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The Wukong Research Warframe Will Be The Death Of Innactive Moon Clans And Mountain Clans

(XBOX)She Was Ready

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The research of of the new warframe wukong Will destroy almost iinnactive moon clans and mountain clans... I am simply sending my ticket to show my dediaction for the game... Hi im She Was Ready i am the leader of Endeavored Bonds one of the most active clans in xbox one warframe... Allow to explain myself in this analyzation i have made based on the simple facts. It takes about 10 nintain for a bp and part to be built in small ghost clan... Maybe a total of 40 i presume... So lets say that you guys would give an alert every day... I can assume that a ghost clan could probably have a squad of four people.. It would take them a little more than a week or 10 days to get wokung complete if they attended all the alerts and maybe missed like 2 or 3... Now allow me to make the math for my clan... I have 950 members and the most are about 150 and higher are active a day.. When an alert pops up i estimate about 30 to 40 paticipate because the rest are busy... Well you have given us a staggering number of 1100 nintain... If 30 people coonstantly participated everyday... Which i doubt it will because it extremely hard to prioritze 950 plus members... It would take us about 37 days to complete. Those are the statisitice of very well active moon clan.. Were number 2 in the world for kills... Can you imagine putting such a handicap to not so active moon and mountain clan? If they had 50 members which is what a moderate moon clan has of members active and only 15 or 10 particepted it would take them 3 months to complete! The truth is that many not so active moon clans and mountain clans are losing hope at getting the warframe and leaving... Even some of my clan members have left because their fazed and intimidated by the staggering quantity of resources it takes... Why should we mountain and moon clans have such weight to carry on our shoulders. It is an injustice that most be balanced... Either give all clan barracks a fair amount of required quantity for the completion of a research or do not raise the percentage cost of resources when we upgrade... Let a moon clan have the same as a ghost... I beilive thats fair because through the struggle of forming a huge unifiying clan we have earned the right to complete research in a breeze and not a struggle... Thank you for listening to my explanation and proposal... I hope you take them both into consideration good bye

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It already is, my active clanmates are seriously thinking to downsize our 100 mountain clan to shadow 30 just because of the insanity called Nitain.

Barely 10-15 players out of 60+ in our roster is active and grinding for resources is a pain. And I cannot imagine how bigger clans that have small active members holds up.

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According to the stuff floating around the community, Clan Dojo downgrades are a thing in U18. If your clan has nearly a thousand players, your higher ups could resort to, you know... kicking inactive players. Resolving the resource strains of larger clans by removing the stratification of resource multipliers kind of defeats the challenge of having an in-game community that can pool its resources together to accomplish research.


I can't really say I understand (I'm in a ghost clan myself), but hopefully your frustrations are answered in U18.

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Guys p.. Please keep in mind that down sizing would mean kicking all the inactive members... I believe the increase in research cost when you upgrade is an extreme exaggeration for the simple fact that DE expects your entire 1000 members to participate when in reality only 150 to 200 have been the most active recorded members in any moon clan

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It is your right? Because you decided to get a bunch of people that don't play that means that you get privileges? It shouldn't be a breeze for anybody, especially a clan as big as yours. Oh and nice job bragging about your statistics. Dude, I do not disagree with the fact that the amount of Nitain you must get is absurd, I argue with your reasoning. You shouldn't get special treatment for being large nor should your inactives be spared. More so, the game should measure the number of active members and base off of that, or ya know kick all inactives. 

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My clan has 2 active members.  Between us we got the Nitain for the main blueprint in one day and more than we needed to research the parts over the next 3 days while waiting for that research to finish.  Last night we started the research on all the parts and have two more days to get a few more each to actually build him.  It isn't that rare. 

If it is true that only 30 out of 950 people in your clan are willing to put in effort towards your common goals then the problem could be your clanmates lack of willingness to contribute rather than the amounts needed.

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I never said I needed special..

I'm concerned for the innactive moon and mountain clans... I showed you my stats to simple give you how hard of a struggle it had been for us... Many other clans are complaining that they will never get research done... How is it fair for a mountain clan with 25 people active to get more than 500 nintain. When the ghost clan take 11 nintain and the shadow takes 18? I'm not nut doing it for my clan, I am simply concerned of those mountain clans that have fallen in they predicament

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First of all, use paragraphs. I'm not going to add more strain to my eyes.

Second, it should be your responsibility as a clan warlord to make sure you want active members. If you're going to recruit random people who probably aren't going to last a month, it's your fault you didn't kick them a couple of months ago.

I'm not saying the alerts for nitain is ok, because it's NOT. I won't mind if the research resources decreased, but STOP demanding for little to no grind. That's just borderline around being spoiled

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Buying the frame with platinum sounds tempting, right?


Then Wukong is a success. That's it's purpose.


Watch Ivara drive people mad farming too. I don't see new Warframes getting any easier to get any time soon, but platinum sold on desperation will increase.

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Shadow clan here. Only me and another friends are still active. The other guy don't play much so it's all on me. I put up with a lot of research craps that DE give us. Nintain is the worst of them all. Maybe it's not DE fault that my clan went inactive, but not giving us an option to downsized IS their fault. Did they ever consider RL happen and people may not play this game forever? Some of the RL Friend I start the game with move on. Is it my fault that they have better thing to do now?

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Mountain clan here. We had over 200 members until earlier today, just kicked over half of them so we can downgrade to a Storm clan.

Most of the people I kicked haven't played in over a month, so I didn't feel bad. Many of my active members have been farming their butts off for the recent research, my loyalty goes to those who contribute.

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Well what I meant about unifiying was in the general manner.. I didn't just say MY CLAN WOULD GET THE DECREASE IN RESEARCH COST... I was proposing it in a diversified manner... Every has the same rights that I desire.. To make research cost less for moon clans mountain clans... It's only fair, to do so. Now forgive me if used my clan an example to show you the hardships... I del that was the best way to show facts but I guess I picked the wrong audience to share my predicaments with... I picked an audience that sees everything as an insult and not a possibility of change.. I picked an audience that has no concern for those innactive mountain and moon clans who are in a whirl of trouble because their going to have to wait to down size their clan... Or just force to leave their clan and start fresh in a ghost clan... I have concern for the community...

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Honestly, I personally feel like they should just reward Nitain with ALL alert, as a default reward. If DE's goal is to have more players participate in the alert system in general, then the reward is to be across all alerts, or it's basically just the (extremely) evil cousin of Aura mods.

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 I picked an audience that has no concern for those innactive mountain and moon clans who are in a whirl of trouble because their going to have to wait to down size their clan... Or just force to leave their clan and start fresh in a ghost clan... I have concern for the community...


Take two steps back and a nice long deep breath.


It appears that DE don't want clans padded with high numbers of people that rarely play. Which would mean that they want clan membership to mean something. So clans will have to actively manage their numbers and not just shoot to be the biggest. It's worth considering that there might be a worthwhile end goal to DE's machinations, even if we don't know what it is.

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problem started way back when the knux appeared, took our moon clan 3 months to get the full knux research


this wukong will take 6 months given our contribution rate


i left the clan to start a new ghost clan because of this


Why not join an active clan instead???

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