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New Warframe: Ivara [U18 Megathread]


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So has anyone actually gotten her out of a spy vault yet?


I've done a few on Pluto and gotten nothing.


I got everything tonight. Wiki has been updated with accurate drop locations. 


T1 Systems

T2 Chassis

T3 Helmet and BP


Systems too the longest for me, probably did 20 runs plus. Helmet and BP I got both within 5-8 runs. Chassis I got on my first try.

I'm having trouble with the arrow switching i quickly press and release the 1 key (i tap it) and it fires the arrow anyway even though I'm not holding it down


Do you have fire rate mods on your primary? I could see that causing the charge time to be really short. 

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Because energy is so hard to replenish lol.

ancient hook, disruptor, ancient hook, dead loki


corrupted bombard shoots near an invisible loki due to a team mate nearby.....dead loki


I rather run other frames and the market seems to agree since trying to sell a loki prime set is not happening unless its real cheap 

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I've got her. She's amazing! Put in efficiency, duration, and range, and she works beautifully. And by that, I mean I never get hit because no one will ever see me :^)

hey anything and everything is amazing on Mercury but what I want to see is a long T4 survival run to see if its worth using.


since those low stats of 65 and 75 for armor and health look really squishy

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Oh, she's a squishy one. She seems to bring a slow and steady style of combat though. I always need to have invisibility up, or have the room put to sleep. I've definitely found my place, though, in survivals, defense, interception, etc.


Right now my only concern is that there seems to be a bug where I can no longer change my arrows, but simply shoots them. Not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that I binded my skills to the scroll wheel

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Oh, she's a squishy one. She seems to bring a slow and steady style of combat though. I always need to have invisibility up, or have the room put to sleep. I've definitely found my place, though, in survivals, defense, interception, etc.


Right now my only concern is that there seems to be a bug where I can no longer change my arrows, but simply shoots them. Not sure if it has anything to do with the fact that I binded my skills to the scroll wheel

Do you often use that lure arrow or the Navigator ? And how do people react when you land in a squad, can you actively contribute to a team ?

Also, do you know if lure attracts alerted enemies, as in, drawing aggro away from you in battle ?

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she lacks benefit from power strength thus most builds will use overextended. this causes her bow to end up dealing less damage than a rakta cernos


stealth and noise arrows cant be rolled off


her second drains soooooo much energy


her 3rds steal time is pretty long if your not built 100% for it specifically.


she absolutely rocks none the less

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Just wait until you get to play her. She's going to make you eat those words. Trust me.

Have to wait some weeks or months tho, lol. Because it just doesn't drop. So I wonder, what's next? First wukong and nitain that only can be obtained via alerts, now this? Someone's so desperate for money - no wonder it costs 320p.   

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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She is a great frame with two problems. Energy on navigator is either bugged or rediculous. Secondly, her ult is really underwhelming. My rakta cernos feels more 'ult' than this. It needs to function like an ult. Change the charge mechanic to affect spread, not angle. So she can shoot a wide spread of arrows, or a single cluster of them.

Edited by CircularReason
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Okay, So after playing Ivara these are my thoughts



Bubble is incredibly useful for supporting teammates, for defense, and for MD

Noise (i call them firecrackers) makes stealth a breeze, though I do wish it would draw a bit of aggro at a reduced range to alerted enemeis

Zipline (this one's super situational, sometimes it annoys me that I have to cycle through it)

Sleep is incredibly useful to just fire into a group to take them out of the fight for a good 14s


2 is, eh? it's cool I guess, but I don't see it ever being needed


3 is really nice to just stand in one spot and snipe, the pick pocket is a bit too slow for my taste, but free stuff woo


4 I have a love hate relationship, I feel like it should do ALOT more damage, and to build power str to use it you have to sort of nerf your other powers, and given that her 1st is clearly her shining point I didn't do that. THOUGH with updates, maybe some changes this could be really good

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Only positives can be said about Ivara:


- looks amazing

- plays amazing

- the tactical opportunities are limitless

- feels like a main character in a triple A game


This warframe was an insta- buy for me and i feel obligated to urge everyone:

Buy this warframe!


Show DE some love for bringing us this joy! This level of quality product must be rewarded. Must be encouraged.


The moment the update came i bought and about 2.5 hours later i already had 2 forma on her. Without even realizing it. Yes, she is so fun to play and level that you actually want to go through the leveling process again and again. An opposed to feeling like a painful and boring grind as usual. This had never happened to me in the past 2 years.


In the end (given that this is the internet) a massive "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" is in order here.

Support DE and show them that we appreciate their work, fellow tenno!



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Do you often use that lure arrow or the Navigator ? And how do people react when you land in a squad, can you actively contribute to a team ?

