of their themes or aspects of their appereance.

Chinaframes stand out here because they are beyond just references, they as a whole are literally the characters they're named after, not just references in aspects unlike the previous frames but they as a whole are the characters they're named after.

"These Chinese based frames are unimaginative and lore breaking! Get them out of Warframe because Warframe is not about those themed based frames!" -Most people in this thread.

Funny, I thought I had a flashback to 2014 forums where people complained about Mirage, Limbo and Mesa. Oh how things haven't changed at all.

Well, genius, all the complaints people had towards those frames went exclusively to their appereance and appereance only, and some people are still upset by those.

But if you actually read instead of mocking and generalize the opposing view you'd see that those points are not necesarily related. The argument that the frames are lorebreaking is quite silly IMO and doesn't hold up to any backup, but the chinaframes are unimaginative because even the frames you mentioned have power sets of their own and are in the end their own 'character' despite being archetypes. Wukong and nezha are (as said many times already) not simply themed, they are literally the characters they're named after, they aren't just a reference to their name but the literal representation of that name.

Edited by RahuHordika
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