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[Spoiler] Disappointment In The Second Dream Story.


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I dont see how they can bring the character back to the frames.

Even if there are dead bodies inside them.



Yeah, i've been saying this for a while. Still, now what you are went from the frame to a kid.

They could bring it back. Have the Sentients or some faction create a device that causes the seats our Operators to sit to kill us or cause our frames to go rogue (and start slaughtering others), so the only choice is to modify the suits to fit us. But in the process of doing the modifications, our biology becomes more fluid like (and for some people we grow older) and we can wear each suit or walk around in "normal" clothing. As for the explanation of how we can survive being blown to pieces or other things when our characters fall in battle......instinctual Void teleportation power?

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Is the idea of amnesiac adults butchering thousands unsettling to you? Honestly if anything else, this new Quest show just how terrible the Orokin Empire was. They used child soldiers to fight their war for them then were ready to kill them as soon as the job was done.

And I'm not talking about Orokins. We're all happy about Big Momma Lotus caring for her children but we're forgetting these children's toys are slaughtered Grineer and Corpus.

Yes, I know they're evil. But I don't know why DE went with this grotesque. It's like some cliche fantasy with "chosen child"

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I actually have a theory on the "warframes" themselves:


Orokin getting desperate during war against sentients. They turn to the virus. The orokin experiment on their own with it. They create individuals that merged perfectly with the virus retaining their form, but their minds are broken. Hard to control so they put em in suits (warframes). Luck wold have it these tenno children can control these individuals. Bam problem solved! War won!

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And I'm not talking about Orokins. We're all happy about Big Momma Lotus caring for her children but we're forgetting these children's toys are slaughtered Grineer and Corpus.

Yes, I know they're evil. But I don't know why DE went with this grotesque. It's like some cliche fantasy with "chosen child"

You make the mistake that the operators are actually children in mind. Their innocence has long been lost, first to the Orokin, then to the Sentients. They're far from little kids playing around with powers they don't understand. Hell, Lotus even points out that the Tenno created schools of martial discipline, that's not something children do, they don't create schools or culture. 

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The wiki isn't maintained by DE's writers or staff. 


What Wiki writers infer from the game=/= official lore.



The Wiki isn't written by DE. It's written by fans like you and I.


Based on the info from all the sources that exist.

But im sure DE will scrub everything that links to saying it's armor just like when they changed Nova's origin.

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Are you people really alright with children controlling death machines and butchering thousands? Isn't it unsettling to you?


It should be unsettling, but that's why you're given responsibility for what you'll do with all that power.  Note how some of the options (in terms of things like syndicates, quest choices, invasion choices, and dialogue choices in this quest in particular, when you're talking to the Lotus at the end) have always been a bit open - fight for truth and justice, help the little guy, help others get rich, get rich yourself? 


You are a (physically childlike) superbeing, so whether what you do is unsettling is up to you, the future is yours to forge.

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I'm in the same boat as you OP. I liked to have connections to the Warframes, These are the Warframes i've played for a long time, I've developed personalities for them.


As far as i'm concerned? The quest isn't going to change that for me, I still enjoy the game, I'm still gonna say I'm that Frost, I'm the Ember, I'm that Rhino. There is still hope for more things in the storyarch and questlines but right now I'll choose my own way forward to enjoy the game.


But you are Frost, Ember, Rhino.  You see what the Warframe sees, hear what it hears, from its position in time and space.  Your consciousness is "transferred" to the Rhino avatar, just like in Avatar.


The only difference is that whereas before you had no idea that you were anything else, now you know the real situation (that you're actually a childlike superbeing in a virtual reality pod, teleoperating a part-living/part-machine avatar).

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It was sad to me because now i am not the operator.


Now i am a observer watching a cripple DE forced upon me play with dolls.


Give me a quest to kill the kid. it makes my liset dirty.


This would be interesting for sure, DE could add choices into the game, which right now I REALLY want them to do.

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Some of you mentioned that stories in the wiki are not true, and in most cases it's true.


However I remember the description about that "armors built around the Tennos and became known as Tenno", ancient warriors of the past, yada yada was actually in the game, because I've seen it in the game and some promotionals for the game.


Yeah, up until this update the promoted the game as you wearing some armor.

Now you are some kid remote controlling a machine.

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The remote control is odd. I don't know how building a drone equates to "we put a frame around them...". Don't hate it, but DE needs to come down on their lore with some legit editors and continuify it all. Because there is still stuff that could make me belive that the Corpus are machines.

