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Sportsmanship In Conclave (Or Rather The Lack Of It)


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so i was just in a game of ctc. went fairly normally except my team was waay outmatching the opponents. by the 10 minute mark we were up 4-0. then one of my team grabbed and just held onto the cephalon. i didnt notice that they just never dropped it and after about 5 minutes i noticed that my team was just crowding the others base so i clued in to what was going on and after i noticed i asked them to stop farming them. a minute or two went by again and this is what followed: (edited to avoid name'n'shame)


Black bars are the opposing team joins just wanted to cover all my bases.


that last remark by green....just WTF man.


Something needs to be done. I refuse to farm the opposing team. It's demeaning to the farmed and its rude on the part of the farmer. Having been on the other side of this and getting farmed i know how it feels and its not good. All you can do is just give up and let it happen cause it happened cause you couldnt fight them off. There has to be a way for DE to enforce some sort of sportsmanship in conclave or at least force this farming to not be possible or effective. the only way i can think is to instate a timer that if the opposing team has not made a capture in the last 5 minutes just end the match. Either way this needs to be talked about. Conclave is not the place for farming but we as players are the only ones who can change it until DE acts if they can or do.


I don't feel this is feedback cause it needs to be talked about with the community more than DE and its not reporting players cause they didn't do anything wrong per se.

Edited by Caobie
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Not sure why it matters. It's not that it would make a difference to be "farmed". I see the design flaw in abusing this mechanic but I don't know why I would care, loose is loose.


Anyway, maybe there should be a surrender option or something


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this is a thing. you get 90 seconds before it auto returns. problem being it goes up by a few seconds if you get a kill.

I don't do PvP due to this vv

This is why this game's PvP is a joke.


If it's not the game itself, it's the absolute garbage community(despite what may be said otherwise).

But that's just laaaaaaaaaaaame. It shouldn't go up if you get a kill.

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I do this all the time when I'm trying to do challenges. Some challenges are pretty much impossible to against good players (e.g. Focused Air Strike, Focused Determination, etc.), where it's difficult to even kill them, so unfortunately for nubs the easiest way to do these challenges is feed off them. For example, when I have to get 12 Primary Kills in a CtF match, I just camp their flag and get kills without even trying to win. I feel bad for nubs, but what am I suppose to do, NOT do my daily challenges?


On the other end, I've gotten farmed in 3v1 Team Annihilation matches. I just try my best to split up and divide them. It doesn't work, but even getting rekt can be a learning experience.

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Guys, Why are all of you saying that this is just how it is. As a community if we talk about it, and provide ways to make the game better than perhaps we can say that its not just how it is. We raise awareness of this and eventually it will be noticed. 

"Raising awareness" doesn't actually help anything you know. Its just a term thrown around in society for people to feel like they're being good little humans for being "aware" when the reality is its just as useless as praying for a miracle that won't instead of actually doing something about it and being useful.


Just take out the Standing portion of Conclave, replace it with insane credit prices, and make Conclave reward huge credit rewards regardless of winning or losing but a bonus if you win, also replace dailies with credit reward dailies. No more  and no less.


And in one fell swoop people no longer need to farm the Conclave yet theres still reewards to be had from it

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PvP is just all about taking advantage of each other and destroying the other side.


In the end it's just bad.


Ever since they introduced dark sectors and pvp, I have been seeing more and more negative people like that join Warframe, as for everyone else who participated in it, it truly brought out the worst in all of us.


Right now we have the good stuff like the Second Dream quest which kind of brought us a little bit more closer together. Like we need stuff like that.

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You'll find this type of behavior on almost all pvp based games out there, and in conclave you'll be with completely random persons of various ages and moral codes.


The thing is, conclave is not an official tournament where players are expected to behave with a certain degree of sportsmanship. There are not referees or penalties for this type of conduct nor strict rules.

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"Raising awareness" doesn't actually help anything you know. Its just a term thrown around in society for people to feel like they're being good little humans for being "aware" when the reality is its just as useless as praying for a miracle that won't instead of actually doing something about it and being useful.


Just take out the Standing portion of Conclave, replace it with insane credit prices, and make Conclave reward huge credit rewards regardless of winning or losing but a bonus if you win, also replace dailies with credit reward dailies. No more  and no less.


And in one fell swoop people no longer need to farm the Conclave yet theres still reewards to be had from it

Your right, because people who banded together never changed anything. 


I could think of a dozen examples in this game alone where enough people have complained about something and that something be changed. Raising awareness may just be a feel good term but that doesn't mean it can't actually be something that happens. 


Your points on how to change conclave however seem like a really good idea

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How about some basic spawn point protection in team formats? A big box where you spawn.

Like in Overwatch or TF2 where if you're pinned to spawn you can regroup inside the spawn and then rush the opposition.

Or put a kill limit in every format so there's a second way to win CTF.


Or better yet just award exp for victories and not kills.

Edited by Ziegrif
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I don't blame players for playing the game mode optimally. The game mode incentivises farming dailies and standing. This is not actually douchebaggery, just people who seem to want to get rewarded, and by playing like that the game does just that.

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I don't blame players for playing the game mode optimally. The game mode incentivises farming dailies and standing. This is not actually douchebaggery, just people who seem to want to get rewarded, and by playing like that the game does just that.

No matter what, when people meet competition and are after a screen they'll act toxically and start venting bad attitudes on others.

It's actually a problem in people mind when an instrument is used in a bad way, not the instrument itself.

Humans will always rather their Ego and their satisfation by abusing others than acting in an honorable way.

This is also because the community in a game is mostly made by adulescents which can't udnerstand these points.

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I played some PvP, and enjoyed it, Though I could tell the game wasn't made for PvP. The problem is, No matter what any DE team does, There is going to be Stupid people that couldn't think straight even if they wanted to.


You did the right thing, I only wish the other team had taken advantage of it, Those guys would probably have either ended the match, or rage quitted.


I don't blame players for playing the game mode optimally. The game mode incentivises farming dailies and standing. This is not actually douchebaggery, just people who seem to want to get rewarded, and by playing like that the game does just that.


Sadly, what you say is true, although, Isn't it faster to just win the match, and then play another? Asking because I mostly played Team death match just for fun, altohugh it's been a long time since my last match.

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