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Maxed Power Efficiency?


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In most situations, definitely. It makes your Energy Restore worth 4x more at maximum efficiency. 


There are some builds that require long durations such as Blessing Trinity, Sonar Banshee etc which does not require full efficiency, but more duration. But in general efficiency is very good if you want to cast lots of abilities.

Edited by Neah
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You are going to run out of Restores pretty quickly if you decide to depend on them entirely. No way you can keep that up. You should go for efficiency / duration builds when building a frame to avoid such unnecessary restore waste.


Edit: Plus you are not going to get enough energy in most cases. Chroma for example. If you dont build for a reasonable duration and efficiency, you are going to run out of energy in a couple of seconds.

Edited by Shin
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My issue is that I lack slots. I went for more Strength, so I have Intensify and Transient Fortitude(not maxed, so not that much of a hit to duration), and the only mod I can really swap for Fleeting Expertise is Stretch, which I probably will.

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Right now I'm bulding Equinox. It feels like she's not about Duration that much. So, seeing how I don't have slots anymore, I need to choose what is better - more Range, or maxed Efficiency.

Vitality 10/10

Primed Cont 10/10

Intensify 5/5

Transient Fortitude 8/10

Fleeting Expertise 3/5

Streamline 5/5

Overextended 5/5

Natural Talent 3/3

Exilus is Handspring and Aura is Energy Siphon. Give that build a try and swap out Nat Talent with Stretch if you want. Personally I can't stand the long cast times on Mend/Maim and would rather be able to cast the abilities in the right area quickly, especially with Mend when you or your team need the heals RIGHT MEOW and not 2-3 seconds ago.

Edited by Xcedis
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Vitality 10/10

Primed Cont 10/10

Intensify 5/5

Transient Fortitude 8/10

Fleeting Expertise 3/5

Streamline 5/5

Overextended 5/5

Natural Talent 3/3

Exilus is Handspring and Aura is Energy Siphon. Give that build a try and swap out Nat Talent with Stretch if you want. Personally I can't stand the long cast times on Mend/Maim and would rather be able to cast the abilities in the right area quickly, especially with Mend when you or your team need the heals RIGHT MEOW.

No Redirection? Do you just go all-in with HP hoping that you can keep yourself alive with Mend? Also, why Overextended? I don't feel like Power Range is THAT neccessary for Equinox to sacrifice something for it. Why don't just swap it for Stretch?

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No Redirection? Do you just go all-in with HP hoping that you can keep yourself alive with Mend? Also, why Overextended? I don't feel like Power Range is THAT neccessary for Equinox to sacrifice something for it. Why don't just swap it for Stretch?

That's personal preference and is up to you. I've tried both and value the extra range over the strength. All of Equinox's powers benefit from range more than strength except for 1, especially Rest. When Provoke is used you get 32.5% power buff with Stretch versus 23% with Overextended. Maim/Mend you can reach out to more targets and that is what you want since you are aiming for damage collection, detonation, and CC, not the slash proc. Nat Talent makes it easy to recast Maim so you can keep enemies holding their heads or inflict another slash proc if you want.

As for Redirection/Vitality, I don't see much of a difference and prefer being able to withstand some slash/toxic procs without feeling the need to Mend right away.

Edited by Xcedis
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To be honest, i always max power strength and efficiency and then work towards duration and then range.

The end results are usually this (WF builder Link: http://goo.gl/eHJDkr)


-19.50% power duration
+75.00% power efficiency
+85.00% power strength
+45.00% power range

You can swap out constitution or strech depending on your need to replace with narrow minded. I usually stay away from overextended for the drain in power strength.


This is general build of my warframes, Specialist frames get diffrent treatment.

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I use max efficiency on my ash p. The shuriken have a 6 energy cost and when coupled with the seeking shuriken augment it means that I can strip armour completely for about 12 energy. I can get blade storm off with about 25 energy which is basically one hit with rage equipped.


I use this build with all the power mods on minus blind rage so it is a viable build for up to 40-60 probably more because of the armour stripping ability.

