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Ivara - The Grind To Get Her.


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No you don´t. You have 1 chance to get 1 part ( BP ) and only if you do all 3 terminals successful.




You don´t need to babysit the AI, just open the cell and get to extraction. Done. Rescue is the fastest missiontype together with capture.

Have they changed it then? I've had missions fail when I've rushed off and the prisoners gets killed.

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Have they changed it then? I've had missions fail when I've rushed off and the prisoners gets killed.

first hell bled out for 20 secs, if you fail to revive then you'll fail. what I mostly do is rescue him then rush to extraction, (on solo) and I make it their quick enough for him not to die, cheap, but I have no reason to protect him that much... I give him my pistol tho I'm not that bad :)

Edited by Nemesis-Infinity
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Have they changed it then? I've had missions fail when I've rushed off and the prisoners gets killed.


I guess you allways give the prisoner a weapon? If yes then that´s the problem. If he/she has a weapon he/she will stop and fight the enemies, without a weapon the prisoner will just run.


Is that confirmed? Or just based on how the rare stuff drops now?

I mean you are probably right but it would be funny if you could get all 3 parts in 1 run :)


If I am right they mentioned it in the last devstream.

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first hell bled out for 20 secs, if you fail to revive then you'll fail. what I mostly do is rescue him then rush to extraction, (on solo) and I make it their quick enough for him not to die, cheap, but I have no reason to protect him that much... I give him my pistol tho I'm not that bad :)


I guess you allways give the prisoner a weapon? If yes then that´s the problem. If he/she has a weapon he/she will stop and fight the enemies, without a weapon the prisoner will just run.



If I am right they mentioned it in the last devstream.

Thanks both.

Note so self, extract faster and don't arm the liability.

I've just realised, once I have Ivara I can just shoot the prisoner with an invisible arrow and forget about them :)

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It's not that much like Banshee. Each part had a chance as a mission reward from specific mission types and (I believe only the helmet) could come as defense wave rewards.


What Ivara will have over Banshee is that it is only one mode type and it is a very fast mode to do. Plus spy missions already give some good rewards so you'll be getting loaded with that while farming her.



Also I keep seeing people throw around the whole "2% drop rate" but I'm pretty sure that was all based off a single speculation post as I have yet to see any source on that claim.

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Im pretty sure they didn't. If it's like Banshee it could also be that only certain spy tile sets have certain parts (i.e. Pluto has system, Sedna has chassis, etc)

tbh I'd prefer this where parts are more common on different planets, that way you won't be annoyed when you got the chassis 10 times in a row. *looks at equinox when you only need one last part*

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I don't mind.

There are plenty of decent rewards in the spy vaults that you can either use or sell for plat if you wanted.

But like I've asked why couldn't they of reworked deception for example and put her parts there, spy HAS JUST RECENTLY been reworked, why do we need more of an incentive, when there are more game modes that need love

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But like I've asked why couldn't they of reworked deception for example and put her parts there, spy HAS JUST RECENTLY been reworked, why do we need more of an incentive, when there are more game modes that need love

because DE_sheldon figured since she's a stealthy frame it goes into a stealthy mission node

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because DE_sheldon figured since she's a stealthy frame it goes into a stealthy mission node

But couldn't deception be stealthy, going in disabling the ship without being spotted?

Im not saying her playstyle is wrong for spy mission rewards, I just think this would of been a good time to rejuvenate a worthless game mode

I for one would prefer improvements to other game modes than cosmetic skins we've been getting, but that's my personal opinion, but I still think gameplay diversity is much better than shiny skins.

Edited by Nemesis-Infinity
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Deception needs a lot of love.

I agree with you there!

All games modes (except Def, surv, inter spy and rescue ) need reworking, they offer no rewards

They don't reward a player for playing that game type, but that could all change in star chart 3.0 tho

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I seriously thought Sheldon was joking when he said it. I lost color when there weren't any jokes made afterward, he actually seemed incredibly serious with a light tone.


I'm hoping to god this isn't actually the case and she drops in a less RNG reliant manner. Ugh, this is actually no different from old frame obtainability, where they drop from a specific node (which in that case are bosses), but excessively more (possibly less?) RNG based (considering there are three vaults) and grindy.

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I seriously thought Sheldon was joking when he said it. I lost color when there weren't any jokes made afterward, he actually seemed incredibly serious with a light tone.

I'm hoping to god this isn't actually the case and she drops in a less RNG reliant manner. Ugh, this is actually no different from old frame obtainability, where they drop from a specific node (which in that case are bosses), but excessively more (possibly less?) RNG based (considering there are three vaults) and grindy.

tbh although it's a lot of work I would prefer all frames to be quest attached, that way each Frame could have some lore attached to.

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I'd also like every boss to have some sort of unique weapon as well.

It'd be nice to have more incentive to replay some assassination nodes once you've farmed their frames.

But what about the miter, all it does is increase farming for a little longer, before they stop doing it...

What I think would matter more, is if you complete an assassination then it should effect nodes on that planet like: (would reset after x time)

-Increased resource drop

-More enemies to highetened security

-Enemies run in fear (% chance)

-Certain enemies spawn such as more Gaurd patrols

-E.t.c just more dynamic affecting solar system. That way if you Wanted to farm neurodes for example kill the boss for increased drop rate, that would make people come back to them atleast.

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Im pretty sure they didn't. If it's like Banshee it could also be that only certain spy tile sets have certain parts (i.e. Pluto has system, Sedna has chassis, etc)


At around 30:30 Sheldon says "did your best level3", for me that sounds like only the 3. vault will have a chance for her parts to drop.

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At around 30:30 Sheldon says "did your best level3", for me that sounds like only the 3. vault will have a chance for her parts to drop.


There are 5 tier 3 spy missions, though. They could easily split it up like this.


Personally, I love spy missions and I'm super hyped for this frame. I was planning on buying her but will probably just grind this one out, as I usually spam run Spys when I'm bored with the rest of the game.

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because DE_sheldon figured since she's a stealthy frame it goes into a stealthy mission node

Plus, it's an interesting place to put a warframe. It's either that, a quest, a boss or research. Spy vaults are both unique as a method of obtaining a warframe and suitable for a frame built around stealth.

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