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Whose The Brain Behind The Sentients Brawn?


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Idk if I skipped that part of the lore but if I have please point it out. Who ordered the sentients to attack the orokin and why? Did they just peruse through the galaxy and pick them? Are they a hive mind like the Geth from mass effect and if they are who built the original(s)? I'm just assuming there's a top dog sentient

Edited by (PS4)FlyaThanAkitE
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wasn't it that the Sentients were created by the Orokin and was sent to a distant star system where the Sentients thrived, built a solar rail from/to the origin system to the place where the Sentients were sent? and upon discovering that the Sentients will be "infertile" when passing through the Solar Rail back to the Origin System, they rebelled and initiated the Orokin-Sentient(Old War) Conflict.?

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We don't know, but our best bet right now for the "top dog" Sentient is Hunhow, the Sentient encountered during the Natah quest.


^ What kind of societal structure the Sentients have is unclear, but I'd wager that given the kinds of thick familial bonds they are shown to have during Natah that it's the most ancient of the Sentients that have the more authority.


I don't think that the Sentients are a hivemind myself, however, not really sure what suggests that much and I feel that using the hivemind idea would be kinda weak given the Infested already use this trope in their design.


As for WHY the Sentients turned on the Orokin, that's unclear, but given how the Orokin treated the likes of Grineer and Lorists I don't think its too implausible to assume the answer has something to do with the treatment the Sentients received at their hands.

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^ What kind of societal structure the Sentients have is unclear, but I'd wager that given the kinds of thick familial bonds they are shown to have during Natah that it's the most ancient of the Sentients that have the more authority.


I don't think that the Sentients are a hivemind myself, however, not really sure what suggests that much and I feel that using the hivemind idea would be kinda weak given the Infested already use this trope in their design.


As for WHY the Sentients turned on the Orokin, that's unclear, but given how the Orokin treated the likes of Grineer and Lorists I don't think its too implausible to assume the answer has something to do with the treatment the Sentients received at their hands.

Seems plausible I guess but I hope DE doesn't cop out with a half baked reason why they turned traitor

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^ What kind of societal structure the Sentients have is unclear, but I'd wager that given the kinds of thick familial bonds they are shown to have during Natah that it's the most ancient of the Sentients that have the more authority.


I don't think that the Sentients are a hivemind myself, however, not really sure what suggests that much and I feel that using the hivemind idea would be kinda weak given the Infested already use this trope in their design.


As for WHY the Sentients turned on the Orokin, that's unclear, but given how the Orokin treated the likes of Grineer and Lorists I don't think its too implausible to assume the answer has something to do with the treatment the Sentients received at their hands.

The problem with all this is that we also dont know what exactly the sentients themself are. The starfish thing from the crewman synthesis sounded like it was organic but the sentients we have seen in the trailers look very robotic.

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I don't think that the Sentients are a hivemind myself, however, not really sure what suggests that much and I feel that using the hivemind idea would be kinda weak given the Infested already use this trope in their design.


He is probably going off of what Steve said about the way the Sentients were sync'd in the trailer. He said they share each other's experiences and such IIRC. If they do have a hivemind, it's probably not in a chaotic fashion like the Infested and very organized.


The problem with all this is that we also dont know what exactly the sentients themself are. The starfish thing from the crewman synthesis sounded like it was organic but the sentients we have seen in the trailers look very robotic.


The starfish was described as a creature and a machine IIRC. Some Warframes look more robotic, some look more organic, and some are in between. The organic-metal-hybrid tech seems to be something that the Orokin may have utilized a lot.

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We don't know a lot, but there is some we can infer from what little lore we have.  My interpretation is this: The sentients were designed to build a solar rail out past the Origin System.  Once complete, the Orokin could easily step through and begin colonizing a new solar system.  To prevent the Sentients from rebelling against their creators, they were designed to be deathly allergic to the power of the Void, to the point where passing into the Void would be lethal.  However, the Sentients were also designed, above all else, to be adaptable.  it can be inferred that some of the Sentients developed a partial immunity to the Void, and were able to pass through (The Natah quest mentions that passage through the void left the sentients infertile, so the immunity must not have been perfect).  As to what happened when they arrived in the Origin system, we don't really know.  Hopefully the new quests in Update 18 will reveal more.

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The problem with all this is that we also dont know what exactly the sentients themself are. The starfish thing from the crewman synthesis sounded like it was organic but the sentients we have seen in the trailers look very robotic.


Personally they maintain a much more organic look, and whether or not those were actual Sentients or not is still up in the air - it's most likely they are, but given their ability to take control of tech and lack of ability to reproduce given the nature of what the trip to the Void does to them... Although most likely there'll be something done to allow at least one of them to reproduce... Might be a crux of development for Lotus "you could go back to your kind and have real children or stay with the Tenno".


