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Spaceninja Vets: Top 3 Frames & Why?

(XBOX)Jak Riddle

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My opinion is rhino frost ash with those 3 frames you can literally do anything in the game but there are other great frames as well

I can agree on Frost and Ash. Especially Ash currently who can be built to use self damage to his advantage.


I'd have to disagree on Rhino though just because now there are other frames competing for his spot who are heavy damage dealers. I'm undecided between glass cannon Nova or Valkyr

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Trinity/Prime -- First frame I really played in game and find her very versatile and love the support role. 


Frost Prime -- For Defense and for missions with points that need defending I love him. Looks incredible too.


Ember/Prime -- The War Chicken is just fun. She also makes interceptions and some other missions easy. Love running around burning everything.

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Banshee and Trinity are definitely on the top to me.  Why? at higher levels they're still very effective when almost all other frames start not doing any significant difference. 


Then my preferred frame: Nekros. Why? Considering the unbelievable amount of grinding for material and mods one needs to do if he wants to master all frames and weapons without buying them with plat, a frame like Nekros or neg duration Hydroid provides significant reduction on the farmage due to higher drop rates.

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Rhino for me is  one man army and I solo most of my missions with him.

Limbo altough not very poular is very good for defense and survival missions.

Also Zephyr and Mesa (I can't decide) are very fun to play.

As a honorable mention: Loki for reasons i don't think I have to say.

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Frost: He's your king of everything defensive, and has a fair amount of CC to.

Valkyr: You can become invincible and punch things into oblivion.

Trinity: All the heals, pretty tanky thanks to Link and can restore energy.




Loki: An amazing support frame, but he requires a lot of rare-ish mods to be good.

Ash: He's a really good all-rounder and decent as a solo frame, but he falls off hard in higher level play. He also lacks support.

Edited by ViralN9
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Rhino for me is  one man army and I solo most of my missions with him.

Limbo altough not very poular is very good for defense and survival missions.

Also Zephyr and Mesa (I can't decide) are very fun to play.

As a honorable mention: Loki for reasons i don't think I have to say.

Limbo is very good but DE really need to patch the item drop issue with the riftplane it even does it with air canisters that drop which is a nightmare when you are trying to run survival for as long as possible without hitting life support charges.


His concept is fantastic but the little things ruin him.

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My personal favorites 


1) Ember\ Ember prime ( my favorite ) : Great area damage, one of the few frames that in order to make the most use of her is by combining all of her skills ( usually goes with 4 ( that most of the time will be active ), 2, 1\3 depends on situation ) you don't really need a primary weapon with Ember.


2) Mesa : While she has her flaws and I think she should get some fixing to do ( especially with her first and second skill ) I just can't get enough of her third and fourth skill ( the fourth skill is one of the best skills in order to complete Defense missions and at the same time my favorite Ultimate skill ).


3) this would be a tie for me between Saryn,Excalibur and Valkyr cause three of them are simply amazing, Saryn specialize in DPS while Excalibur is just plain epic and last Valkyr with her Immortality !!!! hmmm I mean Hysteria ( combined with the third skill ) makes her simply a Berseker

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My person top 3 favorites are


Nova P. Does there need to be any more explanation than what people have provided? Hit MP then use skill 2 and blow loads of people up. Oh and when Nova and Ember are on the field and November Fire becomes a reality generally nothing is safe. The two frames in one game make life so much easier for the other two frames especially on long high level missions.


Ember P Now Ember P alone with World on Fire Augment makes for a very effective knock down and destroy everything frame. All her skills are geared towards dropping fools and controlling the battl field. When Ember/Ember P teams up with Nova/Nova P and November Fire happens meaning hit MP on Nova P then hit World On Fire with Ember P and watch fools explode all around you. Need CC? Accelerant also adds damage to fire ring and world on fire. I've gone on TD4 missions to 60 with this combo and a Trin and Frost which leads to my next favorite Frame.


Frost or Frost P. Well before his little rework he was basically snow globe and when things got hectic last resort was skill 4. Now with his rework skill 2 is extremely useful, snow globe is based on strength(freed up a slot for for power str, range, or efficiency), and skill 4 the same he is much more versatile. Yes he is one of the tankiest frames in the game but he's great at CC as well now.


To me equally important. Trinity. EV and Bless. All I really have to say about that. Her 3rd skills is really useful and her 1st well it had its famous use in an event mission that went on a while ago when you had to kill this one pain in the ! boss.


Honorable mention. I love Obeorn and yes many people slag him off but I've always found him extremely useful and not near as hard to play as others would like to think he is. Damage, heal, radiate and my favorite or hallways or corridors The Shag Carpet of Death.

Edited by MattM01
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It's a really tough decision on who gets the third spot, but I have to give it to my girl. Not only does she look gorgeous (Love the new skin) but her latest update made her actually....FUN. Dashing toward enemies, back-flipping out of a Molt, jumping away as I cast spore on it, smacking enemies left and right with my toxic lash-infused whip before miasma-ing them all to dust. It's just so much fun. People like to complain about her not being a one trick pony anymore, and to them I say....you're entitled to your opinion. But I don't care - she's actually FUN now, and that's why we play a game right? To have fun?



Saryn is my favorite too. But i struggle after the update. Can you tell me a good build?


1. Saryn

2. Trinity

3. Mag


Yes i like girls :)


Honorable Mention

4. Ivara, but as she is soo new and i didnt play her to often she is on 4th place

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All frames are good, and they all have their uses, but these are the God-tier frames right now;


Excalibur (Damage game is on point tbh fam)

Vauban (CC)

Volt/Prime (A weird jack-of-all-trades caster combo)

Rhino/Prime (jack-of-all-trades, don't let the hate bandwagon get to you -- it only exists because the frame is newbie-friendly)

Wukong (doesn't die, CC)

Loki/Prime (is the most balanced frame in the game by a longshot)

Valkyr (doesn't die, insane damage)

Trinity/Prime (healer, need I say more?)

Nova/Prime (CC)


If you can only pick 3, you're going to want a triad of support, offense and CC (e.g Wukong, Excalibur, Loki/Prime)

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For me


1) Frost - he just connects with me, great defense and cc, and I love his look


2) Loki - Hard to beat his stealth and utility, Ivara might replace him adding fun factor, she comes out of the foundry tomorrow


3) Nova - wide area cc and dmg taken debuff on enemies, hard to beat that, though banshee does a fine job as well

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Since I got Trinity, they've been my main. The combination of infinite energy, reliable tankiness, and healing is pretty hard to pass up.

After Trinity it has to be Frost and Oberon.


Frost for snowglobe, Oberon for being a healing combat frame, at the cost of specialization(I would never bring oberon into co-op though)

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WuKong - Rage+Avenger Synergy I was hoping to get from Valkyr with the bonus of a more Melee oriented Passive (Extended Combo counter is awesome in Archwing)

Banshee- She is simply balanced/versatile and amazing

Kara Valkyr - because Paralysis and Ripline were my go to abilities for 2 years plus Valkyr is what brought me to WarFrame (Kara Helm design & lore-info)

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