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That's personal preference and is up to you. I've tried both and value the extra range over the strength. All of Equinox's powers benefit from range more than strength except for 1, especially Rest. When Provoke is used you get 32.5% power buff with Stretch versus 23% with Overextended. Maim/Mend you can reach out to more targets and that is what you want since you are aiming for damage collection, detonation, and CC, not the slash proc. Nat Talent makes it easy to recast Maim so you can keep enemies holding their heads or inflict another slash proc if you want.

As for Redirection/Vitality, I don't see much of a difference and prefer being able to withstand some slash/toxic procs without feeling the need to Mend right away.

I'd say that only Mend&Main and Pacify really benefit greatly from Range. Rest has enough range as is, with Rage you actually don't want that much range since you use it on strong enemies, and you rarely get several strong enemies clustered. It's also mostly useless on Provoke seeing how you will generaly be either close enough to your allies so that they get the aura, or they will be on the other end of the map so they won't get it either way. So I think I'll go for simple Stretch.


As for Redirection vs. Vitality, it's pretty hard to chose. Shields give you a nice regenerative buffer, but you can't neglect HP because then Slash/Toxic procs can F*** you up. I think that your build is mostly aimed for Night Equinox, but thanks nontheless for making me realize that Flow isn't exactly needed on her if you go for max Efficiency.

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First thought: isnt this suppose to be in player helping player?


now to the question: ii's depend a lot on which frame u are using (since OP didn t give any specific name). i would just say some common idea.


oh and also, wall of text warning.


 --  if you are using a frame/ability that have no downside of having negative duration (like Mag, Frost, current Rhino, or pre-rework Saryn) then put a maxed Fleeting in and u done with the efficiency. no need for streamline.


 -- If you are using caster frames that spam ability (not toggle), but negative duration harm it badly (current saryn case, and nova can count too), then i propose the that u sacrifice the strength, take out Transient, only use Intensify and use both Streamline with rank 3 Fleeting. Why should you do that? Because most of the skills like this involve Crow Control (CC), or Damage over Time (DoT). which effects will shine if the enemy not killed right away. So by prefer more strength build, you are speeding up the spawn (by killing) but wasting all the strength (cuz they would die with less strength anyway) while exhausted the energy the you really need for the next enemies that incoming (cuz you speeded up the spawn)


(Unless ofc ... if u are into hardcore speed kills with super high level enemy, just sacrifice efficiency completely, bring maxed Blind Rage with a Trin EV for energy, no way around it, u don't have the luxury of efficiency on hardcore)


 -- If you are using toggle ability frame (like Chroma, Equinox, Excal, Ember, Mesa) this one usually the hardest to mod, so first we need to consider the mechanic:


**As far as i know the calculating of duration toward efficiency of toggle ability is that for every % duration u have, 1/2 of it become % efficiency of that skill. so ... FE have +60% eff but -60%dura, that -60% dura become -30% eff on toggle ability, thus ... this make the effective of the FE on toggle ability reduce to just ...30% eff at max rank ... the same amount that Streamline offer


So in that sense .... after you put as much duration as you can for the efficiency of the toggle, there are 2 option for you to build, depend on the play style of the frame. If your frame is not use other ability beside the toggle skill, or dont need much duration on non-toggle skill, (like Ember and Day Equinox) i recommend use Fleeting Expertise so u can have some more energy to spare for the toggle. On the other hand, if you frame have buffer-skill like Chroma or Mesa, ... or Excal that need to spam Radial Blind (which need dura), then replace FE with Streamline because both mod affect your toggle skill the same. then you can optimize strength and range later.


As for the Team Energy resource ... i only consider it as an emergency option, like when u carry battery on Raid and EV cant follow, or when i use QuickThinking build and enemy hit real hard 0_0 My point is that you should not rely too much on team restore for spam skill.


So that is just some Intuitive thinking about general build regard efficiency ... and it's just my opinion too ... hope this help and have fun modding&playing

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