Anyway, I do have a rather curious thought about why they appear so robotic: that was where their evolution took them; at least, evolution against one PARTICULAR factor. The Infestation. The Infestation was never able to infect machines before, but since Alad V's tampering with it gave it that ability it's been rather non-stop in that department.


So, head back to the Old War. The Orokin have unleashed the Infestation against them - a brilliant move, really, because the Infestation infests and consumes, and if it can do that the Sentients, take control of them, while having many more weaknesses for them to exploit. So if the Infestation can take over the Sentients like the plague it was designed to be, it would be over... Except, the Sentients can still adapt against it. And what is it that the Infestation CAN'T consume? Machines, robotics.


So, the Sentients evolve, adapt against it, and become more machine-like to become immune to the Infestation.


At least, I see that as ONE particular avenue. Either way, I'm very sure that the Sentients are still Organic in some fashion - the way the creature reproduced, the talk of "womb" being related to birth... even if the latter isn't 100% literal it's paints quite a different picture than just "my child" would.


He is probably going off of what Steve said about the way the Sentients were sync'd in the trailer. He said they share each other's experiences and such IIRC. If they do have a hivemind, it's probably not in a chaotic fashion like the Infested and very organized.


Given the way that the Hivemind is presented through the Jordas Golem I think what we're seeing is actually a MUCH purer hivemind for them than the Sentients which have VERY clear and distinct individual personalities.


If the Sentients ARE linked like that I wouldn't call it a hivemind, I see it more as a generic psychic link - the perfect example that comes to mind would be the Protoss Khala: an empathic bond between the Sentients that links them but in a sense they can feel each other's thoughts and emotions, rather than the Hivemind in which they all share the same thoughts and emotions.

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Hunhow outright hesitated to recover the Lotus from the Tenno, even Tyl Regor was disposed of it.


Considering Hunhow outright claims parental status, I think it's more a conflict. As a leader? He's got to act. As a parent? He's not happy with that duty.


Even if he's disappointed or the like, he still explicitly warns the Lotus of the events to come. Fact his last words are "I won't be able to stop them" implies quite a bit of...sorrow, really, about that fact. Combined with Lotus' own near silence during that mission...yeah.


Should we see Hunhow again...I suspect future communications will be...more poignant than any other going on so far.


Leadership and conflicted duties. Fun stuff.

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He is probably going off of what Steve said about the way the Sentients were sync'd in the trailer. He said they share each other's experiences and such IIRC. If they do have a hivemind, it's probably not in a chaotic fashion like the Infested and very organized.

I dont think its a Hivemind... A Hivemind is 2+ beings thinking the same thing, drawing the same conclusions and having the same methods, its ultimately: a single being with many minds, there are no distinction of each another nor individuality.


I think the Sentients remain each an individual, but they can connect their minds without losing their sense of "Self", hence why Natah was able to make her own decisions despite what Hunhow and the rest of the Sentients wanted.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Okay let's set this straight with the different "brains" of all organizations/species.

-Humanlike, not intertwined other than the Twin Queens who lead the bunch

-Humanlike + possible brainwashing, not intertwined. Multiple leaders forming a board of leaders. (Think of a company that has brainwashed most of their lowlife employees into submission)

-Above AND below human level, entirely intertwined. The intellect of single units seems to be based on their usefulness and on the biomass/tech they infested/took over. Intellect can probably be "assigned" to certain units to however much is necessary for any given situation. It's still a multitude of brains but they all seem to work in unison. Furthermore they can influence other intelligent beings (See: Infested Cephalons) and decide to give units a certain amount of "freedom" while still controlling them. 
The only emotions it seems to be capable of on its' own are rage and fear.

-Far above human level, likely to be SOMEWHAT intertwined. Sentient seem to have a connection to other Sentients and can transfer any information that needs to be given to the collective. 
Sentient however still seem to be INDIVIDUAL beings that are capable of having their own emotions and free thought/free will. (Possible spoiler if you haven't done all quests now) The existence of the Lotus seems to confirm it that their link is not a permanent one and can be severed by its' single units, unlike the infested.

I would argue that in this type of scenario a clear leadership or mastermind would not exist...but rather that they "converse" via their link to make a POSSIBLY (that's a guess) democratic decision that will then be followed. There might be "voices" of the Sentient...but I don't feel like a clear leader will exist as they are neither an organization nor a single lifeform...they are something very unnatural. And democracy is about the most unnatural form of leadership there is...which is why this would be my guess. A form of leadership that gets very scary if all the beings in that group generally have the same directives and wishes...only few will ever stray from the group.

-Computers...duh. Very advanced ones' at that.

Edited by Shehriazad
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