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Yeah, up until this update the promoted the game as you wearing some armor.

Now you are some kid remote controlling a machine.

That actually makes me wonder how the Chinese players might handle this sort of reveal? Would they not care about it or could it cause a minor backlash if they marketed the setup that the humans are inside the Warframes, but now the frames are just "puppets" while you are kid in a chair. And if they cared enough about it, how much would DE have to tweak the game for them in order to keep it going in China?

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Warframe is a lot like Bleach the anime because the frames are like Zanpakuto's and the operators are like Shinigami.


When are we going to Bankai?


Are you people really alright with children controlling death machines and butchering thousands? Isn't it unsettling to you?


Yeah man, it's messed up. More messed up that Lotus wants us to continue to do it.

She is all mom loving so and so meanwhile..... continue the mass killings.

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That actually makes me wonder how the Chinese players might handle this sort of reveal? Would they not care about it or could it cause a minor backlash if they marketed the setup that the humans are inside the Warframes, but now the frames are just "puppets" while you are kid in a chair. And if they cared enough about it, how much would DE have to tweak the game for them in order to keep it going in China?


I don't think the China players got to worry about that. It seems they got the superior, less arbitrary concept.



Edited by UrielColtan
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I honestly don't like the fact we are *outside* our suits.

Theorically If my warframe gets destroyed i can just buy another, it's a mere weapon now, not in fact *me*

Vay hek can now just send a formorian ship to pew pew our liset with our weak fragile body in it.

Another thing I didn't understand: we managed to save our tenno body from the moon, but what about the other tennos in the universe? are they still vulnerable in the moon and hanging there??

Seriously, nobody wondered how the f lotus just popped inside our ship? We never ever saw her in person, she could be billion light years away, and then just, poof, she's there like sup bro.

I won't care anymore if Alav V captures my valkyr to do experiments on her again, i'll just switch to my ember instead.

Also, why build the warframes in human shape if theres nobody in it?

And yes, if you think about it: it all resumes to teenagers controlling terminators and wiping out entire population of people. Kinda sick.

Edited by laysonbaal
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If you recall, when Stalker was choking your Tenno, your warframe moved on it's own. It is possible that the Warframes developed some kind of conscience after hosting a Tenno. Thus the Tenno and the Warframe became 2 parts of one whole. Stalker's Tenno could've have died, and thus Stalker's warframe, without his other half, became mad.

I thought the same thing, and really hope this to be the case. The idea that The Warframes are actually alive and can think on their own, but you sort of enter their minds and work with them when you take control of them. I like the idea of the stalker being a warframe that no longer has a Tenno... that no longer has a conscience. A friend. If Warframes were indeed built to be linked with Tenno, perhaps they wouldn't be able to cope without having a tenno link with them for a long period of time. They'd just be rabid, angry animals without a pack.

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We still dont even have a reason to keep fighting. Now that i know im a kid and i have no moms but really cool and powerful gear i just want to break into all sorts of candy stores and steal all the ice cream and candy that i want.


My dinner will be cheese cake and strawberry milkshake. It's time to catch up on being a kid.

Then im going to play pranks on the Corpus and throw itching powder on all their suits so they have to run around naked. Then tell them to eat my shorts. And im not going to listen to "Lotus" cause she is not my mother. My mother is dead. And im going to let my kubrow sleep on the bed.




+1 Got me gud right there.


Mind I quote that on my bio :3?

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I feel like I should take a break from my warframe and like... go walk around a bit. Look into some physical therapy or something. I mean... ok. I didn't know I was some kid that was controling a warframe... I thought I was the warframe. Now I know I'm not that cool... but that doesn't mean I should sit in bed all day and stare at the ceiling. Gotta get out there. start dating. There's gotta be other tenno out there lookin to get some, right? Go make some friends. Have a party. Live a little!

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After seeing "The End" I feel gutted & so disconnected from my Warframe : (  Over 2 years of customizing - hard work & making it personal / an extention of myself only to have it all ripped away by some child that is nothing like me.


I maybe wrong but... from what I understood from Embers profile was that the girl was the warframe but changed? similar to what happen to Hayden Tenno in Dark Sector? that the Infested were experiments that went wrong or twisted from the ppl who couldn't handle the technocyte infection?


Just feels like the soul of my Waframe is Gone Now T _ T 

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