Also, do you know if lure attracts alerted enemies, as in, drawing aggro away from you in battle ?


I do not use Lure arrow, cause sadly, it doesn't seem to have an effect at all when enemies are constantly on full alert. I use Navigator a decent amount. The drain is really bad, but it's great for landing a Sleep arrow from one point on interception to another. Also, a HUGE frustration of mine...I use the simulor a lot, and if i use navigator to prep my next shot, it'll sometimes stick me to a simulor ball, not able to move until ALL my energy is depleted...But anyways, I use Overextended, so Sleep and Cloak arrows are a huge contribution to the team. Nobody really has said anything bad about having an Ivara on the team yet

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after playing for a little bit the ultimate doesnt feel too great, perhaps use the hold mechanic that you used for abilty 1 to be able to swap between a grouped shot, eg very little spread, and then the fan mode it currently had. 


Also can we increase the effects on the arrows, i can barley see them most of the time

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I played her all night with different mission types, with group of randoms, with friends, and Solo.  What I gather so far is she is a great Soloist much like Loki and Banshee when it comes to stealth clears.  With a group she does have her moments with the invisible bubble when teammates are down.  Her ultimate however even if you gear it towards as much Dmg as possible it still feels underwhelming.  I think 50% more dmg on her Ult would put her in a solid place and make it so you always shoot horizontal lines and when you full charge it narrows the shots with maybe some penetration.  The rest of her kit is perfectly fine, some fixes here and there should patch her up with the whole stealth  - steal mechanic(make it so she moves faster and steals faster).

Edited by dragontheory
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Noticed a few quirks with Prowl.  


First, if the weapon you are using isn't inherently silent(actually says silent in the arsenal) or equipped with Hush or Suppress, Prowl toggles itself off briefly when firing. I noticed this when using the Sonicor/Opticor combo as both are functionally silent, but listed as alarming in the Arsenal. 


Not sure if this is normal for cloaking abilities as Ivara is my first stealth frame.


Also, sometimes when activating Prowl it immediately shuts off upon moving.  Like even an inch, not sprinting or bullet jumping either. I've had to start it up over and over again sometimes before it'll decide to stay active.


Edit: I'm a doink, forgot I have sprint set on toggle, still have it deactivate randomly at times. Like the game can't decide whether a bulletjump should de-toggle it or not.

Edited by Fatallica
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Show DE some love for bringing us this joy! This level of quality product must be rewarded. Must be encouraged.


Hmm, how bout no? It's unobtainable. I can imagine all sorts of tortures and stuff to those who decided it should be a reward for a spy missions with it's low chances and awfully big drop tables. And here I thought it was a questionable choice to farm Limbo parts in excavation missions - but this is by far the worst thing they ever could came up with. Angry and dissapointed with them right now, nothing more. If they won't change her farming method, majority will see her in a year at best.

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Hmm, how bout no? It's unobtainable. I can imagine all sorts of tortures and stuff to those who decided it should be a reward for a spy missions with it's low chances and awfully big drop tables. And here I thought it was a questionable choice to farm Limbo parts in excavation missions - but this is by far the worst thing they ever could came up with. Angry and dissapointed with them right now, nothing more. If they won't change her farming method, majority will see her in a year at best.



Spy missions, which can be easily cheesed is the worst thing they could've done? Making her unobtainable?



Oh please

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Ivara is wonderful.... except for her ultimate - which isn't really an ultimate at all. It's just a bow, and not a very good one at that. The spread of the arrows is about the same as an exalted blade wave, only much slower to produce, with less punch through, and less damage. Ivara needs a proper ultimate. I am all for a summonable bow, but it needs to do something special - many things special, actually. Change the holding mechanic from adjusting the angle to adjusting the spread. Making it able to shoot a volley of her special arrows: a line of cloak circles, a line of of sleep arrows, a dashwire that is electric to enemies, and can be strung in a trap like fashion. charging the bow fully will concentrate all arrows into one projectile which can do something... awesome. Not sure what. But right now... Ivara does not have an Ultimate. She just has an extra bow that she can pull out whenever. It's not a terrible bow, but we have better ones. I'd take my rakta cernos over the artimus any day - and I just shouldn't feel that way with an ultimate.

Oh, and energy on Navigator is bugged. That needs fixed ASAP.

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Just like everyone says, her ult doesnt seem very... ulti.. rather use a normal bow.


What it should be and what i hoped it was going to be.... it overcharges her current bow making it twice as strong (ofc still changes into her bow look)


Instead of 7 arrows VERTICLE ... (why? just why?...) do powerful single shots that can greatly pierce enemies more than any other bow can do.



Keep the Horizontal one however, but does half the pierce and damg (or divide by 7 if its to powerful)  than the single shot.




Make it a charged shot that does explosive shot.

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