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The Wukong Research Warframe Will Be The Death Of Innactive Moon Clans And Mountain Clans

(XBOX)She Was Ready

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This is why I am in a Ghost clan made up mostly of friends who I play the game with regularly. Though we have talked of upsizing. The concern of finding active players to help with the increased cost is something that usually keeps that from happening. I think DE is doing things like this to encourage clans to recruit more active members. 

Edited by MalaVolpe
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The 4 a day for an hour a shot is just flat out wrong. I don't play all that much any more due to real life so the last 3 days that Ive been on I've only seen 2 alerts to do so I feel they should be like 3 hours long or at least 2 hours like the treasure ship alerts to give everyone a better shot at this

Edited by (XB1)BULLS 0N PAR4DE
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Well what I meant about unifiying was in the general manner.. I didn't just say MY CLAN WOULD GET THE DECREASE IN RESEARCH COST... I was proposing it in a diversified manner... Every has the same rights that I desire.. To make research cost less for moon clans mountain clans... It's only fair, to do so. Now forgive me if used my clan an example to show you the hardships... I del that was the best way to show facts but I guess I picked the wrong audience to share my predicaments with... I picked an audience that sees everything as an insult and not a possibility of change.. I picked an audience that has no concern for those innactive mountain and moon clans who are in a whirl of trouble because their going to have to wait to down size their clan... Or just force to leave their clan and start fresh in a ghost clan... I have concern for the community...

the community is fine its u thats the problem ... clan downsizing is a thing at u18 once that happens no1 will complain about having inactive moon,mountain clans having more resource cost since they can downsize appropriately.. the req for active moon and mountain clans are perfectly fine since theyre active every1 in the clan will have a common goal which is what having a moon n mountain clan is about its only the inactive ones that have a problem  but once we can downsize it wont be a problem 

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Man you guys are full of so much hate.


It's a game and this guys just speaking his mind.


On the topic though I think the higher cost for larger clans is a good idea but just not to the extent that it is.


A lower multiplyer is all that is really needed ^^

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I'm in a multi-game clan where we have a decent number or members, but not all of them are playing Warframe too often these days. I don't think the answer would be to kick them especially as they are established members of our community, if not on Warframe than other games, or once were important members for Warframe but now not as much. I can see DE's reasoning behind it, but I agree that they are basing it off of the assumption that clans have a high daily active rate when for many that is not the case...they should tone it down at least for the larger clans, where lower active rates are more likely.

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I see your point, but I kind of think this is looking at what's meant to be a team orientated task as more of a personal mountain to scale. 


Clans are a team, that's the whole idea of them .. everyone pitches in.

If everyone in your clan was participating, even getting some of those numbers your saying wouldn't really be that hard. 

This is not an issue in Warframe, it's more of an issue in clan management.


We only have a small clan and only a third of the members actively participate in any WF events or resource collection. 

But that said we look at the task as something to aim for, we're only entitled to the research if we score what's needed. 

If you're in a clan where people are not participating then that kind of goes against the premise of the clan .. it's not a problem in the overall concept of the clans though. 


I do agree that if you have people who are not holding up their end of the bargain then kick them out, and reduce your clan own to a size that makes these research items achievable to the active members of the clan. 


It's not as if DE haven't been dropping Nitian left right and centre either. 

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I love the fact that requirements scale with the size of the clan. I also love the fact that nitain can only be obtained from alerts.

Both facts aren't nice or helpful to get all the new awesome stuff asap, but it has more advantages than disadvantages imo.



1) It takes longer to get. You can't just farm on your own time.

2) You need more active players for a big clan to get it in the same amount of time.



1) You've got long term goals for yourself and your clan

2) "Good" warlords will be distinguished from bad ones. With good I mean those who can increase the size of their clans in a smart way and who can motivate his members to work together.

3) More people will consider buying new stuff -> DE gets more money -> more chances for us to get more quality

4) More people who are actve ingame for longer periods of time (checking the alerts and contributing to the long term goals), instead of people just solo'ing jordas FAST a few times, then stop playing or becoming way less active after Atlas is rank30 for example.

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I said suppose it was an alert a day... The amount of nintain is huge for a moon clan.. Don't you desire no research cost increase?

You suppose so many things but next time best if you take your informations before open a complain post

The amount of resources needed for any clan size are:

11 Nitain for a ghost clan

x3 shadow

x10 storm

x30 mountain

x100 moon

And thats apply to any thing related to Dojo

The player need 6 Nitain to craft Wukong

There are 4 alerts guarantee everyday for Nitain

Storm Clan here, Wukong bp ready from days, all the other 3 parts will be ready to grab today in a few hrs


We removed the dojo access to all that players inactive from more than 7 days and that didnt contributed to Wukong, when they will comeback we ll give them a couple of choices, craft a specters regiment working together and get back the Dojo access or find a new Clan. Anyone in my Clan contribute one way or another, would be awesome get tools from DE to check who contribute to the Clan and who dont

Edited by (PS4)KrakenUnchained
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Honestly the whole thing with Wukong's mats are  a little annoying to me as a one man clan.  Yes I do have the lowest research costs possible in game BUT given the way these alerts work I basically have to hope I'm on for what is a very few number of them a day, keep in mind the alerts are only active for 30 min periods across the course of a day so even on a good day I can only hope for MAYBE three.  Add in the the SIX DAYS of research wait and the standard 3-4 for building and I'm looking at MINIMUM about a half a month to get the frame. 


I'd have much less room to complain about this if there was never an unnecessary downtime i.e. per timeframe there would ALWAYS be an active nitain alert that I could run to get some more nitain instead of hoping I'm on for one of the magic 30 minute time periods or even better just make them a daily alert cache like the gift of the lotus alerts in batchs of say four or so.

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That's what I've said, this research is punishing active players whose in a big clan, with most of the member were dead. It won't promote any cooperation in such situation because it would take over an year to accomplish.

Edited by VCaptiion
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Holy mother of punctuation batman.


Please format your posts. It is really hard to read.

As for your points, NO they should not decrease the amount of nitain you should research.

It is dependent on your clan size. It's not DE's fault that you have so many inactive players in your clan. It is the responsibility of your clan's warlord(s) to either ask them why they are not contributing or kick them. 


Downsizing clans is coming Wednesday (U18) to "fix" this problem.

Narrow your clan members down to only the active players. Simple, really.

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