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Ask A Cephalon, Dec 10


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I have a whole list of questions that I would like answered, if that's alright with you.

1) Will there perhaps be any warframes "created" or perhaps inspired by the syndicates? Like a samurai based frame that can be achieved within the conclave, or a soldier one based around New Meridian. I realize that these are kind of big jumps, but more things to spend standing on isn't exactly a bad thing. You could probably do a quest tha would require rank 3+ in a syndicate that gives you the bp and lets you purchase the parts' bp with standing. I also some have ideas I've been drawing up at home, but I'm not really sure how to get them out there.

2) Will we have the ability to change our guides within missions to different ones? I love Lotus, but it might be well appreciated to sneak in some Tenshin or other NPCs. For example, you could buy some with standing, or maybe just platinum since it's more a cosmetic feature. I'd love having halloween Lotus, or even DE Rebecca tell me that I forgot to activate a life support capsule AGAIN.

3) Tenshin is a pseudo-tenno, as you've mentioned before. He seems more like a tenno who was forced to bond with his own warframe. Was he? And if so, is it possible that we too can achieve such a power? I'd honestly be really interested in being able to evolve my frame one step further by combining my operator with it temporarily. I'm fine with just the focus system though.

4) May I have Quiette Shy's phone number?

4) I understand that special, unique skins are being made for each warframe, but I was wondering it it may be possible to use or even base some of these skin ideas off of the original fan-made content. By that, I mean, frames demanded to be made by the community, (such as Zephyr or Chroma) should have specialty skins that are either based off of or are the original ones drawn up for them by the fans. Totally understandable if they aren't though.

5) I've written a lot so far, so I'll make this my last one. Whenever a player enters the orokin moon tileset missions on Earth, you can pass by a room which resembles the reservoir. Many other players have noticed this, but if our own operator was inside one of those "petals", what about the remaining 6? Is stalker in one of them? Will there be more interactions between us and other warframes? Perhaps another warframe who would helps us as opposed to stalker attacking us?

P.S. Love you guys. I've watched the DevStreams and love everything you guys do. You give me hope for this game, and as such, I have smashed my wallet into Ordis numerous times. If it weren't for this game, I might not have been able to battle my depression, which can be said for several other players, I assume. Anyways, thank you, DE, for giving us your all!

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Im wondering about armor attatchments, for kubrows and tenno, could there be a update that makes each armore have a damage reduction stat with them, if im gonna wear armor plating id like to have an actual benifit other then just looking awesome, so is this possible?

Even between 1 and 5% reduction would be great, also id like to see different stats for different size and colour types for kubrows, like speed, armor, aggression, that kind of thing, so if u want a fast dog ud need the little dog, if u want a power house, u need the big dog is this possible?

This is unlikely going to happen, as this will just enforce the idea of Pay 2 Win within the community. If you'd like stats on your attachments, you could always just use an arcane enhancement on each piece to give it's own unique stat.

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cordylon, what do we actually know about sentient biology? what do their real bodies look like and how do these drones function? while in communication with one they have hinted at a multitude of possibilities, but also may have just been using symbolism for something far more down to earth and sinister.

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Cordylon, do your data banks have tale of any sort of elixirs or drug supplements that were used as enhancements? I imagine that some could quite possibly have been made with Orokin technology for some sort of hyper-regeneration for those Tenno that become severely wounded, or perhaps one that fills your bloodstream full of adrenaline for temporary superstrength.

Edited by ZakLight
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Do you still use system32, or any other dedicated "old" service in the background to run some key functions?

Such as Warlogin.exe? or Sevesc.exe?

Hm ... which operation system do Cephalons run on in the first place? Windows? Random flavour of *nix? MacOS??

It'd probably explain a lot if Ordis runs on Win while more "stable" Cephalons (like Suda and Simaris) prefer *nix

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Greetings, Cordylon. I am not sure if us tenno are allowed this level of information, but are there any warframe models being developed after our first awakening, or every model we currently have access to was developed during the orokin era and was just recently found?

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Dear Cordylon, Ordis seems to have lost a bit of his usual "pep" if you will, is there some way i can cheer him up? would it be possible to load his personality into a physical shell, something similar to a sentinel or a quadrupedal platform based on kubrows, and take him, not necessarily on combat missions mind you, I fear for his safety in that regard, but to possibly the relays and dojos? He really needs some sign that we do actually care about him.

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The Warframes seem to be immune to both the Orokin's Neural Sentry and the Infestation.


Can the [REDACTED] side of the Tenno be infested or corrupted if exposed to these enviroments? And what effect would they have on the Warframes if they can still be controlled.

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